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Y 2019-2020
Instructor: PROF. NOEL T. EVANGELISTA Course Credit: 3 Units

Course Description: This course focuses on the basic concepts, principles, frameworks and practices
of social responsibility and good governance. It analyses the business framework that guides social
responsibility and good governance practice. It combines theory with field experience aimed at
inspiring young leaders to become responsible citizen and entrepreneurs, and business leaders.
Activity Learning
Course Outline: Approach Evaluation
Lesson 1 – Ethics and Business
1. Nature of Business Quiz,
2. The importance of Ethics in Business Lecture Recitation,
3. The relationship between ethics and business Discussion Assignment,
4. Moral reasoning in business Case Analysis Case Analysis
5. The morality of profit –motive Output
6. Business ethics defined
Lesson 2 – The Relationship of Ethics with other Sciences and
other Phases of Human Life
1. Ethics and Logic
2. Ethics and Psychology
3. Ethics and Sociology Quiz,
4. Ethics and Economics Lecture Recitation,
Discussion Assignment,
5. Ethics and Law
Case Analysis Case Analysis
6. Ethics and Religion Output
7. Ethics and Professional Code of Conduct
8. Ethics and Etiquette
9. Ethics and Education
10. Ethics and Art
Lesson 3 – Ethical Issues and Problems in Business and the
Corporate World
1. Sexual harassment
2. The problem of just wage
3. Gift-giving and bribery
4. The morality of advertising
5. Office romance Quiz,
6. The problem of fair pricing Lecture Recitation,
7. Trade secret and corporate disclosure Discussion Assignment,
8. Product misrepresentation Case Analysis Case Analysis
9. The morality of labor strike Output
10. Whistle-blowing
11. Multi –level marketing and pyramiding
12. Unfair compensation
13. Money laundering
14. Conflict of interest
15. Insider trading
Lesson 4 – Business and Ecology
1. The Dimension of Sociological Problem Quiz,
2. Traditional Attitudes of Business Towards the Environment Lecture Recitation,
3. Environmental Ethics Discussion Assignment,
4. The Moral and Social Obligations of Business to the Case Analysis Case Analysis
Environment Output
5. The Valdez Principles
Lesson 5 – Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
1. The Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility
2. Corporate Social Responsibility from a Historical Perspective
3. Historical Phases of Corporate Social Responsibility Quiz,
4. Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility Lecture Recitation,
5. Assessments on the Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility Discussion Assignment,
6. The Four Corporate Social responsibilities Case Analysis Case Analysis
7. Social Responsibility Towards Consumers Output
8. Social Responsibility Towards the Community and the
9. Current Activities Related to Corporate Social Responsibility
Lesson 6 – Developing Good Work Ethic
1. Definition of Work
2. The meaning of work in the Holy Bible Quiz,
3. The theological meaning of work according to St. Thomas Lecture Recitation,
Aquinas Discussion Assignment,
4. The human perspective of work Case Analysis Case Analysis
5. How to enjoy work and create a spiritual values Output
6. Basic duties of employers
7. Basic duties of workers

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