Yego Centre News Letter

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Tel: 0788740862

Economic growth led by empowered youth

Creation of a conducive environment for the youth to
entertain, discuss on various social problems and look-
ing the best ways to overcome them.

To eradicate youth poverty through the maximization

of youth potential for employment and productivity. The overriding goal of the
youth Sector is to enhance
growth and competitiveness
CORE VALUES of youth to enable them to
1. Creativity contribute to the country’s
2. Professionalism medium term objectives as
3. Excellence outlined in the Vision 2020.
4. Accountability to the Rwandan society To increase access to youth
employment, Increase partic-
ipation , inclusion and col-
laboration of young men and
women in all aspects of the
development of Rwanda
Tel: 0788740862

APAER: Association des Parents pour l’Education de Rusororo

AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
BCC: Behaviour Change Communication
VT: Vocational Training
FP: Family Planning
GOR: Government of Rwanda
GB: Global Fund
HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus
IEC: Information Education Communication
IPC: Interpersonal Communication
MVS: Mobile Video Show
SFH: Society Family Health
RNYC: Rwanda National Youth Council
SRH: Sexual Reproductive Health
STIS: Sexual Transmission Infection.
VCT: Voluntary Counselling and Testing
RBC: Rwanda Bio Medical Centre
YEGO: Youth empowerment for Global opportunity

Save Generation Organization (SGO), BAHA ENTERPRISES ,GIRL Ef-

Designed and published by Baha Enterprises
@yego youth health

Cordinator’s Reflection

From the inception to establishment of YEGO CENTER KABUGA

The nation was adopting new policies center in one way or the other.
and developmental projects that were
mainly focused on youth and various As a youth cordinator, I have seen over
suggestions were being made where the 40,000 people know their HIV status, 600
youth centers were finally accepted to be young people have recieved vocational
established national wide. This idea was training in tailoring and over 1000 young
not only revolutionary but also unique in people have directly and indirectly bene-
its own way. fited from the job desk services. Through
different Entreprenuership trainings,
When I look back when the center started young people have initiated projects and
(7th march 2006 ) and see the impact businesses of their own after having taken
the youth centers have left on the nation, I these courses.
don’t forget to bless the lord for the imple-
mentation of this revolutionary idea. The youth center has different activities
that range from sports to Enterprising
Since this entire newsletter is dedicated projects and programs which are aimed at
to cover all the activities that are being transforming as many youth as possible
carried out at this center, I will not labour and we are dedicated to continue to mobil-
to go deep to explain these activities. I will ise the youth and extend these services to
only narrow my literature to appreciate all the youth and one of the ways is by pub-
my team that have devoted time to make lishing this newsletter.
the center more relevant to the youth.
Finally, I appreciate the team that has
Over the years, we have had various turned this idea of the newsletter into a
partners, voluteers and staff that if i’m to reality and ask them to continue working
mention all, more than 100 pages would together to pubish another edition next
be needed. Bright young men and women year. God bless you all.
have extended their useful services to the BY MUGWAKARAMA DEO
@yego publications


Chief Editor “The day turned into a night and an hour tions to come.
Angel Bahabwa became a year, the hand of the clock seemed
to have stopped moving when I was shot. We should creatively initiate projects,
The liberation war was at a defining time programs and busineeses that are aimed
when efforts were highly needed. The forc- at solving the problems that we face
es of the enemy were stronger but we were today. We should learn to fight not using
more determined to win not only the war guns but fight using pens and papers. We
but also the hearts of the citizens. Winning should fight the war of ideas and thoughts
“Our main focus should by creating products and services that are
a war is one step but winnning the hearts of
be the market; fighting to aimed at improving the lives of our fellow
the citizens was a step a head and our main
dominate our local markets brothers and sisters. We should fight for
cause. We won the war, we won the hearts
and international markets.” markets other than machets. Our main
of the citizens by not imposing ourselves
on them but by creating the programs and focus should be the market; fighting to
projects that are aimed at improving their dominate our local markets and interna-
lives.” He said. tional markets.

Our fathers, brothers, mothers and sisters In a global village we are in today, it is
gave their lives to solve the problem of their unwise to fight one another when the rest
time which they percieved as leadership that of the members are uniting forces. Unity
was sectarian, divisive and not pro-people. is becoming a wining factor. Countries
They used the tools that they thought best are signing treaties to create common
to solve the problems thay faced and they markets, companies are merging and
succeeded in doing this. individuals are consolidating their efforts
by joining hands for a common cause. As
The problems our fathers and grandfathers young citizens, we have got to learn from
faced then may not be the same as we face what the old boys are doing if we are going
today and as youth we have to identify our to outsmart them.
problems with clarity and devise ways of
solving them using the tools that fit in our With great pleasure, I take the honor to
means. We have got to standout and solve extend my appreciation to all young men
these problems so that our generation may and women at this center who have joined
provide a better environment for the genera- hands to make this newsletter a reality.
@yego youthempowerment

“Over fifty one (51) youth have been trained in basic ICT skills fronting the modules that are
required when seeking any job”

Unemployment benefits
Yego Centre Kabuga through To fully equip the youth to meet
the requirements of the employ-
of internet services among others

its Job Desk has been at the fore- ers, we train job seekers how to We have also held different Entre-
front of fighting unemployment write curriculum vitea, interview prenuership trainings in saving,
among the youth. As the name preparation and how to conduct Capital raising, budgeting, business
suggests, “Job desk”, we have oneself during an interview, basic leadership, book keeping in business,
been able to help many youth ICT skills among others. E-commerce among others. This has
access job opportunities by help- helped some youth get equipped with
ing them get access to the infor- You can easily think that the entreprenuership skills that could help
mation Employers give regarding centre works with only the youth them become better citizens of Rwan-
job opportunities. who come to it but the truth is, we da.
also come out and mobilise the
The job desk has got free internet youth and inform them of the op- The center also offers Internships to
services that the youth can use portunities available at the centre. students seeking them and help to
to source for the information on Through community outreaches train these students in areas where
different job portals. The internet we have seen the number of the they find difficuilty.
connection is readily available to youth using the job desk increase.
all youth and the jobdesk com- In ICT and Literacy skills training;
puter lab is open six days a week,The youth who choose to enroll we helped and guided over 740 young
from monday to saturday during for job preparation shortcourses people who came to use our computer
official working hours. are trained and offered certifii- lab among them 362 were male and
cates at the end of the course. 378 female.
The youth seeking for job op- Forexample over 1500 youth have
portunities are avialed with the been trained in basic ICT skills
internet services to search for fronting the modules that are re-
job opportunities online and BY JEANMARIE TUYIZERE
quired when seeking any job such
those with difficuilty are helped as Microsoft word, Microsoft Ex- JOB DESK LEADER
to search for nformation of their cel, Microsoft Power Point, Basics
choice. in Computer Maintenance, Basic
in Computer, Networking, Basics

Designed and published by Baha Enterprises
@yego books

Writing has gone through many revolutions,

from writing on scrolls to printing and now to
degital editions. All these stages have helped the
readers find it easy to access information. Books
replaced scrolls and now egital editions are replac-
ing printed books.

As many people have debated about the survival

of books as tecknology rapidly evolves, it seems
books find their envolve with the tecknology. Am
geting conviced that we shall nolonger get wor-
ried that books will come to an end but am much
sure that we shall find different ways how we can
lead books. Like how we migrated to digital books
when books were modified to portable digital for-
mats (pdf) and this changed the way people read

As well as I was getting worried about space in

my house as the number of books I were reading
increased, some guys were trying to solve my
problem. I can carry as many books as I want on
my phone and read them at any time I want.
@yego books


There is an old saying that says “A example of over 798 male and 823
female making a total of 1621 youth
learned citizen is an assent to the
have been recorded for using the
nation” and I agree with it. YEGO
Center Kabuga has got a functional
library that recieves young and old
Reading is an important skill that
people who come to borrow books,
erases darkness of ignorance from “The light ignited by reading can
magazines and newsletters to expand
the minds of the citizens. Our main never be extinguished by any-
their knowledge. thing.”
aim is to make sure the youth devel-
op the spirit of reading so that we
While I would love to credit the
may have a highly informed citi-
convetional education that our local
schools are providing, I can’t forget to
say that self-education is the basis of
The light ignited by reading can
all achievements. Convetional educa-
never be extinguished by anything.
tion earns you a living but self educa-
That is why as a center we con-
tion enables you make a fortune.
tinue to work hard to encourage
the yourth to develop the spirit of
We have been able to organise dif-
ferent compeigns to encourage the
youth to develop the spirit of reading By UWIGENEYE FRIDAH
and we have seen the number of the LIBRARY SUPERVISER
youth using the library increase for

Designed and published by Baha Enterprises


Head of clubs and their activities at the center
@yego talent show
@yego talent show


Yego Talent Show; Refining the Talents of the youth.

Yego Talent Show is a show that trac- at the center practicing with all their
mighty to win the competition.
ing, ICT skills, Iternate services
among others. We see this Talent
es its start in JULY 2019 with an aim
show a means of mobilisation and
of detecting and promoting different
creating awareness to the youth on
talents of the youth in Gasabo district. This talent show has helped improve
different activities and services we
The show takes place every last friday the level of skills of the youth partic-
ipating in it and has helped expose offer. In fact, we use the theme that
of the month.
these talented youth to the people matches the them of the year for
the youth activities in the nation
There are different categories of talents who have started paying some of
them to perform in their fuctions. eg. This year the talent show rotat-
that are judged in this show such as
ed on “How to fight drug abuse,
fashion design, modeling, dancing,
singing, playing music instruments The youth are kept busy at the center early pregnancy and youth unem-
working hard to refine their talents ployment.
among others. When show is high-
ly marketed in the area and old and and because of this, they get a chance
young people come to watch every last to of getting services we offer here at YEGO TALENT SHOW
friday of the month. There rest days the center such as HIV?AIDS tests,
of the week, the youth are visibly seen counselling, entreprenuership train-
@yego culture


Enkubito Yabato is an organised

group of young boys and girls that
are well known for traditional cul-
tural dance. These young boys and
girls are trained in the traditions
of Rwanda including the history of
Rwanda, the norms and practices
of our ancestors with an aim of
promoting our culture in young
boys and girls.

These young souls are trained from

the center and are paid for the
work done. The leadership of this
interesting young generation is in-
spiring cause of their vision being
to turn tradition into business.

These organised group is hired on

different functions such as govern-
ment functions, wedding celemo-
nies among others.
@yego sports


Sports are good for the youth and as a Kungu Fu sport imparts descipline,
patience, team work and determination
center we support and promote different in a youth. Since it calls for a strong
sports so that our youth may exercise physical exercise and the development
their bodies and their minds. This led to of focus, it is a sport that can change
the birth of GING-HU. the life of a young person in a positive
GING -HU was established to mobil- “Kungu Fu is one sport that
ise the young boys and girls to practice We have seen young and undesciplined trains a person to have des-
Kungu Fu sport and was extablished in boys and girls become transformed cipline, edurance and focus;
12/08/2012 with 5 girls and 4 boys with and active in productive activities after the most important qualities
their instructor called Rukundo Maseri. starting practicing this sport. for success.”
The society that began with a sole inten-
tion of mobilising the youth to create This sport also builds the self esteem of
Illustrated stories found great inspiration the young person since it also imparts
to include Kungu Fu as a sport. self defence skills to the person. It is
also a sport that can develop the mental
GING-HU practices every Tuesday, capacities of the person practicing it.
Thursday and Saturday from 5pm-8pm
and we practice marial arts and writng. Our center has been able to participate
in defferent national competitions and
KUNGU FU is a sport like other sports our young boys and girls have won
and we enjoy it here at the center. Since different medels on the national levels.
it is necessary for the nation to develop, The instructors have also got oppor-
we need a highly physically fit youth tunities of going to Chine to improve
with the mental capacity to develop our on the skills and get exposed to new
nation. teckniques.

By Tsinzi Erneste
@yego youth health



The service of pregnancy test is

helping youth to avoid undesired
pregnancy because they harm their VCT SERVICES AT
life and barrier their development THE CETER
and empowerment. Our center re-
ceive youth on this service where we
mobilize them, counseling and test
them for their prevention.
In these years of 2018 and
2019, in VCT service we have
received 1885 clients, 1039 are
We have tested 26pregnancies males and 846 are females; where
among them 4were positive and 22 17 males and 6 females were HIV
Negative; all those who are positive positive and have been referred
pregnancies were single. All positive to the Health center for follow
pregnancies cases have referred for up; we notify that the total HIV
follow-up in nearest health centers prevalence was 1.22 % while HIV
for further follow up of their preg- prevalence in male was 0.31%
nancies. compared to 0.90% for female.


This service among services 2088 making a total of

of HIV, non-wanted pregnancy
prevention and family plan-
ning, where we provide skills on Through this data we realize that
condom usage and distribution this term we have distributed
around the district to facilitate 4,240 condoms as promotional
their access to the youth. materials where 3236 condoms
were distributed to male and
We made a distributiom of male 1004 to female at the percentage
condoms - 6984 and female of 76.3% of male compared to
23.7% of female.
@yego youth health
Turning waste to wealth
There are various things that lay of learning and practice finally
produces great products that can
wasted and these vary from man- be sold for money on the market.
ifactured products such as plastic This idea of turning waste to wealth
bootles to natural things such as can help many youths around the
plants. Baboo for years have been country to start making fortune
left to waste but now they are from the things that were once left
being put to use. Our youth have to waste.
taken a great step in making great “I takes self-confidence to
products from Baboo and selling Through the Entreprenuership turn waste to wealth.”
them for a price. The once unem- lessons and personal development
plyed, now make huge amounts of skills, the youth can make change
money from the very plants that in their lives. I encourage all youth
were never put to use. to develop this idea of turning
waste to wealth if we are going to
I takes self-confidence to turn move our country to the first world
waste to wealth. The hard hours countries.
@yego youth health
@yego youth health



Being a youth focused organiza- on Mobilization of youth in differ-

tion, providing services that can ent topics of Youth Behavior Change
make the lives of the youth better Communication such as: reproduction
is not enough. We are also focused health, Male Circumcision, condom
on mobilising the youth to inform use, HIV/ Life skills, and prevention
them about the services we offer and of Sexual Transmitted Infections.
“Providing Services that can make encourage them to take advantage of
the lives of the youth better is these services. We also did much on Sensitization
not enough, but we also focus on against drug abuse and alcohol con-
mobilising the youth to use these This service is among the key ser- sumption for school and non school
services” vices of the center. Forexample, we going youth. Sensitization on Innova-
mobilise young people on the repro- tion and creativity, Entrepreneurship,
ductive health in order to change Hygiene and environment protection
their behaviors and participate were also our focuse point.
actively in the fight against HIV/
AIDS and other sexually transmitted We were able to reach over 3060 male
diseases as well as undesirable preg- youth and over 2891 females in all our
nancies not forgetting the sensitiza- mobilization compeign.
tion against drug abuse and alcohol.

During this year, we focused also

@yego youth health

Transforming lives through vocational training

V cational training services at Yego Center Ka-

buga are transforming many lives of the youth.
given different skills not only on tailoring but also
on other areas like basic ICT and Business skills to
enable them become successful in real life.
With the mobilization, the center has managed
to reach the youth who had given up hopes and For those who accomplish their training are allowed
trained them in tailoring as a vocation. This to join the coperative that was formed by the former
service helps to empower the youth where young students and are to be given start up kit such as ma-
girls and boys are progressing in order to build chines to start with. This coperative was recognized
their capacity and improve the conditions of by RCA and continue to build the capacity of our
their lives. Through this training, they also get youth.
sessions on Behavior change Communication
(BCC)/Interpersonal communation and also on From 2018 - 2019 we have been able to train a total
different topics like reproductive health. of 106 young boys and girls where the boys were 2
and girls being 104. These young people have gone
We have been able to train young girls and boys a head to gain the skills they can use to make their
of different levels of education where we have lives better.
got those as high as Sinior six (S.6) and as low
as Primary Five (P.5). The once unemployed are


As our center groups Six services (Coordination, Job desk we received 872 youth including 460males
and 412females, for vocational training services, we
BCC, VCT, Job desk, ICT, and VT) we will present have a vocational training (Tailoring), where 106
in this report by comparing the girls with the boys youth including 2males and 104 females have gradu-
from each service. ated.
The effort made during this fiscal year 2018-2019 About Health friendly services especially in VCT,
enabled us to welcome 19.962% young people we received 1885 young people; where we have 1039
including 9.739% boys and 10.223% girls. In the boys against 846 Girls among them, we received 191
computer room, we received 740 young people, Couples. In Sport, leisure and talent promotion, we
including 362 boys and 378girls who come for received 4675 young people; this is particularly 1798
computer training. In the context of youth eco- Boys against 2877 girls. In Youth mobilization for
nomic empowerment and employment promo- different topics (BCC, IPC, and IEC), we mobilized
tion services, we trained and mobilized young 3900young people among them, 2208 were Boys
people about NEP Kora Wigire, entrepreneurship against 1692 girls.
and job creation. In this service we have achieved
1837youth, including 959 boys and 878 girls. In
@yego youth health

Turning hoobies into business; Changing lives through dancing

“When hoobies are turned into business, work

becomes play”

Dancing is one of the most liked activities

here at the center and the most popular danc-
ing crews are Jabric crew, Incredible crew and
the fankers crew. These crews do practices on
different days and hours. Some of these crews
are hired to dance in different events and the
most competitive crews at the center.

Dancing being healthy not only for the body

since it involves vigorous exercises but dancing
also encourages team work the important skill
in life. Our youth are encouarged to participate
in dancing activities to avoid wasting time that
can lead to ill behaviors.

Dancing is also a good means of mobilising

youth for other activities such as HIV testing
and we have continued to work with these vi-
brate youth in dancing to mobilise and enter-
tain other fellow youth.

Dancing is one of the means we use to mobilise and entertain the youth here at the center.

Designed and published by Baha Enterprises
@yego health and culture


Rwanda is cultural rich country the youth about HIV & AIDS, including traditional games played
and the friendliness of the people contraception methods and genital in Korea, fans of traditional Kore-
will wipe you with the strikes of care on the third Monday of every an patterns, wearing Korean tra-
joy. This experience makes you month. ditional clothes, coloring Korean
want to interact with peoeple and traditional patterns among others.
it is more energizing while work- As well as I enjoy seeing and
ing with the youth. learning about the local cultural The interested youth and oth-
activities, every month, on the er people come and experience
As a nurse from Korea who works last Thursday, classes are held to korean culture and we experience
at the YEGO center Kabuga, I enable the youth and other citizens korean culture in an amazing way.
have found it interesting to share to experience Korean culture.
knowledge with the promosing By So Young
youth of the country and am hap- Korean cultural experiences are
py to be one among others to teach taught in various types of games

Designed and published by Baha Enterprises
@yego youth health

Designed and published by Baha Enterprises

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