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Rose Anne Malabanan


Journal 7

Structural Engineering

According to Engr. Sheena Gabriel a technical design engineer that in line with structural engineer.

She said that they mostly do is to design structural properties of roofing. Structural analysis by computing

its maximum wind load and rainfall capacities and design a few light gauge metal framings used for roof

framings, ceilings, floor joints and wall partitions. The common problems that she said that she encounters

is the designing structures that are not ideal for light gauge framings. According to her light gauge metal

frames are very different with structural steel for which having a very significant variation in thickness

making it not ideal as a substitute for structural steel. In overcoming it she said that it would simply design

the structure as LGMF with having a smaller bay length (spacing between trusses) to compensate with the

loss thickness from converting it from structural steel and showing it by comparison the drastic change

making the LGMF more expensive. The engineering skills that she said that we need to become a technical

design engineer is to know how to interpret the code (latest NSCP) very well, knows any design application

like staad. Know how to use AutoCAD for shop drawings and have a lot of patience. According to her she

chose structural engineer as her specialization because on her first job, she really wants to dig in more on

the theoretical aspects of engineering before any fieldwork. But she also plans to move to other fields of

civil engineering to widen her knowledge with the profession. She also said to the aspiring students of civil

engineering a good luck.

Construction Engineer

According to Engr. Michael Tatang, as an engineer in construction management he always

inspects the works of his contractor before concrete pouring. He always sees to it that the specifications

were followed, and the plan were followed correctly. The common problems that he encounters is mostly

are the obstruction in the actual site and if the plans were not followed correctly by their contractors. In

his experience, he always consults their engineers based on their specializations. If the problem is

regarding civil works, architectural, mechanical, electrical etc. If their contractors didn’t follow the plans

correctly, he always coordinate to their project engineers to correct the layout as per approved plan.

According to um the skills that a construction engineer need is you must know how to read the plans

correctly in order to implement the correct layout. You must also know how to coordinate and

communicate with the contractors and their subordinates n order to execute the project properly. As a

construction engineer the biggest challenges that he encounters is how to deal properly with other

engineers specially to the contractors and other laborers. He also advice to all aspiring students in civil

engineering that we must study well and master how to read plans correctly, know how to estimate and

plan a good schedule to your project and also know how to communicate well with other people in order

to execute and implement the plans properly.

Journal 8

Geotechnical Engineering

According to Engr. Suttisak Soralump, he mostly does in line with geotechnical engineer is consulting in

geotechnical works and study for the government project. The common problems that he encounters in

doing the work is t communication, understanding among related stake holders and others. According to
him the engineer skills that a geotechnical engineer need is to know how to understand the process of

nature, rock and soil, geology and be able to handle uncertainties. He also said that geotechnical engineer

is not his choice he came it by chance. he also advised to all civil engineers is do our best and listen to


Transportation Engineering

According to Engr. Joebert Baldrias, a civil engineering that specialize in transportation engineer

he mostly do is controlling and monitoring the quality of their project. They commit to provide quality,

safe and environment friendly public infrastructure that will improve the life of Filipino people. They

ensure that the tax being given by the Filipino people is being returned through the quality infrastructure

such as roads, bridges, school buildings and multi-purpose building. Also, the common problems that he

encounters is during the implementation of their project, the resistance from the stakeholders who are

affected by road widening. They don’t see the purpose of road widening and they are being narrow

minded about the benefits that may get from this development. And to solve this issue, he conducts

coordination meeting so all issues and concerns by the stakeholders and by their office will be tackled.

They ensure that proper acquisition of right of way will be followed. According to him one of the

engineering skills that an engineer need is having the ability to decide fast, efficiently and effectively.

Because there will come a time that unexpected things will happen, and urgent decision will be necessary

to control the damage and loss on the project. He chose engineer as his specialization because he knows

that he would have a good future if he pursues this career. He also loves and good mathematics and that

his great edge when we want to become an engineer. He said that taking degree of civil engineer will not

be an easy road to take. There will come a time that some topics are so hard to understand that even we

think that we have given all the efforts and time but still we will fail. He said that we should not lose hope
when we fail because failing is also learning. He said that do not let failure on subjects be the cause of

your failure in life. Failure is part of life. And make it as of strengthening of ourselves.

Journal 9

Water Resources Engineering

According to Dr. Muhammad Ashraf water resource engineering deals with water problems

related with water or caused by water starting from the source to its utilization by understanding the

process involved. Water resource engineer should have knowledge of processes occurring on the surface

and subsurface of catchment, channels, dams. Water resource engineer should have the capacity to use

the tools to solve the issues at each scale, mentioned above and give the sustainable solution for this

issue. Selection of field was his curiosity to understand why the floods cause river erosion and how to

check it.

Environmental Engineering

According to Engr. Majid Hussain as a environmental engineer he use knowledge of

environmental engineering for designing of waste water treatment plans, implementing environmental

management system and cleaner production initiatives. The common problems that he encounters is

when they must collect data from field, it involves management of whole process and the good planning

is a solution for all risks. The engineering skills in environmental engineer is the design and management

skills. According to him he chose environmental engineer because he wants to improve his qualification

and it involves his personal interest too. The advice that he good to the aspiring civil engineering students

is keep their knowledge updated.

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