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User Manual

1. Install the software below from your flash drive. During the first step, select
“English” as your l anguage from the dropdown menu . Please note that this
software is only compatible with Windows7, Windows8 and XP operation

2. Open the software. Click on Tools, then select “Panel Setup ”.

Type in “168” as your password, then click “OK”.

3. In the “Panel Setup ” window, make sure your settings are exactly the same
as the picture below. Set “RGB” as your “ColorType”, “16o” as “W”, “32” as “H”,
“+” as “DataPolar”, “-” as “OE polar ”, etc., then click “Setup”. This is just an
initial setup of the program. You will be able to edit your texts and motion later.

4. Now you should come to the text editing dashboard. Here, you can edit your text,
font, motion, speed, other effects and save the file. The “Preview” window allows
instant preview of your text. To preview effect, click “PV” on the bottom of the
“Preview” window.
5. When you are done editing, click “Exp” to save the file to your flash drive.

In the “Export To USB Disk ”

Simply click on the save not tick Click . Save ”

6. You are done! Now safely eject your flash drive from your computer, turn on
your LED sign first, then plug the flash drive into the side of your LED sign.
When you see “OK” on the screen, it means the text has been automatically saved
to the sign. You may now unplug the flash drive and save it for next time.

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