00 - Quantum Touch - Supercharge Quantum-Touch! (2005)

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Quantum Touch

Information copied from www.quantumtouch.com

Supercharge Quantum-Touch!
Quantum-Touch is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic
Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. The
Supercharging Workshop is valued at 14 CE Hours.

Continuing Nursing Education has been approved by the New Mexico Nursing
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's
Commission on Accreditation. The Supercharging Workshop is valued at 11.75 CNE's
(Additional $30 fee will apply.)
How Can You...

 Accelerate the effectiveness of your traditional Quantum-Touch skills?

 Sharpen your energetic focus?
 Generate longer lasting results from your sessions?
 Raise the energy to even greater heights for improved health, intuition and
personal transformation?
 Automatically tune your vibration to work on specific conditions?
 Create Reality?

Try Supercharging!

Our Quantum-Touch Supercharging instructors clearly see energy and can help you fine
tune your unique vibration and method of working with energy. Each Supercharging class
is limited to 14 people to ensure that all students receive individual attention.

The Supercharging instructors have developed a high level of ability to see energy and
perceive energy. Supercharging students receive personal attention and assistance
to maximize the way they work with energy; the instructors provide specific energetic
feedback to help practitioners work at optimum effectiveness.

Supercharging Quantum-Touch is the first advanced class created and developed by

Quantum-Touch Founder, Richard Gordon, Alain Herriott, and Mary "White Eagle" Derr,
a highly intuitve, gifted energy worker. Using Mary's research on the energy fields of
people of all ages, races, and ethnic groups combined with Richard and Alain's energy
work experience, they discovered new ways to enhance the effectiveness of the Basic
Quantum-Touch work.

As wonderful as Quantum-Touch has been, I've always believed we could be

extraordinarily more powerful and far more effective in our sessions. I've always believed
that everyone could learn to be effective when working with any kind of condition, but I
didn't know how to do it or how to teach it. I've expected and waited decades for a
significant breakthrough. Now it's here...
Richard Gordon, Founder of Quantum-Touch
How the Supercharging Workshop came to be

presented by Richard Gordon, founder of Quantum-Touch

I met Mary Derr when I was in Ashland, Oregon. As I was running energy into her knee,
she started telling me in great detail about the energy I was running. After a few minutes,
I started to vortex the energy. Within a second, Mary blurted out, "I've never seen the
energy spin like that before!" All at once, I knew that I had met someone who could truly
see the energy. The next day, I spent a lot of time with her and discovered that she had
created some amazing healing techniques.

Mary came to one of my Quantum-Touch lectures, and attended my Quantum-Touch

workshop in Medford, Oregon. She became so inspired from the class that she developed
a series of new methods of using Quantum-Touch that integrated a series of discoveries
she has made over many years. By combining Quantum-Touch with what she had
previously discovered, it allowed ordinary people to do a level of work we had not seen

As wonderful as Mary is at healing and seeing energy, teaching is not one her life
passions. In order to teach this class, an instructor must be able to clearly see life-force
energy (therefore I am not qualified). I was quite fortunate to find Alain Herriott, Denise
Godfrey, and Mervyn Forster. All teachers have a highly skilled ability to see energy.

As I was experimenting with Mary's new techniques, Alain and Mary were watching me
practice. In almost every case, despite their good instruction, I was not doing the
techniques properly. Since each one of them could clearly see the energy, with their help,
I was able to learn to do the techniques correctly. When I would get it right, I would
suddenly feel a huge rush of energy, and a second later, one of them would say, "That's
right Richard, do you feel the difference?"

For those who wish to take Quantum-Touch farther than it has ever gone before, I heartily
recommend this class.

Mary Derr: Supercharging Workshop Creator

Mary Derr has had the ability to clearly see in all realms since the age of 3, and in her
adult life she has studied numerous ancient way of healing. Mary is ¼ Lakota Sioux, has
practiced her Native American spirituality, and has held the position of "Sees Beyond" for
many native elders. She spent 5 years with Grandmother Megan Grey Wolf Women,
(Onieda/Ozarian) elder, author of the Grand-mother Cards, and spent several years seeing
for Nicki Scully, of Shamanic Journeys. Mary has traveled to many countries, which has
helped her to refine the healing techniques she developed, so they would be effective on
all races and combinations of races.
Mary writes
"I am very pleased to have found Quantum-Touch. This is a clear and simple way for the
layperson to know and feel the life-force energy and be able to help others be healed.
Through Quantum-Touch, the advanced healing techniques that I have developed over
the past 15 years can now be easily shared with everyone.

Richard Gordon and Alain Herriott, are a powerful creative team. Richard's unique ability
to construct a class forum, and Alain's clear seeing helps the students to understand and
truly access their energy potentials.

I feel very good about sharing this life's work with Quantum-Touch. I know that they
have the integrity and moral values to share this information in a clear and concise way.
Enjoy and Heal - It is my dream that all will begin to live life to it's fullest potential. Pila
ma ye ya lo."
Supercharging Instructors

Mervyn Foster

Mervyn has been working with energy for many years, he has been a Shiatsu Practitioner
for over 14 years and it started with his passion with the Martial Arts of Aikido and Iaido
where he qualified as a Black Belt teacher and instructor. It was here that he started
working with Ki (Qi) energy which took him on his journey to train as a Shiatsu
practitioner in 1993 with a British School of Shiatsu in London. He and his tutors noticed
that he had the ability to feel energy very early in his training and this helped him develop
his ability of ‘seeing’ and ‘smelling’ energy.

Mervyn has been training with Alain Herriott and Denise Godfrey over the last few years
to become the Advanced Instructor for the UK, Ireland and Europe. He has a passion for
teaching and taught Basic Workshops for nearly three years and loves seeing new
students to Quantum Touch find energy for the first time and he knows that the
techniques that Richard Gordon developed can be used by anyone and everyone.
Supercharge and Core classes are the next level for everyone who needs to know more
about Quantum Touch and Mervyn’s ability to help and guide students to use their energy
is a great asset.

Mervyn can be reached at www.soothing-hands.co.uk

Alain Herriott

Alain's focus and passion has been his involvement with the healing arts for over 30
years. As a yoga practitioner and instructor he began the path to self-discovery through
deep meditation and contemplation. His path led him through numerous eclectic studies
culminating in becoming a Qigong healer and teacher in 1995. He was head Qigong
instructor for Southwest Acupuncture College in Santa Fe, NM for three years.
Since moving to Talent, Oregon and discovering Quantum-Touch, he has been writing,
offering private sessions, teaching and evolving the Quantum-Touch process with his
wife Jody. Alain has a surprising ability to see energy move and function in a person's
body. He is also, more importantly, able to guide others' awareness of this energy
movement in their own body, thus giving them accurate reference points to work from.
He writes that, " Upon discovering Quantum-Touch in 2001, I believe I have found the
most powerful healing modality available today." Currently Alain's main focus is the
Core work.

Let the journey begin!

Workshop Details

Cost For prices on all workshops, please click here >> Class Size Class size is limited to
14 participants! Prerequisites Quantum-Touch Basic workshop is required (video or live)
What People are Saying About the Supercharging Workshop...

I truly can't believe how good I've been feeling since taking Alain's Supercharging
workshop and doing the Color Meditation. It has made a powerful difference in my life. I
am happier, calmer, and more loving as well as more serene and confident. I can handle
whatever comes my way with grace and love. If anyone has doubts about taking the class,
let me be the first to encourage them to take it at their first opportunity! Thank you, Alain,
and QT, for enhancing my life in all ways!
Dr. Hether Churchill

Denise is a gifted and knowledgable instructor! I have learned so many wonderful tools
that are a tremendous value in my life and life's work.
Donna O'Toole, RN, LMT, Brandon, FL

Denise is a wonderful instructor. Her intelligence, enthusiasm, and humor are great assets
to the experience.
Gary Russell, Minneapolis, MN

This was one of the best workshops I've ever attended. Alain is exceptionally good. A
great teacher and very knowledgeable.
Pam Severance

Alain brought into class the necessary tools that can make any person a measure
Quantum-Touch energy healer, but also has skills on how to relate to each person in the
class and bring them to a higher level of understanding. A great teacher. Thanks so much
for coming to Colorado.
Rick Riggs

Alain is an excellent teacher. All students were a pleasure to be with.

Author C. Phillip Sutton

Amazing Tools. Just like Richard said,"twice the power in half the time!" Great energetic
instructor...Denise held a great energetic space in the workshop."
Tom Magruder, Asheville, NC

I'm still buzzing! It was a great for workshop. Alain is a great teacher and knowledgeable,
competent, compassionate and light hearted!
Brock Schwartz

Clearly presented and easily understood. Thought by Alain with incredible intuitiveness,
insight, and sensitivity.
Author Gini Kyle

Very powerful techniques, extremely well presented, a great experience.

Vera Lachi
Great Workshop. I learned lots of new techniques...Denise has a great personality and a
true, true gift with seeing energy.
Charlene Butler, Glibert, AZ

The techniques that are taught in this workshop are truly transformational on all levels of
the being. This work raises the vibrations of both the healer and the one doing the healing
to creative heights than I've ever felt with any other technique or modality. Thank you all
who have created quantum-touch and all who are sharing it with the world!
Carol Landurm

This was a fantastic experience for me. Very life-enhancing and informative. I learned
more about energy in these two days than I ever expected to know. I love Alain Herriott
and this cheerful attitude and openness and humor!
Marilyn Zschau

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