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ROLL NO.- 1619200008





Flat slabs system of construction is one in which the beams used in t he conventional methods of
constructions are done away with. The slab directly rests on the column and load from the slab is directly
transferred to the columns and then to the foundation. To support heavy loads the thickness of slab near the
support with the column is increased and these are called drops, or columns are generally provided with
enlarged heads called column heads or capitals.

Absence of beam gives a plain ceiling, thus giving better architectural appearance and also less
vulnerability in case of fire than in usual cases where beams are used.

Plain ceiling diffuses light better, easier to construct and requires cheaper form work.

As per local conditions and availability of materials different countries have adopted different me thods for
design of flat slabs and given their guidelines in their respective codes.

The aim of this project is to try and illustrate the methods used for flat slab design using IS 456


Basic definition of flat slab: In general normal frame con struction utilizes columns, slabs &

Beams. However it may be possible to undertake construction with out providing beams, in

Such a case the frame system would consist of slab and column without beams. These types of

Slabs are called flat slab, since their behavior resembles the bending of flat plates.

Components of flat slabs:

Drops: To resist the punching shear which is predominant at the contact of slab and column

Support, the drop dimension should not be less than one -third of panel length in that


Column heads:

Certain amount of negative moment is transferred from the slab to the column at he support.
To resist this negative moment the area at the support needs to be increased .this is facilitated
by providing column capital/heads

Flat slab with drop panel & column head

Design of flat slabs by IS: 456

The term flat slab means a reinforced concrete slab with or without drops, supported generally without
beams, by columns with or w ithout flared column heads (see Fig. 12). A flat slab may be solid slab or
may have recesses formed on the soffit so that the sof fit comprises a series of ribs in two directions.
The recesses may be formed by removable or permanent filler blocks.

Components of flat slab design:

a) Column strip :
Column strip means a design strip having a width of 0.25 I,, but not greater than 0.25 1, on each side
of the column centre-line, where I, is the span in the direction moments are being determined,
measured centre to centre of supports and 1, is the -span transverse to 1,, measured centre to centre of

b) Middle strip :
Middle strip means a design strip bounded on each of its opposite sides by the column strip.

c) Panel:
Panel means that part of a slab bounde d on-each of its four sides by the centre -line of a
Column or centre-lines of adjacent-spans.

Division into column and middle strip along:

Longer span Shorter span

L1 =6.6 m , L2 =5.6 m L1 =5.6 m , L2 =6.6 m

( i ) column strip ( i ) column strip

= 0.25 L2 = 1.4 m = 0.25 L2 = 1.65 m
But not greater than 0.25 L1 = 1.65 m But not greater than 0.25 L1 = 1.4 m

(ii) Middle strip (ii) Middle strip

= 5.6 – (1.4+1.4) = 2.8 m = 6.6 – (1.4+1.4) = 3.8 m

1.4 m 1.4 m

3.8 m 2.8 m

1.4 m 1.4 m
d) DropsC.S
: C.S
Fig 1:
5.6 m 6.6 m

The drops when provided shall be rectangular in plan, and have a length in each direction not less than
one- third of the panel length in that direction. For exterior panels, the width of drops at right angles to
the non- continuous edge and measured from the centre -line of the columns shall be equal to one -half
the width of drop for interior panels.

Since the span is large it is desirable to provide drop.

Drop dimensions along:

Longer span Shorter span

L1 =6.6 m , L2 =5.6 m L1 =5.6 m , L2 =6.6 m

Not less than L1 /3 = 2.2 m Not less than L1 /3 = 1.866 m

Hence provide a drop of size 2.2 x 2.2 m i.e. in column strip width.

e) column head :

Where column heads are provided, that portion of a column head which lies with in the largest right
circular cone or pyramid that has a vertex angle of 90”and can be included entirely within the outlines
of the column and the column head, shall be considered for design purposes (see Fig. 2).

Fig 2:

Column head dimension along:

Longer span Shorter span

L1 =6.6 m , L2 =5.6 m L1 =5.6 m , L2 =6.6 m

Not greater than L1 /4 = 1.65 m Not greater than L1 /4 = 1.4 m

Adopting the diameter of column head = 1.30 m =1300 mm

f) Depth of flat slab:

The thickness of the flat slab up to spans of 10 m shall be generally controlled by considerations of span
( L ) to effective depth ( d ) ratios given as below:

Cantilever 7; simply supported 20; Continuous 26

For slabs with drops, span to effective depth ratios gi ven above shall be applied directly; otherwise the
span to effective depth ratios in accordance with above shall be multiplied by 0.9. For this purpose, the
longer span of the panel shall be considered. The minimum thickness of slab shall be 125 mm.

Depth of flat slab:

Considering the flat slab as a continuous slab over a span not exceeding 10 m

= 26  d 
d 26

Depth considering along:

Longer span Shorter span

L1 =6.6 m , L2 =5.6 m L1 =5.6 m , L2 =6.6 m

L 6600 L 5600
d  =253.8 mm d  =215.3 mm
26 26 26 26

Say 260 mm Say 220 mm

Taking effective depth of 25mm

Overall depth D = 260 +25 = 285 mm  125 mm (minimum slab thickness as per IS: 456)

 It is safe to provide depth of 285 mm.

g) Estimation of load acting on the slab:

Dead load acting on the slab = 0.285 x 25 = 6.25 KN / m 2 = wd 1

Floor finishes etc. load on slab = 1.45 KN / m 2 = wd 2

Live load on slab = 7.75 KN / m 2 = wl

Total dead load = wd 1 + wd 2 =7.7 KN / m 2 = wd

The design live load shall not exceed three times the design dead load.

wl 7 .7 5
Check:   1 .0 0 6  3  o k
wd 7 .7

Total design load = w d  w l  15.45 K N /m 2

h) Total Design Moment for a Span

The absolute sum of the positive and average and is given by negative bending moments in each
direction shall be taken as:

W ln
M 0 

M 0 = total moment.
W = design load on an area l 1 l 2

ln = clear span extending from face to face of columns, capitals, brackets or walls, but not less than
0.65 l 1
l 1 = length of span in the direction of M 0 .
l 2 = length of span transverse to l 1 .

Circular supports shall be treated as square supports havi ng the same area.
Equivalent side of the column head having the same area:

 2 
a d  (1.3)2  1.152m
4 4

ln 1 1
Clear span along long span = = 6.6  (1.152)  (1.152)  5.448 m  4.29
2 2
(Should not be less than 0.65 l 1 ) ok
ln 1 1
Clear span along long span = = 5.6  (1.152)  (1.152)  4.44 m  3.64 m
2 2
(Should not be less than 0.65 l 1 ) ok

Total design load along:

Longer span Shorter span

ln =5.448 m , l2 =5.6 m ln =4.44 m , l2 =6.6 m

W  w l2ln W  w l2ln

W  1 5 .4 5  5 .6  5 .4 4 8  4 7 1 .3 6 K N W  1 5 .4 5  6 .6  4 .4 4  4 5 2 .7 4 K N

The absolute sum of –ve and +ve moment in a panel along:

Longer span Shorter span

ln =5.448 m , l2 =5.6 m ln =4.44 m , l2 =6.6 m

W ln 4 7 1 .3 6  5 .4 4 8 W ln 4 5 2 .7 4  4 .4 4
M 0   M 0  
8 8 8 8

M 0  3 2 0 .9 9 K N m M 0  2 5 1 .2 K N m

(i) Negative and Positive Design Moments :

The negative design moment shall be at the fac e of rectangular supports, circular supports being
treated as square supports having the same Columns built integrally with the slab system
area. Shall be designed to-resist moments arising from loads .

In an interior span, the total design moment M 0 shall be distributed in the following proportions:
Negative design moment 0.65
Positive design moment 0.35
In an end span, the total design moment M 0 shall be distributed in the fol lowing proportions:

Interior negative design moment: 0.75

Positive design moment: 0.63 1

Exterior negative design moment:
 c Is the ratio of flexural stiffness of the exterior columns to the flexural stiffness of the slab at a
joint taken in the direction moments are being determined and is given by:

c 
K c =sum of the flexural stiffness of the columns meeting at the joint.
K s =flexural stiffness of the slab, expres sed as moment per unit rotation

It shall be permissible to modify these design moments by up to 10 percent, so lon g as the total
design moment M 0 for the panel in the direction considered is not less than that required by:

W ln
M 0 

The negative moment section shall be designed to resist the larger of the two interior negative
design moments determined for the spans framing into a common support unless an analysis is
made to distribute the unbalanced moment in accordance with the stiffness of the adjoining parts.

Column strip :
Negative moment at an interior support: At an interior support, the column strip shall be
designed to resist 75 percent of the total negative moment in the panel at that support.

Negative moment at an exterior support:

a) At an exterior support, the column strip shall be designed to resist the t otal negative moment in
the panel at that support.

b) Where the exterior support consists of a column or a wall extending for a distance equal to or
greater than three-quarters of the value of l 2 . The length of span transverse t o the direction
moments are being determined, the exterior negative moment shall be considered to be uniformly
distributed across the length l2 .

Positive moment for each span : For each span, the column strip shall be designed to r esist 60
percent of the total positive moment in the panel.

Moments in the middle strip :

a) That portion of-the design moment not resisted by the column strip shall be assigned to the
adjacent middle strips.

b) Each middle strip shall be proportione d to resist the sum of the moments assigned to its two half
middle strips. cl The middle strip adjacent and parallel to an edge supported by a wall shall be
proportioned, to resist twice the moment assigned to half the middle strip corresponding to the fir st
row of interior columns.

Stiffness calculation:

let the height of the floor = 4.0 m

clear height of the column = height of floor –depth of drop – thickness of slab –thickness of head.

= 4000 – 140 – 285 – 300 = 3275 mm

Effective height of column = 0.8 x 3275 = 2620 mm

(Assuming one end hinged and other end fixed)

stiffness coefficient

 K c su m o f flex u ral stiffn ess o f co lu m n acti n g at th e jo in t

c  
Ks flex u ral stiffn ess o f th e slab
Longer span

 4 E   50  2  4 E   520 10 
 4 EI   4 EI   4 EI 
Kc       2    2    
 L  BOTTOM  L TOP  L   L   12  327.5

4 E   660  28.5 3  K c 2  4 E 1587.73

KS   C    1.39
12  560 Ks 4 E  2273.5
From table 17 of IS: 456-2000

L2 W
 0 .8 4 8 & L
 1 .0 0
L1 W D

  c ,m in  0 .7
 c   c ,m in

Hence correction for pattern of loading in the direction of longer span is not required.

Shorter span

2  (50) 4
Kc   3975.8
12  262
560  28.53
Kc   1421.4
12  760
 c  2.79

From table 17 of IS: 456-2000 for

 1 .1 7 &  1 .0 0
 c , m in  0 .7 5
 c   c , m in  o k
Hence the correction for pattern loading in the direction of short span is not required.

From table 17 of IS 456-2000

Ratio 2
Imposed load/dead load l1 Value of  c ,min

(1) (2) (3)

0.5 0.5 to 2.0 0
1.0 0.5 0.6
1.0 0.8 0.7
1.0 1.0 0.7
1.0 1.25 0.8
1.0 2.0 1.2
2.0 0.5 1.3
2.0 0.8 1.5
2.0 1.0 1.6
2.0 1.25 1.9
2.0 2.0 4.9
3.0 0.5 1.8
3.0 0:8 2.0
3.0 1.0 2.3
3.0 1.25 2.8
3.0 2.0 13.0

Distrubution of bending moment across the panel width

It is an exterior panel.

Longer span

column strip

   
    0 .6 5  3 2 0 .9 9 
-ve B.M at exterior support =   0 .6 5 M   1 .0     1 .0   1 2 1 .3 4 K N m

 1 1   1

 c   1 .3 9 

   
   
+ve span BM =  0 .6 3  0 .2 8   M 0  0 .6 0  0 .6 3 
0 .2 8
  3 2 0 .9 9  0 .6 0  9 0 K N m
 1
1   1

 c   1 .3 9 

-ve span BM at interior support =

   
 0 .1 0   0 .1 0 
  0 .7 5    M 0  0 .7 5    0 .7 5    3 2 0 .9 9  0 .7 5   1 6 6 .5 0 K N m
 1
1   1
1 
  c    c 

Middle strip

 
 
-ve BM at exterior support =   0 .6 5 M 0   0 .0  0 .0 K N m
 1 1 
 c 

   
   
+ve span BM =  0 .6 3  0 .2 8   M 0  0 .4 0  0 .6 3 
0 .2 8
  3 2 0 .9 9  0 .4 0  5 9 .9 6 K N m
 1
1   1

 c   1 .3 9 

-ve BM at interior support =

   
 0 .1 0   0 .1 0 
  0 .7 5    M 0  0 .7 5    0 .7 5    3 2 0 .9 9  0 .2 5   5 5 .5 0 K N m
 1
1 
 1

  c   1 .3 9 

Short span

column strip

   
   
-ve moment at exterior support =   0 .6 5 M   1 .0  
 0 .6 5  2 5 1 .2
  1 .0   1 2 0 .1 9 K N m

 1 1   1

 c   2 .7 9 

 
 0.28 
+ve moment   0.63   251.2  0.60  63.88 KNm
1 
 1 
 2.79 
-ve moment at exterior support =
   
 0 .1 0   0 .1 0 
  0 .7 5    M 0  0 .7 5   0 .7 5    2 5 1 .2  0 .7 5   1 2 7 .4 3 K N m
 1
1   1

 c   2 .7 9 

Middle strip

 
 
-ve moment at exterior support =   0 .6 5 M 0
  0 .0  0 .0 K N m
 1 1 
 c 

   
 0 .2 8   0 .2 8 
+ve mid-span moment =  0 .6 3    M 0  0 .4 0   0 .6 3    2 5 1 .2  0 .4 0  4 2 .5 9 K N m
 1
1   1

  c   2 .7 9 

-ve moment at interior span =

   
 0 .1 0   0 .1 0 
  0 .7 5    M 0  0 .7 5   0 .7 5    2 5 1 .2  0 .2 5   4 2 .4 4 K N m
 1
1   1

  c   2 .7 9 

j) Effective depth of the slab

Thickness of the slab, from consideration of maximum positive moment any where in the slab.

Maximum +ve BM occurs in the column strip (long span) = 90.91 KNm

 factored moment = 1.50 x 90.91 = 136.36 KNm

M 0  0.138 f ckbd 2 (b  2800 mm)
136.36 10 6
d= (M-20 grade concrete)
0.138  20  2800
d=132.83 mm  140 mm

Using 12 mm  (diameter) main bars.

Overall thickness of slab = 140  15   161 mm 170 mm
 Depth (along longitudinal direction) = 170  15   150 mm
 Depth (along longitudinal direction) = 150  12  138 mm

k) Thickness of drop from maximum –ve moment consideration

Thickness of drop from consideration of maximum –ve moment any where in the panel.

Max –ve BM occurs in the column strip = 166.6 KNm

M u  0.138 f ck bd 2
1.5 166.6 10 6  0.138  20 1400  d 2
d  254.3 mm
Say 260 mm. Use 12 mm  bars

Over all thickness of flat slab: D  260  15   281 mm

2340 mm
1300 mm


450 300 mm 5.6 m

1.3 m 2200 mm


mm d/2

6.6 m

l) Shear in Flat Slab

The critical section for shear shall be at a distance d/2 from the periphery of the
column/capital/ drop panel, perpendicular to the plane of the slab where d is the effective
depth of the section (Fig. 2). The shape in plan is geometrically similar to the support
immediately below the slab.

check for shear stress developed in slab

The critical section for she ar for the slab will be at a distance d/2 from the face of drop.

Perimeter of critical section = 4 x 2340 = 9340 mm

V0  1.5  15.45  [ L1  L2  (2.34)(2.34)]

Total factored shear force: = 1.5 15.45  [6.6  5.6-(5.47)]
= 729.78 KN

Vu 729.78 10 3
Nominal shear stress =  v    0.55 N/mm 2
bd 9340 140
shear strength of concrete =  c  0.25 fck =0.25 20=1.11 N/mm 2

Permissible shear stress =  v  ks c

k s  (0.5  c ), c  0.848
k s  (0.5  0.848)
k s  1.348  1 1
 1 1.11
 1.11 N/mm 2
 v   c  safe design ok
if  v  1.5 c then the slab should be re-design ed

m) check for shear in drop

b0   ( D  d 0 )   (1.3  0.26)  4.89 m

V=1.5 15.45[5.6  6.6- (1.3  0.26) 2]
V  812.27 KN

812.27 10 3
v   0.683 N/mm 2
4890  260
Nominal shear stress :  c  0.25 fck  1.11 N/mm 2
 v   c [safe in shear]

n) Reinforcement details

Longer span
-ve exterior reinforcement:
M u  0.87 f y Ast [d  0.42 xu ]
1.5 121.34 10 6  0.87  415  Ast[150  0.42  0.48 150]
Ast  4209 mm 2
Use 12 mm  bars =  38 No.s
1.4 1000
 c/c spacing is =  36 mm c/c
+ve steel:-
1.5  90 10 6  43239.3  Ast
Ast  3122 mm 2
Use 12 mm  bars =  28 No. s
3.8 1000
 c / c spacing =  135 mm c/c

Reinforcement along shorter span:

Column strip:

M u  0.87 f y Ast [d  0.42 xu ]

1.5 127.5  106  0.87  415  Ast [140  0.42  0.48  140]
Ast  3768.9 mm 2
Use 12 mm  bars =  33 No.s
 (12) 2
1.4 1000
 c/c spacing is =  42 mm c/c
Middle strip:

M u  0.87 f y Ast [d  0.42 xu ]

1.5  63.88  106  0.87  415  Ast [281  0.42  0.48  281]
Ast  1182 mm 2
Use 12 mm  bars =  10 No.s
 (12) 2
2.8 1000
 c/c spacing is =  280 mm c/c

Result: - codal comparisons (ACI,NZS,IS)

CODE IS-456 ACI-318 NZS 3101 Euro code

Shape of test specimen for Cube Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder

concrete strength (mm) 150x150x150 152.4x304.8 152.4x304.8 152.4x304.8

Grade of concrete(N/mm²) 20 20 30 20

Grade of steel (N/mm²) 415 413.7 420 500

Negative moment(KN-m) 188.5 208.89 292.14 192.6

Positive moments(KN-m) 90 113.22 147.37 135.5

Area of reinforcement(mm²) 4209 2829 2817 2415.5

Thickness of slab for 170 150 210 315

Serviceability criteria(mm)

Punching shear Safe Safe Safe Safe


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