Listening Skills

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Developing Listening Skills

Abstract :

Listening is a Conscious, Positive act, requiring will power. Listening is a

Process of receiving, Interpreting and reacting to the Messages received from the
Communication Sender. The Speaker has the responsibility to make effort to understand
the meaning of the speaker. This concept is referred from internet and from books.

Introduction :

The Listening is the Receivers activity in the Communication as the Speaker

has the responsibility to make effort to understand the meaning of the Speaker. Any
Interaction with others, Whether at Home, With Friends, At College or At Work, depends
for Success on your ability to Listen Success in life.

Listening can increase a speaker’s receptiveness to the ideas of others.

Listening helps you overcome self-consciousness.

Objectives :
The objectives of the study are,
 Maintain Eye Contact.
 Learn towards the Speaker.
 Repeat instructions and ask appropriate questions when the speaker has
Purpose of the study :
The purpose of the study is to get clear information about Developing
Listening Skills for overcome Self-consciousness.

Methodology :
Good listening skills make workers more productive. The sources used for
collecting the data for this topic is internet and referred various articles.

Listening Skills :

In day to day life most of us are involved in Listening we generally thinks of

communication particularly in the case of Verbal communication interms of Transmitting
ideas, facts, Opinions, Exchange of Information, Expressing feeling honesty or sincere
and Listening is Receivers activity.

Types of Listening :

For Developing Listening skills then follow the various types of Listening.

I) Marginal Listening :-
 A Listener has the Capacity to think 4 times faster than someone Speak.

 The Listener can views the extra time available to think about other matters.
II) Evaluative Listening:

• While Listening to a Message a Listener speares his Time and thinks to Judge and
Evaluate what is said by the Speaker.

III) Projective Listening:

 It is more commonly used in Commity meeting and other types of Group


 It is a process to observe and understand what is said to assimilate the Viewpoints

of the Speaker.

Difference Between Listening & Hearing :

 Listening Skills require the use of Hear, Brain, Eyes to understand But
Hearing requires only the hear.

 Hearing is the Physical and Listening is a Mental Process.

 Hearing involves just Receiving Sound Signals the Message is the Ears but
Listening involves Conscious thought, which requires Efforts.
Conclusion :

Finally I conclude that the Good listening skills make workers more productive.
And it is helpful in work better in a team-based environment and it Promotes Problem-
Solving abilities.

References :

 www.file:///F:/mini%20projects/Organizational_Communication.htm.

 _Communication.

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