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Publications by Jurgen Habermas


The Dialectics of Secularization (w/ Cardinal Ratzinger, 2007)

Between Naturalism and Religion (2008)

Europe. The Faltering Project (2009)

The Crisis of the European Union (2012)

This Too a History of Philosophy Vol. 1 (2019)

This Too a History of Philosophy Vol. 2 (2019)

Journal Articles

New perspectives for Europe

in Esprit 2019/5 (May)

The Germans and their Memorial

in Cités 2019/2 (No 78)

Reflections on the concept of political participation

in Archives de Philosophie 2019/1 (Volume 82)

On politics and history

in Cités 2018/2 (No 74)

What does the future hold for Europe?

in Revue Projet 2017/5 (No 360)

Public Space and Political Public Sphere The Biographical Roots of Two Motifs in
My Thought
in Esprit 2015/8 (August-September)

Critique and communication: Philosophy’s missions A conversation with Jürgen

in Esprit 2015/8 (August-September)

What Does a « Strong Europe » Mean?

in Esprit 2014/5 (May)

Democracy, Solidarity, and European Crisis

in Revue Projet 2014/2 (No 339)
Does Democracy Still Have an Epistemic Dimension? Empirical Research and
Normative Theory
in Participations 2013/1 (No 5)

The Destiny of Europe

in Esprit 2010/7 (July)

What is a “Post-Secular” Society?

in Le Débat 2008/5 (No 152)

A Review of Religion in Public Spaces A Response to Paolo Flores d’Arcais

in Le Débat 2008/5 (No 152)
On the Relationship between Theory and Practice
in Les Études philosophiques 2008/4 (No 87)

Public Space And Religion An Awareness of What Is Lacking

in Études 2008/10 (Volume 409)

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