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Inventory « Oracle Applications

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Function to fetch Organization Info

Posted by shameemakhtar on June 29, 2010

01 CREATE OR REPLACE function ztd_get_org_info_fn
02 (
03 p_org_id in number,
04 p_choice in varchar2
05 )
06 return varchar2
07 is
08 p_org_name varchar2(250);
09 p_short_code varchar2(10);
10 begin
12 select name
13 into p_org_name
14 from hr_all_organization_units
15 where organization_id = p_org_id;
17 select organization_code
18 into p_short_code
19 from mtl_parameters
20 where master_organization_id = '968'
21 and organization_id = p_org_id;
23 case
24 when upper(p_choice) not in ('NAME', 'DESC') then
25 return 'ORA-user error: Wrong Parameter';
26 when p_choice = 'NAME' then
27 return p_org_name;
28 when p_choice = 'CODE' then
29 return p_short_code;
30 else
31 return null;
32 end case;

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

34 exception
35 when no_data_found then
36 return null;
37 when others then
38 return nvl(sqlerrm, null);
39 end;
40 /

The above function takes in two parameters, namely organization_id and a parameter for choice. Based on the choice,
the function will return either the organization name or the organization short code from two different select

In case no data is found, it will return null, and in case of error, it will return the error message.

Note the following:

a. I am hard-coding the Master Organization Id in this case since I am using writing this script for one of the Operating
Units in a multi-Org structure. Since I can have only one Master Organization per Operating Unit, I have hard-coded
this value to restrict my Organizations and to keep the code simple.

Tables used:

Use the following to test your function:

1 select ztd_get_org_info_fn('967', 'CODE')
2 from dual;

Shameem Bauccha
28 June 2010

Posted in Inventory, Pl/Sql Functions, Procurement / Supply Chain, Scripts, Supply Chain Management, System
Administration, System Administrator, Technical | Tagged: fetch organization detail, Function,
hr_all_organization_units, mtl_parameters, pl/sql script | 1 Comment »

Inventory Organization – Receiving Options

Posted by shameemakhtar on June 24, 2009

Platform: R12, 11.5

Refer to document ‘Create Inventory Organization (../2009/06/24/create-inventory-organization/)‘.

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

Receiving Options

You also need to configure your Receiving Options and input your Accounting for Receiving.

Note, now you have configured your inventory organization. You need to do the same thing for all your inventory orgs
(that is you need to configure the Additional Organization Information for all your inventory orgs).

Shameem Bauccha

24 June 2009

Posted in Inventory, Oracle Apps, Supply Chain Management | Tagged: 11.5, Inventory Organization Classification,
Oracls apps, R12, Receiving Options | 2 Comments »

Inventory Organization – Organization Parameters

Posted by shameemakhtar on June 24, 2009

Platform: R12, 11.5

Refer to document ‘Create Inventory Organization (../2009/06/24/create-inventory-organization/)‘.

Define Organization Parameters

1. Inventory Parameters

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

Inventory Parameters

Before defining any Inventory Organization, we need to have a Master Inventory Organization which acts as a central
repository for items. After we have defined the Master Inventory Organization, we need to define its organization
parameters. Generally we give the code ‘IMM’ to denote the Inventory Item Master Organization.

We need to a ach the Master Organization in the Organization parameters. A ach the Inventory Calendar.

Refer to document ‘Define Inventory Calendar (h p://


Configure the Inventory Parameters including locator control.

2. Costing Information

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

Costing Information

The Operating Unit is automatically picked up as the Costing Organization.

Choose the appropriate ‘Costing Method’ (FIFO, Standard, Average). Specify whether to Transfer to GL.

Input the valuation Accounts.

3. Revision, Lot, Serial and LPN

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

Revision, Lot, Serial and LPN

If you are using Lot, Serial and/or LPN control, configure this window, otherwise accept the default values.

4. ATP, Pick, Item-Sourcing

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

ATP, Pick, Item-Sourcing

If you are using iProcurement, configure the ATP defaults, Picking defaults and Item-Sourcing rules.

5. Inter-Org Information

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

Inter-Org Information

Configure this section for Inter-org transfers.

6. Other Accounts

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

Other Accounts

Specify the following Accounts:

Receiving Accounts
Profit and Loss Accounts
Other Accounts

When you are done, save and click on ‘OK’. You will get the following warning:

Note-Costing Method

Bauccha Shameem

24 June 2009

Posted in Inventory, Oracle Apps, Supply Chain Management | Tagged: 11.5, ATP, Costing Information, Define
Organization Parameters, Inter-Org Information, Inventory Accounts, Inventory Organization Classification, Inventory

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

Parameters, Item-Sourcing, Lot, LPN, Oracle Apps, Pick, R12, Revision, Serial | 2 Comments »

Inventory Organization – Customer/Supplier Association

Posted by shameemakhtar on June 24, 2009

Platform: R12, 11.5

Refer to document ‘Create Inventory Organization (../2009/06/24/create-inventory-organization/)‘.

Customer/Supplier Association

Customer/Supplier Association

This is important to define if you will allow internal requisition and sales between your inventories.

Detailed explanation to follow during preparation of Inventory Tutorial.

Shameem Bauccha

24 June 2009

Posted in Inventory, Oracle Apps, Supply Chain Management | Tagged: 11.5, Additional Organization Information,
Custome Supplier Association, Inventory Organization Classification, Oracle Apps, R12 | 1 Comment »

Inventory Organization – Accounting Information

Posted by shameemakhtar on June 24, 2009

Platform: R12, 11.5

Refer to document ‘Create Inventory Organization (h p://


Accounting Information

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

Accounting Information

A ach your primary leder.

Based on your Primary Ledger, your Legal Entity i automatically picked up.

Optionally if you have defined an Operating or have multiple units on the same insrtallation, a ach the Operating Unit.

Save and Click on ‘OK’.

Shameem Bauccha

24 June 2009

Posted in Inventory, Oracle Apps, Supply Chain Management | Tagged: 11.5, Accounting Information, Additional
Organization Information, Inventory Organization, Oracle Apps, R12 | 1 Comment »

Create Inventory Organization

Posted by shameemakhtar on June 24, 2009

Platform: R12, 11.5

Define Organization and classify organization as ‘Inventory Organization’

Refer to the following documents:

Se ing up Organizations (h p:// ing-up-organizations/)

Create Organization (h p://

Additional Organization Information

You can access the Additional Organization Information by selecting the classification and clicking on the ‘Others’
bu on.

Select appropriate Extra Information to configure.

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

Additional Organization Information

In the case of Inventory Organization, 4 Extra Info are defined:

Accounting Information (h p://

Customer/Supplier Association (h p://
Inventory Information (h p://
Receiving Information (h p://

Shameem Bauccha

24 June 2009

Posted in Inventory, Oracle Apps, Supply Chain Management | Tagged: 11.5, Additional Organization Information,
Define Inventory Organization, Inventory, Inventory Organization, Oracle Apps, R12 | 4 Comments »

Define Inventory Calendar

Posted by shameemakhtar on June 24, 2009

Inventory –> Setup –> Calendar

Define Calendar. Select Quarterly Type, Specify Calendar Date Range.

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

Workday Calendar

1. Workday Pa erns

Click on ‘Workday Pa erns’ and define your pa erns.

Workday Pa erns

Save and Close.

2. Shifts

Click on ‘Shifts’.

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Inventory « Oracle Applications


Create your shifts and define the shift times.

Shift Times

Save and Close

3. Calendar Dates

Click on ‘Calendar Dates’ to define.

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

Calendar Dates

Save and Close.

Build Calendar

Once you are done with defining the Calendar, you need to build it for any change to take effect.

Go to the Menu and navigate as follow:

Tools –> Build

Build Calendar

A request is submi ed.


You can view the request.

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

Build Workday Calendar Request

Once your request is completed, your Calendar is ready. You can exit the ‘Workday Calendar’ window. It will remind
you need to rebuild your calendar if you have made changes.


Each time you make changes to your Calendar, remember to rebuild your calendar.

Shameem Bauccha

24 June 2009

Posted in Inventory, Oracle Apps, Supply Chain Management | Tagged: Build Calendar, Inventory, Inventory Calendar,
Oracle Apps, R12, Shifts, Wokday Pa erns, Workday Calendar | 5 Comments »

High Level Setup for Inventory (INV) on R12

Posted by shameemakhtar on June 24, 2009

Platform: R12

Below is an overview of setup to do for Inventory on R12:

Define Key Flexfields.

1. System Items
2. Item Categories

Setup Locations

1. Define Locations

Setup Calendar

1. Define Calendar

Units of Measure

1. Define Units of Measure Classes

2. Define Units of Measure
3. Define Units of Measure Conversion

Inventory Organizations

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Inventory « Oracle Applications

1. Define Organizations
2. Define Organization Parameters
3. Define Subinventories
4. Define Stock Locators

Item A ributes

1. Define Item A ribute Controls


1. Define Category Codes

2. Define Category Sets
3. Define Default Category Sets

Status Codes

1. Define Status Codes


1. Define Transaction Source Types

2. Define Transaction Types

Profile Options

1. Define Profile Options

Shameem Bauccha

24 June 2009

Posted in Inventory, Oracle Apps, Supply Chain Management | Tagged: High Level Setup for Inventory, INV, Inventory
setup, Oracle Apps, R12 | Leave a Comment »

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