Physical Education

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In a sports various runs like marathon half marathon cross country races
organised by NGO’S& Government organisation to promote awareness for
specific purpose. These runs & programmee are well organised. It must be well
published in advance for mass participation.

These can be run for health.(cardio vascular fitness)

Run for for unity.



It involves more money & time

Teams get less interest in the game

More injury in the teams.

Overstress the officials

More facilities required.


The league & knock out tournaments can be joined to have

combinationtournament & the best four are given knock out fixture & winner
is decided

Knock out cum knock out

League cum league

Knock out cum league

2League cum knock out


It is helpful in all aspect development of child viz physical, mental ,emotional &

More oppurtuanities to large no of students in games & sports

It is helpful in developing future leader

Helpful in good tem selection

Make children healthy by activities


To provide experience to students: Experienceshas its ownvalue in any field.

Extramural provide competetions to students who participate in such
competetions. This helps the students to perform well.

To improve standard of sports: For the improvement of sports inter school

competitions are helpful for the students. Students become technically
skilled & sound in their games. They are able to perform well in sports &
improves the standard.


Helpful in selection of players: on the basis of tournaments, players can be

selected for future competetions. Those who perform well can be taken for
further tournaments. It is a good way to select team.

Development of social quality: Qualities like tolerence ,sympathy,co-operation

team work ,honesty etc can be developed by participation. Values like fair play
justice respect for others are also developed through games.


The various objectives of planning in sports are

1 To keep good control over all activities: planning & control are inter related
objective. It help in the proper control over activities.
2 To facilitateproper co-ordination: planning help in establishing co-ordination
over all the committiees formed for the success of the tournament. It helps in
the smooth function. It establish a proper coordination among various officials.

3 To enhance the sports performance: It is also one of the significant objectives

of sports planning to enhance the performance the athlete. Without proper
planning it is impossible to enhance.

4 To increase creativity: Planning help in the innovation of new ideas &b

creative thinking among the various sports officials. As new ideas come up on
the floor as they sit together for planning.


Bye is a privilege given to a team by drawing lots exempting from playing in the
first round.

The method of giving bye depend on the no of partcipating team.

If the teams are in odd no the byes are calculated by substracting the total
team by the nearest power of 2

For an example if the teams are11 then the nearestvpower of two is 16

Then the teams are divided into upper half & lower half

After that the byes are alloted

The first bye goes to last team of lower half

The second bye goes to the first team of upper half

The third bye is given to the first team of lower half

The fourth bye is given to the last team of upper half

The fifth bye & so on is given in the same order.


Total no of team 6

Total no of matches N(N-1)/2



NO OF ROUNDS = N-1 6-1=5


League are called as round robin tournaments or burger system. All teams are
treated at par in league tournament .

There are two types of league tournament .

Single league tournament : in this type teams play with one another only once

Double league tournament: in this type the teams play twice against each
other N(N-1)




Before conducting intramural competition the following fectors have to be

taken into consideration

Type of institute residential,day boarding

Climatic condition

Faclities available

Estimated finance

Availability of time

Students interest

Help from school staff /student


Benefits are :
It reduces cardiovascular diseases

Helps in awareness

Smoth blood flow and oxygen

Improve respiratory system

Keeps bones healthy and improves range of movements

Make immune system strong

Change the attitude of people for quality of life .


Q1 What do you mean by knock out tournaments? Draw a fixture of 21

teams on knock out basis.

Knock out is a type of tournament in which the team that get defeated get
automatically eliminated from the tournament. It is simple that there is no
second chance given to the defeated teams.

Fixture of 21 teams

Total no of teams 21

Power of two is 2*2*2*2*2=32

No of byes =32-21=11

No of matches= N-1=20

Teams in upper half,n+1/2= 21+1/2=11

Teams in lower half, n-1/2=21-1/2=10

Byes in upper half nb-1/2=11-1/2=5

Byes in lower half nb+1/2=11+1/2=6

pPlease draw the fixture.

Q2 What do you mean by Extramurals? Elucidate its significance.

The word Extra means outside & Murals means four wall. In simple word it
means any activity that are conducted outside the four wall of the school is
called as Extramural activity.In this activity the students of other school
participate. This competetion is also called as inter- school competetion.

The essintial of Extramural are as follow:

It provide oppurtuanity to the school to show their strength in sports:Ample

oppurtuanity is provided to school’s to show their strength in sports. It also
enhances their capablities.

Improves standard of sports:In Extramural the standard of performance can

be enhanced. The losers make more effort in making a mark in the next

Knowledge about skills & technique:Extramural are essintial to provide the

right knowledge to the students, it also helps them to improve their skill &
technique in their own discipline by observation of others performences.

It make physical education programmes effective: As the competetion are

held it helps in the effectivenes of physical education as various school’s
participate. Each & every student can participate & improve.

Q3 List down the various specific sports programmes & explai any three in

The various specific sports programmes are as follow:

Health run

Run for fun

Run for specific cause

Run for unity

Run for Awareness

1. Health run : health is the biggest sset of human & healthy men are the
asset of the Nation. The progress is not possible if one doe’nt posses good
health.Many NGO’s organise health run for spreading awareness & lay
stress on the elimination of deadly diseases. Example World Aids day on
December 1. These runs help in spreading awareness in the mass to
prevent it from spreading.
2. Run for Unity: It is a kind of running that generate the feeling of Unity
among mass for the Nation. It is organised by different govt In centre &
state, for developing Patriotism among people. The strength of the nation
is in the unity of the people. Unity is also necessary in sports.These runs
are like run for peace, Olympics, that develops peace brotherhood
harmony among mass.
3. Run for awareness: These guides the people to know their problem’s
&ways to eradicate. These awareness programme helps in educating the
mass about importance of health & environment. For the success of these
programme a good team work is required & should be well planned in
advance, so that more people get the benefit of these.Some examples are
Health camp, Hygine awareness,Prevention of diseases(communicable &

Q4 What do you mean by planning?Explain the objective of planning?How

planning is importence in sports?

“Planning is the pre work & done in advance”

It is a process that helps us in reaching the desired target,with effectivness

& efficiently.

The various objectives of planning are:

To achieve the aim of programme:Planning is done keeping in veiw the aim

& objective of the programme. It also helps in the calculation of time,
finance & facility available.

To facilitate proper co-ordination: Planning helps in the proper co-ordination

of people & the various committees that are formed for the completion of
the competetion smoothly. A good plan help in the smooth functioning of
the tournament.

Helps in making schedule: Plan helps in the making of good schedule. It helps
in making a fixed programme keeping in mind about time
availablity,venue,wheather etc.
To plan during programme: A good plan always has a room for improvising
some immediate change.

Q5 Define & classify fixture? Draw a fixture for 16 teams.

Fixture is the schedule for competetion that is held among various teams in a
particular activity according to time.The matches are fixed on the basis of
lots & in a systematic way.

As the teams are 16 in no so it is divided equally in two halfs. There will be

no byes.

Q 1 What is Balanced diet?

A diet that contain all the essintial ingredients of food like carbohydrates
protiens fats minerals vitamins & water are caaled balanced diet.

Q 2 What is nutrition?

It is the science of food & is used by the body. Food supplies energy for each
& every movements. Food provides materials to build & repair our body
tissue & regulates the functions of organs.


Nutrition is a branch of science which refers to all processess by which an

individual gets his food.

Q 3 What are protiens?

Protiens are basic structure of all living cells. These are complex organic
compounds. The basic structure of protiens is chain of Amino acids that
contain carbon hydrogen & nitrogen.

Q 4 What are Minerals?

Minerals contains elements needed by our body in small quantities. These
are essintial for proper growth & development.

Q 5 What are nutrients?

Nutrients are those chemical substances which are supplied by by food & are
needed as a source of energy for various activities of the body & as a
structural material for every cell of the body.

Q 6 What are vitamins?

Vitamins are needed by our body in very small amount. They keep us healthy
by helping the body to fight diseases. Deficiency cause retradation of growth
& development,they are helpful for eyes skin nerves etc.

Q 7 List down the factors affecting balanced idet?




Body built


Health status & growth

Q 8 What is the main function of carbohydrates?

The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy to the body.

Q 9 What is the main function of protien?

Protien is the main component of muscle organ & glands.

The cells of muscles & ligaments are maintained with protiens.

Q 10 What is Blumia Nervosa?

It is a eating disorder charactersised byover binge eating & purging or

consuming a large amount of food in a short duration of time followed by
frantic effort to avoid gaining weight.
Q 11 Define BMI ?

BMI means Body mass index.

Q 12 What are the symptoms of food intolerence?

The symptoms caused by food intolerence are varied. Common symptoms

are : Abdominal pain, Migraine,Acid reflux, Rashes, Asthma, Weight loss,
Fatigue, Stomach cramp, Headaches, Skin problems.

Q 13 What are symptoms of Blumia?

Lack of control in eating.

Secrecy sorrounding eating.

Going to washroom after eating.

Disappearence of food.

Dehydration caused by frequent vomiting.

Q14 What is the meaning of Food Myths?

The bad sports nutrition information floating around. The only way to cut
through these myths & find the truth about how to energise your body for
maximum performance is to look into the science,for clarification.

Q 15 What do you mean by Food Intolerence?

Food intolerence means that certain food that cannot be adjusted in the
body system. In simple words it is an allergy to certain food stuffs, that
cannot be observed &digested by our digestive system.

Q 16 What is Anorexia nervosa?

It is a psychological disorder related to an individual. The person has a

disorted body image of self. Has fear of gaining weight,so deliberately loose

“Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterised by immoderate food

restrication & irrational fear of gaining weight.”
It also means lack of appetiate.

Q 17 What are signs & symptoms?

Refuses to maintain normal BMI.

Soft, fine hair growing over face & body.

Swollen joints & fatigue.

Hair loss.

Thining of body.

Dry & brittle skin.

Low blood preasure.

Q 18 What are the main function of fat?

It improves the taste of food.

It is essintial for the absorption of vitamins A,D,E, & K.

They are the source of energy.

It protect organs.


Q 1 What are types of Carbohydrates? Describe them.

There are two types of carbohydrates:

Simple Carbohydrates:They are sweet in taste, crystalline in nature, easily

soluable in water. Fructose Galactose Glucose Sucrose Maltose & Lactose are
simple carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates: They are not sweet in taste,& are insoluable in

water.Strach Dextrin Glycogen & Celluouse are complex carbohydrates.

Q 2 Describe Vitamin A C & D.

Vitamin A: It is very essintial for the formation of bones & teeth. It promotes
normal vision. Deficiency of this cause night blindness keratomalacia
xerophthalmia. Sources are milk butter egg carrot liver papaya mango &

Vitamin C: It is known as ascrobic acid & is a water soluable Vitamin. It is

essintial for the healing of wounds & absorbption of calcium. It is also
essintial for bones formation & RBC’s. helps in the repair of bones tissue &
ligaments.deficiency cause scurvy disease.

Richest source is amala & all citrus fruits.

Vitamin D: Help in the absorption of calcium & phosphorus. Deficiency cause

rickets osteoporosis dental cavities osteomalacia. Natural source is sun ray,
milk butter cod liver oil.

Q 3 What are the two types of protiens?

Non essintial protien: Our body needs about 20 different types of amino
acids for the synthesis of the protiens. Our body can make only 13 of amino
acids that are known as non essintial protiens.

Essintial protiens: There are essintial amino acids which are taken only from
food &not made in the body. Thus are called as essintial protiens.

Q 4 What is a balanced diet? Define factors affecting abalanced diet.

A balanced diet is the one that contain all the essintial ingredients like fat
protiens carbohydrates minerals vitamins roughage & water in right

: Diet also depends on the gender of the individual it is seen that

males need more food as compared to females.

BodFactors affecting balanced diet are:

Age: On the age of the individual the food consumption & diet depends.
Balanced diet is different for different individual.

Occupation : Diet changes with occupation of the individual. A person doing

less physical work need less quantity of balanced diet.
Gendery built: A tall & fatty individual need more food than a lean & thin
individual, because tall & fatty individual spend more amount of energy.

Climate: The quality & quantity of food depends on the climatic condition &
the sourrounding.

Q 5 What are the causes of Food intolerence?

The main cause are


Eating a particular food too often

A probalematic digestive system caused by medication, dehydration,

horomonal imbalance, processed food, reactive foods & low variety in food.

Q 6 Describe non nutritive components of diet?

The non nutritive components are :

Water : It is very essintial for our body as it keeps the temperature of our
body in control & rehydrates our cells. Our body contain more than 70% of
water . An individual should consume 3-5 liters of water a day. It helps in
body metabolism.

Roughage: It is the fibrous part of food that are not digested by our body & is
required by our body for the proper function of the intestine. Fiber should be
part of food as it helps in the risk reduction of certain diseases like
degenerative diseases & certain cancer.

Q 7 What are method to control weight ?

Ban the strange diet. Choose healthy food.

Turn off the television for having food because if food is consumed while
watching T.V we either consume less or too much of food.

Be more active by doing physical activity & work. Exercise regularly to stay
Avoid fatty food: Any individual who want to maintain healthy weight &
fitness should avoid fatty as fats have extra calories & get accumulated in
the your body. To remain fit & healthy one should avoid fatty food.

Q 8 What is nutrition? Write the names of minerals that are important in

human body.

It is the science of food & is used by the body. Food supplies energy to the
body for all actions. It also provide material needed to build the body,repair
tissue & regulate the function of organs & system. The chemicals in food
which our body needs are called nutrition.

Important minerals:

Iron: It is important for the formation of hemaglobin. Around 10mg is

required by our body daily.sources of iron are egg fish liver green leafy
vegetable & wheat grain.

Calcium: It is required for the formation of bones & teeth , & also for the
clotting of blood.

Potassium: Potassium is important for growth & keeping cells & blood
healthy. Found in green & yellow vegetable.

Iodine: The daily requirement of the body is very less in amount but the
deficiency cause goitre & improper function of thyroid. The sources of iodine
are iodized salt & sea food.

Q 9 What points should be kept in mind before, during & after the

Carbohydrates provide energy to the body to sustain work before training.

Fatty food meat & food that cause gas should be avoided before

Diet of athelete should not be different on the day of competetion.

There should be a gap of 2.5-3 hours before competetion or training.

Intake of fluids should be done as per need of the athelete.

If one feel nervous due to competetion & don’t want to eat then liquid
should be consumed like fruit juice or sports drink or carbohydrated drink.

Q 10 What are pitfalls of dieting? Describe any three.

Every individual want to look slim trim & attractive. An over weighted
person want to reduce weight & underweighted person would like to
increase the weight. Individuals take diet or strave themselves for reducing
weight. Many timesindividual skip meals to lose weight, they also induce
slimming pill for weight reduction. Pitfall of dieting are:

Extreme reduction of calaories.

Skipping meals.

Low energy diet.

Not performing physical activity.

Taking less liquid.



Q 1 What are the factors affecting balanced diet?

Copy of Q 4

Q 2 What is Healthy weight? Explain pitfal of dieting.

Weight is a tough mass. Most people know how much important is to keep
weight in check yet struggle to do so. Health benefits of staying at a healthy
weight are huge & well worth effort. Healthy weight also lower the riosk of
heart diseases, stroke, diabetes & high blood preasure.

The pitfall of dieting are:

Hair loss: The most common side effect of dieting is hair loss. Hair is a must
to be attractive & good looking. As the body does’nt get the required protien
it lose hair.
Water imbalance: Dehydration is the common problem due to dieying. We
tend to use less amount of water in order to lessen the weight. The water
imbalance cause pimples & dark circles.

Depression: An individual face problems like depression & stress due to

dieting, as the body does’nt have enough strength to handle the condition
arised due to dieting.

Organ damage:Dieting cause damage to the body organ. Like kidney &
stomach get affected by dieting.

Memory loss: Dieting cause memory loss.

Eating disorder: An individual start to develop disorder related to eating

habits & face more stress & fatigue.

Q 3What do you understand by food intolerence? Explain the cause,

symptoms, & management of food intolrerence.

Food intolerence is more common than food allergy. Food intolerence is a

term usedwidely for varied physiological responses associated with a
particular food. It means that individual is unable to process a particular
food & the body is unable to process it. Food intolerence comes gradually
not all of a sudden.

The symptoms are:

Headache, back pain, heartburn, anxiety, skin rashes, diarrhoea, frequent

cold & infection, reflux, food carving.

Q 4 What do you understand by macronutrients?

Macro nutrients are those elements of our diet that are required in large
amount to our body. These are like Carbohydrates Fats Protiens etc as they
provide a bulk energy to the body. It can be also refered as the chemical

Protiens: Protien should be about 10-35% of our diet. Amino acids are the
build blocks of protiens. They are linked in complex formations. There are 20
different amino acids, & 9 amino acids are taken from food we consume.
Fat: Fat is very esintial for our body. It protect our organ. It maintain
healthy body.bour diet should contain 20% of fat. Vitamin A D E K are fat
soluable Vitamins.

Carbohydrates: The main source of energy to human body. They are simple
chains of sugars that are broken down & enter the body as glucose.
Carbohydrates are found in many food.

Q 5 Describe the meaning of Balanced Diet? What is the importence of

Balanced Diet?

Diet is the daily intake of food by human. It provides energy for work out
along with growth & development. We take different types of food in our
diet for the all round growth & development.

Importance of Balanced Diet:

Sufficient energy: it provide sufficient energy to perform various activity.

Optimum growth & development: It helps individual to have optimum

growth & development so that the individual does not lack in performance.

Fast recovery: balanced diet helps in the recovery faster as the it helps in
repair of worn out cells & tissue, help in recovery from injury.

Improve health status: Balanced diet helps to improve the health status of
the individual by preventing various health problems.

Overall Efficiency improves: It increases the overall efficiency of all

physiological system of body.

Q 6 What do you mean by food Myth? Explain any five food Myth prevaling
in the society.

Food Myth are thingswhich are repeated sometime so much that we are
inclined to believe that they are true. High protien diet causes Ketosis that
reduces huger.

Eating more fat will increase your endurence: Endurence athelete are eating
more high fat diet to increase their muscle relience on fat for fuel during
exercise & thus increasesendurence by sparing muscle limited to glycogen

All sports drinks are the same: So much research has been done on sports
drinks that many products share the same basic formula, the combination &
concentration of ingredients are proven to work. But there are certain
significant differences that makes some product generally more effective.

Potatoes makes you fat: Carbohydrate rich food like rice potato etc increase
body fat & weight. So for losing weight & fat eliminate carbohydrates rich
from diet.

Eggs increase cholesterol leavel so avoid: Eggs are good for health. Egg
provide various nutrient like protien, vitamin ABD, zinc iron calcium &
phosphrous. It is as per daily requirement of the body. So taking an egg a day
does’nt increase cholesterol.

Exercise makes you eat more: People doing exercise for more than 20
minutes a day stay healthy & realish food, normally saying that exercise
makes you eat more is an excuse.

V Short answers questions
1. Explain what is Yuj?
It is a Sanskrit word,which mean to stabilize mind for the union of our Atma.
2. Define Yoga in your own words?

Yoga is define as the union of Atma With Parmatama: in other words we can say that
it is the unification of our inner soul with the supreme soul.

3. List down the benefits of Yoga?

The benefits of yoga are : it relaxes our mind & body, helps in making our organ
efficient, makes digestion proper, improve our cardio-vascular system, develop good
posture, benefits in bone related problems.
4. Mention elements of Yoga.
There are eight elements of Yoga: Yama, Niyama, Asanas, Pranayams, Pratyahar,
Dharana, Dhayana, Samadhi.
5. Name any eight asanas?
Padma asana, Vajra asana, Bhujang asana, Pavanmukt asana, Hal asana, Trikon asana,
Hasthpad asana, Chakra asana, Matsya asana, Gokmukh asana, Manduk asana, Tar
asana, Shav asana.
6. Name four types of Shudhi kriyas.
The four types of shudhi kriyas are: Nauli, Jal-Neiti, Sutra-Neiti, Vaman-Dhauti, Tratak.
7. Mention any four Pranayams for curing Asthma.
Sukh Asana,Chakra Asana, Gokmukh Asana, Bhujang Asana, Parvat Asana,.
8. Highlight the importance of Pranayams.
Improve cardio-vascular system. Improves digestive system. Control sense organ.
Improves concentration. Develop good posture. Prevents ageing. Cures diseases.
Removes toxic from body. Help in curing bone problems.
9. Mention four asanas for curing Obesity.
Bhujang asana, Hal asana, Vajra asana, Trikon asana, Ardh-Matasyender asana, Hasth-
pad asana.
10. List four asana for curing Diabeetes.
Manduk asana, Kurma asana, Bhujang asana, Pavanmukth asana, Paschimotan asana.
11. Name the asana that helps in curing Back pain.
Tar asana, Vajra asana, Bhujang asana, Shalv asana, Ardh-matasyendra asan, Ardh
Chakra asana.



Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word YUG, which mean union. It helps in
stabilizing mind & body. It is the union of AATMA with PARMATMA or in other
words can be said as talking to GOD. It is the experience of GOD in ones life that
comes into by regular & continuous practise of Yoga. It is a life science. Yoga helps
in sound body & sound mind.
2. Give the importance of Yoga in modern times.
Modern life is full of stress & tension. Yoga plays a very vital role in the
improvement of life. It is an exercise that helps us in purifying our mind & body.
Some of the importances are: improves cardiovascular system. Keeps heart
problems away. Helps the digestive system. Control over senses. Relaxes mind &
relieves tension. Helps in improving mind power. Good posture. Improves
immunity. Prevents premature ageing. Improves hygiene.
3. Highlight elements of Yoga.
The elements of Yoga are :
Yama , Niyama , Asanas, Pranayams, Pratyahar, Dharana, Dhayana, Samadhi.
(Explain any three)
4. Explain briefly any eight Asanas with their benefits.
The eight Asanas are: Padma Asana, Bhujang Asana, Tar Asana, Hal Asana, Chakra
Asana, Vajra Asana, Pavanmukth Asana,Matsya Asana.
Cures hypertension. Reduces obesity. Increase height/ flexibility. Controls obesity.
Controls weight. Cures Gastric problems. Cures Asthma. Improves digestion.
Relieves from constipation. Cures bone & deformities related issues. Prevents
Diabetes. Cure cough & cold. Controls & cures Sinus. Controls postural deformities.
Calms brain. Strengthen the back bone.
Improves the overall fitness of the individual.
5. Discuss any four Pranayams that can cure Asthma.
Anulom-Velom Pranayam. Sitkari Pranayam. Sitli Pranayam. Kapal-Bhatti
Pranayam. (the explanation to be done by self.)
6. In what way Yoga can cure Diabetes? Explain.
Diabetes is a disorder / disease in human body , where the Pancreas are unable to
produce Insulin in our body. Insulin is a hormone required to convert the sugar into
energy. Improper functioning of the Pancreas results in the increase of glucose in our
body . this results in slow degeneration of our organs in our body. People who eat
more Junk food & drink more Carbonated water are sure to get Diabetes. It is also
due to life-style disorder. Yoga effectively helps in curing all these problem by
performing asanas like Yog Mudra, Paschimotan Asana, Kapal-Bhati, Manduk Asana,
Bhujang Asana,Pavanmukth Asana.
7. What are the causes of Back pain? How Yoga can cure it.
The causes of Back Pain are:
Sudden movement.
Wrong posture of sitting ,reading ,writing, sleeping.
Tight clothes.
Weak muscles.
Pregnancy in women.
Sedentary lifestyle.
Yoga helps in curing these problems by following these Asanas:
Tar Asana, Vajra Asana, Ardh-Matsayendra Asana, Bhujang Asana, Trikon Asana.
8. What are the causes of Asthma? How Yoga can control & cure it.
Asthma is a chronic disease, it influence the passage of airways & inflames the
region. The symptoms of Asthma are continuous coughing, restlessness, shortness
breath, tight chest, etc. Sometime the Asthma is due to Allergy. When it’s such one
should avoid the allergy causing agent, & should administer medicine for control.
Asthma affects all age group, but normally it starts at early childhood. Pollution is
another reason. There are various treatment available in medicine but the best way
to cure is by Yoga. The Asanas are helpful in curing Asthma: Sukh Asana, Chakra
Asana, Parvat Asana, Bhujang Asana, Paschimottan Asana, Matsya Asana. (Please
explain while writing for Exam & benefits.)
9. How obesity can be prevented by Yoga?
Obesity is the increase in Fat of the body in the Adipose tissue. It is the accumulation
of fat, resulting in the increase of the weight. These fats get deposited in the thigh,
hips, buttocks, & abdomen region of an individual. Obesity leads to the maximum
health problems in life. There are many causes of obesity. Mostly it is due to the
wrong eating habits of an individual, consumption of carbonated drinks, alcohol,
sedentary lifestyle, accidents , hormonal imbalance, imbalance of Thyroid, emotional
& physical stress. Yoga is the best method to cure Obesity as it helps in the control of
obesity & also in the smooth functioning of Glands. The following Asana are helpful
in Obesity: Vajra Asana, Bhujang Asana, Chakra Asana, Trikon Asana, Ardh
Masatendra Asana,Hal Asana, Pavanmukth Asana. (Please explain while writing for
Exam & benefits.)
10. Which Yogic technique helps in Improving Concentration?
There are various ways to improve Concentration of an individual. Normally when
people talk about Concentration everyone thinks about Meditation, but apart from
meditation the other asana that are helpful are: Ujjayii Pranayam, Anulom-Velom
Pranayam, Sitli Pranayam, Bhramari Pranayam & Shav Asana. (Please explain while
writing for Exam & benefits.)
11. What are the benefits of Ardh-Mastendra Asana?
The benefits are as follow: Controls weight & obesity, cures Diabetes, increase spinal
flexibility, cures back pain, increase the function of Glands, cures postural disorder
like Kyphosis, LORDOSIS, Scoliosis, Bow leg, give shape to body.
1. Explain the meaning of Yoga? Give Importance of Yoga in today’s lifestyle?
Answer to this question is Short answer 1 & 2. Elaborate it more.
2. How Yoga benefits in Back Pain & Hypertension patient? Explain.
Answer to this question is Short answer 7 . Elaborate it more.
3. Highlight the Yogic technique to cure Obesity & Diabetes?
Answer to this question is Short answer 6 & 9. Elaborate it more.
4. Explain the benefits of any six Asana with help of diagram.
Do this by self.

1. What is Disability?
It is any continuing condition that restricts the daily activities over a period of time,
may be temporary or permanent.
2. What do you mean by Disorder?
Disorder is a problem or illness that affects a person’s mind, in other word’s can be
said as a state of confusion.
3. Mention four types of Disability.
Mobility & Physical Impairment, Sensory Impairment, Cognitive or Learning
Disability, Intellectual Disability.
4. What do you mean by ADHD?
ADHD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, where the individual is unable to
pay his or her attention at a particular topic or work. It is marked by hyperactivity
& Impulsivity.
5. Expand SPD.
SPD means Sensory Processing Disorder, under such condition the brain is unable
to give & receive commands & responses.
It is also called as Sensory Integration Dysfunction.
6. What is ODD?
ODD means oppositional defiant disorder, where the individual always has a
negative approach to any task given, always show anger, & argue over any matter.
7. Mention types of sensory disabilities?
Sensory impairment includes: Spinal cord disability, Brain disability, Vision
disability, Hearing disability.
8. Enlist any four disabilities Etiquette.
Talk directly, offer to shake hand, ask before you help, explain before conversing
with vision impaired person, address them by their name, don’t touch or lean over
their wheel chair, listen to them, offer for help, speak clearly & slowly, relax while
assisting them.
1. What do you mean by disability?
It is any continuing condition that restricts the daily activities over a period of
time, may be temporary or permanent. Disability affects an individual in all
way like speech hearing & communication. It can be cognitive, developmental,
intellectual, physical & sensory, or it can be combination of any of these.
Sometimes these are by birth. It has different meaning in different
communities & institutions. It can be limitation imposed by people.
2. State the concept of Disorder.
Disorder is a problem or illness that affects a person’s mind, in other word’s
can be said as a state of confusion or a mental problem that interrupts the day
–to- day working. It is a derangement of functions. It can be of many types, like
Psychiatric disorder, Anxiety disorder, Personality disorder. It is a disturbance
of function from genetic stage. The causes can be exogenous ,like Poison
,Trauma or Disease.
3. Write note on ADHD.
ADHD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, where the individual is unable
to pay his or her attention at a particular topic or work. It is marked by
hyperactivity & Impulsivity. It interferes in the function of the individual &
development. It is a neuro-developmental type, characterized by
inattentiveness, hyper-activity, & inappropriate behaviour as per age.
It is of three types: INATTENTION: The person wanders of the task, has
difficulty in focusing on the topic, disorganized, with lack of comprehension.
HYPERACTIVITY: The affected person keeps on moving constantly in all
situations, continuously talks to people, followed by extreme restlessness &
wearing others.
IMPULSITIVITY: The affected person takes hasty decision without thinking
about the results. The expectation from the patient is immediate rewards. The
individual may be socially intrusive & excessively disrupts others.
4. What are the symptoms of ODD.
ODD means oppositional defiant disorder, where the individual always has a
negative approach to any task given, always show anger, & argue over any
matter. The symptoms are:
Persistent refusal to comply with rules.
Stubbornness to compromise.
Failing to accept responsibilities.
Easily Annoyed.
Deliberately annoying others.
Verbal hostility or abuse.
Testing limits of others deliberately.
5. Explain six causes of Disability.
The causes of disabilities are many, but mainly this is due to the following:
Cancer, Heart attack, Diabetes, Musculoskeletal disability, Diseases,
Malnutrition, Wars, Pesticides, Accidents, Heredity.
6. What are the symptoms of SPD.
The symptoms are as follows:
Covering ears when loud sound.
Scream or cry for nothing.
Issues with food colour, texture.
Gagging when trying something new.
Can’t be touched/ couched.
Show little or no reaction to stimulus.
Dislike of hair combing, light.
Cry over cloth texture.
Crash over things.
Poor coordination.
7. Discuss six Disability Etiquettes.
Talk directly.
Offer to shake hand.
Explain before conversing with visually impaired.
Ask before help.
Address by their name.
Don’t touch or lean over them.
Listen to them carefully.
Offer for help.
Speak clearly & slowly.
Use sign language.
Relax while assisting them.
8. Discuss strategies to make physical activities assessable for disabled persons.
Activity should be modified as per their need.
Modify Equipment.
Simple & easy rule.
Motivate to participate freely.
Well instructed & trained properly.
Encouragement from spectators.
Suitable Environment.
Participation under Experts.
1. What is the concept of Disability & Disorder? Differentiate with few
Disability: It is any continuing condition that restricts the daily activities
over a period of time, may be temporary or permanent. Disability affects an
individual in all way like speech hearing & communication. It can be
cognitive, developmental, intellectual, physical & sensory, or it can be
combination of any of these. Sometimes these are by birth. It has different
meaning in different communities & institutions. It can be limitation
imposed by people. There are different types of disabilities like: Mobility &
Physical Disability, Sensory Impairment, Brain Disability, Vision Disability,
Learning Disability, Intellectual Disability.
Disorder: Disorder is a problem or illness that affects a person’s mind, in
other word’s can be said as a state of confusion or a mental problem that
interrupts the day –to- day working. It is a derangement of functions. It can
be of many types, like Psychiatric disorder, Anxiety disorder, Personality
disorder. It is a disturbance of function from genetic stage. The causes can
be exogenous, like Poison, Trauma or Disease. The different types of
Disorder are ADHD,SPD, ASD,ODD, OCD.
2. Explain four types of disabilities?
Mobility impairment.
Sensory impairment.
Brain disability.
Hearing disability.
Learning disability.
Intellectual disability.
Explain any four of the six by yourself.
3. Discuss any three Disorder.
ADHD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, where the individual is
unable to pay his or her attention at a particular topic or work. It is marked
by hyperactivity & Impulsivity. It interferes in the function of the individual
& development. It is a neuro-developmental type, characterized by
inattentiveness, hyper-activity, & inappropriate behaviour as per age.
It is of three types: INATTENTION: The person wanders of the task, has
difficulty in focusing on the topic, disorganized, with lack of comprehension.
HYPERACTIVITY: The affected person keeps on moving constantly in all
situations, continuously talks to people, followed by extreme restlessness &
wearing others.
IMPULSITIVITY: The affected person takes hasty decision without thinking
about the results. The expectation from the patient is immediate rewards.
The individual may be socially intrusive & excessively disrupts others.
ODD means oppositional defiant disorder, where the individual always has
a negative approach to any task given, always show anger, & argue over
any matter.
Signs & symptoms are:
Persistent refusal to comply with rules.
Stubbornness to compromise.
Failing to accept responsibilities.
Easily Annoyed.
Deliberately annoying others.
Verbal hostility or abuse.
Testing limits of others deliberately.
The treatment for ODD include parent counselling, management training of
parents, individual psychotherapy. Anger management , social skill training are
SPD: in this disorder the brain does not receive or give command the individual.
People become over sensitive in SPD. Common sounds may hurt the individual.
This problem normally occurs in children, but it also effects adults. It is also
called as stand-alone disorder. The symptoms are as follows:
Covering ears when loud sound.
Scream or cry for nothing.
Issues with food colour, texture.
Gagging when trying something new.
Can’t be touched/ couched.
Show little or no reaction to stimulus.
Dislike of hair combing, light.
Cry over cloth texture.
4. What are the symptoms of ADHD,SPD ODD.
This answer given in the above question.
5. Discuss about Disability Etiquettes.
Talk directly.
Offer to shake hand.
Explain before conversing with visually impaired.
Ask before help.
Address by their name.
Don’t touch or lean over them.
Listen to them carefully.
Offer for help.
Speak clearly & slowly.
Use sign language.
Relax while assisting them. (Please explain in your own words.)
6. Explain the startegies to make physical activities assessable for disabled
Activity should be modified as per their need.
Modify Equipment.
Simple & easy rule.
Motivate to participate freely.
Well instructed & trained properly.
Encouragement from spectators.
Suitable Environment.
Participation under Experts. (Please explain in your own words.)
Q1 What is gross motor skills?

Gross motor skill refer to movements involving large group of muscles

likethose of arms, legs, feet, in the entire body.

Q2 What are fine motor skills?

They involve the small muscles of the body specially in the small movement
of the fingers & hand.

Q3 Enlist the factors affecting Motor development?

Heredity, Nutrition, Immunisation, Environment, Oppurtuanities, Physical

activities, Postural deformities.

Q4 Name two physical benefit of exercise on children?

Strengthen hearts.

Improves energy leavel.

Q5 Name two psychological benefit of exercise on children?

Exercise controls weight.

Improves neuromuscular co-ordination.

Q6 What are food supplements?

Known as dietry supplements are type of product designed to enhance &

boost the nutritional content of your food.

Q7 What are the advantage of food supplement?

Improves physical fitness.

Prevent diseases.

Cure malnutrition.
Q8 What are the disadvantage of food supplement?

Vitamin A toxicity.causes lever damage. Blurred vision.headaches, bone pain

& swelling. Supplements can also interact with medicines & may cause ::

Q9 What do you mean by lifestyle?

Lifestyle changes improve fitness & quality of life & decrease the risk of
many diseases. Examle regular physical exercise & healthy eating habbit.

Q 10 What are aerobic activities ?

Aerobic activities are performed in the presence of oxygen through

respiration. This oxygen helps to provide continuous flow of energy for
performing activity.

Q 11 Write any two advantages of weight training & disadvantages?

Advantages : muscular body, improved flexibility& strengthen bones.

Disadvantage needs supporter , risk of injuries.

Q 12 write two fectors effecting motor development.

Genetics , Nutrition.

Q 13 what is activity ?

Physical activities like running ,walking , jogging ,jumping ,cycling ,are called

Q14 writedown significance of physical activites .

Boost mental wellness .

Improves physical wellness.

Q15 what are the important benefits of exercise on children ?(physiological


There are many physical & physiological benefits :

Improve health , improve respiratory system , strengthen muscles.


Q 1Briefly explain the motor development in early childhood.

Early childhood is a period between 3-8 years of age. During this period the
child should be provided healthy playfuul area & special care on diet should
be given. A good & proper care of sourrounding should be kept in mind.
Gross motor development activities are good at this age like running kicking
throwing catching etc. recreational activities & fun games, freehand
exercises are good for developing coordinating activities.

Q 2 How can you develop motor skill?

Children development is influenced by theirphysicalcapabilities,environment

& demands, of the activity in which they are engaging. Children ability to
grasp objects develops gradually over the first five years of life where they
learn to hold pencil, grab a toy & writing alphabet.

Q 3 Describe the factors affecting motor development?

Nutrition: Children getting good nutritious food have good motor

development. The development of sensory motor development also
depends on the Nutriton.

Physical activities: Regular exercise & activities by children enhance the

motor development at faster rate. These activities must be according to their

Q 4 Write two disadvantage of weight training?

Require supervision: The main disadvantage about weight training is the

safety concern. A close supervision is required for the weight training, as
sometimes the worst injuries & accidents happens in the training due to
heavy weight.

Chances of injuries: Using weights can cause damage to your own body. Your
focus should be on the whole body while training. If you are unable to
control over your body then you are ought to face injuries.
Needs weight training equipment. Weight training require special type of
tools, equipment & weight training machine that are expensive for common

Needs good coach. For maintaing the schedule a good coach is required
which every individual cannot get.

Needs good diet. A good proper & well balanced diet is requird for weight

Q 5Write psychological benefits of exercise?

Develops creativity: Physical activities makes our brain sharp & guide us to
be more creative.

Develop social skill: Exercise & games helps us to develop & practise social
qualities like discipline,leadership,adjustment,teamwork,tolerence etc.

Cheerful life: Physical activities provide a lot of recreation,fun & enthusiasm

& makes life cheerful.

Q 6 Explain the role of activities in quality of life?

Physical activity boost mental wellness. Regular physical work helps in

boosting the mental wellness. Anxiety,Stress,Depression,& Anger all are
controled & helps in leading a positive life style. As these activities becomes
apart of life.

Helps in optimal health. Regular Physical activity helps in the best of health
as the individual stay away from the risks of diseases. Individual builds up
stamina for work & does not feel fatigue.

Helps in making bone strong. Regular physical activity help an individual to

be strong. It makes the bones & joints to work & also helps in increasing the
density of bone. Bones can bear more weight.

Q 7 Explain the importance of play & recreation?

Develop creativity. Activities guide our mind to be creative & adventerous.

Utilisation of time. Time is used at the best possible way & helps in learning
new skill & technique.
Helps in socialisation. The social qualities are improved by games.

Makes life cheerful. Play & recreation makes life cheerful.

Q 8 What is the meaning of food supplement?

They are called as dietry supplement given in addition to the reguler diet.
These additional supplements boost the nutritional content of your diet.
Supplements provide nutrition which we lack in our daily diet.

These are Vitamins, Fibers,Minerals, Fatty acids,Amino acids, Herbal

products, Enzymes.

Q 9 Give benefits of aerobic activities?

Improves the efficiency of heart.

Increase stroke volume & resting time.

Prevents cardiac problems.

Controls weight & remove excessive fat.

Shape our body.

Improves our personality.

Improves physical fitness.

Increase working capacity & less fatigue.


Q 1What is weight training? Give its advantage & disadvantages?

The exercises that are designed for strengthening specific muscles by causing
them to over come fixed resistence.


Burn more calories. Weight training helps in the burning of extra calories that
the body accumulate by diet.
Increase muscle tone. By weight training our body becomes slimmer, healthier
& better toned. Muscle weight increase per square inch over fat.

Ideal for men & women. It is best for men & women equally as it helps in
tonning & shaping the body. Women worries about becoming masculine by
weight training but it is not true.


Requires assistant.

Chances of more injuries.

Q 2 What are the facyors affecting motor development?

Heredity. The genes that children get from parent affect the growth &
development. The child development is same as the parents.

Nutrition. Nutritious food promotes good motor drvelopment. The sensory

motor development depend on nutrition that the child get. Children become
stronger when they have good nutrition.

Immunisation. If the mother & child are immunized at the right time then the
development of sensory motor is better.

Environment. Safe clean & pollution free environment helps in the

development better as the child takes risk in exploration.

Opporutuanities. Those children who get more oppourtuanities to do activities

are developed better then others.

Physical activities. Regular physical activities helps in the enhancement of

motor development faster, but these activities should be according to their

Postural deformities. If the child is sufering with any type of deformities, then
it affects the motor devlopment. Like flat foot spinal curvature cause
hinderence in the motor development.

Q 3 What is the importance of physical activies for the improvement of mental

& physical health?
Importance of physical activities.

Improves mrntal wellness. Regular physical activites realive mental stress &
tension anxiety, depression etc. exercise increase the flow of oxygen faster
into brain & that helps in the relaxation of brain & becomes healthy. The
memory level & activity improves. It makes an individual feel good & improves
general wellness.

Improves physical wellness. Physical activity improves the immune system of

our body & decreases the risk of diseases. Regular exercise keeps individual
away from diseases like cancer & diabetes. It also helps in the reducing the risk
for prostate cancer & lung cancer.

Make possible optimal health. The body gain reular sterngth by exercise thus
giving the optimal health to individual.

Q 4 Explain the importance of aerobic activity?

Improves the efficiency of heart.

It increase the stroke volume & resting time.

Controls weight & removes excess fat from body.

Makes the body in shape.

Increases the efficiency of respiratory system.

Cycling is one of the best method for complete fitness.

Rhythmic exercise performed in mass with light appartus are helpful in making

Very short answers:

Q 1 What is amenarche?
It is the first onset of menstural cycle. In the advance athelete it may be
delayed by few months or years.

Q 2 What is menstural cycle?

It is aphysiological discharge in female that occours once in every 28 days.

Q 3 What changes do a women undergo during Pregnency(psychological)?

The changes are:

Cardiovascular, Hametological, Metabolic, Renal & Respiratory, Physical

changes, Emotional changes.

Q 4 List down the famous role models of Indian Women Athlete.

Our society has recognisied many of the Indian Women athlete & they are
playing a role model in the channging scenario. These women are the set
example of womens progress: Saina Nehwal, Karnam Malleshwari,
P.T.Usha,Sania Mirza, Mary Kom, Geeta Phogat, Anju George, Ashwini

Q 5 Write down on women participation in sports.

The participation in sports in India has increased in recent decade. In fact the
medals that were won in the olympics in the past too was from a women
athlete only. The Government is also promoting women to come up in sports.
A policies should be formed to encourage more participation.

Q 6 Enlist the symptoms of Female Athlete Triad.

The symptoms are: Eating disordeer, Fatigue, Hair loss, Dry skin, Weight loss,
Increased healing time for injuries, Risk to injuries more.

Q 7 Explain Amenorrhoea.

It is amenstrual disorder in female. Females over 18 years of age who have not
started their monthly cycle over years or months.

Q 8 Write note o Osteoporosis.

It is the weakining of bone density with the decrease in mineral & calcium
causing the bone weak & porous. It also reduce the body stature.
Q 9 What care are required during the stage of pregenancy in feemale athlete?

It is a a stage in all women where by they began a new life. It needs a apecial
care, Emotionally & Physically. Attention should be more on regular medical
check up, Diet rich with protiens,calcium & minerals. A female athlete should
restrict herself to light exercise, food supplements with consultation of Dr.

Q 10 List down the Psychological & Sociological aspects of Women.

Equality in society.

Motivation from parents.

Encouragement from institution.

Respect in society.

Safe playing environment.

Good coaching.

Job & career.

Q 11 List few reason for less participation of women in sports in India?

The participation of Indian women are less because:

Domination of male.

Family & social obstruction.

Less no of women coaches.

Social in-security.

Child marriage.

Lack of incentives.

Lack of ordinance/bill/resolution by Govt.

Q 12 Explain menstrual dysfunction.

It is disorder in the irregular menstrual cycle. Normally it occur with in the

scheduled days like 22-35 days & last for 3-7 days.
Q 13 What are the social factors that affect womens participation in sports in

Biological & physiological limitations.


Conservative society with streo type thoughts.

Q 14 What are the causes of risk of heavy exercise on the pregnant athlete?

Tiredness, Low Glucose, Injuries to muscles, Bones, Joints & connecting



Q 1 Why is there less participation of women in sports in India? Give any three

Women & sports has been ignored since ages.even women scholars have not
taken any keen interest for the upliftment of women in sports. So the
participation of women in sports has been less in our country. The streo type
of social thoughts, male domination on the society,lack of recognition &
awards to women has been the reason for the less participation.

Women are still trailing behind men for their recognition & they are not able to
stand up.

Reasons are:

Negative attitude of society. The male dominating & conservative Indian

society has a very low veiw on female athlete.

Lack of education. As female percentage of education is compartively lower

than male & in rural the scenario is too worse so there are various
misconception regarding women participation in sports. Some misconception
like if women participate in sports she would look maleish, bones may become
weak, she would develop male characterstic, participation will disturb the
reproductive system.

Less motivation. Due to lack of female role model in sports women are unable
to come into sports & games.
Q 2 Which sociological factor affect women participation?

Equality in society. Our society should accept females as equal & important
part of society. The discrimination of boy & girl should be banned.

Policies of Government. The government should make policies that encourage

women to come up in the society & also in sports.

Traditional role. He gender differencr in the society is one of the reason for the
females to be less in sports. It has been the traditional thinking that women
are meant for only kitchen work, or they can be a good housemaker. This type
of negative & streo type thoughts are the reasons for women’s lack of
participation in sports.

Q 3 What are menstrual disorders?

The females experience many types of disorder in their menstrual cycle &
these are termed as dysfunction.

Oligomenorrhoea. It is abnormally in frequentscanty menstruation.

Amenorrhoea. Refered as the absnce of menstruation in females above 18

years of is of two type primary & secondary.

Primary. In female above 18 years of age & never started menstruation.

Secondary. Females with normal cycle of menstruation but suffer absence in

between for months/years.

Q 4 What is ideology?

It refers to comprehensive vision of society for women & sports & helps to
benefit the society.

Ideology of women sports means ‘the veiws of experts to improve

participation of women in sports & to bring positive change in society’.

In India the participation of women in sports is increasing as compared to the

past. Indian women athlete has shown better results than the male counter
part in International competetion. Indian women face lot of problems for
participation in sports like:
Socio-cultural problem.

Lack of family support.

Lack of girls safety.

Lack of girls education.

Poor implementation of Govt policies.


Q 1 Write in brief about participation of women in sports.

Today in this modern society the role of women in sports has increased &
people at large have accepted it as we compare to their participation in the

Physical activity have benefited a lot in their health & in society.

Equality between men & women sports ranges on.

Percentage ratio of Men & Women is 52:48, for the literacy level it is 70 & 48.

Women play a vital role in India’s development in Education, Employment,


The 2014 National commission for youth has given a good detail of women’s
participation in sports after 1947.

The first indian women to participate in Olympics from India was in 1952.

In 1975 the Govt organised the first National Sports Festival only for Women to
promote sports.

It was preceded by competetion at different level.

Sports has become an elite activity of Govt since 2004 & has made sports
policy .

In 1916 the Ameteur Athletic Union Conducted the first Women World
Championship at London.
The IOC designed & alttered the rules & regulation of various games to
encourage women in sports.

‘The Indian social system does not approve women in sports’ this was said by
Mary Kom INDIAN Female Boxer.

Sports for women represent a fast growing changing elements in Indian

Culture & recent trends have sparked aneed for knowledge about female
sports participation.

Q 2 Describe any two physiological change in women after Menarche.

Physiological change in women after menarche:

Gender role orientation. It was thought that women should not participate in
sports because of the masculine effect she may get. Experts argued & agreed
to make sports equal for the females too.

Competitiveness & general achievement. Research suggest that male are more
competitive & do much better than females in competitive sports. Females are
more goal oriented & are creative & expressive like gymnastics.

Confidence & self esteem. The confidence level in female & male differ.
Studies have shown that female lack in confidence when compared to men. By
participating in intense physical activity women have improved a lot in their
self esteem & confidence.

Body image. Boys & males are more concerned about body image, but girls &
females are having a negative veiw about bodies & it is gender related.
Females are concerned about physical beauty & slim body, on the other hand
boys are concern about size strength & power.

Aggression level. Agressiveness in behaviour is common in male & female in

sports. Studies have shown that male grow up in aggressive way & are more
aggressive then females.

Q 3 What are the factors that cause Amenorrhoea?

Intensive training & competetion. Amenorrhoea is evident in the female

athlete who are involved in high intense training. The long distance runner
swimmer gymnast etc are prone to Amenorrhoea. The occurrence is is evident
to be greater in jogger & runners with a history of delayed menarche.

Excessive loss of body weight resulting in the reduction of fat %. Female lose
10-15% of their total body weight & induce amenorrhoea. The reason is that
fat is the prime source of estrogen which is vital for normal menstural function.

Malnourishment & eating disorder. Insufficient intake of calories protiens fat

vitamins & minerals leads to secondary Amenorrhoea.mostly middle & long
distance athlete are diagnosed with eating disorder.

Previous history of disorder. A previous history of dis order in the menstural

cycle may be one of the reason of Amenorrhoea.

Hormonal changes. Abnorml reproductive hormones function are reported in


Q 4 Why are females participation in sports in India is less. Explain.

Reasons for less participation are:

Lack of financial help by Government. In India very less financial help is given
to educational institution by the governmrnt for promoting sports for females.
The infrastructure is also not according to the need of females. No special
scholarship or incentive is awarded to females.

Negative attitude by society. Indian society is male dominated, so there is very

less participation & also the conservativeness prevaling in the societyis the
reason for les participation.

Lack of education. The literacy level in our country is less in female in

compared to male. There are various misconception related to womrn
partipation in sports.

Lack of personal & social security. The law & order problem is also a reason fpr
less participation of Indian women. Most facilities are out of the town area, so
women & girls are not allowed to go & take part in the training. Parents are
not willing to let girls participate.

Lack of sports culture. Our country lack in sports culture & it is believed that
girls & women are meant only for the kitchen work. Our children are made
couch potatoes in home, & sports are the last priority given at all the front.
Children are allowed to play at home or with computers.

Lack of access to facility. Males are given more facility in compared to females,
being the Government providing facility for the promotion of female in sports.


Q 1 What is a test?

It is an instrument to judge & access individual performance.

Q 2What is Kraus Weber test?

It is test used for the general fitness & muscular strength.

Q 3 What is the fullform of AAPHER?

American Allience for Health, Physical Education & Recreation.

Q 4 What is Harvard test?

This test help us to check the Cardio Vascular Fitness.

Q 5 Name Rikki & Jones Senior citizen test?

Chair stand test for lower body strength.

Arm curl test.

Sit & reach test for flexiblity.

Back scratch test.

8 Feet up & go test.

6 Minute walk test.

Q 6 What is Rock port one mile test?

This test is meant for cardio respiratory fitness.

Q 7 What is chair stand test for senior citizen & the purpose of the test?

This test is to measure the aerobic capacity of senior citizen. It is for the lower
body strength.

Q 8 Discuss the method of calculting VO2 max.

VO2 max is ( mL – kg-1, min-1)

Q 9 What is arm curl test for?

The arm curl test is for the upper body strength of senior citizen(Biceps).

Q 10 WHAT IS Shuttle Run?

This test is meant for speed & coordinative ability .

Q 11 Describe 50 Yard dash.

This test is to chech the Explosive strength of an individual.

Q 12 What is bent knee sit up?

This test help us in knowing the strength of muscle & its endurence in the
hamstring region.

Q 13 What is the procedure for chair stand test for lower body strength for
senior citizen?

Place the chair against wall.

The person sit on chair with foot apart on floor.

Arms crossed at wrist &held close to chest.

From sitting position the person stands completely up & down.

It is repeated for 30 seconds.

The number of complete chair stand is counted.

Q 14 Describe six minute walk test for Aerobic capacity?

The test is for aerobic fitness. The equipment required are measuring tape to
mark the track distance, stopwatch, chair positioned for resting.
Q 15 What is the formula of Harvard test?

Fitness index: 100*test duration in seconds/ 2*sum of heartbeat in the

recovered period.

Q 16 What is the aim of back scratch test?

The test is for measuring the upper body flexiblity. It help us to know the upper
body & shoulder movements.

Q 17 What is 8 foot Up & Go test?

This test is designed to measure the speed agility & balance while moving.


Q 1 What are the administration procedure of 8 foot Up & Go test?

Place the chair against the wall & mark a cone 8 feet away in front of chair.

Clear the path between chair & marker.

The person sit on chair hands resting on knees & feet flat on chair.

On command Go timing starts & person is instructed to Wlk around the cone.

Scoring is counted as time taken to perform. Two trials are conducted & lowest
time in seconds is considered for scoring.

Q 2 If the total time taken was 300 seconds & heart beat between in 90
seconds was 90 at 150 seconds is 80 & at 210 seconds was 70 then find out
fitness index?

F.I= 100*Test duration in seconds/2*Sum of heart beat

F.I= 100*300/2*(90+80+70)

= 30000/480= 62.5

Q 3 Explain Kraus Weber Test?

Strength of Abdominal Plus Psoas Muscles. The subject lies in supine position
with hands kept under the neck, & legs straight. One helper holds the feet on
the floor. Subject has to perform one Sit up.
Bent leg sit up. For abdominial strength.

The subject is in the supine position legs are bent & supported by helper at
feet. The subject has to perform one sit up. If the subject is unable to perform
the test then the score is zero.

Raising lower body. To measure strength of lowr back muscles.

The subject lies in prone position, helper holds the chest with knees straight,
lift legs off floor & holds for 10 seconds. Scoring 0-10 depends upon the no of
seconds the person holds the correct position.

Q 4 Explain three test of AAPHER?

Pull up for Boys & Flexed arm Hanging for Girls.

Equipment: Horizontal bar of 1.5 inch diameter.

Description: In this the subject will pull up his body, so that the chin croses the
parallel bar & will get back to the normal posiyion. This has to repeated as per
the strength of the subject’s shoulder.

Girls will hold the bar & will lift themselves up & keep their chin up to the level
of parallel bar, hands will remain spread.

Standing broad jump.

Equipment: Jumping pit & measuring tape.

In this test the student will be asked to stand behind the line with feet
together. Students can bend & swing hands to get maximum force.

Scoring: The best jump is counted.

50 Yard dash: The student takes position in the start line. The command Gois
given by the starter. The score is done on the basis of time tkaen to cross finish
line. Time is noted to one-tenth of a second.

Q 5 Explain the different types of test in sports field.


Pull Up for boys.

Flex Arm hanging for girls.

Sit-ups (boys & girls).

Shuttel Run.

Standing long jump.

50 yard dash.

600 yard Run walk.


Straight leg sit-up.

Bent leg sit-up.

Raising legs.

Raising upper body.

Raising lower body.

Floor touching.





Chair stand test for lower body.

Arm curl test for upper body.

Chair sit & Reach Test for lower body.

Back scrath Test for upper body flexiblity.

Eight foot Up & Go Test for Agility.

Six minute Walk Test for Aerobic Endurence.

Q 6 Explain Chair Sit & Reach Test for lower body flexiblity.

The chair sit & reach test is a part of senior citizen test & is designed to test the
functional fitness of senoiors.

The purpose of the test is to measure the flexiblity of lower body.

A few simple equipment are required like Ruler, Straight back chair about 17
inches in height.

The subjest sits on the chair edge. One foot remain flat on the floor. The other
leg is extended forward with knee straight, heel on the floor, ankle bent at 90`.
Place one hand on top of other with tips of the middle fingers even.

The subject is instructed to inhale & exhale, reach forward towards toes by
bending from hip. Keep the back straight & head up. Keep the knee straight &
hold the reach for 2 seconds.

Two trials are performed & score is to the nearest ½ inches or 1 centimeter as
in the negative or posiyive direction.

Q 7 Explain the importence of Measurement in physical education & sports.

Measuring progress. It is the only tool to measure the progress of the trainee.

Motivation. Test are the motivational tool for every trainee. Pupil know their
draw back & limitation. On condition of fall in performance one can improve by
the progres chart.

Grouping of students. With help of measurement grouping of students can be

done of same caliber. Thus it is helpful in classification of students.

Evaluation. To know the exact progress of the student measurement helps in

the evaluation process of each & every one. Effectiveness of the training
process can be made more better. The achievement can be judged.

Motivation for sports person. Without evaluation & measurement in physical

education it becomes a monotonous for the trainee to continue with training.

To achievespecific goals & objective. The specific objective objective of the

training is understood by measurement.
Helpful in research work. Datas collected by test & measurement are helpful in
research work. It help them to do comparitive studies.


Q 1 Define AAPHER. Explain all test used in AAPHER battery test.

American alliance for health physical education & recreation. It was developed
in 1947 for evaluating the health & fitness of children in school in America. The
test consist of six battery that are to be performed in two days time.

Administration of the test:

Battery 1. Pull up for boys & flex arm hang for girls. This test is for the
measuring of muscular strength & endurence of arms & shoulder
muscles.while performing both have to do chin up over the horizontal bar.

Battery 2. Bent knee sit up. This test help us to understand the muscular
strength of the abdominal region. The time duration for the test is a minute.
The maximum score is noted.

Battery 3. Shuttle run. This test is performed to know about agility. Two
wooden block are given to students placed at starting line & finish line, the
runs is of 10 yards that is repeated for four times.the minimum time taken is
considered to be the best.

Battery 4. Standing broad jump. The test is to check the explosive

strength.student stand on the marked line with feet close. They can dip knee &
swing arms before the jump. Only 3 jump is allowed & the distance from the
start line to place of lsnding is measured & the best of the three jump is taken.

Battery 5. 50 Yard run. This test is for speed & explosive strength. The student
has to perform with maximum speed in the minimum possible time.

Battery 6. 600 Yard run /walk. This test is for knowing the cardio-vascular
fitness/endurence. The student has to run 600 yard in the shortest possible
time. Time is recorded in minutes/seconds.

2* sum of recovery period

The ability to do exercise continuosly for long period of time without fatigue Is
due to the aerobic capacity of the individual iscardio-vascular fitness. It is
important for the all sporting activities.

It is a good measurement of fitness ability to recover after strenous work. The

more quickly your heart rate come to rest, the better is your shape.

The equipment required for this test is a20 inch high bench for men & 16 inch
for women & a stopwatch.

The subject step up & down on the platform at the rate of 30 steps per minute
for 5 minutes. On the condition of exhaustion the subject immediately sits
down & the heart beat are counted for 1.5, 2-2.5, & 3-3.5minutes.

The fitness index is calculated as per the formula:

100*test duration in seconds/2*sum of recovery period.

This test require minimal equipments & cost.

Can be administered easily.

The disadvantage of the test is if the individual is highly fit then the accuracy is
based on the individual pacing ability & motivational level.

Q 3 Explain sit & reach test in brief.

Sit &Reach test is common for the measurement of flexiblity of lower back &
hamstring muscles.the test was deviced by Wells & Dillon in 1952.

This test help us to judge the flexiblity of hip region,lower back & hamstring also helps in curing lumbar lordosis & back pain.

For this test a wodden box with ruler fixed on top is required.

The subject sit on the floor, shoes & socks are to be removed. The subject sit
with leg strectched in front. The sole of the feet should be kept against box
(flat). Knee should not be bent & palms should be facing downwards. The
individual whose flexiblity is to be measured extend both the hand forward
along the measuring line on the box as far as he/she could. The finger tip
should remain equal in the same level. The full reach position should be held
for two seconds of time. The score is recorded to the nearest cm.
This test is simple to perform & know the flexiblity.


Q 1 Define Physiology.

The study of the functions of normal human body is Physiology. It is closely

linked with the study of biology.

Q 2 List the factors determining components of physical fitness.

Speed, Strength, Endurence, Flexiblity, CO-ordinative ability.

Q 3 What is effect of diet in physical fitness?

Diet also effect the physical fitness & wellness. We must take balanced diet,
considering types of activity, age, gender, body weight, climate, diseases etc.

Q 4 What is the effect of environment on physical fitness?

Climate weather temperature pollution natural environment affect physical

fitness. Research studies have proved that a person living in cool climate tend
to have more physical fitness then to person living in hot climate.

Q 5 What is the effect of stress & tension on the physical fitness?

Stress tension & worries affect physical fitness of the individual. These
problems can be due to individuals personal problems or family problems that
affect fitness.

Q 6 List effect of exercise on cardio-vascular system.

Increase heart rate. Increase stroke volume. Increase blood flow. Increase
blood preasure. Increase cardiac output.

Q 7 What is vital capacity of lungs?

It is the amount of air which an individual inhale & exhale with maximum
Q 8 List down physiological factors determining speed?

Fast twitch muscle fibre. Neuromuscular responses. Flexiblity. ATP energy


Q 9 Explain the meaning of plumonary diffusion.

Plumonary diffusion is the exchange of Oxygen & Carbon dioxide between

lungs & blood. More & faster plumonary diffusion increase the endurence.

Q 10 Enlist four effect of regular cardiac-outout.

Hypertrophy of heart. Increased cardiac output. Resting pulse increase.

Increase haemglobin.

Q 11 What do you mean by cardiac output?

Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by the heart in one minute. It is
measured in litre/minute.

Q 12 Give four effect of exercise on muscular system.

Gain in strength. Efficiency improvement. Increase in aerobic capacity. Faster

recovery from injury.

Q 13 What is Lactic acid tolerence?

The ability to tolerate lactic acid in blood produced during anaerobic activity.
Better tolerence helps in delaying fatigue.

Q 14 At what age the peak performance of physiological system is achieved?

The peak performance is achieved in between 20-30 years of age.

Q 15 What are the factors that affect the physiological system in old age?

Physical activity help in controling weight.

Reduce the risk of cardio-vascular disease.

Reduce risk if cancer.

Strengthen bone & muscles.

Q 16 What are the changes that occur in human with ageing & what are the
benefits of exercises.

Muscle size. Decrease due to age. Regular exercise slow the effect.

Cardiac muscle. Become weak. Improves by exercise.

Blood preasure. Increase with age. Keeps in control by exercise.

Health problems. Increase with age. Decrease wit exercise.

Speed movement. With age restricited. With exercise it is better.

Q 17 What is the effect of Profession on physical fitness?

Reduce the risk of heart disease.

Develop fitness & wellness, Speed & Flexiblity, & increase cardiac output.

Q 18 Give four effect of exercise on Respiratory system.

Increase tidal volume & vitality. Respiratory muscle brcomes stronger. Improve
metabolism. Second wind is avoided.

Q 19 What do you mean by stroke volume?

It is the amount of blood dispersed by per beat out of left ventrical increases.
It is measured in ML/BEAT.

Q 20 Write short term effect & long term effect of exercise on Cardiovascular

Increase Heart beat, Stroke volume, Blood flow, Cardiac output.(Short term

Reduce risk of heart disease, Decrease resting rate, Increase Stroke volume at
rest, Increase blood volume.

Q 21 How physical activity helps in old age.

Helps in controlling weight, risk of cardiovascular disease,keeps calm mind &

stres free, activity increase blood circulation.

Q 22 Define heart rate.

The number of contraction in one minute is called heart rate.the normal heart
rate is 72beat/Minute.

Q 23 What is agening?

It is the physiological changes in human which is inevitable with passage of


Q 24 What are Red Muscle Fibres?

They are slow twitch muscles, can carry more Oxygen, helpful in aerobic
endurence. Higher amount of Red Muscles Fibres increase Endurence.

Q 25 Mention difference in physical & physiological parameter in genders.

Height & Waist. Muscular strength. Skeleton muscle. Sensitivity.


Q 1 What is the effect of exercise on heart rate?

The cardiovascular system undergoes a lot of changes by exercise

supplies more Oxygen to the muscles & carry the impure blood to the lungs to
be purified & takes it to the active muscles.

Increase heart rate:

As it is known that during exercise a lot energy is consumed which cells derive
by oxidising Glucose. Both has to be delievered by blood.the heart work harder
to pump more blood through the body. It beat faster to achieve higher cardiac

The heart rate in an adult is about 70 beats /minute, but by training the basl
heart at rest come down to 28-40 beat per increase during exercise
to 220beat / minute.

Q 2 What is the effect of exercise on the volume of blood flow?

By doing exercise the blood dispering per beat out of left ventricle increases. It
is measured in ML/PER BEAT by exercise it can increase to 60-110 mililitres
depending on the intensity of exercise in untrained individual. In trained
athlete the resting stroke volume 90-110ML/BEAT& can go up to 150-180 beat
in intense work.

It increase the blood flow is the short term effect of exercise in circulatory

Q 3 What are the effect of exercise on respiratory ayatem?

Increase tidal volume. With exercise the tidal volume & vital capacity increase
as chest expands more.

Effeicient Respiratory system. The efficiency of Alveoli increases thus more

oxygen reaches the working tissues for energy production during stressful

Improves metabolism. The metabolic reactions are faster in trained athlete for
energy production with less consumption of Oxygen. It gives less stress on

Vital capacity increases. In adult it insreases from 3500cc to 4500cc which

raises to 5500cc in trained endurence athlete.

Improved maximum oxygen uptake. Vo2 is the amount of Oxygen utilised by

the body in one minute. Max Vo2 is a direct measure of an individual’s work
capacity. Improved max Vo2 is increased performance.

Faster recovery rate. Due to improved vital capacity & improved max Vo2 the
recovery after strenous exercise will be faster.

Q 4 What is ageing process?

It is the natural phenomena which cannot be controled or stopped. Ageing is

the gradual decrease in the efficiency of work in an individual. Most of the
physiological function that were in peak declines with age. The peak
physiological performance of an individual is between the age of 20-30.

An individual should understand the ageing as natural & should adapt to the

Many changes that occur cause loss.these losses are often being in the early
Q 5 Discuss the gender difference on physiological parameters.

WEIGHT. Males are heavier then females of same height. A good posture
contributes to physical fitness.

HEIGHT & WAIST. Male are taller then female. The waist of men are large then
women. Women have broader waist.

STRESS & TENSION. Stress Tension & worries affect physical fitness.of
individual. These problems are due to individual’s problems. These Stress
Tension & Worries affect Psychological & Physiological fitness.

REGULAR EXERCISE. Regular exercise increase fitness. When compared to men

& women, men are more fit & strong then female due to their body structure.

Q 6 What are the benefits of exercise on Respiratory system?

The benefits of regular exercise on the respiratory system.

INCREASE TIDAL VOLUME. The tidal volume & vital capacity of lungs increase
by regular exercise.

EFFICIENT RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. The efficiency of Alveoli improves with

regular exercise. Oxygen reaches the working tissues for energy production
during stressful activity.

IMPROVES METABOLISM. In trained person the reactions are faster for energy
production with less consumption of oxygen.

VITAL CAPACITY INCREASE. In a normal adult the vital capacity is about 3500cc
to 4500cc, but in a trained athlete it raises upto 5500cc.


oxygen utilised in a minute by the body. Vo2 max is the direct measure of
working capacity of the individual. Exercise increase the working capacity.

FASTER RECOVERY RATE. Due to improved vital capacity & improved max Vo2
the recovery rate after the exercise is faster.

Q 7 What are the effect of exercise on the Muscular system?

STRENGTH & SPEED. Regular exercise helps to increase the strength & speed of
muscles. The contraction & relaxation capablity of muscle fibre increase thus
enhancing the strength & speed.

CONTROLS EXTRA FAT. Regular exercise help to maintain body fat & fitness.
Exercise help to burn fat & maintain percentage of fat. Regular paticipation
burns calories.

REACTION TIME. When we perform exercise regularly then the ability to react
quickly increase.

ENERGY SUPPLY TO MUSCLE. Due to training the length of muscle &

mitchondria increase resulting the improvement in the supply of energy to
muscles. The sources are like ATP, muscle glycogen,& creatine phosphate
provide energy.

MUSCLE HYPERTROPHY. The shape size & the cross section area of muscle
improves by regular exercise.

FORMATION OF MORE CAPILLARIES. By regular exercise the number of

capillaries of muscle increase so during the contraction the muscle get
sufficient amount of oxygen & blood thus the muscle get more red in color.

Q 8 Explain the physiological factors determining speed?

Speed is the ability to do work faster rate. It consist of three part Reaction
time, Accerleration, & speed of movement. It also depend on strenght,
endurence, flexiblity & co-ordinative ability.

Speed depend om percentage of fast twitch & slow twitch muscles. It is also
with the neuromuscular responses of an individual ie basic responses.flexiblity
to a large extent play its role. The ATP energy store is responsible for the relese
of energy. Faster the relese the better speed.

Q 9 Explain any three physiological factors determining Endurence?

MAXIMUM OXYGEN UPTAKE. Vo2 max refers to the highest rate at which
oxygen can be taken up & consumed by body during intense exercise. Thus the
mitchondria improve & produce energy for the muscle.
PLUMONARY DIFFUSION. It is the exchange of oxygen & carbon dioxide
between lungs & blood. Faster diffusion increases Endurence.

BLOOD VOLUME & FLOW. Endurence activity need sufficient amount of oxygen
& nutrients which are transported by blood. Regular training & exercise
increase thr % of RBC & blood plasma thus boosting endurence.


Q 1 What are the effects of exercise on cardiovascular system?

HYPERTROPHY OF HEART. With regular exercise the heart expands & thus
increase the stroke volume.

INCREASED CARDIAC OUTPUT. Regular exercise increase the cardiac output

more blood is pumped out from heart for the working tissues.

RESTING PULSE INCREASE. Due to increased cardiac output the basal rate
decrease & the resting heart rate increase, so the heart does not get stressed
in normal work.

FASTER ADAPTATION TO WORK LOAD. The heart can adapt to any load if the
individual is trained i.e there is a quick adjustment of the load.

RETURN TO NORMAL PULSE. The pulse come back to normal after the exercise
quickly & body feel relaxed.

INCREASE HAEMOGLOBIN. Regular training increase the HB in blood. Blood

rich with HB carry more oxygen & improves the energy level.

DECREASE BLOOD VISCOCITY. As the plasma content increase in blood the

blood viscocity decrease. There is faster circulation of blood.

NEW CAPILLERIES ARE FORMED. Regular exercise helps in the formation of

new capilleries, it bring more amount of blood to working tissues, & increase
the efficiency of muscles.

Q 2 What is Physical fitness? Explain physiological factors determining speed

as component of physical fitness?

‘Physical fitness depends on the bio-dynamic potential which is composed of

his functional & metabolic fitness’. Bruno Balle
Speed is one of the important component of physical fitness. It can be
determined by.

A Explosive strength. Explosive strength depends on the metabolic

composition, muscle size & muscle co-ordination. For fast & quick movement
explosive strength is needed. It can be through training as the muscle
composition cannot be changed. Sprinters have more fast twitch muscle fibre
& endurence runner have more slow twitch muscle fibre.

B Biochemical reserve. Speed & anaerobic endurence dominate the physical

activity. The phosphogen store of the muscle i.e ATP & CP should be enough.
The contraction becomes slow after short time. The energy supply depends on
certain enzymes that increase the metabolic power. The amount of energy
reseve can be increased by training.

C Flexiblity. Speed also depends to large amount on flexiblity. A good flexiblity

increases range of movements without much internal resistence. Flexiblity also
help in the usage of Explosive strength.


Q 1 Explain the meaning of Contusion?

An injury caused by blow or impact without causing a rapture on the skin.

Q 2 Define sports Medicine.

It is abranch of science of medicine concerned with the treatement &

rehablitation of the injuries of athlete.

Q 3 What are the aims of sports Medicine?

To cure & treat sports injury.

Correcting the musculoskeletal cause.

To provide rehablitation.
Q 4 Explain the scope of sports medicine?

It is ideal for Trainer, Fitness expert, & Physiotherapist.

Q 5 Classify sports injuries.

Sports injuries are: Soft tissue Injuries, Joint & Bones Injuries.

Q 6 Mention the causes of sports injuries?

Causes of the sports injuries are: Lack of Fitness, Poor concentration,

Overstress/ Tension, Aggression/ Violence.

Q 7 Name the Environmental causes of sports injuries.

Safe envvironment, Prevent accident & health problems, & Full opportunity for
growth & development.

Q 8 Name the preventive steps for Sports injuries.

Proper warm-up. Good concentration. Regular conditioning & proper skill.

Safety equipment & equipment.

Q 9 Define first aid.

The mobilty of the damaged bone should be prevented. Patient should be kept
in comfortable position. Reduce the inflamation by ice-pack so that pain can be

Q 10 Mention soft tissue injuries.

Soft tissue injuries are further divided into two.

Skin injury.

Muscle injury. Strain, Sprain, Contusion, Abrasion.

Q 11 What do you mean by RICER.?

Rest Ice Compression, Elevation, & Rehabilitation.

Q 12 Mention Joint & Bone injuries.

Joints Dislocation, Bone fracture: Simple fracture, Compound fracture, Green
stick fracture, Impacted fracture, Comminuted fracture, Transverse fracture,
Complete fracture,& Depressed fracture.

Q 13 What is Abrassion?

An injury caused by the scrapping of skin on any hard surface or friction.

Q 14 What is Sprain?

It is the injury of the ligament at the joints, like wrist joint , ankle joints. It
happens due to over strecthing of the ligament or due to twist.

Q 15 What is Dislocation?

It is the injury in the joints of bone caused due to the displacement of bone
from the place of it’s junction.

Q 16 What is fracture?

It is the complete breakage or partial breakage of bone.


Q 1 What is the scope of Sports Medicine?

The aims of sports medicine is to maintain & sustain & to regain the peak of
Physical fitness. It is : Scientific Promotion of sports & games.

Prophylatic health. Sports medical extension science.


It has a grest scope as sports is getting increasingly competetive. It give the

maximum fitness for the winning edge.

The opourtuanity is open to trainer ,fitness expert, & physiotherapist. These

people keep the sports person fit for the competetion. Other then prevention
& cure of sports related injuries, sports medicine also helps in the following:

Problems related to women in spotts participation.

Ageing & sports performance.

Athelete nutrition.

Fitness for sports & games.

Specific fitness.

Psychological aspect of sports performance.

Illness caused by environmental,physiological & psychological disturbence.

Medical supervision of atheletes.

Conditioning exercise.

Preventive & curative exercise.

Counselling for genral health.

Use & abuse of drugs.

Q 2 What is Strain & how it is treated?

It is the injury iof the muscle which is caused by the stress over the muscle or
due to pull.

Treatment of Strain:

It is treated by the RICER method.

The player must be given rest & complete movement is restricited.

Apply cold compression on the affected part.

Copression bandage should be applied on the affected area.

Elevate the affected area.

After complete treatment, recovery is gained by rehablitation & exercise or

physiotherapy to regain strength.

Q 3 Explain the various types of bone injuries? What do you mean by


The various types of bone injuries are:

Dislocation. It is an injury in the joint of the bones where by the bone are
displaced from its original position & cause inflamation to the region. This can
also be associated with other injury like fracture or sprain. Dislocation is mainly
due to the direct impact on the bones.

Fracture. It is the injury on the bone where by due to the impact, the bone get
broken into partial /complete breakage.

Rehabilitation. After the intial treatment of the injury the complete recovery is
gained by rehabilitation, whereby the injured perform various rehabilitation
exercise for the improvement of muscles & joints. It should be performed in a
progressive & regular manner.

Q 4 Explain two soft Tissue injuries?

Abrasion. It is an injury caused on the skin or the epidermis whereby there is a

complete or partial rapture of the skin caused in games & sports due to friction
with players or hard surface. It cause pain & bleeding.

Treatment. Avoid friction further & protect against infection. Clean the injured
part with cold & clean water. Apply antiseptic. Dress the injured part. An anti
tetnus injection can be given.

Contusion. It is a muscle injury caused by the impact on the field, direct or

indirect, with or without sports equipment. This injury is common in boxing,
wrestling & kabaddi.

Treatment. Cold compresion should be immediately administrred, but should

not exceed more than 40 minutes. Can be performed 5-6 times a day. Anti
inflamatory medicine can be given to reduce swelling. Flexiblity exercise should
be performed for rehabilitation.

Q 5 What is dislocation? What first aid to be given at the time of impact?

Treatement of dislocation.

Immobilise the joint & keep the patient in comfortable position.

Apply cold compresion or ice to stop internal bleeding.

Provide support to the injured region.

Patient should be handled by expert or paramedic only.

After the complete treatment rehabilitation exercise therapy should be


Q 6 Write the aims of Sports Medicine.

The aims of sports medicine is to maintain sustain & to regain the peak of
physical fitness.

A. Scientific promotion of sports. Planning training program. Evaluation of

the training program. Selective diagonist. Injuries prevention.
B. Prophylatic health care. Functional evaluation. Detection of disorder.
Prevention of ageing. Health education.
C. Sports medical service extension. Treating musculo skeletal &
neurological problems. Prevention of obesity. Cardiac health. Diabetes
prevention & control.

Q 7 Explain any three fractures.

Compound fracture. In compound fracture the skin & muscles get damaged
along with the bone. Normally the broken bone comes out of the skin.

Comminuted fracture. In this fracture the bone is broken into two or more
parts. This type of fracture is common in cycling.

Green stick fracture. The most common fracture in chikdren. As the bone are
soft they bend.

Q 8 What are the tips for [revention of Sports injury?

Avoid training under condition of fatigue. Load should be increased as per the
increase in strength. Training area & competetion area should be specific.
Right equipment to be used. Warm up should be done properly & cooling too.
Do not use the same type of training surface. Regular in activity. Pay attention
to diet & nutrition. Stay away from infection & pollution.

Q 9 What is the need of Sports Environment?

a. For proper physical growth & personality development. Sports

Environment is related to the growth & personalty of the sports person.
In the absence of the sports environment it is not possible that an
individual can develop properly.
b. To raise the sports standard. It is directly related to the raise the
standard of sports. Every country try to reach the apex in sports.
c. To avoid injury. A good sports environment helps in avoiding injuries
that may arise due to participation & practise.
d. To avoid mental health risk by providing healthy outlet for aggression. A
good & proper sports environment help the progress of the society. It
helps in avoiding stressful situation & makes an individual learn to cope
it up.
e. To avoid physical health risk. A good sports environment helps in
avoiding health risk. It helps us to be compatiable in situations like high
altitude, extreme heat, etc.
f. To encourage mass participation. For the encouragement of sports
culture a good & proper sports environment is very essintial.

Q 10 What are sports injuries? What are the principles to prevent sports

A sports injury is defined as the stressful situation that arise due to over
excertion of the individual that prevent him/her for further participation, &
make the person undergo a recovery phase. Sports injury can be on the tissue
or on the bones. It is classified as Traumatic injury. Overus injury.

The principles followed to prevent sre:

a. Proper warm up. A good warming of the body is essintial for an athelet
to participate in the best possible way. It make body active & fit for the
b. Medical check up before. A good & proper medical check up is essintial
before the event/participation, so that the knowledge helps in taking
care & to use preventive nethod.
c. Safety gaurds & equipment. The equipment & condition should be
checked, this help in prevention of injury along with safety.
d. Proper concentration.alertness of the player is a must
e. Proper skill. Conditioning & skill is required for good
participation.regular conditioning help in the prevention ofinjury. It
increase the fitness.

Q 11 How would you providefirst & management of sprain?

Sprain is a injury related to the ligaments of the humsn body. The treatement
is done with RICER method. Rest to the player & restrict the movement.

Immediate apply cold compresion on the affected area to stop heammorage

internally. Repeat this process several times.

Compression bandage should applied.

Elevate the affected area.

After two days apply anti inflamation cream for the reduction of swelling.
Massage the area gently.

After recovery rehabi;itation exercise should follow.


Q 1 What is Projectile?

A projectile is an object that is sent in motion into space either horizontally or

at an acute angle under the action of gravity.

Q 2 What is angular movement?

Angular movement is caused when an object acting as a radius moves in a

circular path about a fixed point or axis for sometime, in space so that all its
parts travel through the same angle & in same direction.

Q 3 What is a linear movement?

Motion along with the straight line with all body parts moving in same
Q 4 What is Work?

Work done by a body is the product of force acting on that body &
displacement made by that body in the direction of force. W= F.S.

Q 5 What is Energy?

It is the capablity of a body to do some form of work.


Q 6 What is a Friction?

Friction is the force that oppose a body while in motion or at rest. It is the
force in between two surface in contact when one moves over other. Friction is
produced due to roughness of the surface in contact.

Q 8 What is a Sliding Friction?

It is a force of friction that appears when one body slides or tries to slide over
the surface of some other body.

Q 9 What are the types of Angular Motion?

Curvelinear motion, Rotation, Circular motion.

Q 10 What is a Potential Energy?

It is the energy pocessed by a body due to its position above or below the
surface of earth.

Q 11 What is Kinetic Energy?

It is the energy pocessed by the body due to its motion of any type.

K.E.=1/2 mv2

Q 12 Give one most important mechanical difference between Walking &


During walking one foot always remainsnin contact with ground.

But during double swing phase in running both the feet remain off the ground.
Q 13 Explain Mechanical Analysis.

It is a process to identify the laws & principles applied to give the correct
execution of the given movement or skill.

Q 14 Explain Kinesiological Analysis.

It is a process of identifying joints, muscles & body levers involved in the

execution of given movement.

Q 15 Name the types of phase of Walking.

Support phase. Double support phase. Swing phase.

Q 16 Explain the Restraining phase in Mechanical Analysis of Walking.

This phase starts from the movement of foot,when the heel touches the
ground until it is directly under the body’s centr of gravity. The COG is almost
located in the pelvic area of the lower spine while walking.

Q 17 What are the functions of Biomechanics?

Evaluation of exsiting for learning & training processes.

To find faults in the executions of the movements of athlete.

Qualification of various motor abilities.


Q 1 Write factors affecting Projectile & Trajectory.

THE ANGLE OF PROJECTION. The angle of releases of projectile changes the

relationship between the horizontal & verticle component of projectile. The
ideal angle of projection of an object is 45 degree.

VELOCITY OF PROJECTION. The velocity is related to the distance covered in

flight. The speed of projectile depends upon: Intial verticle velocity. Intial
horizontal velocity.

HEIGHT OF THE PROJECTILE. The more level of release of projectile, the greater
is the distance covered because the higher the projectile is released the longer
it will be in air.
Q 2 What is Potential & Kinetic Energy?

There are two types of Energy.

POTENTIAL ENERGY. It is the energy possessed by a body either due to its

position above or below the surface of earth or its shape or size.


KINETIC ENERGY. It is the energy possessed by a body due to its motion of any
type. If there is no motion of a body, it does not posses any Kinetic Energy.
Stationery bodies have PE & moving bodies have KE.

KE= 1/2mv2

It means KE of a moving body is directly proportional to its mass. Heavier the

body more is the KE.

It is directly proportional to the square of velocity with which body is moving.

Higher velocity of a body more will be the KE.

Q 3 What is Projectile? Give example.

A Projectile is an object that is sent in motion into space either horizontally or

at an acute angle under the action of gravity.

Projectile motion of the bodies that have been projected into the air. It occurs
with cosiderable frequency in physical education & athletics.

EXAMPLE: Shotputter, golfer, baseball players,basketball players,& volleyball

players project a shot or a ball, discuss-thrower, archer,& badminton players
project various shaped object.

Q 4 Explain the Frictions. How many types of Frictions are there? What are the
advantages & disadvantages of Friction?

Friction is the force that work against a body automatically in between two
surfaces. Forces of friction always tries to oppose the motion of the body.
Types of friction.

SLIDING FRICTION: It is the force of friction that appears when one body slides
or tries to slide over the surface of some other body.
STATIC FRICTION: It is the force that a body pocesses in a static condition.

LIMITING FRICTION: It is the maximum values of a static friction when the

external force is applied on a body & it becomes so much high that the body
starts sliding over another.


We cannot move without friction. Like it is esy to move over floor then to a
polished floor.

Power cannot be transmitted or executed without friction.

Vechicles cannot move without friction on the ground. A wet surface on rainy
days has less friction.

Sometimes we make friction for it is necessary. Like while running a short

distance races spikes are used to increase the speed & also to reduce the
spped at the end of the race. Even weightlifter rub chalk powder in their hands
for friction that enables them to lift properly.

Q 6 What is the meaning of Biomechanics? Explain the function of


Biomechanics is defined as the science ,that deals with the applications of the
mechanical laws on the human body in relation to sports & locomotion. Sports
biomechanics deals with movement of the athlete & the forces that are acting
over them. It also helps to study the effect of these laws on the movements of
the athlete.



Improvement of the old technique & development of new technique.


Personal equipments like shoes,sports gears etc.

Technical equipment like Pole, Rackets, Javline, Bow & Arrow, etc.


Development in Photography,Videography, Cinematography, Dynamography.


Teaching correct movement. Finding fault in the execution. To identify the

cause of fault. Itroduction of new training methods.

Q 7 Explain Newton’s Laws of Motion.

Isaac Newton developed laws of motion, & in sports these laws are applicable.

FIRST LAW OF MOTION. A body continues to be in atsate of rest or in motion

until & unless an external force acts on it.

Example a football will remain in motion or at rest until a player does not kick
or stop it.

SECOND LAW OF MOTION. The acceleration of a body is directly proportional

to the force acting upon it.

Example the change in the speed of cricket-ball or base-ball depends on the

force with which it has been hit.

THIRD LAW OF MOTION. Every action has an equal & opposite reaction.

Example when a sprinter pushes his foot against the starting block, the block
exert an equal force for the forward movement of the athlete. The same is
applicable in Swimming, Rifle shooting etc.

*In this chapter Aerodynamics is not a part of course.


Q 1 Define Sports Psychology.

Sports Psychology is the scientific study of person & their behaviour in sports
& the practical application of that knowledge.
Q 2 What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a Psychological & Physiological state of an individual.

Q 3 What is Motivation?

It means to be inspired to do something. Motivation is the inner condition of

the individual that directs his behaviour towards goal.

Q 4 What is Stress?

Stress is defined as the perturbation of the body homeostasis. It is a state of

affair involving demands on physical & mental energy.

Q 5 What is Development?

It is related to the changes in all aspect of an individual,like Physical Mental

Social & Emotional.

Q 6 What is the meaning of Personality?

The word personality is derived from latin word ‘Persona’ which means
‘Masks’. Personality is the integration of a human being at any stage of his

Q 7 What is Body image?

Body image is how & what you think about your body.

Q 8 What is a Positive body image?

It is called as healthy body image. It is on the individual acceptence about the


Q 9 What is a Negative image?

It is called as unhealthy image about self, when a individual live in unhappy


Q 10 What is the meaning of Self Esteem?

It is how you value yourself as a person. It is the real opinion about self.

Q 11 What is Intrinsic Motication?

The Motivation that arise in oneself is called Intrinsic Motivation. This is out of
pleasure or interest in oneself.

Q 12 What is Extrinsic Motivation?

An Motivation instinct that arise due to some External factors that comples the
person to do the work.

Q 13 What is Personality?

Personality is a complete unit in itself. It is made up of various aspects &


Q 14 What are Coping Strategies?

Coping refers to the thoughts & actions that we usually do in dealing with any
situations that are threatening.

Q 15 What do you mean by Growth?

Growth refers to the physical dimension of a person that can be seen &
measured like height, weight, etc.

Q 16 What do you mean by Adolescene?

Adolescence means to attain to maturity. It is aperiod of uncertain beginning &

ending. The management of Adolescene is only by education.

Q 17 What do you mean by Ethic in Sports?

Ethics are set of principles that are for the right conduct in the sports field. So
it is the ideal conduct in the field by any athlete.


Q 1 Explain types of Motivation?

There are two types of Motivation

Intrinsic: It is the internal motivation that arise in an individual & he/she is

compled to do the work, because of desire & importence. Motivation is always
intrinsic when the force comes from inside. Internal motivation depends upon
the need may biological like (thirst or hunger) social need like (family friends)
psychological need like(love interest attitude self esteem) personal need like
(safety economical personality). This depends also on the bodily needs,instinct,
nature, emotional needs, social needs. Each & every individual are born with
certain inborn traits that makes him act in different way. Emotions like love
jealous hate affection helps in better performance in some cases.

Extrinsic: Any force that helps you to do the work that you may desire or not is
Extrinsic Motivation as it produces behavioural change. They are of various
types like:

REWARD: As man is inclined toward materialistic so rewards has great effect

on performance. Rewards are of various type like cash prize job professional
security honor recognition social status etc.

PUNISHMENT: Punishment has its impact on the performance to certain limit,

like physical punishment, social, blame, economic punishment, etc.

ACTIVE PARTICIPATION: This is one of the best method to develop leadership

quality. Active participation helps in to do continious progress.

AUDIO VISUAL AID: The media serves as a effective motivational method. It

arise the sense organ & helps in better performance.

TEST EVALUATION & COMPETETIONS: These methods helps in motivating &

evaluating the athlete. It also helps to do comparitive study about any

TEACHING METHODS: An effective teaching method directly influence the


TEACHER-STUDENT RELATION: Healthy relationship helps in the attainment of

best performance.

EQUIPMENT & SURROUNDINGS: Modern equipment & healthy surroundings

act as a motivation factor for higher performance.

Q 2 What is the meaning of Adolescence? Discuss the problems of


The word Adolescence is derived from the latin word ‘adolesceker’ which
means to ‘grow to maturity’. It is a period of uncertinity. Generally it is the age
from 12-18 years of age. The age is marked by number of physical &
phsiological changes. During this period there is a lot of hormonal & glandular

‘Adolescence is the period through which a growing person makes transition

from childhood to maturity’. Jersield.

‘Adolescence is the period of great stress & strain, strom & strife’. Stanley Hall.

Adolescence is a stage where a lot of problems are faced by the adolescent. It

is avery delicate period in their life. The major problems which are faced by the
adolescent are as follows:

PHYSICAL. During this period of life they face many problems particularly the
bodily changes that takes place during this time. Females start having their
maturity & have their menses & in male they have their nightfall problem
which is a normal phenomena in their life. This is due the development of sex
gland in their body. Adolesecnt feel rest less due to these changes.

SELF SUPPORT PROBLEM. Each & every adolsescent needs self support. They
like to make their own identity in the society & like their desire to be fulfilled.

FEELING OF IMPORTENCE. Adolescent beings to understand their own

importence. They like to get their self respect more. Parents fail to undrstand
their feelings & they start feeling that they are not important & this becomes a
great cause of disturbence.

SOCIAL PROBLEM. Adolescent want to adopt their own way in the society, but
due to the social customs & beliefs it becomes an hinderence in their life. So
they revolt against the society. Friends become more important to them in this
stage of life. They share their veiws & ideas more with their friends. Sometimes
this is the reason for them to develop bad habits & they have dissatisfaction in
them. They fall prey of drugs alcohol & smoking. Institution & family should
guide these adolescent.

MENTAL PROBLEM. This age a lot of stress tension & strife prevails with the
adolescent & it creates a lot of mental problems. An adult feel difficult in
cooperating with others, maladjustment etc, they live in Anxiety more.
AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOUR. Children show more aggresiveness in their
behaviour. On small-small matter they become too hyper in their behaviour.
They get irritated easily, when they are said to do certain work/activity. They
have repulsive behaviour & tries to be the hero in themselves.

STABILITY & ADJUSTMENT. They face adjustment problem & becomes instable.
There is a constant change in the behaviour. Due to maladjustment in the with
others, the child is unable to cope up with family. Child feels to be under
constant preassure from the family. They like to have free atmosphere.

EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS. The life of a adolescent is full of emotions. Sometime

they perform an uphill task too that seems to be impossible. Sometime they
become too excited in their behaviour & consider themselves to be on top of
the world, & sometimes they become too depressed & harm themselves. Thus
they feel emotionally disturbed.

SEX RELATED PROBLEMS. During this period children faces a lot of problem
that are related to sex. They have attraction towards their opposite sex,
sometime they get restless & leave their family. This is due to their own sex
related problems.

Q 3 What are the symptoms of Anxiety? How can Anxiety be managed?

There are two types of symptoms:

PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS. Dizziness, Insomania, Difficult in swallowing, Chest &

muscle pain, Heart palpaitation, Fatigue, Nausea, Shortness of breath, Stomach
ache, Headache, Increased blood preassure, Increased heart rate, Increased
sweating, Increased blood flow, Inhibition function of Immune system &
Digestive system, Pale skin, Trembling.

PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS. Constant worry, Obsessive thoughts, Anxiety

about health, Thoughts about oneself, Disturbing dreams, Confusion, Feeling
like going mad, Depression, Mood swing, Sense of panic.

Management of Anxiety.

Sports person who has the fear of failure in the field & out surely have a high
level of Anxiety when they face competetions. Coaches & the PE teachr should
try to reduce the fear in the athlete by making them over come the fear for the
winning & success.

Sports person who have high level of trait anxiety tend to experience high
levels of state anxiety when in situation of competition. Coaches should be
cognizant of individual’s trait anxiety so that they be aware of how individual
will likely be respond in competetive situations. In this way they may be able to
adjust the level of anxiety & arousal in the optimum level.

Performance related anxiety is the main concern for an athelete. Anxiety is

accompanied with Physiological arousal. The Physiological arousal is to be
maintained in the athlete by coaches for the optimum performrnce in them.
Too high level of arousal can hamper the performance. It is important to have
the optimum level of arousal. Coaches & PE teacher should identify the
optimum state in an athlete. Various techniques can be adopted by coaches
like pep talks, motivational slogans, relaxation techniques, training &
professional service of Psychologists.

Q 4 How can be ethical values be developed in sports?

Sports & games occupy a good amount of time in the life of people. Its effect
are positive & negative, & sometimes very significant. Give ample
opportunities to learn ethical values. It depends on the goals philosphy of
training , the coach , the trainee, players & spectators, & the outlook of

Q 5 Explain any two technique of motivation?

Goal setting. Goal setting is one of the most important techniques in

motivation. If you do not set a goal, you cannt achieve apex positions in your
life. So a few ambitious goals should be set for sports person to be achieved in
long term.

Arrangement of competition. Competition plays an important role in

motivation. Under a competition situation a sports person perform better.

Q 6 What are the psychological benefits of Exercises?

The benefits are.

IMPROVED MOOD. Exercises brings happiness to the individual & improves
mood for doing more. It encourages the individual.

REDUCE STRESS. Exercise reduces stress in an individual. It develops an

individual to cope up with stress.

IMPROVE SELF ESTEEM. Person gais confidence & develop positivity in life as
he does exercise.

SATISFACTION. A mental satisfaction is achieved by an individual by exercise.

Thoughts remain stable.

IMPROVE BODY IMAGE. Exercise develops good & healthy body image &
improves personality.

HIGH ENERGY. An individual feel energetic & his life style changes.

POSITIVE ATTITUDE. Exercise helps in developing a positive attitude in life &

helps to be optimistic in life.

STABILISES EMOTION. Emotions are the traits that makes an individual weak.
Exercise helps in controling over emotion, & helps oneself to live healthy.

Q 7 Explain the role 0f sports in personality development.

IMPROVES PHYSICAL PERSONALITY. Games & sports improves an individual

development, growth pattern. Mostly seen that the individual have strong
muscular body. Only sports helps in making the physical personality to

IMPROVES HEALTH. Good health is a part of personality. Sports & games helps
in the development & improvement.

IMPROVES SOCIAL HEALTH. Games & sports helps in developing the the
qualities like friendship, togetherness, co-operation, coordination, team work

CONTROLS OVER EMOTIONS. Games & sports helps in the proper development
of personality & to have control over emotions. It helps in the balancing of the
CHANGES PSYCHOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR. Games & sports helps an individual to
be active. It helps him/her to change the veiw, attitude, thoughts, ideas, &
response. The individual becomes full of positive thoughts & this makes a

IMPROVES SELF ESTEEM. Playing improves one’s self respect & confidence. It
helps to accept success & failure in the right way.

RELEIVES STRESS. Physical activity helps to overcome stress. Person becomes

happy & cheerful. Individual veiw about the life changes.

IMPROVES MANAGEMENT SKILL. Sports helps in the improvement of

management skills, administrative skill, thus build personality.

MAKES CREATIVITY. Participating in physical activity make an individual mind in

creative, alert, & adventerous. This helps in improving personality.

MORAL VAALUES. Moral values like honesty, truthfulness, patience,

obedience, helpfulness, etc are learnt by games & sports. Thus an individual
improves his personality.

Q 8 Explain the technique for Stress & Anxiety management.

DEEP BREATHING. Stress & Anxiety can be controlled through deep breathing.
Yogic Pranayam like Anulom Vilom, Kapal bhati are effective way to control.

DRINK WATER. Water reduces Anxiety level. It reduces stress & anxiety by
making the blood calm.

FOLLOW ADVICE. Always follow the advice of expert& take suggestion &
guidence. Avoid multitasking & multi-suggestions from those who are not

PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCE. The psychological balance should be maintained

before the activity. Do not feel stressed & prepare yourself for the
psychologically for activity. Do not panic in any circumstances.

WARMING UP. Perform good warm up activity before the stressful activity as it
reduces stress & prepare for the activity mentally & physically.
NO CRITICISM. Always remember not to criticise any one or anything as it leads
to varied Anxiety.

FOCUS ON TARGET. Individual should be focused on the target rather then on

deviated attention. Distraction should be avoided.

SUFFICIENT PRACTICE. As it is said practise makes man perfect so to remove

stress one should do sufficient practise for the activity & should fel
comfortable in doing the activity.

SELF-CONFIDENCE. Self confident to perform the activity should be developed.

Over or Under confidence should not be developed.

ENCOURAGEMENT. Motivation & Encouragement should be given by the

coaches or trainer to stablise the Anxiety level.

*In this chapter self esteem & body image, Psychological benefits of Exercise
have been excluded.

+Exercise Adherence,reason to Exercise, Benefits of Exercise, strategies for

enhancing adherence to exercise have been added in the course.


Q 1 What do you mean by Training?

The word Training means the process of preparation for some task. This term is
widely used in the field of games & sports.

Q 2 What is active flexiblity?

Active flexiblity is the ability to do movement for longer distance without any
external help.

Q 3 What is passive flexiblity?

Any flexiblity activity done with the help of some assistant or external help is
called passive flexiblity.

Q 4 What is sports training?

The specilised process for the all round development of an individual for the
preparation of sportsperson for the improving the performance in games &

Q 5 What is Isometric Exercises.

These are those exercises in which the movement is not seen or visible as
there is no direct movement & so it cannot be observed.

Q 6 What are Isotonic Exercises.

Isotonic exercise are those exercise in which movement can be seen directly.
Like free hand exercise.

Q 7 What are Isokinetic exercises?

Exercise in which the movement is experienced with tension in the extensor &
flexor muscles are called Isokinetic exercise.

Q 8 What is Pace Races?

When the complete race distance is done at a constant speeed it is called as

Pace Race.

Q 9 What is flexiblity?

The range of movements a body can perform is called flexiblity. Individual with
good flexiblity does not experience fatigue & is blae to do all the work well.

Q 10 What is circuit training?

A training method in which exercise of different kind are performed with or

without appartus/equipment for certain duration of time.

Q 11 What is Speed?

It is the velocity in which the movement are executed by an athlete.

Q 12 What is Strength?

The ability of the muscle to overcome resistence is called Strength. It can be

also said as the amount of that a body/group of muscle can exert.

Q 13 What is Dynamic Strength?

It is known as Isotonic strength. Applicable in all sports.

Q 14 What is Static Strength?

It is known as Isometric Strength. It is not applicable in all sports.

Q 15 What is Fartlek?

It is the Sweddish method to develop Endurence. Fartlek is a Swedish word

means Speed-play.

Q 16 What is Strength Endurence?

The ability to overcome resistence under condition of fatigue is called Strength


Q 17 What is Endurence?

It is the ability to sustain activity without experiencing much fatigue.

Q 18 What is Continious method of training?

Continious method is one of the best method for improving Endurence.

Q 19 What is Explosive Strength?

The ability to over resistence with speed is called Explosive Strength.

Q 20 What is Maximum Strength?

The ability to act against Maximum resistence, not used in majority sports.


Q 1 Explain/Elucidate principles of sports training?

THE PRINCIPLE OF CONTINUITY. According to this principle, the training should

be a continious process without any break. It should be regular & for long
duration without being inactive. It has been seen that discontinuity of training
reduces the capacity of sportsperson. In this method interval should be given
but not for long period.

THE PRINCIPLE OF OVERLOAD. According to this principle load should be more

than the normal load on the athlete as required for the trainingadaptation to
take place. Load should be increased for the improvement of performance. The
normal load cannot improve performance if the load remain static &
effectivness of load diminishes over period of time. It can only maintain the
achieved adaptation. For the continious improvement of performance the load
has to be increase for the athlete to adapt for the previous training load.
Example to increase endurence, muscle mustwork for longer duration of time.


of performance both are essintial & significant. General serve as base for
Specific preparation. The performance is better if the base of training is better.
The general preparation increase the functioning of the body organ & system,
& specific preparation further enhance the system on which the sports person
performance depends. Like speed can be improved by running & also by
playing football.

THE PRINCIPLE OF PROGRESSION. According to this the increase of load to

athlete should be gradual & not too rapid. As rapid increase may cause injury
to the muscles. Athlete should not exercise above the limitation. Rst &
recovery should be proper. Overload can be harmful & may ehaust the athlete.

THE PRINCIPLE OF SPECIFICITY. Specific exercise for specific part only develop
that muscles formaking it better.

Q 2 Define speed & its method of development?

Speed means the velocity in which an can execute his movements. The
following methods are used to develop speed.

ACCELERATION RUN. This is usually adopted to develop speed, specially in

attaining maximum speed from stationery position. It should be kept in mind
that the technique of any sports are learnt in the beginning. Only then we
should switch over to acceleration runs. Like in 100 m sprint race we should lay
stress on the technique of start & complete running action we should practise
it at slow speed. After learning proper technique, we should practise the
technique for higher speed. Then after good amount of practise the complete
technique we may switch over to acceleration run.

PACE RACES. Pace races means running the distance at constant speed. In this
the athlete runs at uniform speed. Normally middle distance races like 800 m
or above the pace race method is used. It helps in conserving energy for the
athlete. Like 800 m is clocked at 1 minute & 40 seconds so accordingly the
speed in 400 m, 49 seconds & the next in 51 seconds. This is called pace race or
pace run.

Q 3 What is warm-up & cooling down?

WARMING-UP. The process in which muscles are toned up for activities by

running jogging & performing free hand exercises is called Warming-up.
Warming up is of two type: General warm up & Specific warm up. General
warm is for all the sports & games, the specific warm is related to some
specific activity or games.

COOLOING DOWN. The process in which light exercises are done to make the
muscles come back to normal condition. These exercises helps in reducing the
temperature of the body & to bring in normal condition.

Q 4 Explain the Fartlek training method?

Fartlek is a swedish word which means speed run/play. This was introduced by
O.Astrand & Gosta Halner. In this there is no set or pre-planned method of
doing things. The athlete are free to do this as per their comfort. Self discipline
is very important in this method of training.

Q 5 Explain method for improving Flexiblity?

The ability of the joints for thr range of movement or in other word the
maximum movement that can be done is flexiblity.

There are two types of flexiblity.

Active flexiblity. When an individual actively involve in the movement it is

called active flexiblity. Active flexiblity is again sub divided into dynamic &
static flexiblity.
Dynamic flexiblity. The flexiblity performed by body while in motion. This is
done by gymnast & divers.

Static flexiblity. The rnge of movement while the body is in stationery

condition. Like side way bending, doing asana.

Passive flexiblity. When the flexiblty movement is performed by with the help
of other person it is called as passive flexiblity.

Method of improving flexiblity.

BALLISTIC METHOD. In this method the movement is performed while in

motion/rhythm. The related joints stretch with the swing. This can be
performed by counting too. Before performing such exercises the individual
should do good warm-up exercise.

STATIC STRECTHING METHOD. This involves gradual stretch position & holding
the position. The amount of time depend upon the individual. It is a part of
cooling down of the body. The time duration for this should vary from 10-30
seconds. It is also advised that one should move to further stretching position.

DYNAMIC STRETCHING METHOD. It consist of controled leg & arm swing that
takes you gently to the limit of range of motion. Where the event require
dynamic movement it is advised to do dynamic stretching. The speed of the
motion should gradually increase.


method is used by advanced athlete. PNF involves the use of muscle
contractionbefore the stretch in an attempt to achieve maximum.

Q 6 What do you mean by co-ordinative ability? What are its types?

The ability to repeatedly execute a sequence of movements smoothly &


Cordinative abilities are of five types.

ADAPTIVE ABILITY. The ability that enables modification of motor activity on

the basis of comparision or anticipation of new changing condition while
performing activity.
BALANCE ABILITY. The abilty to keep the body balanced & stable in position.

COMBINATORY ABILITY. The ability to combine two movements together that

is simple to complex movements.

KINESTHETIC ABILITY. The ability that enables to realize kinesthetic & dynamic
features of movement.

RHYTHM ABILITY. The ability to grasp motor movement & expresses that
movement in a very co-ordinative way with graceful action.

Q 7 Give detail of Interval training method.

Bikia the famous athletic coach introduced this method in 1920. He stressed on
the importence of rhythm between work & rest in this method & called it
TTERRACE TRAINING. For athlete of 400 m race the following example can be
applicable for this training.

400m with 80% speed.

Walking or jogging until heart rate comes down to 120-140.

Again 400 m with 80% speed.

Q 8 What are the main characterstics of circuit training method?

Exercise are simple to learn & simple to execute.

Exercise are performed with medium resistence or with medium weight.

Number of repetitions are more.

Its aim to develop endurence & strength.

It involves exercise of whole body.

It is given to the sportsman in the preparatory period for developing basic of

strength & endurence.

Q 9 Give advantages & disadvantages of Isometric Exercises.


Can be performed anywhere.

No helper required.

Less or no equipment is required as immovable objects are used.

Can be performed by injured player too.

It helps in developing high level of static strength & maximal strength, thus
effective for total muscular strength.

Can be performed during warming up.


It develops static strength whereas in most of the games dynamic strength is


It raise blood preasure not suitable for heart patients.

Lack of interest due to same types of exercises & movements.

Less variety of exercise.

*High Altitude Training Introduction & impact is deleted from the course.

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