Product Satisfying Features

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Product Satisfying features

1. Design
It refers to the elements that collectively form a
good or service that will satisfy customers and
gain competitive advantage.
Good design can improve the marketability of
the product through its design and
Some products undergo redesigning process to
lower their manufacturing cost without losing
their important features and attributes. Some
manufacturing organizations are called upon to
design products that are easy to use by
customers like senior citizens and persons with
2. Product Colors
It is the customer's rejection acceptance of the
product. This could be true in clothing, cars or
furniture's and other fixtures. The possibility of
differential advantage comes in knowing the
right color combination that will appeal to
Color can be an important consideration for
highly technical products. Colorless products
run the risk of being perceived as plain water.
Transparent products are intended to be
associated to purity and mildness.
3. Product Quality
This is a set of features and attributes of a
product or service that determine its ability to
satisfy human needs. This set of definition varies
from the individual to individual depending on
his set of perceptions about product. Besides
personal taste, individual expectations also
affect judgment of quality.
Product quality should be the byword of the
manufacturer and the provider of service to
create a differential advantage.
Many organizations have implemented Total
Quality Management (TQM) that entails the
development of specific procedures, policies
and practices to meet the growing demand for
quality product and service. Continuous quality
improvement makes the product stay in the

4. Product Warranties
One very important attribute of the
product is warrantee. It is the state where
the buyer is assured that the product
meets the specifications stated in the
product labels. Implied warranty is
interpreted by law to be intended to
warrant the quality of the product.
The term product liability became
common in the business world due to
numerous lawsuits that ensued. It is the
legal action lodged by the affected
consumer that resulted to illness, injury or
accidents caused by harmful, faulty and
inadequate precautions in the product
labels. Producers have responded to
legislations and customers complain by
broadening and simplifying their
warranties through specific warnings in
the labels.
Product patronage in the market is
conditioned by the strategies and policies
employed by the manufacturer and the
marketing organization on the product's
attributes. The present day customers look
for products that will not only satisfy their
needs and wants but also other social
attributes that are attached to the product.
This changing customer demand must be
given attention by the marketing

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