01.22.20 Will The New Method of Fighting Pain Ruin The Business of Painkillers

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Will the new method of fighting pain ruin the business of painkillers?

pharmaceutical specialists have no doubt of it. With the development of
the natural biomagnetic method by a Filipino professor came the long-awaited
breakthrough in the fight against pain.
Already more than 14,000 people have got rid of 41 types of pain,
degeneration and inflammation of the spine, joints, muscles, cardiovascular
system and internal organs, and only within 28 days, regardless of the cause.
As a result, they have stopped poisoning their bodies with drugs, spending
huge sums of money on rehabilitation, and waiting in line at a doctor's to get
help. This method, in just 8 minutes, allows to restore normal lifestyle even to
those who have lost hope of eliminating pain. How is that possible?
Professor Ramon Katalbas, an expert in molecular biology and biomedical
engineering, decided to help his mother get rid of sciatica and severe
rheumatic pain. This triggered a revolution in the battle against pain. The
professor, after one year of advanced research, has developed a natural,
safe and easy to use method with the application of biomagnets.
Professional medical journals have already dubbed the new pioneering
method of discovery, and the professor was nominated for the Nobel Prize for
his achievements. His method not only alleviates pain and completely
eliminates the causes, but also cleanses the body of toxins, initiates
oxygenation and cell nutrition. That is, the method that completely
eliminates all inflammation, corrects the functioning of the organs
(kidneys, heart, stomach and lungs), and also helps to lose weight The
key to this method is based on the unprecedented combination of useful
acupressure, along with the latest biomagnetic therapy.
"Painkillers are poison, rehabilitation does not help at all - it's money
thrown in the wind!" What are the reasons for these allegations?
This statement is already confirmed by over 14,000 satisfied users of the new
non-invasive, biomagnetic pain relief method, who have stopped poisoning
themselves with painkillers. That's why we decided to look closely at chemical
drugs and rehabilitation methods. More accurately, let's examine what their
disadvantages are and what the people suffering from chronic pain are
exposed to. Here are the conclusions:
 Tablets and physiotherapy have a short-lasting effect
Painkillers last for a maximum of 3 hours. To alleviate chronic pain, a number
of tablets should be taken, up to even a dozen daily. This is an easy way to
destroy not only the liver and stomach, but also the kidneys and
intestines. There is no organism to endure it. Rehabilitation also does not
provide any help, because after a few hours the pain always returns. It's just a
waste of time and money.
 The tablets are poison and destroy the body
The use of chemical drugs is an act contrary to natural laws. This causes an
endless list of side effects such as stomach ulcers, hearing disturbances or
kidney dysfunction. A total of 35% of cases of acute liver failure are caused by
the use of painkillers. It is very likely that you take a tablet to feel a relief of
pain but instead to suffer one hundred times more - this is absurd and
totally goes far beyond the ultimate goal.
 They get mad and fall asleep
Most painkillers eliminate not only pain but also cause a lack of awareness.
They cause dizziness and unexpected drowsiness. Pain relievers are one of
the most common causes of incidents - at home and behind the wheel.
People who use them are more likely to fall victim to street theft and crashes.
 Drug-like addiction
The human body quickly gets used to the substances that are delivered to it.
This means that the body is immunized against painkillers after being exposed
to them several times. Therefore, over time, in order to alleviate the pain, it is
necessary to provide it with increasing doses of these harmful chemicals. It
causes addiction-like reactions - irritability, decrease in concentration, mood
swings, even rashes and aggression. The same applies to rehabilitation,
which makes the body lazy and weaker with each subsequent visit.
 They value a fortune
Is there anyone to spend his hard-earned money on chemicals that not only
have a short and temporary effect but also poison the body? Of course not.
That is why Prof. Katalbas biomagnetic method represents
a real revolution in the fight against pain
Painkillers carry only temporary relief, destroy the digestive system, poison
the body, exhaust the health, and part people with their hard-earned money.
The same applies to rehabilitation, to which the body also becomes
dependent. On the other hand, Professor Katalbas biomagnetic method works
instantly and non-invasively. The biomagnetic impulse penetrates rapidly
through the tissue affected by the pain and instantly short-circuits the pain
signal. The pain is instantly removed and its resurgence is blocked once
and for all - no visits to doctors, no prescriptions, rehabilitation and
Moreover, by natural stimulation of certain receptors, the cells of the body are
automatically restored. As a result inflammation, degeneration, pain, and
swelling disappear. The biomagnetic method showed 98% efficacy in people
with perennial rheumatic and arthritic pains and even sciatica. As it turns out,
the method helps to lower cholesterol by several units, reduces blood
pressure and blood sugar levels. It also counteracts serious liver, kidney,
heart or lung problems.
Now everyone can eliminate the pain and restore their
health once and for all
Prof. Katalbas bio-magnetic method is now available as a retail product called
MagneSteps. The product is in the shape of unique biomagnetic insoles that
combine the effect of Ancient acupressure and modern biomagnetotherapy.
Their use is completely safe for the body, as shown by the tests done by
the Swiss Research Center in Geneva. These studies also show that
treatment with biomagnetic insoles has an efficacy of over 98%. Thanks to
this, people aged 23-93 achieve remarkable effects in the fight against up to
41 diseases. They achieve this, regardless of age or gender, as well as the
cause and duration of the onset of pain, degeneration or inflammation.
Click here to get the MagneSteps with discount and get rid of the pain>>>

Proven efficacy
After using the insoles, all these people immediately got rid of cramps, pain
and fatigue in their legs. 98% of respondents experienced relief in rheumatic
and arthritic pain within 8 minutes. After just a few minutes of walk with
MagneSteps insoles, 94.9% of respondents ceased to experience migraine.
Each of them reduces the level of bad cholesterol by several units, stabilizes
heart rate, blood pressure and gets rid of diseases related to kidney, liver,
stomach, lungs and heart. The reactions of all those surveyed were very
emotional. Happily, they admitted that constant pain in the joints, spine,
muscles, head and internal organs went away as if it had never been, and that
was just the beginning.
As a result of the purification of toxins, intense oxygenation and nourishment
of cells, the researchers also got rid of skin allergies, improved digestion and
metabolism. As a result, their energy level increased 3-fold, they began
automatically burning unnecessary fat and lost an average of 4.2 kilograms in
28 days. After just one month of therapy, the participants eliminated
permanent pain once and for all!

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