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Subject: Principle of Teaching

Section: UNI3
Professor: Mr. Jaspher Abela


The Coach Carter Movie is about breaking an interest of school faculty, students, parents
and community that sports is more important than academic performance as a career and
the system of school management that they priority to win basketball game than to
educate the young children because of the performance of the school for the fast seven (7)
years that only fifty percent (50 %)of the students graduated from school and out of it only
six percent (6 % ) sent to college inculcated to their mind and they believed that basketball
season was the highlights of the students’ lives. There is no way to change these
Kent Carter accept the request of former coach of Richmond Oilers basketball team to take
over a basketball coach, an unpaid volunteer position because he want to affect change in a
team, in special group of young men to have a better life.
Coach Carter established respect and trust by using authoritarian leadership instead of
democratic kind of leadership because the ineffectiveness current system of secondary
education embedded for a long time. He makes rules. He requires the players to sign a
contract which stipulated promising to maintain a decent grade-point of 2.3, seat down in
front row every class and do practice in conforming to the set rules and regulations. The
students didn’t live in that way so that they had a negative reaction until Mr. Cruz walkout
in the gymnasium which displayed disrespect to them. But coach carter wants to mold the
characteristics of his players. He said, you have my respect until you abuse it, then
motivates the players with this advice, play like a winner, act like a winner and most
importantly you will be winners. Winning on here is the key to winning out there.
To monitor that his players follow the agreement he asked support from his co-teachers by
requesting to have a progress report. He believed that his objectives will attain with the
collaboration of school faculty. From the start his co-teachers did not collaborate because it
is additional workloads but after he called the attention of the school principal pertaining
to this matter they forced to perform their responsibilities until they accepted and loved it
Along training and academic activities he deals with the diverse personal problems of his
players. A star player named Kenyon Stone has a pregnant girlfriend named Kyra and she
sees a threat to her future in Carter's determination to get his players into college, Timo
Cruz who engaged in illegal activity with his cousin, Junior battle plays to cover up/avoid
the bad happening to his brother and the father of one of his players was in jail.
Coach Carter portrayed not only as a coach and teacher but most especially as a
responsible father of his son. Kent Carter experienced during high school life at Richmond
(California) secondary School was the reason in sending his son to other well-known
secondary school but because he wants to respect the decision of his son and to trust his
capability to strive he signed a contract with the permission to transfer and to be one of his
basketball team players at Richmond Secondary School.

The most critical decision of Ken Carter, which got news coverage in 1999, was to lock the
gymnasium, forfeit games and endanger the team's title chances after some of his players
refused to live up to the terms of the contract that triggered to question the abilities of a
teacher as an educator. He faced the challenges in front of school management, teachers,
and parents until the management considered the suggestion of parents to expel him as a
coach of Richmond Oiler Basketball team. For them, the future for the student-athletes lies
in the NBA, not education. He handled the situation by striking out the perspective of us by
sharing his experience. Thirty years ago it was the same thing, their career in prison and
some in death.

Coach Carter emphasized the system that's designed to fail the students to their career, he
tells his players, pointing out that young black men are 80 percent more likely to go to
prison than to go to college. The movie's closing credits indicate that six of the team
members did go on to college, five with scholarships.

Characteristics of Kent Carter of being dedicated and committed to his work were the main
factors for him to have perseverance to win the game, the true life of his players, they
liberated from their deepest fear towards a meaningful life.

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