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This J1';reeQu~WY"Manual)s.

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'., "'!,' " ".'


E+~NINEf;LL(:)QR;P9f4A A"1 P-A~pl3l! ILOI NG
SA,I\IJPAlc.OC;:",fS'1J.\NILA , " ). .

TEL NOS. 7~!>-73?p2~ 733-2:1.-1.~'

TEL. NO$_(032)261.-2244~ (032)261.--8452


V~'(6~1~~~~jlt~'9r~f~~r6~frng'quantity.'afa nyin::;tant
M'ClximL1m\laf~~~th~max.(mtJrti V?JUeatt~i'QE;)d
during positive or negative half'
,; cycle,,' " ",-.; (t'-"~;<"';" """"i." ,";,"d'" .,'" c;"', :,. ,.-" ' ..
Aye..rage Valqe - <;IV"'" ,-' 'tantan'eM~rvalues over half cycle,
". ': ,>"
In ~en~rpl:

Effec~ive Value - isthafWhich,j\.¥r~'ti;'applieq]ofrgiven qrcuit for a given time
. pro'duces the same expendit4r~;0feriergyafwhe!1 dc is applied to the same
, circuitfor the sametime ioteNi3L ' > , ,

,In General: .-




Ph~se Diff~ref1~e- thei~9gM1,ar<iJfter~}1~~',~."yJgri'~I~pl~ce.lr1ent

alternatingquarititiesand arsQ~c~iJred
"PHasfi'l1.ngJe" "".' "

II] phase - if two alternating quantities attains their maxim' 1mand minimum value$
at the same time. ",,' " ".",,,: ':, ,. , "" ,', " , .. , ".. '.
Out of phas~- (joes,notfatt,pinstheir maxil]1umarid minimum values at the same
time. ' "" ,

Impedance- the oPPQsition to th~ flow of alternatingcurient

Admittance-the reciprocal of impedance '

Reactance- opposition tathe flow of current due to inductance and or capacit{'lnce

ci~ci~~" '

Susc:;eptance- the reciprocal of reactance

'\ ,~(}~t'I";;' .C, .''C; \/,,~, '. .. ';;:i "",,:/, . " ,~
",c ~>,rNGLE"PHAS'E
.,' ,
1. ResistallC.e, R

2. Inductive Reactance,

3. Capacitive Reactance,

Series R-L Circuit:


Phase Angle:


./ Note: Current lags the voltage by angle 8

Series R;.C Circuit:


Phase Angle:


Note: Current leads the voltage by angle e

Series R-L-C Circuit


Phase Angle:



Current leads or lags the voltEJgeby angle e'depending on the resultant
, ' ,


, """",' ,,O,;'"" ',."", :o"',:\':,};',",", "hf",',", :'

,1. True"Re(ll, Active or 'U~eful Ppwer (P) ~.b1~ ,watts

, ..

2. ,Rec:n::fiv~ or IdlePbWer (Q)

3. Appar~nt Power(S) volt-amperes

DETERMINATION OF POWER (il) cOl11plex fprm)

1. By Compbnent.Method '
Let' E=E1 tj E2
1=11'+j 12 '

Then P=E1 ktE212

2~ By Conjugate Methqd -
" , L~fE* 1*". conjl,lgate.ofE and I with respect to horizontal axis
a. Volta e Con'u ate b. Current Con'u ate

+ capacitive( or leading) vars

- inductive( or lagging) vars

Power Factor

Reactive Factor

Quality Factor (0 Factor)

Q = 2n: !-' Alaxirnum...~tored..:Energy _1 .
,Energy..DISSlpaled..Per..Cvcle J


Is that the conditibn existing .ina 'circuit contail1ing at least one resistor,
inductor and capacitor wherein the curr~nt behaves as iUs purely resistive.
Characteristic of Resonant Circuit:
~ 1. The total current is in phase with the impressed voltage

2. The power factor of the circuit is unity
;; 3. The total reactive power is zero
4. The total impedance is a pure resistance.

,~: , '.
SERIES RESONANCE:aOf\JD!l'lqN$~F=Qt<MtrLAS~r,;,<.', >",

1. unity

2. XL=Xc

3. R~$onanceFrequency,

4. Voltage across Capacitor is magnified,


6. I is maximum, Zis minimum


i. p.f. is unity

2. PL=f3C

3. Resona~ce Frequency, Hz. .for parallel Resonant


Hz. for parallel Circuit

4. Capacitor current is magnified,

5. Dynamic or Total Impedance ohms

6. Total admittance is minimum..





- --=--
. /~%~~\ POWE~~~WCF;NTER1nc.
i../;:::j.,'.:" ~\ . The Ultimite
E.f ReviewCenter
i/ ~~~i"~: ),

1. The complexexpre~~ion of voltage is30Q(;is90de,g~ What is its instantaneous equation?

(BP Sept 06) . "...' ". .' .

.~ 424.4 sin (wtt90),c;, 4;24,4 cos.(wt+90j

B. 300 sin {wt+90) . D.300 cos (wt+90)
2. The complex expression for a given alternating current given by i=250.sin (wt-25°j. (BP .
April 2007), ". . . .

A. 227 -j106 C. 160+jT5

(5D 160-j75 0: 227+j~06

3. An alternatingvoltage instantaneous equation is given by v =20 sin 157t. What is the

frequency of the alternating vOltage'? .
A. 50 Hz' ~, 25 Hz
B, 100 Hz D. 75 Hz

: 4. The instantaneous of a voltage is given as 100 sin 314t volts, What is its a.verage value?
A. 70.7 volts . C.'100 volts
./ 63.7 volts D. 50 volts

5. The Bverage value of a sinusoidal current is 100 ampere, What is its rms value?'
A. 63.7 A C. 70.7 A
.. , n1
B.141AA., & 11.1 A

6. Which of the following has the least form factor?

A. senii circular wave .' C. triangular wave
B. half wave rectified sine wave @square wave
7. What is the peak factor of half-wave rectified ac? "
A.1~. . . e2
B.1.11 ,D. 1.414

8. In a pure resistive circuit, the. instantaneous voltage.and current are given by: v =250 sin
314t volts and i= 10 sin 314t amperes. What is the peak power? .

A. 1250W C: '25 W .
@..2500 W.O. 250 W
. ..

9. A current ..isrepresented by its equation 10 sin'(cot + 30 deg) and 5 sin (3wt - 30 deg).Jhe
magnitudes of the components are instantaneous values. What is the Rms value' of the
current? (BP April 2001)' .
A. 13.22 amperes C. 1.1 amperes
(m 7.9amperes D. 10.6 amperes

10. A single phase generator delivers 80 amperes at 240 V and 75% lagging power factor.
What kind of load is the generator supplying?
A. Capacitive' @ Inductive
B. Resistive D. Reactive

11. A supply delivers
power? . 45 Amp, 480 V, 0.8 power factor. Which ofthe.following is the active

A 12960 (Q) 17280

B. 8640 D. 21600

12, p, load draws current fr9m a voltage source. The equation of the voltage and current are
1=10 sin(wt+30deg) ahd V=220 cas (wt-50 deg.) What is the power? (SP April 2003)
p. 0 watt. C, ~'irl 000 watts
B. 1100 watts (Q) 2200 watts

13. Two voltage generators are in series The voltages being generCJted al'e \/ab= 50 sin ( (,,!
and Vbc = .)00 sin + What is the outpUt voltage Vac? (SP 2001)
(15) 111 83 cis 335 deg C, 145,5 CIS 50.'j
'B 50 cis .'30 de:] D. 150 cis 30 dcg

vVrite Z in rectangular fc,r the following 3 onrTls Rand .'3 onlT1S (BF
C. 3+)6
D. 6-j3

5 A series circuit has R of 50 and 10 millihenry !I'ductanu~ L FincJ the

in onrns
,L\ 626 C <377
8' ::; T?
:::; 56'6
C3~}ac;:ance IS
:0,- f:" Hz s,:::urC2te c,oduce d :2C! r~;:,:':,;tc;nce
53 mF C 13:3 uF
R uF !J 67 ufc
7;), d 2 is frGnl ,1 source ;2 Sii: 1C i \'c:;it~)
'riS i8!i ';'i,'if'OUO::
rlC][ ,s il'1c rnaXlii,Urn value of '_curreri I'! ['3;:') DC
A 251 :3 C D.2513
B. 2513 D 251 3

i\ circuit has ;mpCCdl1ce of 3 '154+j2G ohm is suppiied from of 240

.6;J Hz. \/\fhat is [j-,e CUtTU1t when resistance is re,juced
/\ ::"1,i\ C 12A.
f3 60 1\ D. 54 F

A. resistance of 30 ohms and aI', inductive reactance Of 60 ohrns :one in S8r!i3S auc,os
120 voits 50 cycles scurce. Find the power facTOr in per-cem cf rile Circuit?
A 45 C87
B 67 0 75

In labOl'story experiment, the impedance of a coil was obtained at 60 Hz. 2nd 30 Hz.
These are 75.48 ohm 2nd 57.44 ohm respectively What is the inductance of the coils'
A. 1825mH C. 150mH .
B. 425 mH D. 2.1 mH ( Sept 2001)

. A coil is with resistance of 1.0 ohm has an inductance of 265 mHo It is supplied from a
220 volt 60 Hz source. What is the quality factor of the carl?
A. 25 'C. 1
B. 10 D. 100

I 22 Wh<:]tis the rating in micro-farad of a capacitor that is connected in series wi~!1a 200 ohrr}
i resistor that draws a current of 0.3 amperes from 120-volts. 60 Hz source. (Sept 2004)
A. 7.7" . C.6.7
\i B. 8.7 -D. 9.7 .
i 23. A,series circuit has 50 oh'm resistan'ce. 222 micro-farad capacitance and inductance of 8
mH inductance. Findthe total impedance at 796 Hz frequency. (BP April 2007) -
i . A.50+j 50 C. 50-j150.
S, 50-j50 0.50 + 130

24 A series Circuit with 2 amperes flow through a 20 ohm resistor, 5Q ohm inductive
reactance and 60 ohm capacitive reactance. What isthe supply vo!tage'l (Sept 2004)
A. 46.9 volts C. 50.5 volts
B. 40.5 volts D. 44.7 volts

25 A 10 ohms resister is connected in paraHel to the impedance of Z==3+j4 What is the

power factor? (ap Sept 06)
A, 06 C. '0.609
BO.8 . D. 0809

26. A parallel' circott consist of 100 ohms R1 150 ohms Xc and 90 ohms, XL 'Compute
combined impedance in ohms?
A. 125 - " C. 97
'8 91 D. 100

27. A resistor of 10 ohms and an inductor of 100 mH are in series and are connected paralle!
to a 20 uF capacitor. Compute the line current if the voltage is 230 voits. (BP Sept 02)
A 1.73 A ' C. 5.9 p,
8. 4.24 A .' D. 762 A

28. A 220 volts, single phase ac circuit is sL!Pplying the foilowil19 loads: 5 kva at 85% pf
lagging; 10 kva. at 707% pJ. lagging, 2 kw at unity p.f and a 1.2 kvar capacitor. INriat !5
the total kva? .', .

.A 21.8 C.19.6
B.15.8. ,D. H3.?

29. A single phase induction motor draws 10A at 75% pf. The voltage is 229V. A capacitor
is 50 uF is installed to improve power factor, What is the resuiting power factor?-
A 99% C. 97% .
S.90% 0.95% rBP Sept. 02)

30. The power factqr of a load on a 120 volt, 60Hz source is raised from 0.707 to 0.866
lagging by connecting a 53 micro-farad capacitor across the !oad What is the true power
of the load in watts? BP Sept 06 . .
A. 286 . C. 862
B 682 ' D. 268
! 31. A series Circuit has 100 ohm resistance, 100 micro-henry inductance and 1 pico~farad
j- capacitance. What is the frequency at unity power factor? (BP April 2007)
1 A. 1.8 Mhz C. 1.6 MHz
8. 1.4 MHz . 0.1.2 MHz
32. A fact(xy has"at;!aver-age demand of 176kw at 70% power factor. What is the minimum
size of capacitor required to raise the power factor to 95<J/o? (BP Oct. 2000)
A: 122kvar .C.165kvac
B. 82 kvar D. 157 kvar

33.The resistance 100 ohm, inductance 50 mH and capacitance- 50 Micro-farad are

'connected in series and across 240 volts source. What is the resonant frequency?
. A 60 Hz ' C. 70 Hz
8 100 Hz D 1 K:hz

34. A coil of 4 ohms resistance and 4 ohms reactance is in series with a capacitor. The circuit
is connected to a 60 Hz source. What is the capacitance required at this resonance
frequency? . .
.A 66.3uF' C. 663 uF
B. 332 uF D. 83 uF

35. A 100 mH co;1has an internal equivaient resistance of 15 ohms. What paraliel

capacitance will cause resonance at 60 Hz frequency.'
A. . 70 micro-farad C 50 mluo-farad
B. 60 microcfarad D. 40 micro-farad

36. At parallel resonance, the circuit draws a current of 1 mP:. if the Q-factor 'of the circuit is
100, then the current through the capacitor is ".
A 2 mA - C 1mA
8..200 rnA D. 100 mA

37. What is the dynamic impedance of a paralle! resonant ciccuit if C= 1 pF. R=1 ohm 2nd
L~1 H? .
A1MO C. 100 kQ
8.10kO D. 1000 Q

38. A coil of 40 ohms resistance has an inductance Of 100 'mH and is connected in parane!
with a 30 !_IFcapacitor .What is the resonance frequency 'of the circuit?
A 23.7 Hz . C.60Hz
8. 66.3 Hz D. 79.6 Hz

39. A circuit contains an inductance of 0.1062 r1)H,- a capacitance of 106 pF and a resistance
in series. At resonance the impedance is 10 ohms Determine the bandwidtl} at
resonance. .
A. 15 MHz .;i, C- 15 kHz
B. 20 MHz ,. -' D. 20 kHz

40. Calculate the load impedance and the maximum power that can' be transferred across
the load to be supplied bya 120 volts generator through a line with a total' impedance of
12.5+j50 ohms. . .
A 12.5+j50 ohms & 1152 watts C- 12.5"j50 ohms & 1152 watts
8.125+j50 ohms-.&288 watts D. 12.5-j50 ohms & 288 watts I'~

. . - -= ~ ~
..A.C Cl<p) Supplerncn.-ary Pr<>blerns'

1. An alternating current of rectangular wave shape. has an amplitude of 10 and a frequency

of one (1}. What is the average current? ( BP April 2003) . .
A. 10 C. 5
B. 2.5 D 0

2. The instantaneous magnitude of a voltage is given as 100 sin 377t volts. What is the rms
value of the voltage? '.
A. 82.2 volts C. 70.7 volts-
B. 63.7 volts D. 50 volts

3 An alternating current of maximum value 20 amperes lags the reference voltage by 30

degrees. What is ihe rnagnitLlde of current 2 milliseconds after the current wave crOSS2:s
the (,)taxis going in the positive direction?
A. 4.56 amperes" C. 10.23 amperes
B. 19.14amperes 0.1369 arnpei'es

4. What is the rmsvalue of a half wave rectified sinusoidal wave Wit[1 50 ampere amplitude'?
,4.. 25 Amp C. 50 Amp ,
B. 13535 Amr O. 3'16 Amp

~). What rS {he ave:'aljc value of a half wave i8ctiried sinc;soijal .'N8VP with 70 '7 ~j:nperf:'
A. 226 Amp -c 50 ;\n~i)
5 .!35.35 Anip C. 316 .A.i;1U

6. r-ecUier:isine 'Nave has an RIV1S'i3Iue of 20 f\. \Nh2l is trw aver'age va:\",;

if;3 flair ',1";3\18 ';
,f}" 2CJ Amp. C. '14.14 J\:-np .
B.1-274 A;YIP 0.28.3 Amp

7 For 381 V peak value trf81lguiar wave. the RMS vOltage WJ!ibe equal to .
A 100 Volts' C. 220. Veits
5.141 Volts D. 173 'kits

3. For 184 Volts maximum value semi-circula" wave, the RMS voitage wi!1be equal to
A. 150 Voits C 184 Veils
B. 141 Volts 0 163 Voils

9. ,4.current isrepresented by its equation 10 sin«'Jt+ 30 deg) and 5 sin (3(')t - 30 deg). Trr,e
magnitudes of the components are instantaneous values. What is the average value at .
the current? (Similar BP April 2001) .
A. 13.22 amperes C. 7.42 amperes
5, 79 amperes O. 1.06 amperes

10. The instanta(leous value of the voltage is given by its equation v = 105 sin (,)t - 25 sin 3r,)t
+ 15 sin (6 (0t - 30 degrees). What is its Rms value? (BP April 2'()O1)
A 77 voits C. 105 volts
5- 190 volts 0.205 volts

k - ~--

11, The yoltages along pOints 1;2 and3 sre V 12 =57 cis (60°) and V23 = 90 c:;is (-30°), What
. i~ th~ voltage V13? (BPApril2001)" . . ;.' '. "

A -87cis15° C.'1 07.1 cis 2.35°

B.63 Cis 15° D. 112 cis 45°

12. V12 is equal to1 00 cis, 30 degrees andV23 is equal to' 50 cis 120 degrees.
Evaluate Vi f-V23. (BP April 2001) ',. . '.
A 62.c:is 6,2 degrees C. 111.8 cis 3.4 degrees
B. 127. 3 cis 39,9 de'grees D. 62 cis (-6:2 degrees)

13, A single phase circuit is supplied from a 220 volts 60 Hz source draws 2000 watts of
power and 10 amperes current. What is the power factor of the circuit?
A 72.5% . C. 82.6%
B.'90.9% p.1dO%

14.A load draws GurrenUrol)l a voltage source. The equation of current and voltage are I
=10 cas cot & V=220sin wt. What is the Power? (Bf' March 2002)
A 0 watt. .' . C. 2,200 watts
B. 15.56 watts D. 1320 watts

15. The voltage and current of a load are given by their equations: V= 220 sin(OJt+30G)volts
and I = 10 sin(cut-300),Determine the power factor an.d power. (BP Oct. 2000)
." A. 86.6% lagging, 1905 watts' C: 100% lagging, 2200 watts'
B> 86.6% Jeading, 1905 watts D. 50% lagging, 1100 watts

16. An impedance draws a current of 10 cas (01t."30°) Amp from a voltage of 220 sin (lOt +
30°) Volts. What is the impedance of the c;ircuit? (EE BP Oct. '97)
A.15.6-j15:6r2 C.19,1-j11Q
S, 15.6 + j15.6 Q D. 11 + j19.1 Q

7. A. single phase induction motor is rated 5 hp, 75% power factor and 220-volt. What is !tie
full load current? (EE BP Oct. '97) .
A. 22.5 amperes C. 165 amperes
B. 20.5 amperes '0. 18.5 amperes'

8. The pha~e shift between tbe voltage and current vectors is due to the following loads
EXCEPTone. Which one is this? (BP Apri/1997) ,
A. Magnet coils C.'Electric flat iron
B. Power capacitors 0 Fluorescent lamps

A VAR meter depends on the following values EXCEPT orie. Which one is this?
A. volfage. C. Sine of the phase angle' .

B. cosine of the phase angle D. current (BP Apri/1997)

,~;{ ~"p"H...dncedraws a current I = 10cos (wt - 30°) Amp from a voltage V = 220 sin wt
volts. What is the power? (EE BP Oct. '97)
A. 2200 Watts C. 190.5 Watts
B. 1100 Watts D. 1320 Watts

. A 50 mH inductance is connected in series with a 20 ohm resistor If the voltage is 220

volts, what power is drawn? (BP Oct. 2000)
A. 560 watts C. 802 watts
B. 1280 watts D. 680 watts
:(;>'O'YEI~L .N~I~E:VIE VV C J£ N -rEI~

250 w~ttsWhen.GOrin
ectedcfcross'22 0
when connected to 11a,vort, .25 Hz

23. A 25f2 r(:)sistoris conn~cted In series with a coil of 50n resistaricean'd '150 mH
inductanc~.Wh~tis fhe..equi3tionofthe current if the spun:;e I/oltage is20()sin(W~~
3Qdeg.j?(BP Septc,'O2)
, A.~.t$8jn(cqt.+7°) G.1.52sTn«(ut-67°)
82.1$sih(e,)t -67°) D,1.52sin(c!)t -30°)

24, Two relays each with ,1 0 ohm resistance and 0.16 Henry inductance are connected in
series. What is thpequivalentinipedance?(BP Oct. 1998)
. A 2Q+jJ02.2o~ms:. 20+j120.630hnis
B, 20 + j95,32ohnis D.10 + j25.32 ohrns

25. In a series He circuit, the voltage across the capacitor and the resistorar'eoO and 80 volt
respectively, the total voltage is . '(BP April 1995)
A 10 V e. 10qV
B. 140 V D. 52.9 V

26. A coil is suppliegfrom a 200 yolt and takes a current of 2 amperes at 0.707 power factor
lagging. The quality factor of the coil is (BP April 1995)
A. 25 e. 1 .' .
B. 10 D. 100

27. A 50 and '100 microfarad capacitors are connected in series and across a 100 sin (wt +
30) voltage. Writ~ the equation of the ,current. CBP March.. 1998)
A. 1,26 sin(c.)t +120)" .G. 5.65 sin .(eut+120)
B. 1.26 sin (c,)t+90) D. 5.65 (cut+90)

28. A 160 microfarad capacitor is c;ormected in series with a 10 ohm resistor. Write the
equationof the currentwhen the voltage is 220 volts? (BP April 2001)
A. 1==9.8 sin {377 t + 52 degrees)'e. 1= 72 sin (377 t + 46 degrees)
B. I =8.9 sin (377 t ~ 46 degrees) D, 1= 114 sin (377 t +69 degrees)

29.A 40 rnicro-farad capac;itor is Gonnected in series with a 40 ohm resistor. If the voltage is
220N, what is the current? (BP April 2001) .' . .
A. 8.9 amperes - e. 4:21 amperes
B. 2.84 amperes D. 7.26 amperes

30. A 25 ohm resistor connected in series with a coil of 50 ohm resistance and 150 mH
inductance. What is the power factor of the circ:wit?(BP March. 1998)
A. 85% e. 90%
B. 80% D. 75%

31 A 40 micro-farad capacitor, 100 mH inductance and a 40 ohm resistors are connected in

series. The voltCjge is 220 volts, what is the current? (BP Aprii2000)
A. 6.25 amperes e. 72:? aniperes
B. 5.92 amperes D. 4.47 amperes


32. A 50 TlJicro..f:aradj$connected in series with a coiPhaviHg"50ohfri' ?~giit~~ceand 150 t'nH

inductance. The.sourcevoitage'is 100 sin (wt-300)V. Whatis the poweq
A 198watts, C. 212 watts " ' ..
8.147 watts D,165 Watts (BPOct 1998)

33. A coil with a measured re$istance of ion is connected in series with a capacitor of a
certain rating, at 60 H; the impec:iance measured to be 19+j11.27 12at 30 Hz the,
impedance is measured to ,be 10-]5.735(2. What the inductance of the coii in millihenry?
A. 500 C, 50 , . .

B. 100 D. 350 (BP Sept. 2002)

34. A capacitor of 80 micro-farad is connected in parallel with 20 ohm resistor. What power is
drawn when source voltage is V=220 sin wt volts? ( BP April 2003)
A. 1825 watts 'c, 1010 watts
B. 1210 watts, 0 2420 watts

35. A coilofa 50 ohm resistance and of 150 mH inductance is connected in parallel with a 50
uf capacitor. What is the power factor Of the circuit? (BP March. 1998)
A. 80% C. 70%
B. 50% D. 60%

36. A coil of 50 ohm resistance and of 150 mH inductance is connected i"sparallel with a 50
micro-farad capacitor. The source voltage is 1.00sin (wt +30de9). What is the equation
of the line current? (BP March. 1998)
A. 1.91 sin (cut+52.5deg) C. 1.82 sin ((l)t - 62deg)
B. 1,25 sin (wt + 75.5de9) D. 1.32 sin (eO}t -75.5de9)

37. Two current, 5+]2 and 3-j2 enter ajunction. What is the outgoing current?
A. 2~4A t. 2A
B. 8A D. 8-J4A (BP March 2002)

38. A single phase induction motor is ,rated 5hp, 75% power factor and 220 volts. What
approximate size of capacitor is necessary to raise the power factor to about 95%?
A. 3 kvar .' C. 2.5 kvar .
B. 2 kvar D. 3.5 kvar (BP March. 1998)

39. A load of 10,000 KVA, 85% power factor lagging is connected to a 13.200 volt line. How
much reactive power is needed to correct the power factor to 97% lagging?
A 5,156 KVAR C, 3,138 KVAR
B. 2,547 KVAR D. 4,753 KVAR (BP April 1997)

40. What capacitance must be placed in series with an inductance of 0.05 H so that at 100
Hz, the impedance becomes equal to the ohmic resistance? (BP April 1995)
A 50 uF . C. 35.5 uF
B. 70.7 uF D. 87 uF
, .
41. One leg of a radio tuned circuit has a capacitance of one times ten to the minus nine ."",

farad. It is turned at 200 KHZ, whatis the inductance of the other leg in henry? '

A 6.33 x 10A ' .' C. 20 X 10'3,

8. 8.25 X 10-5 D. 120 X 10.3 (BP Oct 1998)


, '. ,,'

, 'P'..qWJ~.=,,~#~~~ .R:E"\(,;a:~ ~..€1E~".FE'I~

. . '.. . .-:-.' '., . ".. ..' '. .". '>"..

42:A coil of 40 of\m$\esislCibfebC\.sanind't.idance of 100 mH and is conneCted in parallel.

'witt} a4q JlF' capacitor:Wt)9it~theresonarice'frequency of the circuit?
A.23fHz.' . C. 60 Hz '
B. 47.75 Hz 0,78.6fiz.

" 43,f'. 5HlJ:1purerh~9dand~'i§S?hn~fted par(3l1el,«i~h one fI f qap?ci\or.At w.hat

',fi'eqq-§9cy $l1C!JllheGifcuffbe in (1pti-resonC!nc.e. (BPApril 2001) .'
A:t:!2f:jQ.he:rtz '.' , , , t. 60 hertz
B.' ,1020nertz O. 100 hertz
. '"
44. A toil has a 5,0obms.~esi?tanqe. and~ 70 ohm rei3ctarice. A capClcitoris connected in
parallel to produce resphanc;e. Tnesource voltage is 120 V What i~the p6w~(drawn by ,

the circuit. (BP Oct. gEl) "

A. 1.62 watts C. 132 watts "

B. 97 watts D. 52 watts

45. A 220 volts source delivers 5C3mperes to a series circuit composed of 20 ohm resistor,
100 mH inductor and 250 microfqrad capacitor, what is the source frequency in Hz?
A '72.5 . C'. 75.75 . '
B. 60 0.67.3

46. A 100mh pure inguctanceis connected in parallel with a 40 ohms resistor. Whatis the
powerdh3wn if the voltage is 220volts? (BP 0(;f..2000)
A. 1010 watts C. 1210 watts
B. 1720 wa.tts D. 3018 watts
47, A ser)es circuit is composed of a 100 ohm resistor and a 20 micro-farad capacitor
connected across a 240 V, 60 Hz line. Whichof the followinganswer is WRONG? (BP
Oct 1996) . " .
A. The impedance of the 'circuit is 167 ohms.
. B. Angle between the I and V is 53.1 cjegrees.
C. The ,resUlting.current Is 6.7;2'3A. .'
D. The volt~ge across the res/staAce is 144.6 volt

48. A seriescitcuit is cOmposed of j4, j6, -j9,':j2 reaCtances. What is the total reactance?
A. j , C. j21 .
B. -j D. ':'j21A

49. Wh8t is the reactance offered by a 100 uH inductance are connected to a 100 volt source
, of frequency 3MHz? '.
, A. 767ohm' C.4647 ohm
B. 18850hm D. 12600hm

50. Determine the power angle in the series circuit which consist of R=25 ohms and L=0.2 H
across a power supply of 200 volts, 30 Hertz. (BP Apri/1997)
A. 36.4 deg.' . C. 52.4 deg.
B. 46.4 deg D. 56.4 deg.

~ i,

" , ,


~ 51, An electrqnic in~trurnent~hat visuaHyshows th~ 1l199nitude<;Inqshap~()Lan alt~rnating
& . current::;!gtlal.(Bp,Aprii 2003) ,', ' ",,' '>' '

~ AElectrQstbpe "" C. Opti<;ai'ih$tLl;JrYlerit

~ ' S. SYhC,~j-oscope . n Qscillo::;cope
f " , .' ..' . ,'" '
, 52. Convert75/c26°in rectat)9ular form, ($ept 2004)
A. 67A-J32;9 ", C, ?5-j26
B.§.2;9cj67.4 D. 26-j75

53. A 120 volt, 60Hz power line voltage is applied across resistance of ,10 ohms ,What is the
phase angle in degrees ,between the current and the voltage?
A.O C,45
S, 30 D, 15

54. A resistor of 50 ohms and an impedance of 100 +j 150 ohms are connected in parallel
across 220 volts. What is the 'power factor of the load? (ap Oct 1997)
A. 96%" G.' 98%
B, 99% D. 95%

'55. The resistor of 6 ohms and unknown impedance coil in series draw 12 Amp from a 120V, .
60 Hz line. Ifthe power taken from th~ line is 1152 Watts, What is the coilinductance ?
A. 15.9 mH -' C. 10 mH
B. 20 mH D. 1.59 mH (BP Oct 1996)

56. A load of 20 + j 35 ohms is connected across a 220 volts source. Determine the power
A. 1042 watts, , " C. 596 watts" ' "

B. 975 watts' D. 1087 watts

57, A 10 ohms R 1, 30 ohms XL and60,bhms XL are connected in parallel across a 220 volts
. 60 Hz source, What is the curre,nt in R1 in ampere? . "
A. 7.33 ' ','" " , C., 22
B. 3.7 ,D. 24.6

58. What is the reactance of ,a 60 'cyclea-c circuit containing an inductance of 1.5 H in series
with a capacitance of 40 micro farad? CONSTANCE 013717 ,.
A. 499 ohms indudive' C: 565 ohm::; inductive
B 499 ohms capacitive D. 66.3 ohms capacitive
59. The two circuits has the following values:R1=5 ohms X1= 3 ohms inductive, R2= 7 ohms
and X2= 4 ohms capacitiye. If the terminal voltage is 120 volts, what is the total current?
A. 20,6 C, 30.8 CONSTANCE 013-20
S, 14.9 D. 35.5

60. A series Circuithas R of 500 ohms, a 10 micro-henry inductance L and a 4 micro~farad

capacitance C across a 60 Hz ,120-volt power source, Compute the load current.
A. O.144A . C,0.120A
. S. O,100A D,0,150A


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