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What to do Before, During and After an Earthquake

Before an Earthquake:

In line with two of the thematic areas of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council (NDRRMC) which are Disaster Prevention and Mitigation and Disaster Preparedness, you must
perform all the necessary activities to increase your capacity in facing disasters while reducing your
chances of getting harmed. The following are examples of these:

 Create a family evacuation plan. Discuss with your family where to go and meet after an
earthquake strikes;
 Prepare your own emergency kit. Included should be a first aid kit, flashlight, power bank,
handheld radio, your medicines, a few clothes, a few canned goods, at least a water bottle,
whistle and extra batteries for the radio and flashlight;
 Learn first aid;
 Secure the chemicals and any heavy objects in your house in cabinets that are floor-level;
 Keep a list of emergency phone numbers;
 Be knowledgeable of the evacuation plan of the establishment you frequently stay at; and
 Participate in earthquake drills.

During an Earthquake

 During an earthquake, the first thing you must remind yourself about is to stay calm.
 Perform the duck, cover and hold.
 If you are outdoors, try to stay away from power lines, buildings and anything that might fall on
you; if you are indoors, stay under sturdy furniture until the earthquake stops.
 Never light any matches, lighters or candles.

After an Earthquake

 Check the water, gas and electric lines in your house for damage.
 Evacuate immediately before aftershocks occur. While traveling, cover your head and nape.
 Stay in an open field, away from damaged buildings and free from trees and power lines.
 Stay away from beaches.
 Check yourself and your family for injuries.
 Follow the instructions of the authority.
 Be updated at all times. Listen to your radio.

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