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04.03.2019 Explanation of common threads including BSP & NPT PROCESS SYSTEMS? sirervalvesontinescomay) ° Search over 10,0001 Stocked product Ines a HOME [TTPSUWW/WVALVESONLNECOMAU] / REFERENCES (REFERENCES) / THREADS JREFERENCES/THREADSY Threads BSP BSP thoad form stands for Brtish Standard Pipe and is commen in Australia and the commonweath counties, tls based on trade size rather than actual élametor \wblh ean lead to ome contusion wher measuring ports “Thoreare two types of BSP threads, Parealel(&SP) also krown 95 G or Rp “Tapered (@3PT) also krow as Ror Re Both threads have the same pitch, angle (55 degroes) and shape (rounded peaks and valloys). “The below table give the major an minor lamer for each BSP Trade Thread Size Trade Size ‘Treads por eh Pach Maj: Diameter Mor Damier age Leng Ines mm heh mm rob vm Ire nm Ey a paw es8s pass 387 19 00s 17 ste tas87 ose. ozer 8012 19 os «1807 =i sSESC«G SSCS 025 638 1 1% oor ei 082570855 OTs BBD cama 8.88 4 1“ oor 184 10a? OHO] pare 8826 + " ome 20 tea aazaatfa08 50780 aoe 0308 1% " Co ES 156 38989 08 wer A * oom 240 tea arama t7608 SAAS as ser 2 " ome 2092722006 —«6.ST 0521676 2% oD ‘come 240928 == NBR DET pears 17488 3 " 00m 209348 pais 20.858 4 " CE NPT [NPT stands for National Pipe Thread ands an American standard head. I may also be reffered toa MPT , MNPT or NPT (M) for male extemal threads and FPT, NPT cr NPT(F) for fel intral ead. A tread sealant must always be used to achive a lak re seal except for NPTF) Is also based on Trade Size rather than actual diameter (siilr to BSP in ths rogare), Both threads have the same pitch, angle (60 degrees) and shape (at peaks and valleys} ‘The below able gives the Threads Pee eh, Pithe and Major Diameter er NPT Threads, Trade Sie “Threses per ne Pre aor Dimer (0.0) ren nm ro oo 18 2 0.03704 anos 0008 1028 a 8 0.05556 ad ose 1372 we 6 0.0856 vane srs w.18 12 “ oortaa eve ose ai ey 4 oor avs 1.95 287 1 Wh 0.08896 220878 sats na vA WA 0.08696 220878 166 236 aulteferencesithreads! 8 04.03.2019 Explanation of common threads including BSP & NPT WH 0.0606 220878 a 6 0.328 ats BSP vs NPT 2are a5 NPT thoads are common inthe United States and 2 fow other counties, BSP heads are wily used n many other counties, [BSPT Brien Standard Pipe Taper [BSP Bich Standara Pipe Parallel NPT -Nabonal Pipe Taper NPS -Natonal Pipe Staight ‘hile he actual speced ous ciameters of American National Pipe de slighty rom those of Brith Stancard Pipe, ether thread may reliably be cut onto a Pipe ofits respective trade size. BSPT equivalontis NPT and BSPP's equivalent is NPS, Never swap threads tis a high pressure application. NPTINPS and BSP treads are not compatible dus tothe differences in ther tread forme, and not jus he fact hat mos! sizes havea diferent ich. NPTINPS e039 ee ‘eveads havea 60* angle and nave fattened peaks and valley (Sellers tread form) where as BSP teeads have 2 55° angle and have rounded peaks and valleys (vhwort trea for), NPT and BSP tread ptches (threads per inch) are Isted below. To determine pc, use a tread gauge or count the number of threads that fal ino 1" span rade Sizo Pte Toads porch) 1“ 1 1% vA TH 2% a 2 a 4 a 6 a SERVICE My Account (Lmyacct) “Track Order Resolution Centre (Lmyacetivarranty) (Lmyaccuhntrack.order) INFORMATION Terms of Use website-terms-of-use/) Privacy Policy (prvacy-poticy) Returns Policy ireturns-poticy) Security Policy VSecuity-potiy?) Product Warranty & Warning foroduct-warranty-warning/ ABOUT US. aulteferencesithreads! 2

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