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Case Name: Sagum v CA (1) WON petitioner should be reinstated - Yes

G.R. Number: 158759 Held/Ratio:

Topic: Consequences of Dismissal Author: Kyra Sy-Santos (1) YES.
Doctrine: The doctrine of strained relations should be strictly applied so as not to deprive
Nowhere was the issue of strained relationship raised in private respondents’ pleadings
an illegally dismissed employee of his right to reinstatement. Every labor dispute almost
before the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC. Private respondents first raised the issue in their
always results in strained relations, and the phrase cannot be given an overarching
Comment to Petitioners Motion for Partial Reconsideration before the Court of Appeals
interpretation, otherwise, an unjustly dismissed employee can never be reinstated.
Facts: As a rule, no strained relations should arise from a valid and legal act of asserting ones
 Petitioner was employed by the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of right; otherwise, an employee who asserts his right could be easily separated from the
the PH (IIEE) as a Filing Clerk. She was later appointed as Officer-in-Charge for service by merely paying his separation pay on the pretext that his relationship with his
the Executive Director. She was an employee of IIEE for 16 years. employer had already become strained.
 A year after her latest promotion, she was preventively suspended for 30 days
on the ground of gross negligence and loss of trust and confidence. She was There are no hard facts upon which to base the application of the doctrine of strained
served 2 written notices. relationship. Petitioner is correct that mere persistency in argument does not amount to
 Petitioner contends that the problem arose when: proof, and to deny an employee’s right to be reinstated on the basis of the mere
1. Petitioner clarified in a meeting that DBR (one of the bidders in the printing of consistency of the employers stand that the dismissal was for cause is to make a mockery
the PH Electrical Code) was not disqualified as s bidder and that the live-in of the right of reinstatement under Article 279 of the Labor Code.
relationship of the owner of DBR and petitioners subordinate, Dela Torre, was
known to the public and did not affect the work of Dela Torre;
2. Petitioner gave an unsolicited advice during a meeting where it was decided
to demote Dela Torre. Petitioner commented that such demotion is illegal.
 On July 30, 1996, Petitioner was ordered to surrender the keys t the vault,
drawer, cabinet and petty cash. An on-the-spot accounting of the contents of
the vault was conducted. Finally, the security guard thoroughly checked her bag
before she left the premises.
 Petitioner submitted a written explanation denying her involvement in the
 She received a letter to appear in an administrative investigation. Petitioner
claims that the supposed investigation turned out to be an interrogation
designed to elicit information to be used against her.
 After the expiration of her thirty-day suspension, petitioner called to ask when
she could go back to work. She was told that she could not report for work
anymore and was advised to wait for a call.
 On the same day, a Memo was issued to petitioner dismissing her effective
September 1, 1996 on the ground of gross negligence and loss of trust and
 Respondents on the other hand aver that the suspension and eventual dismissal
of petitioner was due to the irregularities in the biddings awarded to DBR.
 The investigation revealed two major irregularities: the printing requirements of
respondent institute were overpriced at 20%-100% for the years 1994-1996;
and, the printing jobs were consistently awarded to DBR despite the lack of
necessary bidding requirements.
 LA: Dismissal was illegal but reinstatement would not bring harmony between
complainant and respondent. Ordered the payment of separation pay.
 NLRC: Reversed the LA. Dismissal was valid.
 CA: Reinstated the decision of the LA.

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