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7600 SKILLS ‘the users as well as the environment in @ positive manner: epi mpsgenenh, crecey Lith tis Porto of my selected works from 2ors-20%9, Punctuality am sacking on inceroshp. for ny Sth Semertar in Marea echoes of fechiecture’ | am consent lcning to Team thor improve ard fam ercieed Bo. oifore end lean mich be ener a od ss se ‘tose Responsibility my comfort zone Leadership EDUCATION, MANUAL SKILLS | ? “Sketching > 2003-2015 > 2015-2020 fae) Kendriya Vidyalaye, SRM School of Architecture =a ‘Ashok Nogar,Chennei ‘and Interior Design, Tepegrachy (st 12th Sed) ‘Kettankulathur pene ‘Mode! Making Tam. LANGUAGES svcus4 — sorTWaRe skis ACHIEVEMENTS A “Aare sholusip based on sade R performance fr the gear 201S16 "Diploma holler In Acupuncture ( DAS.) ZAtended Ane NASA pane! asin ( Infence) “ed coordinator of the lcoration commitece at fb 2018 “Design sheets ployed day fob vere “Sketches and poetry pubhed in FAB magazine bait hee “Attended workshop on Rammed eorth convection inal in Aurovile Inrereets Se tice AZ ORE |B 5, Damond Paradise, Sa Staggering of different forme ‘round the open courtyard with emphasis ‘on View towards the River(North) SITE SECTION SITE ANALYSIS ROMO Increasing the surface area of the side Facing ‘the River 0 increase the view from the incerir of the house through the use oF angled walle(45 dagrees) and shapes such a¢ Tropezium: The seating on the Balcony right nent to the Library provides fn Ideal location For peaceful Reading time with a view to the River Wenn The Guest Bedroom hes bean confined to the Ground Floor to enhance ‘he Privacy of the Mester Bedroom on the Upper level: lc hat alto been ensured thot the Guest Bedroom hes @ seperste entry from outside The Nursery School has been zoned towards the Lefe and the Primary School hes been zoned towarde the ight: z The Common Utility spaces such as Cafeteria, ‘Multipurpose hell ete are canfined to a block thet ‘seperates the Nursery and Primary Blocks: This Block is present right in the front for the easy access of Parents t0 the Block: VIEW FROM ROAD SECOND FLOOR PLAN x, 7) Individual slopes roofs provided for each Octegonel tlassrooms provides an emphasis and Individuality 20 each and every class The Ulind towers have been oriented in various directions ¢0 take advantage of the Wind Flow in all the possible weys: a —— th fr fs deseo STUDIO of all 4 departments: a re ip ws “> ~y the 3 blocks together G U6 cLassroom CLASSROOM " ; 2 ditorted orni-sovmm Pentagons combined together PG classroom sandwiched Orientation ee il Teer ime pt AD of classrooms yet secluded from each other SE MSsInG ucrPonbose ua. Block common - — ne a v7 Penge rarny ena 00k ser tsoeet ‘inaw ned N= common s.otik SEMI COVERED 4 BI COVEREE Each supplementary blocks acts as an Entrance to 2 different departmencs with stoFF spaces an the Ground floor Students can enter either through the Central block or through the Individual Blocks Open flr Theatre, Art Court and y iq Construction yard are open and let wind to pass through, Yet protected from the Climate trough its strategie location Bridges 0 connect View £0 the various Departments Streamlined Form incorporated for Imageabilicy and to conceptually denove ‘the fast motion of metro: —— SERVICE ENTRY The Form provides various depths OF truss throughout the platform le breaks the Manotony ‘Of the Linear Platform RECREATIONAL PARK SPACE The 2 wings acting as Fins to the form, each solve ¢ distinc’ purpose ‘One for Service Recess and the other for the Publi “BUS STOP GROUND FLOOR PLAN ‘The Metro Station acts of a Connecting space to the entire Neighbourhood by providing 2 ‘entries £0 the sive end linking 2 different. neighbourhoods Ie cleo provides opportunities for Communal interaction with spaces such as Recreational Park space and Aavin Parlour Ro au BUS SHELTER & METRO STATION| PADD AR ‘ =i a = FIRST FLOOR PLAY a az ea SECTIONS g? On the frst Moor level, the 2 wings acts as a distinction between the Poid and Unpaid areas of the Concourse 2 sats of staircases connect the Concourse to each side (of the Platform 2 HINGED ARCH TRUSS [aac eS icy ilo SE cca ne Mave eg MAIN ENTRANCE 10 THE TEMPLE: {THE ENTRANCEWAY IS ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FROM ATYPICAL TEMPLE ENTRANCE THE ENTRY IS FLANKED BY TWO "THINNAIS ON EMHER SIDES OF THE MAIN DOOR, "MAA ILAN(MANGO LEAVES) ARE TIED "ANC DECORATED IN THE FRONT, PEACOCK FIGURINE IN FRONT OF ‘SUBRAMANIAM SWAMY" SHRINE TEMPLE DETAILS ae Peover apis AY She ees Sea = ENTRANGE TO THE MAIN SANCTUARY: THE TEMPLE HAS AN AXIAL PLANNING LIKE MANY SOUTH INDIAN TEMPLES DO MANY WHITE, SQUARE PILLARS WERE SEEN ON THE TEMPLE PREMISES. THIS TEMPLE 1S THE MAIN LANDMARK OF THE VILLAGE AND IS LOCATED CENTRALLY. NANDHI PAVILION: SINCE NANJUNDESHWARAR IS A. FORM OF LORD SHIVA, A NANDHI PAVILION IS SEEN AS YOU ENTER THE INNER PRAGARAM. THE NANEHI Is ORIENTED TOWARDS THE DIRECTION OF THE MAIN SANCTUARY TO HAVE A DIRECT VIEW OF THE DEFY, “THE NANDHI 15 SEEN IN A SITTING POSITION. A'BELL HAS BEEN HANGED IN FRONT OF THE PAVILION. mallatipalagan COLUMMU BETAILS DETAIL OF THE CAPITAL OF THE COLUMN: FLORAL PATTERNS ARE PROVIDED WITH "THE CONCEPT OF A FLOWER VASE WITH. FloweRs AND LEAVES Hanlin OUt OF THE PeR‘ecrlY ROUND cuRveD ase SAaARe NICHES ARE PaOvIBED WNSBE THE INVERTED FLOWER PATTERN PROJECTING QU On con THe sIbEs ‘BEEN USED IN CIRCULATION IS WITNESSED, COLUMN PAINTED AND 'VARNISHED IN RED TO GIVE A GLOSSY EFFECT THE PILLAR IS PLACED ON “TOP OF A STONE BASE. TTHAS ALL THE BASIC PARTS OF A COLUMN SUCH AS THE ENTABLATURE, Reet: Sear ‘A STONE COLUMN WHICH HAS MINUTE AND INTRICATE DESIGNS. (TIS NOT PAINTED AND VARNISHED. ITIS LEFT NATURAL AND THIS COLUMN THUS HAS A NATURAL IND RUSTIC LOOK - VISUAL SURES SHEET THE BASE OF THE STONE COLUMN THAT HAS BACKYARDS AND OTHER PLACES WERE LESS s USED Ow THE EDGE WHERE TWO SIDES MEET A BULB IKE STRUCTURE PAINTED. NN YELLOW 1S PROJECTING (OUT OF THE INVERTED FLOWER DESIGN 70 GIVE (7 AN AESTHETICALLY PLEASING APPEARANCE: Of THE COLUMN: FTIS A STONE COLUMN wir VERY MINIMAL "AESTHETIC DECORATION. THE GASE 15 PAINTED IN) TORQUOISE (COLOUR ea) Ee=aae lee Poteet rntatntto) NaN e LS corcee- Akt Ae e NBO) tt) caer La LOCATION. DEPARTMENT PREMISES ae ; cin ati Oa yam BREN in PeRSOUDLIY "ARCHITECTURE THE WORLD A LITTLE 7 \ pp @ Banc IS ABOUT TRYING TO WAKE BIT WORE LIKE OUR DREAMS..." a ()+71-80e2844020/8875710202

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