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ARL Colleges and Universities, American English, 2005 Session I

Number Dimension
AS-6 Affect of Service
AS-5 Affect of Service
AS-4 Affect of Service
AS-3 Affect of Service
AS-2 Affect of Service
AS-1 Affect of Service
LP-5 Library as Place
LP-4 Library as Place
LP-3 Library as Place
LP-2 Library as Place
LP-1 Library as Place
IC-8 Information Control
IC-7 Information Control
IC-6 Information Control
IC-5 Information Control
IC-4 Information Control
IC-3 Information Control
IC-2 Information Control
IC-1 Information Control
AS-9 Affect of Service
AS-8 Affect of Service
AS-7 Affect of Service

NOTE : The questions are in reversed order to match the radar chart in the notebook.

ARL Colleges and Universities, American English, 2005 Ses


niversities, American English, 2005 Session I
Avg Min Avg Des
Employees who deal with users in a caring fashion 5.5987052714 7.4935619264
Employees who have the knowledge to answer user questions 5.6334083873 7.1642977765
Readiness to respond to users' questions 6.5833049636 8.0024511473
Employees who are consistently courteous 6.6249912348 7.9873080429
Giving users individual attention 6.7017309316 8.083309879
Employees who instill confidence in users 6.2691412039 7.7513231247
Community space for group learning and group study 6.4453287445 7.8523696852
A getaway for study, learning, or research 6.5384560957 7.9370975731
A comfortable and inviting location 6.6406287211 7.9934111296
Quiet space for individual activities 6.8142438093 8.4163994815
Library space that inspires study and learning 6.9133333333 8.3303030303
Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work 6.6335656214 8.0175667828
Making information easily accessible for independent use 6.8811160259 8.3075876148
Easy-to-use access tools that allow me to find things on my own 6.9044258701 8.267333516
Modern equipment that lets me easily access needed information 6.8275368249 8.2526595745
The electronic information resources I need 6.8132325404 8.2168666343
The printed library materials I need for my work 7.0397080919 8.3726121485
A library Web site enabling me to locate information on my own 6.0708292546 7.7361208223
Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office 6.2546610782 7.6776268247
Dependability in handling users' service problems 6.1808871358 7.8085945609
Willingness to help users 6.2351748606 7.8001592933
Employees who understand the needs of their users 5.5256399704 7.0469174418

uestions are in reversed order to match the radar chart in the notebook.

ARL Colleges and Universities, American English, 2005 Session I


Perceived Less Than Minimum

Perceived Greater Than Minimu
3 Perceived Less Than Desired
Perceived Greater Than Desire
Perceived Greater Than Desire
Avg Per Adq Gap Sup Gap n Area 1 Area 2
6.4262644946 0.8275592232 -1.0672974319 14057 7.4935619264 7.4935619264
6.4268927667 0.7934843794 -0.7374050099 14212 7.1642977765 7.1642977765
7.2037175734 0.6204126098 -0.7987335739 14687 8.0024511473 8.0024511473
7.2098730804 0.5848818456 -0.7774349625 14261 7.9873080429 7.9873080429
7.1424148607 0.4406839291 -0.9408950183 14212 8.083309879 8.083309879
7.0011996331 0.7320584292 -0.7501234916 14171 7.7513231247 7.7513231247
6.9827202983 0.5373915537 -0.869649387 13947 7.8523696852 7.8523696852
7.1851694615 0.6467133659 -0.7519281115 14133 7.9370975731 7.9370975731
6.9872985631 0.346669842 -1.0061125665 12597 7.9934111296 7.9934111296
7.0446824476 0.2304386384 -1.3717170339 14659 8.4163994815 8.4163994815
7.0663973064 0.1530639731 -1.2639057239 14850 8.3303030303 8.3303030303
6.7401277584 0.106562137 -1.2774390244 13776 8.0175667828 8.0175667828
7.0814562776 0.2003402518 -1.2261313372 14695 8.3075876148 8.3075876148
7.1850506988 0.2806248287 -1.0822828172 14596 8.267333516 8.267333516
7.0352564103 0.2077195854 -1.2174031642 14664 8.2526595745 8.2526595745
7.1220611693 0.3088286289 -1.094805465 14419 8.2168666343 8.2168666343
6.9108535451 -0.1288545468 -1.4617586034 13977 8.3726121485 8.3726121485
6.2491959167 0.178366662 -1.4869249056 14302 7.7361208223 7.7361208223
6.6412776413 0.3866165631 -1.0363491834 13838 7.6776268247 7.6776268247
6.6194035015 0.4385163656 -1.1891910594 14451 7.8085945609 7.8085945609
6.6807617117 0.4455868511 -1.1193975816 13811 7.8001592933 7.8001592933
6.2749197465 0.7492797761 -0.7719976953 12149 7.0469174418 7.0469174418
Green Yellow

ved Less Than Minimum

ved Greater Than Minimum
ved Less Than Desired
ved Greater Than Desired
ved Greater Than Desired
Area 3 Area 4 Area 5
6.4262644946 5.5987052714 5.5987052714
6.4268927667 5.6334083873 5.6334083873
7.2037175734 6.5833049636 6.5833049636
7.2098730804 6.6249912348 6.6249912348
7.1424148607 6.7017309316 6.7017309316
7.0011996331 6.2691412039 6.2691412039
6.9827202983 6.4453287445 6.4453287445
7.1851694615 6.5384560957 6.5384560957
6.9872985631 6.6406287211 6.6406287211
7.0446824476 6.8142438093 6.8142438093
7.0663973064 6.9133333333 6.9133333333
6.7401277584 6.6335656214 6.6335656214
7.0814562776 6.8811160259 6.8811160259
7.1850506988 6.9044258701 6.9044258701
7.0352564103 6.8275368249 6.8275368249
7.1220611693 6.8132325404 6.8132325404
7.0397080919 7.0397080919 6.9108535451
6.2491959167 6.0708292546 6.0708292546
6.6412776413 6.2546610782 6.2546610782
6.6194035015 6.1808871358 6.1808871358
6.6807617117 6.2351748606 6.2351748606
6.2749197465 5.5256399704 5.5256399704
Blue Red White

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