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Possible Improvements for 2011 & Beyond For Division St.

The following is a consolidated list of suggested minimum design elements to help calm traffic for
safety, context, accessibility and livability issues along the Division St. corridor. Fixing the
intersections with modern roundabouts, or another as of yet surfaced option, is a primary goal,
however, this list was completed with the imperative that the community can't wait 10 (+/-) more years
to begin addressing the corridor. We can start today with added improvements.

It has been shared with City engineering and planning, as well as MDOT.

It is recommended that partners be sought for some of the larger projects. For example, the
development of the commons lawn (3.3 below) could include a partnership between Traverse City
Parks and Recreation, TART, TCLP, The Village at the Grand Traverse Commons and Munson
Medical Center.

1. MDOT Rights-of-Way:

1. Lane widths:
• Narrow as possible. Consider inconsistent lane widths to give sense of lateral shifts.
• Use of fog line to move cars away from curb.
2. Crosswalks: Improved crosswalk markings at 14th, 11th and/or 10th, 7th, Front St.,
Randolph and Grandview. Thermo-plastic zebra striping is recommended.
3. Crosswalks location: Crosswalks at14th and Front St. need to be set back from moving
• Front St. has stop bars set back considerably from the intersection, yet the crosswalks are
all directly next to the moving traffic.
4. Hawk Crossing at 11th or 10th or other location?
5. Ped Signals: Dual automatic & user activated countdown pedestrian signals at all signalized
6. Caution warning: Flashing yellow beacon at 11th.
7. Lighting:
• Improved intersection lighting at key intersections (11th, 7th).
• Pedestrian lighting along entire corridor.
8. Entry: Use northbound approach to Division (south of 14th) as a transition zone to allow
drivers a sense of the change in use before they get there.

2. City's Rights-of-Way:

1. Sidewalk completion: East side gaps (North and South).

2. Lighting: Pedestrian-Scale Lighting length of corridor.
3. Street trees and landscaping: West side from 14th to 7th, but also between Randolph and
Bay St. on the East side. As close to road as possible.
4. Traverse City "the beautiful city". Deciduous trees that will develop canopy is required,
as opposed to conifers.
5. Street furniture: Add benches along the sidewalk at 10th (It's a park!)
6. Parking: Add a parking area on Division, west side across from 9th St. with a curb bump
7. Banners: Entry banners across road ("Welcome to Traverse City: Walkable neighborhoods
& Parks. Please slow down" or some other emotional signage) at Griffin and possibly near
8. Banners 2: Banners on light poles, as throughout DDA area and similar to what Interlochen
does as you approach the school.
9. Restrictions: "No Left turns" at 11th st., Bay St. and, possibly, Randolph St. (could be
seasonal or just during rush hours)
10. Enforcement: Increased patrolling for speeds.
11. Way-finding: Improved way-finding to points of interest along corridor.
12. Enhanced Crosswalks: Crosswalks on the main east-west roads is needed. Example,
Randolph, Bay, 11th.
13. Signals: Change metered left turns off of Front. (These aren't compatible with Complete
Streets as bikes cannot set the triggers.)

3. Other Recommendations:

1. Lighting: Lighting along 11th St. leading into commons, including lights on the pyramid and/or
a ‘monument’ of a sign identifying the park.
2. New Pathways: The Common Lawn, next to Division, north of 11th. A landscaped space with
new trees and two lighted mixed-use pathways. One replacing the current sidewalk and another
leading away from the current sidewalk (near 10th and/or 8 1/2) and meandering through
what's now a lawn to 11th St.
3. Entry: Design US-31 south of 14th Street to slow traffic before it enters the corridor.
4. Street art/furniture: For example, statues on each side of road feigning a pedestrian preparing to
cross the road…[mom pushing a baby carriage / person in a wheelchair / person with cane]
5. Islands: Short boulevard entry on west side of 11th
6. School Zone: “Safe passage” recommendations for school zone??
7. Neighborhood Calming: A Central Neighborhood traffic calming plan needs to be adopted and
implemented ASAP. A focus on the cross-sections and intersections closest to Division needs is
a priority.
8. Placemaking:
• Beautification project of property between Randolph and Bay St. (Behind Elks Club).
• Beautification project where Kids Creek crosses under the road. Example, construction
of bulb outs over the creek.
• Beautification project of Veteran's Memorial Park.

4. Educational Endeavors:

1. Driving Habit awareness campaign: Bumper stickers, shirts etc with sharp messages to get
drivers thinking about people and neighborhoods when driving, such as “Neighbors Drive
Slower: or something like that, but better. Also, start with this campaign to build toward the
‘Vote for Roundabouts’ campaign
2. Entrance: Monumental “Welcome to Traverse City” sign at Division and 14th
3. Speeding: Permanent vehicle activated speed signs, which react with a message if they detect a
speeding vehicle
4. Calming Education: Signs for influencing driver behavior: rather than “Deaf Child in Area”,
say things like “276 Small Children in Area” or “Only You Can Calm Traffic”. Digital sign
could change and a public submittable program could be used to generate ideas.
5. Applied to Everywhere: Education of police officers on pedestrian and bicycling issues.

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