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DRIVERS OF CHANGE IN DIGITAL MARKETING (speak to them and turn them to be leads), Messages (chat with site
visitors), CRM
 Closing Sales: focus close sales to people who ready to buy. Leads 
 Search 
customers. Strategies: Lead nurturing (find what interested & provide
- HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) after SSL (Source Socket
info related to that), Email (make trust)
 Delighting Your Customers: Delight people to be promoter. Strategies:
- Knowledge Graph  likely to ask next  like human
Conservation (monitor Q, comments, request), Smart Content (content
- The Building Blocks of Anticipatory Recommendations: 1.
for long term relationship)
Instantaneous delivery (get desired content faster no need type
completely); 2. Contextual Understanding (apple fruit/brand); 3. 5. CONTENT MARKETING: FORMAT: Textual (articles, case), Non
Unlimited Access (calculate user location  for future actions) (podcasts, video), Both (social media, blog, infographics)  Reflects
 Website BENEFIT: “Conversion Marketing”  calls to action (banner, company’s goals while addressing audience’s needs. OBJ: web traffic,
button, etc) direct sales, customer retention & acquisition, brand awareness, loyalty,
How Evaluate Effectiveness of Website: Business Purpose, Website lead generation. ELEMENTS: Brand (Image), Massaging (what/how
Design (User’s Behavior  tablet, hp, image size, resolution, easily to deliver), Positioning, Values (Core). Tools:
read, information, visual appeal), Website Reliability (valid links),  Influencers  have power on potential custs (business blogging). Obj:
Website Updates, and User Friendliness interact & share ideas w/ audience, SEO (blog page create unique web
1. Usability: 1) User Experience (UX) easy, familiar, find what he URL)
wants, remember for next visit; 2) User Interface  how visitors  Premium Content  dive into topic relevant to audience. (E-book,
navigate around web; 3) The app of sales funnel in web design to boost slideshare  provide FREE info that people interest). Obj: Keep the buzz
usability  awareness, consideration, preference, purchase, retention. going
2. Elements Presenting Info on Web: architecture, presentation,  Multimedia Content  video, audio cast. Obj: engage people in
credibility, test different, novel, entertaining ways to delight customer, social sharing,
3. Content Development: Content (informative), Copy (persuasive traffic.
nature), Voice (consistent personality), Tone, development of textual  Newsjacking  quickly ride & react major trending story
content (read easily), development of image & other features. CMS  Smart Content  Obj: Personalized exp of customer viewing content.
(Content Management System): support content publishing & editing  CMS  application to manage content (add, edit, delete, content
WYSIWYG. Benefits: improve web performance & ol presence, customer publish on website)
retention, effective cost. Function: content day-to-day management,  Branded Content  Obj: stop pressure feeling, give room to explore
creation. What types: update website, blog, online retail. product, create trust, attention, recognition. FORMAT: Information
4. B2B Website: Issues: appropriate calls to act, medium of com, person (product info), Advice (article), Video, User generated content (review).
in-charged of initial contact 6. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING. Obj: Increase traffic & attention,
 E-Commerce: TYPES: 1. Multi Channel  sell off & online (Click & share, relationship, engaging in communities and networks, brand
Collect, Reserve & Collect); 2. Pure Pay  trading online as key obj ; 3. development, income generation, service/support
Based Customized Message Broadcast Massage
Off Retailer  offline but has web. VISIT TYPES: Direct purchase, Search Profile Relationship -Social media mktg Self Media –mktg on sosmed (Broadcast
& Deliberation, Knowledge Building, Hedonic Browsing. FULFILLMENT: (no promotion) promotion)
Stock control, shipping cost, outbound logistics, Reserved logistics, Content Service (Marketing on Social Media) Creative Outlet (ads on social media) share prod

comparison shopping engine, 3rd part sites, checkout process,

navigation, product pages, call to act, whish list, “search”, contact, price,  Measure & Monitor: Quantitative (fans, followers, friends, like), Social
printer friendly, product comparison. TRENDS: virtual site, media metrics (content sentiment, response, user’s property contract
recommendation, testi, reviews. w/content, seen)
SOCIAL DRIVERS  Social Media. Obj: discount, giveaways, update, learn, feedback.
 Social Engagement: involvement, intimacy, interaction, influence, two Facebook (storytelling & highlight issues), Twitter (update & link), Yutup
way conversation w/ cust.  brand loyalty (frequency & quality of (engagement), Linkedin (prof network), Instagram (personality),
interaction) Pinterest (repin product)
 Social Advocacy: create & consume social content  advocate their  Microblogging: blog + instant message. Obj: time effective, frequent
position & view through social media  obj: create peer influence post, direct communication. Ex: Twitter, Instagram
 Crowdsourcing  involves collaboration & raising money online for new  Blogging. Obj: info & entertainment, connect to social media, add photo,
product development & possible business solution share
 Social Sharing. Obj: support breaking news & contest. 2 Forms: Text
3.OUTBOUND MARKETING: Shotgun approach, TV commercials,
(WA, twitter), image (Ig, Snapchat, Pinterest, Youtube)
telemarketing calls, spam, expensive & not effective
 Photo Sharing, Video Sharing, Tools for Social Media Management
4. INBOUND MARKETING: holistic, organic, data driven to visitor jd (hootsuite)
cust, use social approach, earn person’s attention through social media &  Reviews & Ratings  as research data, to attract
engaging content (e-books, podcasts, webinars)  interesting,
7. ONLINE ADVERTISING. Obj: Direct acts (react, income, promo),
informative, connection brand & cust.
 Payment Method: 1. CPM (Cost Per-Thousand Impression), 2.PPC/CPC
(Pay/Cost Per Click), Pay per call, Pay per action
 Programmatic Advertising. Software for purchase & delivery digital
 Attract Qualified Customer. Obj: create content apt to be visitors 
marketing content. 1. Google AdSense & 2. Google AdWords VS….
buyers & cust. Strategies: Blogging, Content Strategy (good info), Social
Native Advertising: promote prod. in a native/natural environment, no
Media (human face)
ad-blocking, not delivered programmatically
 Convert More Leads. Obj: convert visitors into promising leads.
 Formats: 1. Text ads: Stand alone text only (w/ headline, body,
Encourage learning more. Strategies: Give Forms (get info), Meeting
advertiser’s name), Within textual content; 2. Image based ads
 Paid Search Advertising: need to pay keywords of ads to appear on them); 2) Textual Content (Problem: Get attention; Subject line:
SERP. Obj: help cust aware of the brand & determine text searchers see, encourage people to open; Content: not spam & relevant)
pengaruh ke positioning. Positioning: bid amount, quality score  Develop Landing Page
(keywords match), relevancy, give extension on ads (phone number,  Test Content (browser, image, anti-spam issue) & Technology (A/B
address, rating) basic & professional Test)
 Landing Pages  appear after click ad. Obj: move cust to selling  Send  Day & Time, Sent in Batches  Measure & Results
environment. How to Improve: relevant, transparent, easy navigation,  Email Newsletter. Obj: for product info & promotion.
fast, mobile friendly 11. LEAD NURTURING: create relationship with potential customers
 Paid Social Media  Depend on bid amount, quality, relevance, est. act.  Tools: 1) CTA (Call to Actions)  2) Landing Page  3) Premium Content
Rates Offer (Free One) enter email address convert visitor to leads (by
8. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION: Page ranking, creating fresh & sending 4) Email Campaign).
relevant content to address cust’s needs & wants  Lead Conversion  converting lead to long life customers & brand
 On-Site Optimization. 2 aspects: Web Page Content  common advocates.
keywords, short textual content, keywords on the first  Social Customer Relationship Management Software  listen and
sentence/paragraph; Source Code  page’ subject. tract prospects’ and customers’ interest. 5 Core Functions: Customer
 Keywords. Obj: Guide searchers (get info, navigation, transaction). data management, Interaction Tracking, Engaging Relationship,
Types: term & query. Optimization: Mega Tags, Title Tags, Alt Workflow Automation, Reporting
Attribute for Image, relevant keywords, make keywords from the 12. MEASUREMENTS AND EVALUATION
relevant content, back up with research, place in the headers, use in  3 Tactics:
hyperlink, part of website design aspect (URL).
9 Benchmarks Tools
 Web Page Optimization. Obj: traffic, worthy of inbound links, build Unique Visitor total visitors. --> whether attract
trust Traffic new visitor or not
 Off-Site Optimization. 2 aspects: Repeat Visitor number visitor come back
o Website History  how long it existed & updated; Direct Traffic
come to web by typing name/URL
o Inbound links  pay for links, part take in reciprocal linking. Website who brand advocates, monitor
Inbound Links Free: Google
 How can brand build inbound links: reciprocal links, list product Performance referal traffic
Management how many page being indexed & analytics
with shopping comparison, submit to related key industry, social  marketing Organic Traffic
found by new prospects
network, online community, and news, contrary, resource, and effectiveness of Paid:
visitor leaving web after view 1
your web Bounce Rate Crazy Eggs,
humor hooks page
Landing Page visitors who desired conversion
 Enterprise SEO. Obj: look at search data and trends and be able to give Conversion acts
actionable advice to all parts of an organization Keyword
keyword track
 3rd Party SE Ranking. 2 types: pay fee to 3rd directory to list their how many visitors come from
Organic Search
company details & links. Ex: yellow pages; Social Media Platform organic search & complete
Conversion Rates
conversion act
 Local SEO. Obj: help customers on your area to locate your brand via
search engine. Ways: localized keywords, google place/local (register), Metrcis Tools

Bing/Yahoo local, AdWords Express KPI (visits,

 Social Check-In  broadcast where they are check in  share loc to Social
customers) from Alerts
Reports keywords
followers Perform social channel
ance we use 1. Monitoring
 Geofancing  virtual perimeter established any physical space that send Manage Customer whether people Service: Track sentiment
ment Social Mention
notif. Obj: send notif to customer to give promo, coupon, and discount. Respons Rates talk about us keywords, analysis
 what phrases, conversion
 Other aspects to rank the website: page quality, repeated use of social sentiment streams &
data is cost savings of
keywords, quality & quantity of links, the linking sites standing in search Customer Multifunctional searches,
relevan Service Saving CS efforts on Dashboard publicatio
engine rating, domain name, relevance the linking and linked website, & social media
n of posts,
frequency of inbound links what the
growth you test monitor brand' social presence
 ***SEO Strategies update sites constantly, promote through social data Audience
for different 2. Social Insights (favourites, tweet impression,
means Growth Rate
media, caption each photograph, name of particular location (church, campaign comment)
reception venue) Engagement
likes, shares, 3. Social Media
paid software --> bs semua
Retweets Management

 Mobile Application. Obj: Simplify the user experience Type of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Tools
 Mobile Website  smaller display, designed for cust needs  use Counting
volume (like, follower, mention)
Metrics Automation.
experience Foundation Functions:
engagement (visit, share)
 Responsive Web Design (RWD)  process creating web that optimize Metrics - Demand
Integrated awareness (mention), interest, Generation
for mobile of varying size Performance Outcome involvement, commitment (conversion), - Web Otimization
 Mobile Advertising: 1. Banner Ads (small strip), 2. Interstitial Ads (full Management Metrics loyalty, advocacy, champion (supportive - Lead Generation
content, referal) - Sales Process
screen), 3. Expandable (banner  interstitial), 4. In-stream ads (mid roll - Ongoing
ads). Revenue, market share, profit, Campaign analysis
awareness, retention, employee -Marketing
 Mobile Premium Content  subscription fee (TV shows, ebook, movie, Value Matrics
productivity, sustainability Budgeting &
music) Forecasting


 Obj: increase sales, registration to newsletter, encourage membership.
 Mailing List  potential cust. 2 Ways: Internal & External
 Develop Content. 1) Technical Aspect (Problem: Different cust
different service provider and system; Strategy: provide best suits

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