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Potential role of sirtuins in livestock production

Article  in  animal · June 2012

DOI: 10.1017/S1751731112001115 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Yumi Ghinis Anaid Antaramian

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Francesc Villarroya Enrique Piña

University of Barcelona Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


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Potential role of sirtuins in livestock production

Y. Ghinis-Hozumi1, A. Antaramian2, F. Villarroya3, E. Piña4 and O. Mora5-
Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias de la Producción y de la Salud Animal, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City 04510, México;
Instituto de Neurobiologı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Boulevard Juriquilla 3001, Querétaro, Qro. 76230, México; 3Departamento de Bioquı́mica y
Biologı́a Molecular e Instituto de Biomedicina (IBUB), Universitat de Barcelona y Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Fisiopatologı́a de la Obesidad y
Nutrición, Avenida Diagonal 645, Barcelona 08028, Spain; 4Departamento de Bioquı́mica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Mexico City 04510, México; 5Laboratorio de Rumiologı́a y Metabolismo Nutricional (RuMeN), Secretarı́a de Posgrado, Facultad de Estudios Superiores-Cuautitlán,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Boulevard Bernardo Quintana 514-D, Colonia Arboledas, Querétaro, Qro. 76140, México

(Received 12 August 2011; Accepted 8 May 2012)

Sirtuins are NAD1-dependent histone and protein deacetylases, which have been studied during the last decade with a focus on
their role in lifespan extension and age-related diseases under normal and calorie-restricted or pathological conditions. However,
sirtuins also have the ability to regulate energy homeostasis as they can sense the metabolic state of the cell through the
NAD1/NADH ratio; hence, changes in the diet can modify the expression of these enzymes. Dietary manipulations are a common
practice currently being used in livestock production with favorable results, probably due in part to the enhanced activity of
sirtuins. Nevertheless, sirtuin expression in livestock species has not been a research target. For these reasons, the goal of this
review is to awaken interest in these enzymes for future detailed characterization in livestock species by presenting a general
introduction to what sirtuins are, how they work and what is known about their role in livestock.

Keywords: energy, livestock, metabolism, production, sirtuin

Implications will increase from 7 to 9.3 billion by the middle of the cen-
tury; in less than 40 years there will be 2.3 billion more
Sirtuin expression can be controlled by the diet, and genes
mouths to feed and this, together with increasing affluence,
involved in glucose, lipid and amino acid metabolism can, in
means that food production will have to increase by 70%
turn, be regulated by sirtuins. Therefore, sirtuins represent a
(United Nations Organization Population Division, 2011). On
potential target for dietary manipulations to improve live-
the basis of the magnitude of the challenge, technological
stock production. However, sirtuins are not yet being widely
development is the best strategy to improve the efficiency in
studied in livestock species, opening a new field of research.
animal productivity, quality of the derived products and
This review is intended to introduce sirtuins to animal
animal health. Some applications, such as those enhancing
scientists interested in enhancing animal production to
reproduction (artificial insemination, embryo transfer and
achieve the food supply needed for the growing population.
embryo cryopreservation), have been in use for many dec-
ades (FAO, 1998). However, new DNA techniques, molecular
biology and technological reproductive applications are now
Introduction being tested (FAO, 2000). Among these new techniques,
Livestock provide humans with numerous products and ser- dietary manipulation is becoming a common practice as it is
vices, of which food is the most important as a third of all an easy way to enhance expression of specific genes
protein we consume derives from livestock. In addition, affecting metabolism and growth. Sirtuins represent a gene
there is a growing demand for food products of animal origin family potentially controlled in this way.
in developing countries because of population and economic Sirtuins (Sir two-like proteins) are mammalian homologs
growth (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United of the silent information regulator 2 (Sir2) gene of Saccharomyces
Nations (FAO), 2009). Population growth is a problem cerevisiae, and they belong to the family of class III NAD1-
affecting food security. According to the United Nations’ dependent histone deacetylases (HDAC III). In yeast, five sirtuins
2010 Revision of World Population Prospects, world population have been identified (Sir2p and Hst1p to Hst4p), whereas in
humans and other mammals there are seven sirtuins (Sirt1 to
E-mail: or Sirt7; Frye, 2000; North and Verdin, 2004).

Ghinis-Hozumi, Antaramian, Villarroya, Piña and Mora

Research on Sir proteins initially focused on their gene- control of either growth, cell cycle or apoptosis, sirtuin regula-
silencing activity at the HM mating-type loci, telomeres and the tion may be positive and associated with extension of lifespan
ribosomal DNA repeats (Smith et al., 1999; Cuperus et al., (Sauve et al., 2006). The most recently discovered sirtuin sub-
2000; Garcia and Pillus, 2002) as it was found that they dea- strates comprise enzymes that regulate carbohydrate and lipid
cetylate nucleosomes to form heterochromatin (Braunstein metabolism, and in this particular case, regulation of the
et al., 1993). However, it was later found that these enzymes enzymatic activity of the target protein can be either positive or
act as sensors of the cellular energy status, establishing a link negative (Sauve et al., 2006; Michan and Sinclair, 2007). Sir-
between gene silencing and metabolism in vivo (Denu, 2003). tuins have been found in different subcellular locations, and
Therefore, in the past decade, research was aimed at elucidat- they modify diverse target substrates (Table 1). In addition,
ing their structure (Sanders et al., 2010), enzymatic activity each sirtuin has a specific physiological role within the different
(Taylor et al., 2008), biology and function in the cell (Shoba tissues where they are expressed (Table 2).
et al., 2009), target proteins that include – besides histones –
transcription factors that regulate stress, metabolism and sur-
vival pathways (Shoba et al., 2009), as well as natural and Sirtuins in livestock
synthetic compounds that activate (Howitz et al., 2003; Camins
et al., 2010) and inhibit (Cen, 2010; Lawson et al., 2010) them. Sirtuins have been extensively studied in yeast, lower
Further general information on sirtuins is available in the organisms like fruit flies and worms, and mammals, mainly
reviews by Dali-Youcef et al. (2007), Shoba et al. (2009), Imai rodents and humans, with special focus on their ability to
and Guarente (2010), Rajendran et al. (2011) and Cantó and regulate lifespan and energy homeostasis; therefore, they
Auwerx (2012); information on the controversy arising about represent potential nutraceutical targets in metabolic syn-
the role of sirtuins in lifespan regulation can be found in the drome and age-associated diseases like cancer and Alzhei-
work by Burnett et al. (2011); information on resveratrol, the mer’s disease. However, little benefit has been gained from
principal sirtuin activator being studied and its role in mam- their ability to regulate glucose and lipid metabolism in
malian biology can be found in the review by Pervaiz (2003). livestock production. When talking about livestock produc-
tion, it is understood that the main goal is to obtain more
Enzymatic activity animal (food) products in a more efficient way and in a
Sirtuins possess a robust NAD1-dependent deacetylase shorter period of time. Thus, sirtuins and the compounds that
activity, which couples the cleavage of NAD1 to the deace- regulate them should be studied, given their potential to
tylation of a substrate. The reaction products are nicotina- contribute to this objective.
mide, a deacetylated product and the novel metabolite
o-acetyl-ADP-ribose (oAADPr), which is unique for this Structure
reaction. The stoichiometric analysis of the reaction shows Livestock species present all seven sirtuins (Supplementary
a 1-to-1 conversion from NAD1/acetylated substrate to Figure S2) and, as all members of the Sir2 protein family, they
nicotinamide/deacetylated product/oAADPr (Tanny and Moazed, contain a core domain of around 260 amino acids, which is
2001; Borra and Denu, 2006). highly conserved in prokaryotes and eukaryotes (Brachmann
The enzyme first binds the acetylated substrate, followed et al., 1995). This core domain is formed by a Rossmann-fold
by NAD1, forming a ternary complex (Supplementary Figure structure characteristic of NAD(P)1/NAD(P)H-binding pro-
S1a). The nicotinamide-ribosyl bond is broken, and the acetyl teins (Finnin et al., 2001; Min et al., 2001), a zinc-binding
group of the substrate is transferred to the ADP-ribose moiety module containing a structural zinc atom coordinated by
of NAD1 (Supplementary Figure S1b). After this, nicotinamide is four conserved cysteines and a flexible loop forming a
released and an oxocarbenium ion-like intermediate is formed. hydrophobic pocket, which may represent a class-specific
Next, the carbonyl oxygen of the acetyl-lysine performs a protein–protein interaction domain that gives a distinct
nucleophilic attack on the nicotinamide ribose, forming an substrate specificity to each sirtuin (Finnin et al., 2001; Min
iminium ion intermediate, which is then deprotonated, pro- et al., 2001). In addition, differences at the N- and C-termini,
moting the formation of a cyclic intermediate. Finally, a which can be identified from the Conserved Domain Data-
nucleophilic attack on this intermediate by a water molecule base (Marchler-Bauer et al., 2011), account for the variation
liberates oAADPr and the deacetylated product (Supple- in binding partners and substrates, subcellular localization
mentary Figure S1c; Tanner et al., 2000; Tanny and Moazed, and expression pattern, as well as different enzymatic
2001; Marmorstein, 2004; Borra and Denu, 2006). activities (Sherman et al., 1999; Borra et al., 2004; Haigis
and Sinclair, 2010).
Sirtuins regulate mainly four biological processes: transcrip- Sirtuins and calorie restriction (CR)
tion, cell cycle and apoptosis and energy homeostasis (Sauve Dietary manipulations, such as CR or intermittent fasting, are
et al., 2006; Michan and Sinclair, 2007; Kong et al., 2009). known to affect gene expression in many tissues (Han and
Transcription is generally negatively regulated by sirtuins Hickey, 2005). CR consists of a 20% to 50% reduction in energy
because of their deacetylation of histones; however, when intake relative to ad libitum levels but without nutrient deficits
the sirtuin substrate is a transcription factor related to the or malnutrition (Weindruch et al., 1986; Walford et al., 1987).

Table 1 Cellular location and identified substrates for the seven mammalian sirtuins
Protein Cellular compartment Enzymatic activity Substrates References

Sirt1 Nucleus 2 cytoplasma Deacetylation Direct: Histones H3 and H4, FoxOs, Fulco et al. (2003), Brunet et al. (2004), Giannakou and Partridge (2004),
PPARs, PGC-1a, p53, AceCS1, GDH, Motta et al. (2004), Nemoto et al. (2004), Picard et al. (2004), Yeung et al.
ICDH, Tat, NF-kB, Ku70, MyoD (2004), Moynihan et al. (2005), Pagans et al. (2005), Rodgers et al. (2005),
Indirect: UCP2, UCP3, adiponectin Bordone et al. (2006), Hallows et al. (2006), Qiao and Shao (2006), Amat
et al. (2007), Gerhart-Hines et al. (2007), Kim et al. (2007), Michan and
Sinclair (2007), North and Sinclair (2007), Qiang et al. (2007), Saunders and
Verdin (2007), Nedachi et al. (2008), Schlicker et al. (2008), Shoba et al.
(2009), Wang and Tong (2009), Yu and Auwerx (2009), Sugden et al. (2010),
Planavila et al. (2011), Schug and Li (2011)
Sirt2 Cytoplasm Deacetylation Microtubules, a-tubulin, H4K16, Bae et al. (2004), Michan and Sinclair (2007), Saunders and Verdin (2007),
HoxA10, FoxO3a Wang et al. (2007)
Sirt3 Mitochondria (matrix) 2 nucleusa Deacetylation Direct: FoxO3a, AceCS2, LCAD, ICDH2, Shi et al. (2005), Hallows et al. (2006), North and Sinclair (2007), Saunders and
GDH, HMGS2, MnSOD, SOD2, OTC, Verdin (2007), Ahn et al. (2008), Jacobs et al. (2008), Schlicker et al. (2008),
NDUFA9, SDHA, MRPL10, Ku70, PPID Schwer and Verdin (2008), Sundaresan et al. (2008 and 2009), Palacios
Indirect: ETChain complexes I to IV, ATP et al. (2009), Shoba et al. (2009), Yu and Auwerx (2009), Cimen et al.
synthase, AMPK, UCP1 (2010), Hirschey et al. (2010), Huang et al. (2010), Kim et al. (2010), Kong
et al. (2010), Qiu et al. (2010), Shi et al. (2010), Shimazu et al. (2010), Shulga
et al. (2010), Tao et al. (2010), Yang et al. (2010), Giralt et al. (2011), Hallows
et al. (2011), Li and Kazgan (2011), Smith et al. (2011)
Sirt4 Mitochondria ADP-ribosylation Pancreatic GDH, IDE, ANT2, ANT3 Haigis et al. (2006), Ahuja et al. (2007), Nasrin et al. (2010)
Sirt5 Mitochondria (matrix, intermembrane) Deacetylation Histones, BSA, cytochrome c, CPS1 Schuetz et al. (2007), Schlicker et al. (2008), Nakagawa et al. (2009)
Sirt6 Nucleus Deacetylation ADP- Histone H3, DNA Pol b, BER enzymes, Liszt et al. (2005), Mostoslavsky et al. (2006), Rodgers and Puigserver (2006),
ribosylation p53, Hif1a Kanfi et al. (2008), Lombard et al. (2008), Shoba et al. (2009),
Yu and Auwerx (2009), Zhong et al. (2010), Li and Kazgan (2011)
Sirt7 Nucleolus Deacetylation RNA Pol I Ford et al. (2006), Saunders and Verdin (2007)
ETChain 5 electron transport chain; BER 5 base excision repair.
2 means translocation.

Sirtuins in livestock
Ghinis-Hozumi, Antaramian, Villarroya, Piña and Mora

Table 2 Physiological roles and tissues where sirtuins are present

Protein Physiological functions Tissues References

Sirt1 Cell proliferation, differentiation, Liver, muscle, pancreas, brain, heart, Mcburney et al. (2003), Sakamoto et al. (2004),
survival and apoptosis; stress spinal cord, testis, ovaries, adipose Michishita et al. (2005), Dali-Youcef et al.
resistance; glucose and lipid tissues (2007), Michan and Sinclair (2007), Shoba
metabolism; gametogenesis, et al. (2009)
embryogenesis and reproduction
Sirt2 Mitotic checkpoint; development; Adipose tissue (highest expression), Michishita et al. (2005), Dali-Youcef et al.
antioxidant defense brain, heart, testis, skeletal muscle (2007), Jing et al. (2007), Shoba et al. (2009),
Kelly (2010)
Sirt3 Mitochondrial biogenesis and Heart, brain, testis, liver, kidneys, Michishita et al. (2005), Ahn et al. (2008),
respiration; antioxidant defense; muscle, adipose tissues (mainly Shoba et al. (2009), Huang et al. (2010),
adaptive thermogenesis brown) Kong et al. (2010)
Sirt4 Glucose and lipid metabolism Heart, brain, testis, kidneys, liver, Michishita et al. (2005), Shoba et al. (2009),
pancreas, skeletal muscle Huang et al. (2010), Nasrin et al. (2010)
Sirt5 Link between energy metabolism and Brain, testis, ovaries, skeletal muscle, Michishita et al. (2005), Mahlknecht et al.
aging; cellular stress response and heart, kidneys, liver, lymphoblasts (2006), Dali-Youcef et al. (2007), Schuetz
apoptosis et al. (2007)
Sirt6 Genomic stability, aging, inflammation; Brain, spleen, liver, testis, ovaries, Liszt et al. (2005), Michishita et al. (2005),
metabolism skeletal muscle, heart, white Dali-Youcef et al. (2007), Kanfi et al. (2007),
adipose tissue, kidneys Lombard et al. (2007), Li and Kazgan, (2011)
Sirt7 Transcription of rDNA; growth Liver, spleen, testis, thyroid gland Ford et al. (2006), Shoba et al. (2009)
(high); heart, brain, muscle (low)

Table 3 Effects of calorie restriction on sirtuin expression in different tissues

Protein Upregulation Downregulation References

Sirt1 Brain, kidney, muscle, WAT, liver Liver Cohen et al. (2004), Wang et al. (2007), Chen et al. (2008)
Sirt2 WAT, kidney Wang et al. (2007)
Sirt3 WAT, BAT Shi et al. (2005)
Sirt4 Pancreas Haigis et al. (2006)
Sirt5 Liver Nakagawa et al. (2009)
Sirt6 Heart, brain, adipose tissues, liver, kidney Kanfi et al. (2008)
Sirt7 Not yet determined
WAT 5 white adipose tissue; BAT 5 brown adipose tissue.

Environmental and genetic signaling pathways can be turned sirtuin activities overlap and combine to mediate metabo-
on by nutrient availability and utilization, thereby extending lism, cell growth, oxidative stress responses and apoptosis
lifespan and retarding age-related diseases in many organisms (Shi et al., 2005). For a long time, Sirt1 was the only member
ranging from yeast to mammals (Walford et al., 1987; Bordone of this family implicated in the CR response; however,
and Guarente, 2005). expression and enzymatic activity of the seven mammalian
Under normal metabolic conditions, glucose is metabolized sirtuins are now known to be differently regulated by CR
to pyruvate, stimulating either respiration or fermentation, (Table 3). Therefore, sirtuins emerge as crucial sensors of
depending on the oxygen availability. When glucose is limited, changes in NAD1 concentrations as a result of fasting,
carbon skeletons are directed to the mitochondrial tricarboxylic dietary restriction or oxidative stress (Rodgers and Puigser-
acid cycle, promoting the electron transport and respiration ver, 2007), regulating the cellular response to these stimuli.
processes (Lin et al., 2002). As a result, ATP is produced in Experiments measuring sirtuin expression after dietary
higher amounts, slowing down the rate of glycolysis, and NADH restriction in livestock have not yet been carried out. How-
is re-oxidized to NAD1, increasing the NAD1/NADH ratio in the ever, there are numerous reports dealing with the effects of
cell (Lin et al., 2002; Wolf, 2006). dietary restriction on production and reproduction in live-
Members of the sirtuin family establish a tight linkage stock. For instance, in 2010, Villeneuve et al. tested the
between nutritional status and longevity by regulating stress effects of dietary restriction on reproduction and lactation in
management and energy homeostasis in response to the prepubertal ewe lambs and on growth performance of their
cellular energy status, as measured by the NAD1/NADH ratio offspring over two breeding seasons. Three diets with a
(Lin et al., 2002; Schug and Li, 2011). Under CR conditions, concentrate-to-forage ratio of 93 : 7 (ad libitum), 69 : 31

Sirtuins in livestock

(restricted) and 40 : 60 (high quality forage), respectively, (adipose triglyceride lipase and hormone-sensitive lipase) in
were offered randomly for 75 days. The results were that, at two different pig breeds, a lean one and a fat one, and analyzed
the end of the experiments, ewes fed with the restricted diet the effect of insulin treatment on them. This group found that
produced a higher volume of high quality milk, as measured Sirt1 expression is higher in lean animals, which is consistent
by the milk protein and milk fat yield, in addition to better with reports on humans, and that insulin is a negative regulator
growth performance in their offspring. Therefore, we deduce of the three enzymes examined. Finally, an applied study was
that the results obtained by these groups can be due, in part, made available by Weber et al. (2010), who evaluated the
to the action of sirtuins, although they were not mentioned. effect of a high fiber diet on the intestinal tract of growing,
female pigs and observed a decrease in liver mass and energy
Potential role in livestock production stores and an increase in plasma triglycerides, in addition
There are few studies making reference to sirtuins in live- to higher Sirt1, PGC-1a (peroxisome proliferator-activated
stock species. A summary of the information available in receptor-g coactivator) and CoxII (cyclooxygenase-II) expres-
poultry, swine and bovine is presented below. sion, suggesting a more efficient energy utilization in this tissue.
In poultry, the first report about a chicken sirtuin was in 2003 In summary, Bai et al. (2008) and Jin et al. (2009) studied porcine
by Senawong et al., who investigated the chicken ovalbumin sirtuins, focusing on their role as models of human physiology for
upstream promoter transcription factor (COUP-TF) interacting the discovery of therapeutic treatments; Shan et al. (2009 and
proteins (CTIP) 1 and 2. These proteins have been related to 2010) focused on the potential use of Sirt1 regulation to control
hematopoietic cell development and immune system malig- fat deposition in pigs, which is higher in adult pigs and lean
nancies. Originally characterized as CTIPs, they are now known breeds, and Weber et al. (2010) performed the first application,
to act as transcriptional repressors, but the mechanism by regulating sirtuin expression by dietary manipulations.
which they do so is still not clear. The initial observation that
repression was not inhibited by trichostatin A, a known class I
Conclusions and future perspectives
and II HDAC inhibitor, raised the possibility of an interaction
with a class III HDAC. After co-transfection and chromatin Sirtuins are, with no doubt, a family of proteins arising
immunoprecipitation assays, the authors found that CTIP2 interest in many research areas and, from the information
interacts physically with Sirt1, which enhances CTIP2-mediated presented above, it is clear that they play an important role
transcriptional repression. These results are relevant as previous in the regulation of energy homeostasis in livestock species,
reports on the repressive activities of CTIPs show that pro- as they do in rodents and humans. However, further research
liferative diseases in mammals are closely related to dysregu- on sirtuin expression and regulation in these species is
lated expression of CTIPs (Avram et al., 2002). required to determine if and how they promote growth
In bovines, the first work on sirtuins was reported by our performance and production. In this context, it is necessary
group (Ghinis-Hozumi et al., 2011). We used bovines as a to establish the best method to improve these productive
model of ruminant animals, and our interest in sirtuins is parameters, taking advantage of the information about sir-
because of their regulatory role in gluconeogenesis and lipid tuins available from other species and extrapolating it to
metabolism. We obtained the Sir2 family hallmark sequence livestock species. We are confident that research in this field
motifs for Sirt1 to Sirt5 and the expression profiles for Sirt1 will yield valuable information on sirtuin function as well as
and Sirt3 in liver, muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue of on ways to improve production systems.
bulls and 3-day-old calves. Under normal conditions, sirtuin
expression in bovines is similar to what has been reported
for other species when undergoing energy deprivation.
In swine, sirtuins have been more widely studied. For Yumi Ghinis-Hozumi thanks CONACYT for a scholarship at the
instance, in 2008, Bai et al. analyzed the effects of resveratrol Facultad de Estudios Superiores-Cuautitlán, UNAM, and grant
and nicotinamide on Sirt1 regulation of preadipocyte differ- 55429 from SEP-CONACYT (SEP (Ministry of Public Education);
entiation; they found that Sirt1 was actively expressed Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a, México City, México).
throughout differentiation, and by adding resveratrol or nicoti- The authors also thank Dorothy Pless (INB (Neurobiology Insti-
namide, Sirt1 expression was regulated in a positive or negative tute)-UNAM, Querétaro, Qro., México) for revising the English
manner, respectively. Jin et al. (2009) fully characterized the manuscript.
seven swine sirtuins, including their chromosomal mapping,
phylogenetic analysis, nucleotide and amino acid sequences Supplementary materials
and tissue expression profiles, which showed that all sirtuins For supplementary material referred to in this article, please
were most highly expressed in brain and testis. Also in 2009, visit
Shan et al. characterized porcine Sirt1 by sequence and phylo-
genetical analysis and determined the expression profiles in
different adipose tissues of young and adult animals in order to References
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resveratrol on Sirt1 expression. Later, Shan et al. (2010) mea- homeostasis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
sured the expression of Sirt1, together with two adipose lipases States of America 105, 14447–14452.

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