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Present Laughter by Noel Coward, written in 1939, produced in 1942

Joanna: As I told you the other night, I’ve always wanted you.
I’ve always known instinctively that we were right for each other.
If we had met years ago it wouldn’t have worked, we’d have got caught,
tied up with each other and been utterly miserable.
Now it’s all right, we meet on the same terms. You need me.
The people round you are no longer enough. I need you.
You’re the first man I’ve ever met who’s worthy of my steel.
I can’t guarantee that we shall be domestically happy together, but we’ll have a good time.

Garry: Well, I’ll be damned!

You were quite right when you said just now, with remarkable clairvoyance,
that I was coming to Africa with you. I am.
I’ve got the bridal suite; it was all there was left.
In addition to that I’ve written a note to Henry telling him everything.
He’s dining with Morris at the Athenaeum. They can read it together.

Running time: approx. 60 seconds

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