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21 NOV 2019



The content of this article is to understand what Airbus is and how its success is
an example of European industrial cooperation. A look back at the reasons
behind its rapid rise, its production system spread throughout Europe, its
importance in the eyes of public decision-makers but also the challenges facing
the firm today, which reflect on the global commercial and economic context.

The succes of the European Model

During the Franco-German Council of
It seems impossible to dissociate "Airbus"
Ministers held in Toulouse on 16 October,
and "European Union" (E.U.). The parallel
between the two can already be drawn by
Macron and Angela Merkel visited the
the history of their creation: Airbus, like the
Airbus plants in Colomiers.
EU, is the result of a long process of
integration of a multitude of actors, a
After having lunch with Airbus apprentices
process born of the expression of political
in the cabin of an A350 during production,
the French president wanted to meet,
alongside Angela Merkel, the "men and
American aircraft manufacturers, led by
women of Airbus" to show "our ability to
Boeing, Lockheed and McDonnell Douglas,
succeed together".
dominated the market at the end of the
Second World War.
Undoubtedly, this visit is highly symbolic
and teaches us a lot about Airbus.
During the late 1960s, European
Without even considering the industrial and
governments anticipated an increase in
economic challenges that the aircraft
demand for commercial aircrafts due to the
manufacturer represents for Europe, this
rising standard of living. The United States'
visit shows that Airbus is a symbol.
supremacy in this matter was undeniable:
American firms held 80% of the commercial
A symbol of industrial cooperation on a
aviation market share.  Despite the
continental scale; a symbol of success and
technical triumph of the Concorde, a result
excellence, which now competes with the
of a Franco-British cooperation, the
American giant Boeing.
chances of success of the European
aeronautics industry seemed slim.

It was in July 1967 that the French, British, in European political spheres. The inception
German and Dutch governments met to of Airbus, which occurred at a time when
strengthen their cooperation in the field of European economies were not as
aviation. The objective was to catch up with integrated with each other as they are
the American giants, by developing a type of today, is a political feat. This pooling of
short- to medium-haul civil aircraft, better European interests is reflected in Airbus'
adapted to the demand of European production model. Indeed, each part of the
travelers. aircraft comes from factories located in
A type of "Air buses", they said at the time. Europe. For example, in the case of the
A400M, the wings come from the United
Coupled with the French ambition of the Kingdom, the fuselage from Turkey and
time to assert its strategic autonomy, Germany, the nose and cockpit from France
particularly with regard to civil and military and the engines of a consortium of
aviation, this cooperation took the form European manufacturers, the first of which
with the creation of the Airbus Industry is Rolls-Royce.
consortium in 1970 and the launch of a first This model was established out of a
aircraft, the A-300B, in 1972. concern to preserve the national autonomy
of the participating countries when the first
It would be five years before the aircraft A300B program was launched. This
manufacturer made the A-300B profitable productive system also provides many
when the American company Eastern benefits in terms of know-how, since each
Airlines bought 20 of them in 1977. In 1981, Airbus plant specializes in a given area of
the company launched the A320 program, expertise. As a result, the possibilities for
which will make it Boeing's rival in less than outsourcing are very limited: it is very
20 years: in 2003, Airbus overtook Boeing difficult to conceive that the operations of
for the first time by becoming the world's the Bremen, Hamburg or Seville plants
leading supplier of aircrafts. could be outsourced elsewhere for the sake
of profitability or efficiency.
The European company now holds many
global records: the A380 is the world's
Innovation, the European aircraft
largest passenger carrier; the A400M is
manufacturer's main competitive
considered the most advanced military
transport aircraft today; and the A320 is advantage, boosted by significant
one of the best-selling commercial aircraft subsidies
in history.
This brings us to one of Airbus' main
A success that lies in the project’s competitive advantages: its ability to
innovate. The Airbus A320, which went into
political roots and its production
service in 1988, was for example the first
model scattered throughout
commercial aircraft to to integrate fully
Europe computerized flight controls (the Concorde
controls were only partially computerized).
There are many reasons for this success.
The first of these is its genesis

A delay that Boeing would only catch up on The levy is made when a sales target has
years later with the 777 program in 1995. As been reached, over a period of 17 years,
well as the complete computerization of with interest. The interest rate is
on-board systems, implemented systematically higher than government
in 2005 by Airbus. borrowing rates in order to ensure a good
return on investment. The French, British,
However, the innovation is not limited to Spanish and German governments continue
Airbus' products but also to its methods, to collect money from Airbus aircraft sales
such as the use of laser welding to lighten to this day.
the aircraft and reduce corrosion. As well as
the technical prowess of the A380 in terms The Commission estimated that the
of materials (carbon, glass, aluminum and Member States contributed €3.7 billion
quartz fibers) and avionics (integration of a over the period 1992-2010. Over the same
head-up display system, originally reserved period, these same States received between
for military aircraft). €6 billion and €9 billion in return, which
means that Airbus reimbursed 40% of what
Although Airbus relies on partners such as the company received from the Member
Thales in this field, it is nevertheless States.
essential not to neglect the role of the
European Union and especially its members This model was established out of a
in Airbus' technological lead. Indeed, to concern to preserve the national autonomy
understand how Airbus could have had the of the participating countries when the first
luxury of investing so much in innovation, A300B program was launched. This
the "European aid" needs to be addressed. productive system also provides many
benefits in terms of know-how, since each
If we look at the Airbus-Boeing dispute Airbus plant specializes in a given area of
brought several times before the World expertise. As a result, the possibilities for
Trade Organization (WTO) by the American outsourcing are very limited: it is very
government, the phrase does appear very difficult to conceive that the operations of
regularly in the press. Since its creation in the Bremen, Hamburg or Seville plants
1970, some Airbus programs have received could be outsourced elsewhere for the sake
funding in the form of (i) subsidies from the of profitability or efficiency.
EEC (now the European Union), as well as
from France, Germany, the United Kingdom We can then immediately understand the
and Spain and (ii) in the form of loans from interest of these Member States and
the European Investment Bank. therefore of the European Union in
The European Members' financial supporting Airbus when the American State
commitment is in the form of a denounces this aid as "illegal" and above all
Reimbursable Launch Investment (R.L.I.). unfair to Boeing.

The operation is very simple: a government The firm's commercial stakes are
advances money to a company and this intertwined with the strategic and
advance is then repaid to the government technological sovereignty of the EU
through levies on the sales of the product Member States, but also with their national
that has been financed. economic interests.

The visit of Angela Merkel and Emmanuel According to economist Cécilia Bellora,
Macron to Airbus in October 2019 may be customs sanctions for specific products are
interpreted in two different ways : on the anything but trivial.
one hand, they are heads of States who
come to support a successful company that "[...] the goal is to target a fragile
creates European jobs and stimulate segment, or a sensitive sector with strong
innovation. But they are also the lobbying power over public
representatives of the main investors of this authorities. In this case, the United States'
same success, who display their solidarity idea is to put pressure on the
with the Airbus managers at the very European Union to bring the support
moment when the company is being granted to Airbus into line with WTO rules."
undermined by a WTO investigation on the
legality of these subsidies. We can therefore see how a firm as
important as Airbus can have an impact on
international trade, when a third-party
This solidarity was also shared by the State outside the EU imposes sanctions on
European Union. Two days before the visit, key sectors of the European economy in
on 14 October, European Trade order to influence European industrial
Commissioner Cecilia Malmström stated policy. It should be noted that Airbus and
that: "The European Union will fight to the the EU also accuse the United States and
end" to prevent the United States from Boeing of unfair competition at the WTO,
imposing customs sanctions in retaliation which does not suggest a rapid outcome to
for subsidies. In the end, the sanctions, this trade battle.
authorized by the WTO, were announced
by the United States on 1 November 2019, What future for Airbus and its
which highlights Airbus' influence and
model ?
importance at the European level.

In addition to being singled out by its

The Airbus/Boeing dispute and its American rival, Airbus is currently facing
implications for European foreign many internal challenges. First, it must
trade recover from the commercial failure of the
A380, which proved unprofitable and whose
production shutdown was announced in
The Airbus/Boeing dispute, which has been
February this year.
ongoing for 15 years, is a very important
issue for the EU, in the sense that US
In addition, in recent years, Airbus, like the
reprisals affect sectors much wider than
rest of the aeronautics sector, has
aeronautics. US customs sanctions against
undergone major changes in its production
the EU amount to €7.5 billion, the largest
process, which are increasingly being
sanction ever authorized by the WTO. The
outsourced. With the opening of plants
"collateral victims" of the Airbus-Boeing war
outside the European continent (such as in
are numerous: French, Spanish, British and
Alabama or Tianjin), the firm will have to
Italian agricultural products are in the front
define which activities it can relocate.
line of American sanctions.

According to Damien Talbot, these

relocations lead to many uncertainties: 
Overall, as Damien Talbot says, we are
"[...] should it (Airbus) separate production perhaps witnessing a phenomenon of
activities from research and development "trivialization" of the aeronautics industry,
activities? How far can these relocations i.e. the aeronautics industry is gradually
be bearable for the firm? How can they be facing dynamics that are not specific to it.
compensated?" The issues raised by relocations and the
emergence of new players are challenges
Offshoring, particularly to China, highlights that are not new to many sectors in Europe.
another challenge: access to growing As for the Airbus "model", it is nevertheless
markets, particularly in Asia. While China interesting to see that in the end, a myth
is one of the largest markets for Airbus, the has been created around the company, to
country is nevertheless launching an the point that we see expressions such as
ambitious program to compete with the "Airbus of energy" or "Airbus of batteries"
European aircraft manufacturer, Comac, appearing.Airbus' success has given wings,
founded in 2008. if I may putit that way, to European
industrialists and politicians, who see in this
Even if its first aircraft, the C919, is still in modelthe continent's path towards self-
test phases, and the many barriers to sufficiency in key industrial sectors. It
market entry prevent it from directly remains to be seen whether the conditions
threatening the Boeing-Airbus duopoly, the that allowed Airbus to emerge can be met
emergence of new players remains a long- again. Or whether such a context is even
term challenge. possible nowadays.


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