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questions and answers

bible only a product of imaginations of elite men so they can rule over us or put us down?

The Ten Commandments were used by Moses to teach a savage people about civilization. He
learned his lifestyle from the enlightened ones in Kemet (Egypt). He scaled down the 42 Laws
of Maat to give the savages a more useable format. In Kemet, the 42 Laws were spoken in the
first person, as "I will not murder" at the start of ones day and then repeated in the past tense
first person at the end, as "I have not murdered" Moses told them "Thou Shalt Not - because
they knew not.

Let us take the BIBLE and compare it with other literature of the same age and of the same topics.
a. The men who wrote the BIBLE (at least the last parts) died for what they believed. (Acts 12:2)
b. Those who don’t believe the BIBLE are trying to change it, pervert it, prevent it, so they can rule the
c. Men who don’t love the Bible and don’t want to implement it as a guide to their lives generally fall
into some sort of promiscuity
d. Men who love God and the BIBLE and follow it, endure, promote good morals, are orderly,
e. The conspirators like the BILDERBERGS, ILLUMINATI, MASONS, who are said to have
produced the BIBLE for their own evil ends do not go around selling it, promoting it on TV. Instead,
they finance Harry Potter, Holywood nudity, Rock groups.
f. Men who study the BIBLE seriously, no matter what persuasion they come from, soon get caught up
in defending it. Example, Dr. Mark Gabriel the Egyptian, a Saudi Muttawa, Waleed Shoebat, Simon
Greenleaf, Mossab Hassan Yousef.
g. If the BIBLE is not true, why is Israel still intact after so much killing against all odds?

Ezek 36:24 For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will
bring you into your own land.

2. QUESTIONS FROM NILO ALTOVEROS. Isn't hell and heaven here on earth?

a. If hell and heaven is not a true place, where did Jesus go when they said, he was taken up and sat
down at his throne? (Acts 1:11; Heb. 10:12)
b. If these are not true places, where did Jesus go when He died? (Luke 23:43)
c. If these are not true places, then the Bible is not true, and either there is NO GOD, or there is a
God who either left no NO WORD or another kind of a book which we must discover. Which
could it be? If God did not leave any word, then He left us without directions and in chaos to do
our own thing.

3. QUESTION FROM MODERNISTS. Isn't it better to leave others alone if they are satisfied, happy, with
what they believe?

a. We ought to obey Christ’s command to go forth. Matt 28

b. If we are true friends, we can not be silent with so great salvation that lifts up the hell bound, the sin
c. You wouldn’t leave a child playing happily in his house, when you know that the dam broke and
water is coming soon.

4. QUESTION FROM A CLASSMATE OF MY DAUGHTER. Don't everybody believe in the same God
and only have different backgrounds
5. QUESTION FROM ALTOVEROS AGAIN. If the Bible is the only true book, why do people and
religions interpret it in many different ways?

6. What is the meaning of this verse:

Jer 19:5
5 They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto
Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind:

a. There is nothing hid from God

b. Nothing can surprise God
c. There is no contingencies or plan B with God, He plans it right
d. If there is something that is hid or not under God’s control, even an atom or a molecule, then there is
RISK that somewhere in the universe, something might go wrong which God has not anticipated,
and then He has to go and make it right.
e. We have the mind of Christ. That doesn’t mean we know all things that Christ knows.
f. God is presented in Scripture as gaining knowledge. This is simply antrophomorphic expression but
should not be taken literally that God acquired something that He does not know from eternity

Gen 22:12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I
know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.

g. Therefore, the expression, “which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind:”
should be taken as a whole phrase, and is a simple idiomatic expression, that God did not urge
anyone to do such a thing.

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