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{ Huguette Laure Wamba, Emilie Peynaud and Jean Jules Tewa } University of Yaounde I

Abstract Introduction Numerical results

Our work during the preparation of this master’s What can be the motivation of this work ? We We first of all solved the direct problem by finding this results: Firstly, when the data are noise free
thesis is divided in two parts. First, we solved the suppose that we have a lake which has fishes, we the numerical solution of equation 1. And we then we have:
direct problem by finding the solution of the non- want to know with what rate these fishes move, compare it to the exact solution. Here is what we
linear parabolic reaction-diffusion equation in an grow and compete for the purpose of understan- have
open bounded of R3 . We aim here to show an ding, explaining and predicting the dynamics of
existence and uniqueness result of the solution of such a population. The density of this population
this PDE (Partial Differential Equation). This re- can be modeled by a reaction diffusion equation
sult was established through the semi-group me- presented below :
thod by using the book of [Zheng Songmu, 2004]
. Therefore, we build an approximative solution ∂u
= D∆u + u(r − γu) (1)
to the problem. Then, we numerically compare it ∂t
Figure 2 – (a) Generated solution with D = 1, r =
to the exact solution of the PDE. In the second where u is the density population at time t and 0, 9, γ = 0, 8, (b) calculated solution with estimated
part of our work, we aim to estimate the parame- in space location x ∈ Ω. The exchange with out- parameters D̂ = 0, 999, r̂ = 0.900, γ̂ = 0.800.
ters D(measures the dispersion rate), r( intrinsic side is not favorable and an initial condition is
growth rate) and γ(measures the effect of compe- u0 (x) = u(0, x). How can we estimate such para- Secondly, when the data are noisy we have:
tition) of the model using the inverse method. We meters ? We also have the root growth system with
used existence, uniqueness and stability results to can be modeled by an advection-reaction-diffusion
estimate the parameter r. Concerning D, r and γ, equation. We use equation 1 by adding an advec-
they are numerically estimated using the resolu- tion term v0 · ∇u. Here u is root density. Which
tion of the direct problem associated to the Least- values to take for (D, v0 , r, γ) to simulate the mo-
Squares method applied to the TRF(Trust Region Figure 1 – (a)-(b) Exact solution and approach solu-
del in realistic cases knowing that it is not possible tion computed with D = 1, r = γ = a = 1, C = 10, δt =
Reflexive) algorithm which used the gradient des- to measure these parameters ? 0.01, h = 0.0141 à t = 0.7, (c)-(d) Exact solution and
cent method.
approach solution computed with D = 1, r = γ = a =
1, C = 10, δt = 0.01, h = 0.0141, à t = 9.5. Figure 3 – (a) Generated solution with D = r =
γ = 1, (b) calculated solution with estimated parame-
Methods Inverse problem Where a and C are constants, δt is the time step ters D̂ = 0.999, r̂ = 0.999, γ̂ = 0.999.
To solve the direct problem numerically, we used The algorithm is described as follows: and h is the space step. We can see that the nume-
the finite element method. To get there, we instal- – Set values to parameters. rical solution compared to the exact solution are What we can say is that, we best estimate our pa-
led the FeNics library which is a software for the – Produce a dataset associated with its parame- same and difficult to distinguish. rameters. The errors and Least Square residuals
resolution of PDE using the finite element method. ters. In other words, it is the solution of the Secondly, we resolved the inverse problem which are very small and the parameters set compared to
For the time derivative we use the modified Crank- direct problem. consist of estimating parameters. For that we have those estimated are almost similar.
Nicolson scheme and for the space derivative we – From the dataset, estimate the parameters.
use the finite element method. Then, we used the To achieved this, the parameter estimation is Conclusion
Least-Square method to solve the indirect problem done by minimizing the Least Square functio-
which consist on estimating parameters D, r and nal by using the Least Square function of the At the end of this work, we solved the direct problem which consist on solving equation 1 by giving
γ. For that, we used the Gradient Descent method Scipy.Optimize.leastsq library which is based values to parameters, we used the theoretical results (see [1]), when we estimated the parameter r and we
which is an iterative method that requires several on TRF algorithm. We could also used Gauss- numerically solved the problem. At the end, we numerically solved the problem of parameters estimation
assessments of the approximate solution at each Newton method. of parameters D, r and γ in noisy and free-noisy cases.
iteration. – Compare the estimated parameters to those set.

Bibliography Perspectives Contact

[1] Deng et al. An inverse problem of identifying the In our future work, we first plan to better unders- will compare our method with other methods like Web
coefficient in a nonlinear parabolic equation. Non- tand the regularization of Tikhonov and to make a Bayesian inference. Finally, we will find validation Email
linear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, theoretical study when estimating the three para- test cases. Whatsapp number +237 691017075
71(12):6212–6221, 2009. meters. Then, from the numerical point of view, we

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