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A Research Proposal

Presented to the




In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Practical Research

Senior High School


Autida, Kaye
Pasague, Ronin Nathan D.
Santillan, Leonie Mae
Segarra, Carmela Bethany




Philippines is a diverse country with known, used, studied and identified plants

that could potentially help and create possible medicinal opportunities that could be

used for further study and opportunities for creating sustainable alternative remedies

that could be made at home.Many adaptable and sustainable ways are exclusively

studied and because of new and innovative opportunities of expounding medicinal

practices. It is legally emphasized that under alternative medical practices, using

specialized herbs or herbs that are therapeutically approved by the Department of

Health and Department of Science and Technology are common in this generation.

Alternative Medicinal Practice or known as Alternative Healing is first introduced by the

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) in 2002. One of

the many forms of Alternative Medicine is Herbal Medicine. Herbal Medicines are

practiced in the Philippines as early as the era of 17 th Century due to lack of medical

knowledge and practice.

As one of the stated fact of thorough careful analysis, hypertension is maintained

fervently but one of the sustained problem is that further treatment is not affordable for

most of the average workers may it be stating locally or internationally. Prevention and

Cure becomes a competition especially in the health department. The need of research

in medicine is needed to develop, define and expand knowledge of medicine and

practice. (Polit and Beck, 2006.). Hypertensions are riskier when an individual does not

lower his or her blood pressure – this is because the pressure of the heart is different

and changes from time to time. It varies from an individual’s work and habit.

Hypertension occurs as a result to long duration of abnormal pressure of the main

arteries. (Cunha, 2011).

A high blood pressure reading means your heart is working harder than it should

pump blood and your arteries are stressed; this is considered a risky situation. A person

is considered to have high blood pressure (hypertension) when the systolic pressures

(top number) is 140 or higher or the diastolic pressure (bottom number) is 90 or higher.

Most users perceived that herbs were effective, and in some instances, more

efficacious than conventional medicines. Perception is a major contributing factor

influencing the sustained and increasing popularity of herbs. Evidence-based research

should direct the proper use of herbs to validate and determine safety. (BMC

Complementary and Alternative Medicine volume 7, Article number: 4 (2007)). The

researchers contend to analyze that lemon grass and Guyabano herbals are effective

medicinal agents found elsewhere in the locality of the Philippines and are abundant in

supply. Although many studies identified the increasing prevalence of herbal use

throughout the world, only few conducted and reported studies proved the effectiveness

of combining two medicinal elements to prevent complications such as hypertension.

Lemon Grass or “Tanglad” as it is locally called in the Philippines is commonly

found throughout the Philippines Islands. It is usually grown in warm, temperate and

tropical regions. Lemon grass is also known as a backyard plant because it is easy to

grow and can usually grow anywhere with good soil. (ECRP Archives No.0809).
Guyabano plant has become increasingly well-known due to its curative properties. This

study determined the efficacy of Annona Muricata (Guyabano) leaves as bio-control

agent against Hypertension and other complications. (Guyabano Leaves Extract,

Journal.). The researchers present possible study improvement by comparing theories,

studies, results and come up with new discovery especially the attempt to create

sustainable remedy for Filipinos to use.




Access to Conventional Medical Care and

The Use of Complementary and Alternative

The Theory of Realities and The Book Kaplan’s Clinical

Remedies Hypertension

Theory: Is there any danger in

using traditional remedies?


This study is anchored generally on the Theory by José A. Pagán Mark V.

Pauly entitled Access to Conventional Medical Care and The Use of Complementary

and Alternative Medicine (2003). The theory states that Complementary and Alternative

Medicine (CAM) has greatly influenced its medical practice all throughout the nation.

The results of the study based on concluded findings show “71.4 percent for those

reporting difficulties compared with 59.8 percent for those not reporting any difficulties in

getting needed medical care.”This means that Complementary and Alternative Medicine

(CAM) was not proven its effectivity and that means people especially in globalized

countries have a hard time using and making alternative remedies. The Researchers

and José A. Pagán and Mark V found exact conclusions such as: “Medical care has

become less affordable for many people, and health insurance premiums have been

increasing relatively rapidly. Out-of-pocket payments have risen in absolute amounts for

thosewith health insurance.” This means that people especially with conditions are

deprived to medical opportunities. José A. Pagán and Mark V failed to prove the scope

of their study that there are other alternative, practical and easier ways to make

alternative medicine. The researchers contend to plot the graph by connecting 3

theories about making an alternative remedy.

(Proof of Gap:“The findings presented here, given that there are other alternative

explanations that could not be ruled out because of the lackof data on all aspects of

CAM.” Findings taken from Access to Conventional Medical Care and The Use of

Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2003. p.260. José A. Pagán Mark V.)

The Theory: Is there any danger in using traditional remedies? opens logical

context of the following: Alternative Medicine Safety and Sustainability, Lesser Risks of

Alternative Medicines, Safe Practice and Cautious procedure of making alternative

medicine and the extent of zero-possibility for medicinal intoxications. Peter A.G.M.De

Smet, the theorist behind this study explained that Alternative Medicines must have the

principle that the expected benefit of a drug must outweigh its potential risk applies as

much to traditional products; this means that the risk is much lesser because no patient

deserves to be treated with a remedy that is worse than the disease.

To assure practical research efforts, the researchers anchored to two theories

that aims to answer Peter Smet's gap on his study. The theory of Realities and

Remedies(Robert E. Slavin) proved that countries like Philippines have lack knowledge

of alternative medicines, that is why we are at health risk due to lack of medicinal

education. On the other hand, Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension (Norman M. Kaplan,

2010)book failed to analyze that one way of treating and preventing hypertension is

through alternative medicine. For Peter's theory to be rationalized effectively, the

researchers contend to expect a conclusion: To create sustainable alternative remedy

that takes less risk or possibly no risk.


This chapter gives recognition to the ideas, related literature, and finished thesis

from different books and references which the researchers used to provide

supplementary information. It also provides logical connections between previous

researches and the present work.


At present, there is no clear or comprehensive theoretical model to account for

the increasing use of alternative forms of health care. Accordingly, the goal of the

present study was to develop some tentative explanatory models that might account for

this phenomenon. (Why Patients Use Alternative Medicine Results of a National Study,

John A. Astin, PhD. JOURNAL). Three theories that have been proposed to explain the

use of alternative medicine were tested:

1. Dissatisfaction: Patients are dissatisfied with conventional treatment

because it has been ineffective has produced adverse effects or is seen

as impersonal, too technologically oriented, and/or too costly.

2. Need for personal control: Patients seek alternative therapies because

they see them as less authoritarian and more empowering and as offering

them more personal autonomy and control over their health care


3. Physical Evidence: Alternative therapies are attractive because they are

seen more compatible with patients' values, worldview, spiritual/religious

philosophy, or beliefs regarding the nature and meaning of health and


In addition to testing the validity of these 3 theoretical perspectives, this study

also sought to determine on an exploratory basis how the decision to seek alternative

therapies is affected by patients' health status and demographic factors. Along with

being more educated and reporting poorer health status, the majority of alternative

medicine users appear to be doing so not so much as a result of being dissatisfied with

conventional medicine but largely because they find these health care alternatives to be

more congruent with their own values, beliefs, and philosophical orientations toward

health and life.

Guyabano is a fruit that comes from the Graviola tree. Other names for guyabano

(name known in the Philippines) include: guanábana (Spanish), graviola (Portuguese),

pawpaw (in Brazil), corossol (French), soursop (English), and custard apple (English).

The scientific name is annona muricata.

The graviola tree grows in warm tropical areas such as the Philippines and South

America. Known as a sedative, a nerve tonic, and used to maintain proper intestinal

health, guyabano is just one medicinal tool stemming from the graviola tree. Throughout

history, each part of the graviola tree, such as the bark, leaves, roots, fruit, and seeds

have been used for medicinal purposes. The seeds have been used to treat nausea and

vomiting, while herbal medicine practitioners recommend using the fruit and leaves to

relieve stomach distress, pain, cough, asthma, and fever.

Guyabano is known to being rich in vitamin C and B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin

and niacin, but here is a fuller list of what the fruit has to offer. Iron, Riboflavin,

Phosphorus, Thiamine, Calcium, Niacin, and Fiber. (Barrett Mike, 2013)


Alternative medicine utilizing the therapeutic effects of plants is commonly used

in the community. Contaminants in the raw materials, like lead, may lead to adverse

health effects. This study aimed to determine the presence or absence of lead and

specifically aimed to obtain its levels in plants and commercial tea utilized as herbal

medicine in Manila, Philippines. (Lead Levels in Fresh Medicinal Herbs and Commercial

Tea Products from Manila, Philippines. Judilynn N.Solidum. 2014). Lemongrass

hasmany uses. It is used in traditional medicine as treatment for fever and

infectiousdiseases and has been reported to have antimicrobial and antifungal

properties(Montala, 2006). Lemongrass is rich in a substance called citral, the

activeingredient in lemon peel that is very helpful for treating indigestion;

relievingspasm, muscle cramps, and rheumatism; and soothing headaches

(“Lemongrass,” 2000).


“When we say hypertension, it is the abnormal persistent elevation of blood

pressure,‘high blood’ Rana said. (Sunstar Excerpt: Cagayan De Oro citizen Rena

interviewed on health effects on Hypertension)

According to the World Health Organization, hypertension exists for around 40

percent globally among adults age 25 years and above. It is estimated to have caused

approximately 7.5 million or 12 percent annual deaths.

“For the Joint National Committee, a normal blood pressure is defined as a

systolic, that’s in the upper part where we mention it first, pressure lower than 120 and

diastolic, lower part to mention and 80 mmHg. Meaning below 120/80. If you

reached120 goingto 139 over 80 going 89 (120-139 mmHg/80-89 mmHg), you are

already inpre-hypertension Rana said. (Excerpt taken from Sunstar Cebu, News about

Hypertension. Philippines, 2019)

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