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Part 4 of the Project – Discipline and Grievance Cristina LUCA






Part 4 of the Project – Discipline and Grievance Cristina LUCA

Table of contents

Explore the role, benefits and methodologies of effective grievance and discipline handling
within an organisation.................................................................................................................3

1. What is the purpose of having an effective method of handling grievance and

discipline situations, and explain how it benefits the company and the employee to deal
with the situations appropriately...........................................................................................3

2. Explain how HR can handle discipline and grievance situations effectively  Use your
case study as an example.........................................................................................................4

Skills demo 3 – Conduct a disciplinary meeting..........................................................................4

1. Evidence of preparation prior to the meeting..................................................................4

2. Understanding of fair procedures demonstrated.............................................................4

3. Meeting suitably conducted.............................................................................................4

Part 4 of the Project – Discipline and Grievance Cristina LUCA

Explore the role, benefits and methodologies of effective grievance and discipline handling
within an organisation

Grievance is a “Specific complaint or formal notice of employee dissatisfaction related to

adequacy of pay, job requirements, work conditions, other aspects of employment, or an
alleged violation of a collective bargaining agreement.”
Discipline as a procedure carried out in an organisation is “defined as the regulations or
conditions that are imposed on employees by management in order to either correct or
prevent behaviours that are detrimental to it.”

1. What is the purpose of having an effective method of handling grievance and discipline
situations, and explain how it benefits the company and the employee to deal with the
situations appropriately

The purpose of the grievance procedure is to give the employee a voice when they feel they
have been unfairly treated.

The purpose of the disciplinary procedure is to manage underperformance at a formal level

in terms of behaviour and attitudes that are not in accordance with the procedures and
policies of the company.

It is essential to train managers and supervisors on how they should apply appropriate and
best practice grievance and discipline procedures.

Part 4 of the Project – Discipline and Grievance Cristina LUCA

2. Explain how HR can handle discipline and grievance situations effectively Use your
case study as an example.

Skills demo 3 – Conduct a disciplinary meeting

1. Evidence of preparation prior to the meeting

2. Understanding of fair procedures demonstrated

3. Meeting suitably conducted

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