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Problem I: A tank I 2 m high is to be filled with oil with unit weight of 9.4 kN/m.

3 as shown in Figure JM-

0 I. Neglect the weight of tank.

A. Calculate the compression index of the clay layer.

B. Caculate the settlement under the centre of the tank in mm.
C. Calculate the minimum depth to which the tank's base must be placed to minimum settlement.

Problem 2: A thick layer of saturated clay has moisture content of 59%. The specific gravity of soil solids
2.68. The water table 1s on the ground surface.

A. What is the density of clay in grams per cc?

B. What is the effective stress at a depth of 30 m?

C. What is the total stress at a depth of 30 m?

Problem 3: The results of tri-axial test on a cohesive soil Is as follows: Maximum axial stress = 220 kPa
Deviator stress = I 40 kPa Angle of shearing resistance = 21 degrees

A. Compute for the value of the confining pressure in kPa.

B. What is the cohesion of the soil?
C. What 1s the shearing stress at failure plane, in kPa?

Problem 4: The water table in a soil layer is I.5 meters below the ground. The soil above the water table
is also saturated. The saturated unit weight of soil is 20.3 kN/m.

A. Determine the total pressure at plane A in KPa(A is 4 meters below the ground).
B. Determine the pore water pressure at plane A, in KPa
C. Determine the effective pressure at plane A, in KPa
Problem 5: The square footing shown I n figure carries a load of 3500 KN. Assume the stress below the
footing is distributed at a slope of I H: 2V.The clay layer is over consolidated with OCR = 2 · Note
(Important Reminder for Calculations of Consolidation Settlement m foundation): Use Pmid = P
for pf = Po + P, if Simpson's Rule is not specified in the problem. Use Pave = P for pf= Po+ P, if
Simpson's Rule is specified in the problem

Where: Pmid = Increase in pressure at mid height of clay layer. Pave = Average increase in pressure
in clay layer Pave = ( Ptop + (4) Pmid + Pbot)/6

A. Determine the effective stress at the midheight of the clay layer, in KPa.
B. Determine the increase in pressure at the mid height of the clay layer, in kPa .
C. Determine the settlement of the over consolidated clay layer, in mm.

Problem 6: A group of friction piles is shown in figure JM-G. The total load on the piles less the soil
displaced by the footing is 1900 KN. L1 = 1 ·2 m, L2 =1.2 m, L=9m, t = I 7 m, qu = 180 KPa, FS =3m

A. Compute for the overburden pressure, that is the effective pressure at the midheight of the
consolidating clay layer, in kPa.
B. Compute for the compression index of the clay. c.
C. What is the approximate settlement of the foundation?
Problem 7: The water table in soil deposit is Im below the ground surface. The soil above the water
table has dry t 3 unit weight of I 5.6kN/m3 . The saturated unit weight of the soil Is 18.6 kN/m3.
Determine the following:

A. The total vertical stress at a point 4 m below the ground.

B. The pore water pressure at a point 4 m below the ground.
C. The effective vertical stress at a point 4 m below the ground.

Problem 8 : A 6 m thick homogeneous soil layer has dry unit weight of I6. I kN/m3 and saturated unit
weight of I 7 .8 kN/m3. The water table is located 4 m below the ground surface.

A. What is the effective stress at the bottom of the clay layer?

B. What is the effective stress at the bottom of the layer if the water table goes up by 3 m?
C. What will happen if the effective pressure at the bottom of the layer when water table rises to the
ground surface?
Problem 9: A borehole log profile in a construction project shown in Figure JM-09. The proposed
construction will impart a net stress of 12 N/cm2. The unit weight of water is equal to 9 .8 I kN/m3.

A. Determine the nearest value to the buoyant unit weight of the clay.
B. Determine the nearest value to the effective vertical stress at the midheight of the clay layer
C. What is the average settlement of the normally consolidated clay layer in centimetres?
Compression index, Cc = 0 .009 (LL - I 0).

Problem I0: A sample of soil is subjected to a tri-axial test. At a confining pressure of 60 kPa, the soil fails
when the plunger exerts a pressure of 80 kPa. The plane of failure of the soil is 55 degrees. Determine
the following:

A. The cohesion of the soil. b.

B. The normal stress at the plane of failure.
C. The shearing stress at the plane of failure.
Problem I I: In a tri-axial test of a cohesion less soil, the normal and shearing stresses at failure plane are
500 kPa and 310 kPa, respectively. a.

A. Determine the angle of shearing t resistance of the soil in degrees.

B. Determine the angle of failure plane in degrees.
C. What is the principal stress at failure ,in kPa

Problem 12: The water table in the soil layer is 1.2 meter below the ground. The soil above the water
table is also saturated due to capillary action. The saturated unit weight of the soil is 19.84 kN/m3.
Determine the effective pressure at plane A, in Kpa . (A is 4.8 meters below ground).
Problem I3: A 4 m thick of sand overlies a thick layer of clay. The water table is 1.8 m below the sand
surface. The sand has a void ratio of 0.53 and a degree of saturation of 36% above water table. The clay
has moisture content of 45%. Gs= 2.68 for both sand and clay Determine the effective stress at a point
12 m below the sand surface.

Problem 14: The soil profile shown in Fig. JM- 14 is subjected to an increase in pressure of I 2 N/cm2. For
this problem, h1= 4.G m, h2 = 10.5 m, h3 =7.8 calculate the settlement due to primary consolidation.

Problem I5 : In a tri-axial test of a cohesion less soil, the normal and shearing stresses at failure plane are
343 kPa and I67 kPa , respectively. Determine the principal stress at failure. in kPa .
Problem 16: In tri-axial test on a cohesion less soil, the soil fails when the deviator stress is 320 kPa and
the angle of failure plane is 58 degrees with the horizontal. What is the confining pressure, in Kpa?

Problem I 7: A square footing shown in Fig .JM- I7 carries a load of 3500 Kn. Assume that the stress
below the footing is distributed at a slope of I H: 2V. The clay layer is over consolidated with OCR -2.
Determine the settlement of the over consolidated clay layer.

Note (Important Reminder for Calculation of Consolidation Settlement in foundation):

Use Pmid = P for pf = Po + P, if Simpson's Rule is not specified in the problem.

Use Pave = P for Pf= Po+ P, if Simpson's Rule is specified in the problem

Where: Pmid = Increase in pressure at mid height of clay layer. Pave = Average increase in pressure
in clay layer Pave = ( Ptop + (4) Pmid + Pbot)/6
Problem 18: For the set-up shown in Fig. JM-18

Give the expression for effective stress of B in terms of given notations.

Give the expression for hydraulic gradient.

Give the expression for the value of Hz.

Problem I 9: A I2 m high cylindrical tank to be filled with oil having unit weight of 9.4 kN/cu.rn will be
built on site at Brgy. Pallua Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan as shown in figure 19. Determine the
minimum depth to which the tank must be placed to minimize the settlement.

Problem 20: For the layered soil shown 111 the figure. H1 = 5 m, H2 = 5 m, H3 = 20 m. The soil densities
are P1 = 2040 kq/m3 . P2 = 1950 kg/ m3, and P3 = 1020 kg/m3. What value of h' will cause quick.
condition of the soil?
Problem 21: A surcharge of I 20 kPa is applied on the ground surface the soil profile as shown in figure

A. How high will the water rise in the piezometer immediately after the application of the load?
B. What is the degree of consolidation at point D when h=6 m?
C. Find h when the Degree of consolidation at D is 80%?

Problem 22: A 7-m thick soil has water table 3 m below the ground surface. The soil above the water
table has degree of saturation of 45%, void ratio of the soil 1s 0.4 and the solids have specific gravity of
2.70. Tests show that the soil have angle of internal friction of 35 degrees and cohesion of I5 kPa . What
is the potential shear strength on a horizontal plane at a depth of 2 m below the ground surface?
Problem 23: In a tri-axial test, a specimen of saturated (normally consolidated) clay was consolidated
under a chamber confining pressure of 90 kPa. The axial stress on the specimen was then increased
allowing the drainage from the specimen. The specimen fads when the deviator stress is 60 KPa. The
pore water pressure at that time was 40 KPa. What the consolidated drained friction angle (phi)?

Problem 24: a tri-xial test on a saturated soil has the following results:

Cell Pressure (kPa) Deviator (kPa) Pore pressure (kPa)

200 119 140
400 143 273.5
600 178 400
A. Determine the drained of internal friction of the soil.
B. Determine the cohesion of the soil in drained condition.
Problem 25: The results of a consolidated-drained tri-axial test conducted on normally consolidated clay,
are as follows: Chamber confining stress = 250 kPa .Deviator stress at failure = 350 kPa

A. Calculate the effective normal stress on the plane of maximum shear.

set in soil






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