15arc61 - Vic - Vacation Assignment PDF

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B. Arch VI SEMESTER ‘C’ SECTION (VTU batch) - Even semester Jan to June 2020



B. Arch VI semester ‘C’ section

Course Code: 15ARC 6.1
Course: Architectural Design - VI
Max. CIE Marks: 150
Max. SEE Marks (Viva-voce Exam): 150


Dr. Dakshayini R Patil, Anand H M, Divya Pratap


To enable the students to integrate design with history, theory, building construction and material science in a
more informed way.

To understand the role of built environments of increasing complexity by:
a) Intrinsic factors: size, volume, levels, functional spaces or zones, structural possibilities
b) External factors: site, approach, traffic, ecology, services
c) Constraints: bye-laws, budget, ideology, attitudes
d) Identity: to the Campus through integration of the above.

The aim of the studio is to explore STRUCTURING:
a) Structuring of a research or a case study
b) Structuring of the program
c) Spatial structuring
d) Informal structuring

1. Structuring of research:
i) Case studies, reading material and site studies have to be a directed exercise with the involvement of
tutors with visiting the project of concern.
ii) This studio is also about how one organizes research. Mandatory to use analytical models, diagrams to
understand the chosen case study in terms of Design Intent, site and spatial structuring.
iii) Emphasis on Graphical consistency and legibility of the study
iv) Reading list as part of the studio. Once a week, students could be asked to present the case studies
and selected readings to the class.
2. Structuring of the program:
i) Studying requirements from various point of views
• relationship between requirements and values
• requirements and phenomenology
• area of the site
• functional area requirements
• issues of public and private domains
• open and closed spaces
• interrelationship between the various components
• formal and informal

• service requirements
• relationship between whole and the part
• requirement and climate etc.
ii) Information resulting from this exercise becomes the individual's program for the project which can then
lead to structuring of space.

a) One Major project
b) One Minor project - could include a case study documentation of the project proposed for the design
intervention. Could be done in a group and as part of its findings shall be an outline program to be a
major project
c) Institutional projects like facilities of higher learning, such as, Engineering college campus, medical
college campus, management institute campus, hotel management institute, Law college campus,
Dental college campus, Nursing college campus etc.
d) In view of the current urban contexts where land is precious and resources are scarce, the project could
also be institutional buildings on a small urban plot, on multiple levels and still engage with its context
and establish an environment within that captures the essential nature of an institution.

Stages of project
5 stages including research and analysis:
1. Introduction to the initial design parameters which include choice of:
a. Geography/situation (context)
b. Constraints (bye-laws, budget, ideology, attitudes, etc.)
2. Spatial structuring: logical operations after an analytical understanding
3. Informal structuring: Architecture is an integrative discipline
4. Focus on ideas of scale, engagement (social, economic, political), hierarchy, public/private space, and
challenge the students to reflect on these as part of the design development.
5. Architect as instigator - nature of engagement with the city & context.

By having students spell out a hypothesis, it then doesn't matter what the type is. This prepares the students to
frame a series of questions to address the problem at hand.
AD STUDIO Project Premise

The proposed Studio project theme shall be: “Environs of Learning for Creative disciplines; Architectural

The Studio will essentially address three objectives:

1. Understanding various aspects of designing campuses- ‘Institutions of learning’

2. Systematic methodology of project formulation- study/ research, context, standards/norms, concepts,
structure etc.
3. Evolve, engulf/ incline towards a specific philosophy of design in Architecture

The studio project hence will tentatively deal with understanding & designing Institutional campuses that render
education in disciplines which are creative and innovative in nature such as Arts, Architecture, Design or Fashion

Hence, to initiate the process and introduce pre-learning, vacation assignment is given herewith.


VACATION ASSIGNMENT TITLE: ‘Literature study to understand Campus design ideologies’

The vacation assignment involves Literature study of prominent designed campuses that have been shortlisted
for study here (Sources could be books, online or architects’ home pages). The list of projects selected explores
various design approaches to campus design, thus exposing the student to the “limitless possibilities”.

The list of literature study shall include the following suggested:

Campuses abroad-
1. Institute of Fashion Technology, New York
2. Harvard campus design
3. Illinois institute of technology , Chicago - Mies Van der Rohe + addition by Rem Khoolas
4. The Affiliated School of College of Education, Zhejiang – UAD
5. John Henry Brookes and Abercrombie Building design – Design Engine
Campuses in India by eminent Architects & Designers as follows-
B V Doshi
IIM, Bangalore
IIM, Udaipur
Charles Correa
McGoven Institute For Brain Research, MIT
Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal
Raj Rewal
Visual Arts Institutional Campus, Rohtak
Energy Technologies Centre, Noida
National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi
International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi
National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi
National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore
Laurie Baker
Centre for Development Studies, Ulloor
Christopher Charles Benninger
Azim Premji University, Bangalore
Kirloskar Institute Of Advance Management Studies, Pune
Centre for Development Studies, Pune
Rajiv Mehrotra
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Rural Campus, Tuljapur
Achyut kanvinde
IIT, kanpur
University of agricultural sciences, Bangalore
Anant raje
IIFM, bhopal
Giraben sarabhi & all
NID, ahemedabad
British school of learning, New Delhi
Institute of learning & management, Greater Noida
Mindspace architects
Titan Integrity campus, Bangalore

Exercise description:
Literature study will involve detailed understanding of any two of the listed Campuses above in India & Abroad.
Selection for one in India is a must or both could be from India as well.

Objective of the exercise: ‘To understand Ideology of campus designs’ - in terms of following:
Mention Name the Architect/ firm/ year of design.
1. Campus planning principles- logic, theme, design, ideology, goal, identity of the campus
2. Site related details- context, area, plan, character, surroundings, heritage, community etc.

3. Identify the philosophy of architectural design or school of thought in the project. Discuss on the general
principle of that philosophy.
4. Arrangement of Buildings, spatial plan, massing, built/unbuilt relationship

Drawing output:
 A1 size sheet- One or Two No’s
 Direct cut/copy paste of data to be avoided.
 Maps should be worked upon, analyzed and graphically well- interpreted.
 Representation should be graphical & minimal in text
 Assignment shall be graded/ marked as CIE 1 on first day of the semester.

Published by 6C Studio Faculty:

Dr. Dakshayini R Patil, Associate Professor
Anand H M, Associate Professor
Divya P, Assistant Professor

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