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Contextualized online search and Research Skills

Contextualize, meaning to study and review. Contextual online search is a form of optimizing web- based
search results based on context provided. In undergoing online learning we might want to consider the
rules and regulations provided by the source owners.

What is Online Search? Online search is the process of interactively searching for and retrieving
requested information via a computer from databases that are online. Interactive searches became
possible in the 1980s with the advent of faster databases and smart terminals.

For the best result of online researching it’s important to get to know the steps and skills on fetching and
gathering data.
 Familiarize your topic/subject
 Be aware of your limits
 Make a strategy
 Know alternative links and sources
 Search in books/journals/magazines etc. –for past reviews and knowledge and basis
 Develop high quality inquiries


 Saves time and effort
 Cost less - reduced cost of conducting research
 Fast and concise data gathering - Data is automatically coded so no data entry error
 Wide coverage - Ability to obtain a large sample, which increases statistical power
 Specified to generalized topics and sub topics

 Unreliable sources and information - lack of accreditation and low quality
 Unavailability
 Personal security issues - Online is not totally secure and theft is one of the numerous danger it
poses, researchers personal information is at risk of being access by rogue persons.
 Misinterpretation and misunderstanding
 Hard to know the validity of the data - some of the materials on the internet have not been
evaluated by experts or thoroughly screened
 Variety of perspective and personal opinions
Research Skills “Research” sometimes just means finding out information about a topic. You can certainly
develop advanced information retrieval skills in Working with Sources. However, in specific
understandings of “research” carry a lot of weight. The classic definition is that “research” leads to an
original contribution to knowledge in a particular field of inquiry by defining an important question or
problem and then answering or solving it in a systematic way. So you will need to read on to develop a
relevant understanding of what research means in your subject.

Important aspects of research:

Research design covers the key issues in developing a successful research project. Research methods
take you to resources on essential techniques for carrying out convincing research. Working with data
will provide resources on the use of statistics and other numerical skills in research.

Some examples of research skills that you may have include:

1. Report writing.
2. Analysing lots of information from different sources.
3. Finding information off the internet.
4. Critical thinking.

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