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Scene 1

A: Hi!
B: Hello.
A: How’s everything?
B: Fine, I guess.
A: Do you know what time it is?
B: No. Not exactly.
A: Don’t you have a watch?
B: Not on me
A: Well?
B: Well, what?
A: What did you do last night?
B: What do you mean?
A: What did you do last night?
B: Nothing
A: Nothing?
B: I said, nothing!
A: I’m sorry I asked
B: That’s all right.
Scene 2

A: Hi!
B: Hello.
A: You all right?
B: Yes.
A: Are you sure?
B: Yes, I’m sure. A little headache, that’s all.
A: Oh, good. You want some aspirin?
B: No. Don’t be so helpful, okay?
A: You’re upset.
B: Good lord!
A: Okay, okay. I thought you might want to talk.
B: About what?
A: About anything.
B. I’m going away
A; What do you mean?
B: I’m going away, that’s all.
A: Where?
B: Not far. Don’t get excited.
A: When?
B: Now.
Scene 3

A: What was that?

B: Don’t look.
A: I’m only human.
B: Maybe that’s not enough.
A: I don’t understand.
B: It makes me sick.
A: Perhaps I could help.
B: Don’t get involved.
A: Don’t you care?
B: Yes, I do.
A: So?
B: Look—there’s another one. No, don’t look.
A: What do you want?
B: World peace.
Scene 4
A: So…
B: So…
A: It’s up to you.
B: Never again.
A: O.K.
B: That’s it?
A: That’s it.
B: From now on?
A: As you say.
B: Reconsider.
A: Not this time.
B: Ever?
A: (A look—then walks off).
Scene 5
A: We can’t stay here.
B: Why not?
A: It’s not safe.
B: You keep saying that.
A: Because it’s true.
B: You’re overreacting.
A: Not this time.
B: It seems quiet enough.
A: Don’t kid yourself.
B: When do you think it will happen?
A: Could be any moment.
B: Or maybe never.
A: I doubt that.
B: Are you afraid?
Scene 6
A: What did it say?
B: Does it matter now?
A: Why shouldn’t it?
B: How good are you at keeping a secret?
A: Have I ever let you down before?
B: How would I know if you did?
A: Are you going to tell me?
B: Do you swear not to tell anyone else?
A: What are you getting at?
B: Can I trust you?
A: Who can you trust?
B: What does that mean?
A: You can’t figure it out?
B: Are you insulting me?
A: Why would I do that?
B: Can we talk about this later?
A: Why not right now?
Scene 7
A: Oh.
B: Yes.
A: Why are you doing this?
B: It’s the best thing.
A: You can’t mean it.
B: No, I’m serious.
A: What does this mean?
B: Nothing.
A: Listen…
B: No.
A: So different…
B: Not really.
A: Oh.
B: You’re good.
A: Forget it.
B: What?
A: Go on.
B: I will.

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