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Spir al Jetty

Fall 2019

New sletter
The Univer sity of Utah w om en's
SAVETHE ultim ate fr isbee team w as enor m ously
successful this ter m ! We m aintained a
DATE! str ong gr oup of r etur ner s, w ho w or ked
har d thr oughout the season. Additionally,
ULTIMATE a gr eat set of r ookies joined our m idst,
AFFAIR m any of w hom had played in high school.
Our excellent dedication, gr it, and
We ar e putting on
the 7th annual chem istr y m eant that w e w er e un-
fundr aiser for our defeated in our fall season!
team ! It is:

Sat u r day,
Febr u ar y 8t h f r om
6-8pm i n t h e
Su gar space
132 S 800 W
Sal t Lak e Ci t y, UT

Tickets available
for pur chase
The fir st tour nam ent w e w ent to this fall JANUARY24t h- 25t h
w as Big Sky War m Up in Logan, Utah (pictur ed Santa Bar bar a Invite
on the bottom of the last page-- our them e w as in Santa Bar bar a,
Am er ican, as you can tell fr om all the r ed, Califor nia
w hite, and blue!). We played BYU, BYU Idaho,
and M ines fr om Color ado, am ong other team s. Febr uar y 15t h- 17t h
We star ted out our season str ong by w inning Pr es Day in San
Big Sky War m Up! Diego, Califor nia
Our second tour nam ent of the year w as
Big Sky Gun Show , in M issoula, M ontana. Our Mar ch 28t h- 29t h
them e this tim e ar ound w as countr y/Wester n, Centex in Austin,
and w e dr essed to im pr ess! We faced team s like Texas
M ontana State, Univer sity of M ontana, and
Boise State Univer sity. Our r ookies had a lot of Apr il & May
fun r iding the Ghetto Gypsy bus for the fir st Sectionals, Regionals,
tim e, and ever yone had a gr eat tim e eating and (hopefully)
good food and w atching the show case gam e. Nationals TBD
Our har d w or k leading up to Gun Show paid
off, and w e w on the tour nam ent for the second
year in a r ow !
Our last tour nam ent of the year w as KFall, in sunny San Diego!
KFall w as our m ost com petitive tour nam ent of this season. We had
the oppor tunity to play som e team s outside of our division, w ho
pushed us in new dir ections. We also got to put our plays to use,
w hich w as exciting since w e had been pr acticing since Septem ber.
Last year , w e got second at KFall, losing to UCSD, PrweshoDay
w ent on to
in San
place second at Nationals. This year , w e played sim ilar team
Diego, s,
Califor nia
including USC, UCSB, UCLA, ASU, etc. We w er e a com petitive team ,
and w ent undefeated! For the fir st tim e ever , w e w on KFall!

Apr il & May

Thanks for r eading our fir st new sletter ! We ar e pr oud of

all the effor t fr om our team m ates and coaches this season,
and w e hope to tr anslate our w or k in the fall into success in
the spr ing season. If you w ant to suppor t us, w e w ould love to
see you at Ultim ate Affair ! If you can't m ake it, please
consider donating, or even follow ing our Tw itter.
Happy Hol i days f r om SJU!

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