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The Rolls Needs Burning

An Original Radio Drama By

Sean Harrison

January 20 2020

The Rolls Needs Burning

Sean O’connor
Scene 1

INT. Late Afternoon Sean and Tom are at a college house party in
their village. They are quite intoxicated and are about to go home.

(Background party Music)

Sean: (Slurring Shouts) Tom! Can we go home now?
Tom: (walks over tripping over his own feet) Na come on man lets
stay for a bit longer drink some more
Sean: I want to go man lets go home
Tom: fine go why you gotta be so boring tho
Shouting bye to everyone
(door opens and closes)
(background music fades out)
Scene 2

Ext. Its raining Tom and Sean are walking home.

(background rain sounds)
Tom: ugh why’s it raining man I’m gonna get soaked
The Rolls Needs Burning

An Original Radio Drama By

Sean Harrison

January 20 2020

Sean: stop complaining my house is only down the road

Tom: whatever man we should have stayed, party was only getting
started. You better not be bailing on me though now I still want to
carry on the night, let’s do something crazy!
Sean: I just wasn’t feeling that party not really my crowd, but yeh
I’m down to do something what you thinking?
Tom: ughhh I don’t know… wait I swear your parents are out tonight?
Sean: (nervously) erm yeah but they get back in the morning why?
Tom: I mean you just passed your driving test right ?
Sean: yes but I don’t like where this is going tom
Tom: Don’t say no yet but havn’t you always wanted to drive you dads
rolls? (Laughing)
Sean: Tom? We are drunk that is such a dumb idea
Tom: oh come on man you said you’d carry on the night andddd you did
bail on the party.
Sean: I’ll think about it
Scene 3
Int. Night Just got back to seans house
(rain fades out)
Sean helps tom through the door
Sean: come on man stand up (keys and door opening sounds)
Tom : I’m fineeee!
(tom stumbles into the living room and slumps onto the sofa)
Sean: right stay there I’m going to find the spare car key
Tom: yesss you legend love u mate (laughing)
The Rolls Needs Burning

An Original Radio Drama By

Sean Harrison

January 20 2020

(Sean grabs the spare keys and opens the garage to see his dads
rolls Royce)
Sean: (shouting) oi Tom come in here!
Tom: (Excited) Cominggg
Sean: (proud) Just look at this, 1934 rolls Royce phantom it’s an
absolute beauty.
Tom: (amazed) I have no idea what that means but it looks sexy and I
want to go in it
Sean: Do you know how much this is worth Tom?
Tom: a lot?
Sean: This isn’t a car it’s a £500,000 antique
Tom: We are here now don’t bail on this as well

Sean: (happy) Get in

Tom (laughing) yes hahaha just don’t crash and we’ll be fine+ hahaha
Sean: We take it out for 10 minutes and then bring it back park it
in the garage exactly how it was left.
Tom: They won’t notice a thing
(intense music begins) (sean opens the garage door)
(rain fades in)
Ext. Night Driving the rolls Royce
(puts key in ignition, and turns the car on) (rolls Royce purrs)
Sean: Listen to that purr
Tom: yum
(puts car into first gear and drives slowly from the garage down the
driveway) (garage door closes behind them)
The Rolls Needs Burning

An Original Radio Drama By

Sean Harrison

January 20 2020

Tom: Are you sure your sober enough to drive (laughing)

Sean: yeah im fine don’t worry I’ll be careful
(front gates open)
Tom: Where should we go?
Sean: I think we should stick to backroads don’t really want to be
seen by the neighbours or police driving this, it will look just a
tad suspicious haha
Tom: Can I film this haha
Sean: Yeh yeh get a video of me driving this monster, but don’t post
it anywhere
Tom: yeah I won’t don’t worry, oi we should go down the tunnel to
hear it properly
Sean: yess lets go (laughing)
(drives towards the tunnel and picks up speed)
Tom: oi its right their speed uppp!
(sean puts his foot down changes into 5th)
(car sound is roaring)
Sean: we are going 70!!!
Tom: keep going!!
Sean: (shouts) There’s a bend!?
Tom: (nervously) Oh shit
(sean brakes hard but the floor is very slippery the wheels lock up)
(tyres screech)
Sean and Tom: ahhhhhhhh noooooo
Tom: quick turn the wheel away from the barrier!!!!
The Rolls Needs Burning

An Original Radio Drama By

Sean Harrison

January 20 2020

Scene 4
Ext. The Crash Early Hours of The Morning
(rain gets louder)
Tom: oh my god sean are you okay
Sean: (in pain and shock) yeah, I’m alright are you
Tom: yeah, I’m okay but I don’t think the car is man
(they both get out) (car door opens and closes) (they walk around
the car on leaves)
Sean: (out of breath panicking) My Dads going to kill me what do I
Tom: Well we can’t call them and tell them, and we can’t call the
police because we have been drinking and you’re not insured on this
are you?
Sean: No tom I’m not fucking insured on a £500,000 car!!
Tom: Okay just breathe there’s one thing we can do
Sean: (angrily) No I’m not listening to any of your stupid ideas
anymore, I’ve destroyed my dad’s rolls Royce and nearly killed both
of us!
Tom: (under his breath) We need to burn it
Sean: And then what??
Tom: just act surprised when he realises and tell your dad you have
no idea and someone must have broken in and stolen it if we just
break the garage door a bit too make it look like it.
(car boot opens)
The Rolls Needs Burning

An Original Radio Drama By

Sean Harrison

January 20 2020

Sean: (Inhales and Exhales…) Is it the only way?

Tom: I mean I don’t really want to go to prison firstly for stealing
your dad’s car, drunk driving, crashing the car and being half a
million pound in debt and neither do you, do you?
Sean: No but you won’t be in as much shit as me as you weren’t
Tom: The other option we leave the car and just run away to another
country and restart our lives without our families.
Sean: Yh be realistic we wouldn’t last a week
Tom: True
Sean: Okay we have to do this but after we walk into the town and
call a taxi back home, and you promise we NEVER speak of this again
Tom: Promise!
(picks up jerry can) (pours it all over the car)
Sean: Have you got a lighter
(Tom flicks out a lighter)
Sean: Thanks, ok stand back
(they take a few steps back) (sean lights the lighter)
(background music starts)
Tom: Run behind that tree as soon as you’ve thrown it
Sean: alright ready, 3, 2, 1 (throws the lighter into the front
seats of the car)
(Sean and tom sprint away behind the tree and) (flames spreading)
Tom: Oh shit!
(Silence… and then a massive explosion as the car blows up)
The Rolls Needs Burning

An Original Radio Drama By

Sean Harrison

January 20 2020

(sean and tom runaway as fast as they can down the road until they
reach society again)

Sean: That was insane did you see how massive that explosion was
Tom: Yes (laughing) what the actual hell
Sean: Do you think anyone heard that?
Tom: I mean there’s no houses around here and people will probably
just think it’s a firework or something. Don’t stress it’s fine we
just carry on walking, go home and never have to think about this
night again.

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