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1 Rationale for Selecting the Report:

The BBA entry level position program is a compulsory necessity for the understudies who are
moving on from the BBA program under the School of Business of American International
University-Bangladesh (AIUB).

In the internship program, I was connected to a host association named 'them Al-Arafah Islami
Bank Ltd (AIBL)' at Foreign Exchange Department for 13 weeks. Amid this period I figured out
how the Foreign Exchange office functions with the assistance of the inward manager.
Accordingly I have chosen to compose a give an account of "Foreign Exchange of Al-Arafah
Islami Bank Ltd.".

Amid the three months of work involvement with Al-Arafah Islami Bank on this internship
program, I was fundamentally put in the Foreign Exchange bureau of the bank. This office is an
imperative unit of Al-Arafah Islami bank under the discount keeping money division with the
goal of satisfying the need of managing account results of clients. As a component of AIBL
Foreign Exchange, they give money trades, wire exchange, Remittance Services and Invest
administration Services through their solid market systems countrywide and around the world.

1.2 Objective of the Report:

1.2.1 Broad Objective
The first objective of preparing this report is to fulfill the partial requirements of the BBA
program. Also ,the broad objective is to show the Foreign Exchange activities of Al-Arafah
Islami Bank Ltd.

1.2.2 Specific Objective

 To give an overview of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd (AIBL).
 To record all the activities I performed during internship.
 To identify the constraints faced during internship.
 To list the lessons learned during internship.

1.3 Background of the Organization:

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd is the main Bangladesh – business bank joined on June 18, 1995
under the Companies Act 1994. With the authorization of Bangladesh Bank, it started its business
keeping money operation on June 03, 1996. The head office of Al Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. is at
36 Dilkusha business region Motijheel Dhaka-1000.

Dilkushal Branch (Principal Branch).The Management of the Bank is vested in a Board of

Directors comprising of 24 individuals including the Managing Director of the Bank. Among 24
Directors 2 (two) Directors originated from people in general investors. Overseeing Director is
the CEO of the Bank. There is a Shariah committee of 7 (seven) individuals in Al-Arafah Islami
Bank Ltd. to screen the ventures whether it puts resources into Shariah permitted areas or not
.Since its foundation, AIBL opened 5 branches in 1995, 5 of every 1996,10 of every 1997, 10 out
of 1998, 5 of every 1999, 2 of every 2000, 3 out of 2001, 1 out of 2005, and 5 of every 2006 i.e.
toward the finish of 2006.i,e toward the finish of 2010 the Bank office achieves to78.Total
number of workers of the Bank was 771 of every 1995 and came to 1711 out of 2010 and amid
the brief time of its exercises the Bank has gained amazing ground in different exercises. Since
initiation of its exercises on 18 June ,1995 the Bank has assembled the store of Tk.6415.79
million and 16775.33 million toward the finish of the year 1999 and 2006. Remote trade business
dealt with by the Bank amid the year 1999 to 2006 were Tk.7859.72 million and 11314.18
million separately and venture was Tk.3793.71 million and 17423.18 million toward the finish of
the year 1999 and 2006 individually. The bank earned a benefit of Tk.31.70 million in the year
1999 contrasted with Tk.470.02 million (benefit after duty and arrangement) in the year 2006. At
introduce the approved capital of this bank is TK5000 millions and paid up capital is taka
4677.28 million.

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. was built up not exclusively to acquire benefit and to create
economy of the nation yet in addition it had an extreme objective to get compensate in the
Heaven by restricting enthusiasm for business. Since its beginning the Bank has been
endeavoring to accomplish this objective. The Islam adoring individuals uncommonly who are
not intrigued with premium, should help this Bank giving store and taking speculation from this

The AIBL, s corporate reasoning is to assemble its non-supported face and commission salary
stream, in this way decreasing its dependence on intrigue pay alone. Store serious rivalry,

exceptionally unpredictable currency showcase and outside trade advertise and heightened
political distress; AIBL was fruitful in accomplishing generous development in all business
portions. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd is a moment age bank set up in 1996 with a dream to
emerge as a pioneer saving money foundation in Bangladesh. The supporters of the bank are
driving business identities and famous industrialists of the nation having stakes in different
fragments of the national economy. Among the missions of the organization were to give the
clients top notch money related administrations with the assistance of the most recent innovation,
and to offer creative managing an account administrations at aggressive costs.

Notwithstanding such high points, in the wake of being in the market for over 10 years, Al-
Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. has not yet possessed the capacity to expand its piece of the pie
adequately. When all is said in done managing an account I have learnt its different assignments
exceptionally how to open a record, how to issue a check book, the errand of clearing house,
undertaking with respect to DD, PO and different administrations of the bank. Outside Exchange
Department has three areas to be specific Import, Export and Foreign Remittance Section. In this
office, I have firmly watched the exercises like systems with respect to L/C, archives required
while opening a L/C lastly how to report the fare and import exercises of bank to Bangladesh

Bank and monetary establishment assume a critical part in budgetary entomb intervention and
along these lines add to the general development in the economy. At show the budgetary
framework in Bangladesh comprises of the national bank, nationalized business/particular banks,
private banks, remote banks and other non-bank money related organization. This report depends
on one business Bank that is the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd.

1.3.1 Vision of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd:

 To operate based on Islamic principles of transactions along with ensuring justice and
equity in the economy.
 To be a pioneer in Islami Banking in Bangladesh and contribute significantly to the
growth of the national economy
 To improve Banker customer relationship through improving customer service

 To develop now and innovate product/service through integration of technology and
policy and principle.
1.3.2 Mission of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd:
 Achieving the satisfaction of Almighty Allah both here& hereafter
 Proliferation of Shariah Based Banking practices
 Quality financial services adopting the latest technology
 Fast and efficient customer service
 Maintaining high standard of business ethics
 Balanced growth
 Steady& competitive return on shareholder equity
 Innovative banking at a competitive price
 Attract and retain quality human resources
 Extending commitment to the growth of national economy
 Involving more in Micro and SME financing

1.3.3 Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd:

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd:

Headquarters Motijheel, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Chairman Alhajj Abdus Samad

Service’s Banking services, ATM services, Consumer Banking, Corporate Banking, Investment

Net income 22,786 million

Slogan “A rare combination of Islamic Shariah and Modern Banking”

1.3.4 Values of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd:
The value of this Bank depends on the following three considerations:

 Of the Bank : Ours is a customer focused modern Islamic Banking sound and
steady growth in both mobilizing deposit and making quality Investment to keep our
position as a leading Islami bank in Bangladesh.
 Of the Customer : Our business initiatives are designed to match the changing trade
& industrial needs of the clients.
 Of the Society : To deliver financial services with the touch of our heart to retail,
small and medium scale enterprises, as well as corporate clients through our branches
across the country.
1.3.5 Managerial Hierarchy of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd:

Assistant vice

Second officer

General Banking Investment department senior officer Foreign exchange senior officer
Senior officer

Document officer
Cash officer
Bills officer

Customer relation officer

Knowledge officer Export officer

Clearing officer
Import officer
Dealing officer
Passing officer
Dealing officer

Knowledge officer
Knowledge officer

Figure 1.3.5: Managerial Hierarchy of AIBL.

2.1 Work-Related Activities:
I was allotted in the foreign exchange department of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd in Banani
branch. In my three months’ time of internship I have worked with the foreign exchange officers

and push to share pertinent duties. I didn't have any opportunity to work in general banking
department, as it's the most important part of the bank. Along these lines, I worked essentially in
the exchange department of the bank. The duties that I performed through my internship position
period are as per the following:

2.1.1 Issue Foreign Demand Draft (FDD):

I have begun my work under help of the foreign exchange representative to contribute issuing
foreign demand draft. Foreign demand draft are for the most part used to send cash to an outside
nation. This is the most critical work for any foreign exchange department. A foreign draft is a
bank draft which is drawn on a money related organization in the nation of cash. Foreign draft
are by and large used to send cash to a foreign nation. This technique is less expensive and more
secure than sending the cash itself. It additionally empowers the beneficiary to get to the assets
speedier than if a draft or check were composed U.S. cash.

2.1.2 L/C Files Record:

I worked in foreign exchange division under senior official officer in this branch and he showed
me what is documentary credit, how it is posted in the system and file. I used to put L/C posting
in Microsoft excel.

2.1.3 Import (IMP) Form fill-up:

In my internship job period the greater part of time I am working with the IMP is a
summery LC exchange. At the point when an exchange finished that need to advise the
Bangladesh Bank. At the point when a LC exchange being finished we are compresses the
exchange information by the IMP shape and it bear witness to in the document. The information
that I am put into the IMP frame that's: Name of the bank, Amount of the transaction in USD,
Name of the beneficiary, LC number, LC issuing date, LC authorization form number. Data and
value in taka, Description of goods, HS code number, Quantity of goods, in voice value in
foreign currency, Country of origin, Inco term used, Port of shipment, Number of steamer or
airline or shipment and Port of importation in Bangladesh.

After that I need to code of the exchange there are some particular code that need to use for
Month name, Country accepting installment, Country of beginning of products, Commodity,
Unit, Quantity, Place of importation, Type of LC, Currency and Amount.

2.1.4 Foreign Remittance Department:

I worked at Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd, Banani Branch in the Foreign Remittance office. Here I
have taken in the system of how to process Foreign Remittance goes to the records or by stick to
Al-Arafah Islami Ltd. My own particular discernment and pervasive officer's course, in the long
run empower me to understand the explanation behind various sorts of records close by their
segments which joins, Collecting pin number from customers, gathering information about
transection, gathering photocopy of NID if there ought to emerge an event of considerable
transection, Checking Pin number from Website For MoneyGram union money trade is a general
money trade arrange they trade money through a 13 digit stick number. Each branch of Al-
Arafah Islami Bank Ltd have an ID in MoneyGram money trade. When I marked in from that
record I can incorporate stick gave by the customer and if the stick is correct all information
comes up. In the wake of checking information gave by the customer I print a copy of
transection. Likewise, offer it to the customer for taking money from cash counter.

2.1.5 Set Outer Entry:

At the point when any measure of cash paid or issue FDD that is mean any measure of cash gone
from ledger that must be recorded in external book of the bank. When it happened I was giving
section into the external book of the bank. The thing's I need to write in the external passage
book are Outer section number, Organization name, LC number and Amount against the LC.

2.1.6 Checked and place the pay order or Demand draft form:
It's an exceptionally sensitive activity since this work is done deliberately. As due to mistake both
the bank and customer will be influenced. At the point when a compensation request or Demand
draft issue were done. I have gathered that from my chief and organize that with date and put
2.1.7 Arrange files according to documents and L/C number:
On the off chance that the expert can appropriately store their record in a safe place which is
anything but difficult to gather the archives then the administration will be speedier. There is a
considerable measure of gatherings record in the archive selves, from those reports I host to

discover the specific gatherings documents as per their LC number and in the wake of
completing the work I need to orchestrate the records with their successions in my temporary
position I need to organize records routinely as per sequentially like LCAF from, IPM from, TM
from, Performa in voice, LC reports 700, Bill of replenishing, Packing a rundown. In voice as
per this request I needed to keep the records in various rack as indicated by the LC contract
2.1.8 Customer demand draft (DD) or Pay order form fill-up:

Banani branch is particularly alluring to the clients so bunches of clients come and take benefits
all aren't know how to manage the keeping money strategies. Along these lines, when client was
coming to issue DD or pay arrange. The vast majority of the circumstances they were not know
how to top off from. All things considered I was help to the client to fill up the form.

2.2 Organization Wide:

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited is commercial bank enlisted by the Bangladesh Bank. The
elements of the bank cover an extensive variety of managing an account and practical exercises
to people, firms, corporate bodies and other multinational organizations. Bank is only a mediator
amongst loan specialist and borrower. Reserve funds and stores are the fundamental quality of
the banks to give advance. What's more, the premium earned from the distinction acquiring and
loaning is the significant bit of banks pay. Banks additionally gains from assortment of operation.
Branch saving money incorporates some operational divisions in Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited.
They are:
 General Banking Division
 Accounts Division
 Foreign exchange division
 Loan division
 Investment Division
 Audit Division
 Human Resources Division
 Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Banking Division
 Marketing Division
 General Banking Division

General banking department is the heart of all banking activities. It is an essential office for all
banks since it gives administrations to the client’s every day. Front Desk is the critical for general
managing an account. Clients give their stores and take care of their demand for money by
regarding Checks. The client opens new records, dispatch stores, issues bank drafts and pay
orders and so forth. There are different areas in this division, which are as per the following: –

o Cash Section
o Accounts Opening Section

o Cheque Clearing Section

o Local Remittance Section

 Cash Section

The most fundamental and vital segment of the branch is Cash Section. It manages a wide
range of money exchanges. This office begins the day with trade out vault. Every day some
money that is opening money adjust are exchanged to the money officers from the money
vault. Opening money adjust is included with money receipts and installments. The figure is
called shutting balance. This adjust is then added to the vault. This is the last money adjust
figure for the bank toward the finish of a specific day. Diverse elements of money office are:

o Receiving cash from the depositors.

o Payment of cash to the client as demanded.
o Verifying the payment Cheque when to pay the money to the clients whether the
information is available or not like dale, amount, account no etc.
o All the received and payment money must be written down in the receipt & payment
register along with account no.
o Preparation of monthly cash balance.
o Checking all areas of deposit slip whether it is clearly written or not (Name, account no,

 Account Opening Section

Account opening section is a critical factor for banks since client is the principle source of bank.
Bank's prosperity and disappointment to a great extent relies upon their clients. Bank must be
cognizant in choosing its client. Hence Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. keep key data framework.
Different Types Of store account, AIBL Bank offers following sorts of store account:

1 Mudaraba Savings Deposit Account (MSD) 6 Mudaraba Hazz Account

2 Mudaraba Current Deposit Account (CD) 7 Mudaraba Lakhpoti Scheme

3 Mudaraba Term Deposit Receipt Account (MTDR) 8 Mudaraba milliner Scheme

4 Short Notice Deposit Account (SND) 9 Mudaraba Kotipoti Scheme

5 Installment Term Deposit (ITD) 10 Mudarab Double Deposit Scheme

11 Installment Term Deposit (ITD)

 Cheque Clearing Section

Cheques are a kind of bill of trade and were produced as an approach to make installments
without the need to convey a lot of cash. While paper cash developed from promissory notes,
another type of debatable instrument, like Cheques in that they were initially a composed request
to pay the offered add up to whoever had it in their ownership (the "bearer").Bank gets a wide
range of Cheques for the customer for clearing. At the point when Cheques is gotten it is
important to support it and cross it extraordinarily.

 Local Remittance Section

When money is sending from one place to another place for the customer is another important
service of banks. For this service, people, especially businesspersons can transfer funds from one
place to another place very quickly. There are five kinds of techniques for remitting money from
one place to another place. These are demand draft, telegraphic transfer, telephone transfer and
pay order.

 Accounts Division

Account division is an office with which money and each office is connected. Its elements are
hypothetical based. AIBL Principle Branch records its records day by day, week by week, and
month to month each record. Bookkeeping of AIBL can be extensively characterized in the
accompanying two gatherings:

A) General Accounting
B) Investment Accounting

General Accounting:

The account that is to be maintained with H/O of AIBL for the purpose of settlement of inter-
branch transactions General A/C is an important one which has to be maintained by each branch
of AIBL. Indeed general A/C is a record of originating and responding transactions among inter-
branches of the same bank. All types of assets and liabilities of one branch with another one are
settled through this account. Branch can know how much liable with H/O the branch is. The
debit and credit balance shows assets and liabilities of the respective branch. Activities of
accounting subsection includes:

o Registration of voucher.
o Posting of voucher in the ledger.
o Preparation of unadjusted trial balance
o Preparation of adjustments (accrual of expenses and income)
o Preparation of adjusted trial balance
o Maintenance of accounts with Bangladesh bank & other banks

Investment Accounting:
The organization keeps up its books of record in view of the working strategy for bookkeeping as
indicated by Generally Accepted Accounting Standards in similarity with one the arrangement of
important directions of Bangladesh Bank.
o Collection of receipts i.e. rental, profit
o Control of collection i.e. maintain Cheque register.
o Reporting of information regarding rental collection i.e. Cash collection
o Acknowledgement to the Account holder i.e. –statement of accounts.

 Foreign Exchange Division

Foreign exchange is the methods and strategies by which rights to riches in a nation's cash are
changed over into rights to riches in another nation's money. In banks when we discuss outside
trade, we allude to the general system by which a bank changes over cash of one nation into that
of another. Foreign Exchange Department (FED) is the global division Bangladesh Bank issues
permit to booked banks to manage outside trade. These banks are known as Authorized Dealers.
In the event that the branch is approved merchant in remote trade showcase, it can dispatch
outside trade from nearby nation to outside nations. So AIBL, Principal branch is an approved
merchant. There are three kinds of foreign exchange transaction:
A) Import
B) Export
C) Foreign Remittance
To import, a man ought to be capable to be and shipper. As indicated by Import and Export
Control Act, 1950, the Office of Chief Controller of Import and Export gives the enlistment
(IRC) to the shipper. In a worldwide business condition, purchasers and dealers are by and large
obscure to each other. So merchant of products dependably looks for security for the installment
of his traded merchandise. Bank gives send out certification that it will pay for the merchandise
for the benefit of the purchaser if the purchaser does not pay. This assurance is called Letter of
Credit. In this manner the agreement amongst shipper and exporter is given a legitimate shape by
the financier by 'Letter of Credit'.
The goods and services sold by Bangladesh to foreign households, businessmen and Government
are called export. The export trade of the country is regulated by the Imports and Exports
(control) Act, 1950. There are a number of formalities, which an exporter has to fulfill before and
after shipment of goods. The exports from Bangladesh are subject to export trade control
exercised by the Ministry Of Commerce through Chief Controller of Imports and Exports (CC &
E). No exporter is allowed to export any commodity permissible for export from Bangladesh
unless he is registered with CC! & E and holds valid Export Registration Certificate (ERC). The
ERC is required to be renewed ever}year. The ERC number is to be incorporated on EXP forms
and other documents connected with exports.
Foreign Remittance:
Foreign remittance is to send cash of clients starting with one place then onto the next, starting
with one individual then onto the next individual outside the national limit. Through Banani
Branch of Al-Arafah Islami Bank, it can ready to serve the clients by getting and paying their
approaching outside settlement as neighborhood money. Foreign remittance is gotten by the bank

by means of some universally approved operators.

 Loan Division

Short term and long term loans permitted to singular/firms/businesses for a particular reason
however a distinct period and by and large repayable by portions fall under this head these sorts
of loaning are basically permitted to oblige financing under the classes.

a) Large and Medium Scale Industries.

b) Small and Cottage Industries. Very often term financing for agriculture and others are also
included here.

 Investment Division
AIBL is a new generation bank which is resolved to give great money related
administrations/items to add to the development of GDP (Gross residential item) of the nation. In
accomplishing the up to said target of the bank, speculation operation of the bank is of principal
significance as the best offer of aggregate income of the band is created from it, most extreme
hazard is focused in it and even the very presence of band relies upon reasonable administration
of its venture portfolio. In perspective of the over this venture approach and control rules of the
bank has been readied which is liable to correction, amendment, rearrangement and refinement
every now and then as might be justified by the difference in conditions because of entry of time
to suite the necessity of the bank.

Investment policy:
The investment policy ought to be refreshed every year to reflect changes in the financial
outwork and development of bank's investment portfolio. The investment proposition ought to be
sent to set out office toward authorize with suggestion demonstrating defense that ought to
incorporate the accompanying: Functions of investment divisions are:

o Preparing the proposal

o Issuance of sanction letter
o Disbursing the payment

o Prepare & posting voucher

 Audit Division
AIBL audit division is very broaden area but this division is much more concern about their
auditing. This division is responsible for overall Audit & Inspection of the Bank.

 Human Resources Division

One of the significant duties of the human resource division is to authorize the Personnel
arrangement of AIBL. This segment assesses the execution of every representative twice per year
and keeps up point by point document on every worker. This division is in charge of enlistment,
preparing, posting, advancement of workers and furthermore for pays and livens.

 Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Banking Division

Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) is accepting a basic part to the advancement of general
GDP of the country. Of each and every advanced age, a huge part begins from SME. With a
particular true objective to help up the little and medium endeavors of the country, Bangladesh
Bank has starting late incited the business banks to update the surge of theory and offered
requests and ways to deal with direct and screen this zone. As SME has ascended as a pushed
region, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. in like manner considers it basic to expand and enhance
support for the same. Keeping this idea in the cutting edge, the bank has masterminded a planned
methodologies, procedures and strategies for SME investment.

 Marketing Division

Marketing is the administration procedure through which administrations move from idea to the
client. Promoting of bank items is the total capacity assimilated at giving office to fulfill client's
money related needs and needs, more than the competition keeping in see the hierarchical goals.
Keeping money is a customized benefit situated industry and henceforth ought to give
administrations which fulfill the clients' needs. The advertising strategy incorporates thwarting,
ordering, reacting and fulfilling the clients' needs and needs effectively, professionally, and
usefully. The activity of advertising area can be partitioned into two general classifications:

1) Marketing to present clients: Month to month update is continued the presentation of
the great existing customer. Continuous effort is made to increase exposure on any client
who has good prospect as a result of a Balancing, Modernization, Rehabilitation and
Expansion or some other reason.
2) Marketing to non-existing clients: From the market information non-existing prospects
are also identified and sought after. Visits are made to meet the CEO or whoever is the
concerned person regarding financing matters and the advantages of taking finance from
AIBL is featured. AIBL also distribute desk calendar, telephone index, and slip pad to
prospective clients. Advertisements are given in various journals of professional bodies.

2.3 Other Relevant Activities:

Aside from the above said assignments I was additionally associated with some different tasks.
In light of these tasks I take in some critical things that are fundamental to guarantee the smooth
stream of the operation of the organization like:
 Most of the time I used to bargain straightforwardly with the foreign trade clients to give
about managing an account data.
 I used to do photocopy and print for the officers.
 If foreign departments of our branch need to send any archive through messenger, at that
point I used to speak with the dispatch administration to come. I used to keep the dispatch
slip and got update of got by messenger.
 I used to receive phone calls from various bank for this Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd
foreign exchange officers.
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd is a prestigious bank in Bangladesh. The consistent saving money
exercises of the bank are in the great pace and the offices are efficient also. They continually
keep up their client relationship to expand the measure of stores. Despite the fact that this is
extremely very much kept up, still all over the place, have some minor issues. Amid my work
residency at that bank I watched and encountered a few issues and restrictions.

3.1 Problems or Limitations Observed in the Organization:

The representatives of the bank were extremely useful and decent to me. In show disdain toward
it was not a simple employment to discover such a significant number of things amid the brief
time of handy introduction program. They helped me with exceptionally us clear direction. In

any case, aside from this these there I confronted a few troubles and saw a few issues that ought
to be enhanced to be more fruitful. All through my working period I have confronted a few issues
 Insufficient training and facilities for Interns:
This bank doesn't give internship job preparing and therefore understudies confront loads of
issue to work. In light of room issue they don't have individual work area for understudy
 Backdated Banking System:
The keeping money arrangement of AIBL isn't modernized in contrast with different adversaries
in the focused market. The bank does not have enough ATM corner in this way here and there
clients are confronting inconvenience when they have to withdraw money.
 Shortage of Technical Equipment:
This branch there is some lack of PCs. Less calculated help is a noteworthy issue for the bank.
There have extremely set number of printer and supplies. There are likewise no activities to
purchase more PCs.
 Higher Service Charge:
Higher service charge in a couple of zones of sparing cash operation than that of nationalized
banks debilitates customers from opening or keeping up accounts with this bank. In some cases
clients need to take some administration charge is so high superior to anything other private bank
thus client winds up plainly disillusioned.

 Shortage of Well-Organized Personnel:

They have not adequate productive workers to work outside trade office in the bank. So they
should increment effective workers in this division.
 No Compensation:
Everybody needs to return something for their work, on the off chance that they don't get that
remuneration then the general population detest with that work. There are no installment
resources for the interns to intention them.
 Network problem in server:
Server issue is another enormous issue for the bank. Server arrangement of AIBL is once in a
while turned out to be moderate which blocks normal pace of administration and makes clients

sitting tight for a straightforward administration. Server issue is another huge issue for the bank.
Once in a while it is required much time to refresh data in programming.
 Slackness of regarding documentation:
Records and documents of various customers were not consecutively masterminded by the
development date. Consequently loads of time is being spent in organizing and discovering a
great many records. Some of the time documents are discovered each around the worker work
area. This branch has insufficiency in appropriate arrangements and upkeep of records.

3.2 Academic Preparation:

My insight from the undergrad level helped me to comprehend the workplace and a few terms
viably. In my BBA program in AIUB I had finished 42 scholastic courses. The courses like
Business Communication, Financial Management, Principals of Accounting and real courses
fund were likewise useful. In this area budgetary association was the best place for my
internship. Entry level position at Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. gave me a chance to contrast
genuine work and scholastic courses. I have both some significance and nonappearance of
readiness. Like re trade component was my missing learning structure the college.

3.3 Missing knowledge and skills

 Lack of Informative Education:

More data training ought to be organized to give an unmistakable perspective of bank and other
money related foundations work.
 Banking Software:
Before internship I have no clue about saving money programming. As the greater part of the
business understudies having business foundation are doing internship in bank, they should think
about keeping money programming. Be that as it may, in our college, we don't have any course
about keeping money programming program.

 Missing Knowledge About Import and Export:

University should include another course related with import and fare, so understudy will get the
picture of import and fare in business part.

 Use of Microsoft office (Excel):

I confronted issue to do work in MS exceed expectations when I was putting information to spare
exchanges of client. I took in some equation of exceed expectations from "Computing and
Business Applications" however after that I couldn't discover any course which can give me
information about MS Excel.

 Absence of Real-world Work Environment:

It is exceptionally restricted to Field visit and corporate visit initiative in the university.

4.1 Lessons Learned From The Internship Program:

As a part of BBA program American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) allow

understudy for entry level position. It a noteworthy open entryway for me to know the corporate
world and what genuinely done in that world. I have adjusted some tip top taking in and
capacities from passage level position program that truly builds up my future employment. Those
lessons are giving underneath:

Basically, the experienced I learned could be categorized in three types:

 Organizational cultural experience

 Work experience

 From University’s Internship Program

 Organizational Cultural Experience:

 Multi-dimensional Task Accomplishment:

It is required that an intern will oversee distinctive fragments and divisions of an affiliation. The
collection of undertaking I have performed in the business division was not of a comparative
taste, regardless, I felt that I have achieved some more estimations while I was thinking about on
the distinctive zones of the affiliation. These multi-dimensional bits of work could be imperative
for my business before me.

 Work Excellently:

I needed to figure out how to function adequately. I have accomplished this midway my
temporary position by working and utilizing a plan for the day. The plan for the day existed of
work that should have been done first and had more need than other day by day errands.

 Time Management:

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. is building up their benefit decidedly as a result of their
administrations in appropriate convenient to their customer. Time administration is particularly
vital in a vocation life or an individual life. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. instructs their assistant
how to oversee time as occupied timetable. It's an essential thing that understudy are bad at time
administration but rather association instructs how to oversee time legitimately, so I have
realized that how to do loads of undertaking in a bustling calendar.

 Gaining Responsibility:

As an intern there is a great deal of obligation since some vital errand rely upon the assistant that
as well as an assistant likewise need to compose all other undertaking.

 Working with Different Personalities:

It has been an extraordinary open doors for me as an understudy which I have met some senior
and very much qualified individual in this Banani branch. Subsequently I have adapted some
hierarchical customized method for conduct in an association as a representative which will be
extremely useful in my future profession.

 Work Precisely:

I needed to work all the more absolutely. Toward the start of my temporary job, I saw that there
are bunches of errors found in my work. After consummation of my temporary job, I have
enhance around there by perusing, tuning in and concentrating better on my work.

 Work as a Team Member:

I figured out how to change with the function put. Authoritative socialization implies the change
of the expertise, scholarly information and conduct with the workplace in the working spot. I
accumulated involvement by working with group.

 Importance of motivation:

Inspiration is a critical for an association to Puts HR without hesitation and Improves level of
proficiency of workers. At the point when representatives are roused to work, they will by and
large put their best exertion in the undertakings that are appointed to them. I got a few thoughts
how to inspire the workers. A long with this I have figured out how to control the psyche, how to
deal with the raging and finally tool to give best administrations. It additionally showed me how
to discover arrangement, how to get proposal from that point and so forth.

 Upgrade of Communication Skill:

Correspondence expertise is particularly vital which I understood in the start of my work at Al-
Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. Since corporate life is particularly destitute to interface with different
people groups. That is the reason better correspondence expertise can oversee better outcome for
the association. Experienced officers and review officer has organized class and gatherings
which has expanded my correspondence expertise.

 Work Experience:

It is required that an intern will manage different areas and bureaus of an association. I have
accomplished some more measurements while I was examining on the different areas of the

association. These multi-dimensional bits of work could be profitable for my profession in front
of me. There are two or three work which is found out by from the bank like:

 How to issue demand draft (DD) or pay order.

 How to fill up IMP form.

 How to give outer entry.

 Procedure of letter of credit (LC).

 How to arrange and stock file in proper way.

 How to use banking software.

 How to fill up banking trading form.

 From University’s Internship Program:

American International University of Bangladesh has given me this opportunity to have a

practical job experience before getting into a permanent job as a full-time employee. This
internship is an integral part of our BBA program. Definitely this internship program will help
me a lot in job sectors. Internship helps me to learn lots of things which will be very effective for
the near future.

From college's entry level position program I have learned:

 How to give an association's portfolio in the report

 How to show work contribution in the report

 Cooperative direction experience

 How to speak with corporate individuals

5.1 Summary:
Internship program is fundamental for each understudy of Business Studies to get thought for all
intents and purposes. The experience and learning I have accumulated amid my long three
months' program with Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd was critical for me and this helped me a ton to
understand my further profession for up and coming future. Despite the fact that it isn't
conceivable to go to the profundity of every movement of branch due to time constraint in any
case, most astounding exertion has been given to accomplish the goals the entry level position
program. Amid the time of my temporary position, I found the opportunity to watch the general
exercises of a branch beginning from remote trade. I additionally started acting responsibly with
high authorities and was educated about their prospects and discernments about the Bank's

administrations. Amid my connection with the workers and clients, I comprehended that there is
the presence of client disappointment now and again. The Bank is building up its general keeping
money and remote trade exercises step by step with changing industry circumstance however the
rate of progress of such speed should be expanded. The Bank has the chance to build up an
authority position in the business however new noteworthy technique should be made. I might
want to state that this temporary job at A-AIBL has built up my down to earth information of
Business Administration and made my BBA training more sensible. The ideas and devices
utilized as a part of this report were from bookkeeping and fund related courses. I want all the
best for the Bank.

Managing an account is a business enveloping their workers and the more extensive groups, and
also their investors and clients. They trust that investor esteem is driven by the fulfilled and
steadfast clients. They made great progress a years ago, there were number of difficulties as they
advance. We trust that the bank will keep on successfully convey great outcomes, meeting their
money related and operations targets also the necessities of their clients and their kin. May the
Almighty Allah give them devotion, persistence and determination to serve the reason for Islam
and to proceed with their central goal to run the Bank according to the standards of Islamic

5.2 Recommendation for Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd:

In proposals we might want to refer to a few issues and recommendations there against in
accomplishing its objective and in addition the possibilities of the bank. In the wake of
completing my entry level position in Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd I have an affirmation that Al-
Arafah Islami Bank Ltd is productive and tries to give its best help of the customers. Incidentally,
there are as yet a couple of issues on which Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd should put an eye to light
up them. Something different, these may cause gigantic disaster or make an obstruction for the
future prospect.
I assume that these proposition would be valuable for Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd:
 Accurate Documentation:

Documenting and record keeping arrangement of the bank ought to be modernized .At exhibit
operation framework is mostly mechanized and on line saving money ought to be begun soon.
On the off chance that the specialist can legitimately orchestrate their record in a protected place
which is anything but difficult to take the archives then the administration will be quicker.
 Hire Skilled Employee:
There are intense deficiency of qualified representatives. Successful usage of credit approach and
recuperation tare relies upon higher taught, prepared and gifted staff. Bank should acquire and
grow such sorts of workers for its credit wings. A great looking number of qualified
representatives and staffs ought to be selected soon to maintain the typical stream of work.
So, all the more profoundly qualified execution situated representatives ought to be named.
 As long as Training for Interns:
Interns can be extremely beneficial for association if the association handle them nicely, at that
point association and understudy both will be profited. On the off chance that Al-Arafah Islami
Bank Ltd can organize six days preparing for the entry level position understudy then the
assistant can undoubtedly work for them with no bother.
 Availability of Logistic Support:
Without Logistic Support, we can't consider running a Grocery shop how we can run
appropriately a saving money associations. The expert ought to know about the great nature of
PC and furthermore thy need to purchase PC for all the representative. Reinforcement PC ought
to be organized vulnerabilities challenges.

 Updated Banking System:

The majority of the advancements of the bank are not most recent. Most recent advancements
ought to be embraced.
 Progress of Online Server:
On the off chance that the whole saving money framework will be completely online on
automates framework superbly then they can fulfill the client by giving quick administration. So
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd ought to create powerful web based keeping money framework to
rival other private banks in Bangladesh.
 Growing Facilities for Intern Students:

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd do not provide any Internship allowances, if they provide some
allowances and lunch facilities then it will give them some extra motivation for work because
there are very few organization who provides these kind of facilities to the interns.

 Lowest Service Charge:

In the event that the Al-Arafah Islami Bank can limit their administration charge against
introductory add up to open record, SMS keeping money benefit, Debit card, Bank articulation
and Internet saving money the client will be more urged to take benefit from the Al-Arafah
Islami Bank.
5.3 Recommendation for AIUB Internship Program:
Disregarding having a strong temporary job program, there are two or three zones where the
college can enhance the circumstance:

 Student will be more profited if college show understudies how to convey

and make due in the corporate world.

 University should give some more opportunity to compose the last report.

 University can mastermind some workshop or course by welcoming every

one of the Interns of the varsity by that they can discover a stage to share
their encounters, musings, proposals which might be extremely valuable
for every one of them.

 AIUB ought to present the understudies about specialized information.


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