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ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012



Nadia Prinsloo, Daleen van der Merwe*, Magdalena Bosman

& Alet Erasmus

OPSOMMING die voedselindustrie, veral as die diversiteit van

die Suid-Afrikaanse mark in ag geneem word.
Voorstelle vir navorsing met klem op verbruiker-
In literatuur word voedselaankope gewoonlik voor- sopvoeding word gemaak om verbruikers te be-
gehou as minder kompleks vergeleke met die gelei tot meer realistiese verwagtinge omtrent
aankoop van ander huishoudelike kommoditeite. voedseletikettering en om etikette tot hulle voor-
Hierdie literatuuroorsig toon dat die kompleksiteit deel te gebruik ten einde ingeligte voedselkeuses
van voedselaankope waarskynlik misken word te maak.
omdat die faktore wat verbruikers se voed-
selaankope beïnvloed in onlangse jare meer in-
tens geraak het. Daarby word voedselaank- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
oopbesluite merendeels in die winkel en binne ’n
beperkte tyd geneem, wat druk op die besluit-
nemingsproses aansienlik verhoog. In hierdie liter- The authors wish to thank the National Research
atuuroorsig word die beperkte besluitnemingstyd, Foundation (NRF) in South Africa for financial as-
verbruikers se verhoogde vereistes ten opsigte sistance.
van die tipe en kwaliteit van voedselprodukte, die
oorweldigende verskeidenheid voedselprodukte
waaruit verbruikers kan kies, sowel as prominente
wêreldneigings waarmee verbruikers daagliks in
die media gekonfronteer word, in ag geneem met — Prof D van der Merwe*
betrekking tot verbruikers se behoeftes en ver- Consumer Sciences, North-West University
eistes ten opsigte van voedseletikettering en die
Tel: +27 (0)18 299 2476
probleme wat verbruikers ondervind en wat hulle
Fax: +27 (0)18 299 2470
daarvan weerhou om rasionele besluite te kan
neem. Eksterne faktore wat verbruikersbesluite
* Corresponding author
tydens voedselaankope bemoeilik en selfs verwar
word bespreek met inagneming van persoonlike
— Miss N Prinsloo
faktore wat verbruikers se behoefte aan produkin- Consumer Sciences, North-West University
ligting en vermoë om produkinligting te interpret- Potchefstroom
eer en te evalueer, beïnvloed. Die belangrikheid
— Prof MJC Bosman
van produkinligting tydens die verbruikersbesluit-
Consumer Sciences, North-West University
nemingsproses word bespreek om aan te toon dat Potchefstroom
voedselkeuses waarskynlik moeiliker is as wat
algemeen aanvaar word. Die tipe en beskikbaar- — Prof AC Erasmus
Dept Consumer Sciences, University of Petoria
heid van produkinligting sowel as die formaat van
voedseletikette impliseer duidelike uitdagings vir

A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012

INTRODUCTION tees and an indication of the country of origin

when purchasing food products (Dimara & Sku-
ras, 2005). Consumers also tend to study the
Point-of-sale communications seem to be the labels of products with a more complex nutrition-
most effective instrument to inform consumers in al composition more carefully than products with
terms of whatever information producers wish to which they are more familiar and which they find
provide to potential buyers (McEachern & easy to interpret (Graham & Jeffery, 2012). Con-
Warnaby, 2008). With an increased move to- trary to the traditional school of thought, food
wards self-service retailing, the packaging of purchasing may therefore become more de-
products nowadays is designed to limit the input manding and require more meticulous consider-
of sales personnel at the point-of-sale ation processes during decision making.
(Kuvykaite et al, 2009). With regard to food pur-
chasing, food labels have hence probably be- This literature review firstly focuses on the com-
come the most important and most influential municative value of labels on food products, be-
factor during consumer decision making (Peters- fore the significance of food labels during differ-
Texeira & Badrie, 2005) because most of the ent stages of a consumer decision-making pro-
information that consumers require, such as cess is discussed, in an attempt to address gaps
branding and product ingredients, are printed on in literature in terms of the way in which labelling
product labels (Kole et al, 2009) that are promi- could enhance our understanding of the general
nently attached to the packaging, or form an misconstruction of the complexity of food pur-
integral part of the packaging. Food labels chases, during the entire decision-making pro-
hence perform an important communicative cess. Reasons for the growing complexity of
function by providing consumers with infor- food purchases are discussed, such as health,
mation to select the most suitable product alter- environmental and value for money issues that
native during the pre-purchase decision-making may result in a more watchful approach through-
phase (Van der Merwe et al, 2010; Dimara & out the consumer decision-making process, and
Skuras, 2005). the structure of modern retail environments
where the array of products in a store at any
Generally, food purchases are regarded as rou- given time can be overwhelming and where con-
tine purchase decisions which require low in- fusion is fuelled by a continual change of prod-
volvement and limited external search for infor- ucts due to global influences and imports. Alt-
mation (Adamowicz & Swait, 2011), suggesting hough care has been taken to include the most
that not all consumers necessarily consult infor- recent literature in this review, a few classic
mation on food labels. However, contrary to sources with authority were also included for the
other purchases, consumers often have to sake of comprehensiveness.
choose several items within a very short period
of time during food purchasing excursions. Con-
sumers who are more involved in a food pur- THE COMMUNICATIVE VALUE OF FOOD
chasing task, for whatever reason, become LABELS
more involved in the selection of suitable prod-
ucts and subsequently evaluate packaged food
products more carefully, paying more attention Food labels as a communication tool
to label information to reduce uncertainty and to
increase product credibility (Silayoi & Speece, In terms of food products, purchase decisions
2004). Some consumers may even demand are predominantly concluded in-store (Ampuero
additional information, such as quality guaran- & Vila, 2006), and food labels as well as pack-

A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012

aging play a vital role at the point-of-sale to The revised labeling regulation (R146) for South
communicate information about products that Africa that has applied since March 2012 is en-
may assist and convince consumers to select forceable for national and international food
particular products (Ali & Kapoor, 2009; Dimara manufacturers that are sold in the country and
& Skuras, 2005; Silayoi & Speece, 2004). Apart aims to facilitate food purchasing decisions by
from the functional protective value of packag- preventing misleading and ambigu-
ing, packaging per se – which includes the label- ous messages (Regulations relating to the label-
ling dimension of the packaging – has in recent ing and advertising of foodstuffs, 2010).
years become increasingly important as a mar-
keting tool, for example to indicate status and Consumers’ perception of food safety is related
quality (Rundh, 2005). Internationally, compa- to their trust in the food industry and confidence
nies are subsequently spending more money on in a government’s protective regulations
food packaging (style, type and design) than on (Fotopoulos & Krystallis, 2003). Unfortunately,
advertising as part of their marketing strategies in the past, some South African manufacturers
(Hoffman et al, 2005:299). have confused consumers with misleading infor-
mation on food labels (Steenkamp, 2007;
Visual elements, such as graphics, colour, size Macanda, 2005), for example indicating that a
and the shape of packaging, as well as informa- product is “95% fat free” while a 5% fat content
tional elements, such as the product information is not actually regarded as a low fat product
printed on labels or packaging and technologies (Macanda, 2005). To prevent this, labelling reg-
used, can potentially influence consumers’ prod- ulations that specify minimum requirements in
uct decisions (Silayoi & Speece, 2004). Not- terms of the disclosure of food ingredients, the
withstanding considerable attention devoted to specification of nutritional information and health
the visual qualities of food labels to ensure that claims (Regulations relating to the labeling and
they draw attention and enhance the image of advertising of foodstuffs, 2010) are therefore
products in the presence of multiple competitors now required and enforced to protect consum-
on the shelves of stores, some authors are of ers, especially vulnerable consumers who do
the opinion that the informational value of food not have the ability or resources to query infor-
labels is still predominant during consumers’ mation without considerable effort. The follow-
decision-making (Peters-Texeira & Badrie, ing mandatory information is displayed on food
2005). labels:

Information provided on food labels the name and address of the manufacturer;
country of origin of the product and the ingre-
A label is printed material that is either printed dients or materials used in the product by
on the packaging itself, or attached to a means of an ingredient list (Regulations relat-
product’s container (Regulations relating to the ing to the labeling and advertising of food-
labeling and advertising of foodstuffs, 2010). stuffs, 2010; Whitney & Rolfes, 2008:55;
Some labels are attached to the food packaging Hoffman et al, 2005:300).
(e.g. bottles or boxes) while others are more
elaborate, purposely designed graphic material the expiry date (Regulations relating to the
that become an integral part of the package labeling and advertising of foodstuffs, 2010)
(e.g. printed on a tin, a box or a bag). Consum- and product grading, if applicable, according
er-orientated food labels have a strong practical to governmental prescriptions (Hoffman et al,
dimension (Hoffman et al, 2005:300) in com- 2005:300).
municating important information to consumers.

A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012

directions for use and serving suggestions much information on a single, often fairly small
(Regulations relating to the labeling and ad- product label, consumers are increasingly de-
vertising of foodstuffs, 2010; Hoffman et al, manding more information about the food prod-
2005:300). ucts that they consume (Singla, 2010; Teisl et
al, 2008; Dimara & Skuras, 2005), such as prod-
caution about possible ingredient or product ucts’ association with a geographic region, its
misuse (Hoffman et al, 2005:300) and the traceability, and even methods of production
presence of allergens as a safety precaution (Dimara & Skuras, 2005). This exerts pressure
(Regulations relating to the labeling and ad- on food manufacturers to design food labels that
vertising of foodstuffs, 2010). would address consumers’ concerns and curios-
ity in an easily understandable and readable
the net contents of the product in weight or format.
volume (Regulations relating to the labeling
and advertising of foodstuffs, 2010; Whitney & Consumers’ demands for product infor-
Rolfes, 2008:55). mation

a barcode (Regulations relating to the labeling In recent years, the food and drink sector, which
and advertising of foodstuffs, 2010; Hoffman represents approximately 18% of all South Afri-
et al, 2005:300) can manufacturing sales, has come under in-
creased pressure due to changing market de-
nutritional information and approved health mands and a need to accommodate innovative,
and nutrition claims (Regulations relating to novel and effective technologies (Lues & Late-
the labeling and advertising of foodstuffs, gan, 2006) with all the associated benefits ac-
2010; Whitney & Rolfes, 2008:58-59). cording to international standards (Batrinou et
al, 2008; Teisl et al, 2008). From a consumer’s
Some food products also indicate ethical trade point of view, however, it is not always easy to
and organic information (Annunziata, et al, evaluate novel technologies and to know wheth-
2011). Under the revised labelling regulation in er new production or treatment methods are
South Africa, claims such as “nutritious”, are safe or potentially threatening to their health
now prohibited on food labels; compulsory infor- (Batrinou et al, 2008; Teisl et al, 2008). The
mation about food allergens has become more emergence of genetically modified (GM) foods is
stringent; and strict conditions and standards a recent example of technology that has evoked
apply in terms of conditions of food manufactur- much debate (Radas et al, 2008; Teisl et al,
ing in the country (Regulations relating to the 2008). Another food-related health and safety
labeling and advertising of foodstuffs, 2010; concern is the presence of allergens such as
Booysen, 2007:55; Steenkamp, 2007) to create nuts in processed food, which might have fatal
an equal policy for all products that focuses on consequences if ingested by unaware, allergic
facts and averts confusion (Steenkamp, 2007). consumers (Voordouw et al, 2006; Miles et al,
Since food labels can now be trusted to provide 2006). Manufacturers across the world there-
more truthful, accurate and consistent infor- fore have to exercise strict control over the con-
mation, the South African Department of Health tents of processed food products, the presence
uses label information as a strategy in educating of certain products in the factory during manu-
consumers to prevent obesity (Booysen, facturing and related food content information on
2007:55). food labels (Newman & Cullen, 2002:65). Be-
cause South Africa is no different to the rest of
In spite of the difficulty to accommodate so the world in terms of concerns about food safety

A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012

and integrity, the South African food industry THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FOOD LABELS DUR-
has to abide to strict legislation pertaining to ING THE CONSUMER DECISION-MAKING
food additives and labelling (Lues & Lategan, PROCESS
2006; Van der Merwe & Venter, 2010).

Empirical evidence suggests that certain demo- Much has been published in recent years about
graphic segments of the market, such as higher the effect of time pressure on consumers’ pur-
income groups, tend to demand more infor- chase decisions and the subsequent effect on
mation about food products (Ali & Kapoor, 2009; households’ food and grocery purchases
Lin & Yen, 2008; Dimara & Skuras, 2005). Du (Jacobs et al, 2010; Kuvykaite et al, 2009; Man-
Plessis and Rousseau (2003:84) found that nell et al, 2006). Because an abundance of
higher income South Africans are not only more product information is available on the spot
informed and knowledgeable about food prod- when food products are purchased and because
ucts in general, but they also tend to be fairly consumers generally spend limited time to
health conscious, probably because they are search for product information and to make pur-
better educated. Most South African metropoli- chase decisions, food purchase decisions are
tan consumers apparently consult food labels, generally regarded as less complex than other
specifically the ingredient lists, for quality and product decisions. Most food products are cho-
health information because they are conscious sen routinely or habitually by opting for familiar
of the influence of food intake (and nutrition) on brands without necessarily attending to other
their health (Kempen et al, 2011). Consumers product information – irrespective of whether the
from lower socio-economic groups, on the other information is printed on the packaging itself, or
hand, do not use food labels to the same extent attached to the packaging afterwards
and therefore have a tendency to make less (Adamowicz & Swait, 2011). Although consum-
healthy food choices (Giskes et al, 2007). The ers are not expected to thoroughly investigate
information on food labels may be quite intimi- food labels every time a product is purchased, it
dating to less educated consumers, which ex- is comforting to know that the information is
plains consumers’ interest in the easier to un- readily available when needed.
derstand traffic light labeling system, which was
introduced in the UK and Europe to make food A food purchase may, however, become a high
label information easier to comprehend involvement purchase (Kuvykaite et al, 2009)
(Pettigrew et al, 2011). In this system colour when a product is purchased for the first time
coding is used so that shoppers can easily spot (Peters-Texeira & Badrie, 2005) or purchased
the healthiest food options, for example discrimi- for someone else who might have special die-
nating between foods with high, medium and tary requirements due to health concerns. In
low fat and sugar content. Even if consumers such cases consumers inevitably have to rely on
have no idea how much fat is regarded as a packaging cues, for example the size, materials
high or low content, the colour on the label will used and colour (Kole et al, 2009); and on infor-
indicate that certain products should be chosen mation on food labels, for example brand, ingre-
with caution. dients and weight, to evaluate and identify the
most suitable alternatives. Literature indicates
that a consumer who evaluates products care-
fully according to pre-determined criteria follows
a rational decision-making process which is
based on objectively selected product attributes
that would best satisfy their needs (Schiffman &

A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012

Kanuk, 2010:110). Food label information is an mation as part of the container, provides strong
extremely important external stimulus for those promotional support and serves as a reminder at
who follow a rational decision-making process the point-of-purchase (Mullins et al, 2005:251).
and who need to make informed decisions
(Bosman et al, in press), for example in terms of External influences and consumers’ labelling
the presence of allergens in a product. requirements

Limited attention is devoted in literature to the External influences, such as economic, market-
fact that even in terms of food purchases, which ing and socio-cultural factors, influence the
is generally regarded as less complex purchase products that are selected
decisions, consumers subconsciously proceed
through stages of problem-solving activities be- Economic factors Economic factors inter
cause mostly, food products are chosen from an alia refer to implications of consumers’ purchas-
array of alternatives of which some may even be ing power and general financial situation in
harmful if consumers fail to notice the product terms of their consumer behaviour and purchase
content. The following section indicates the rel- decisions. Lower income groups spend propor-
evance of food labels during the subsequent tionally more of their household income on food
stages of a typical consumer decision process to than higher income groups (Du Plessis & Rous-
demonstrate the intricacy of food purchases. seau, 2003:93, 112) and might therefore experi-
ence increased levels of financial risk when pur-
Food labels and need recognition chasing food. When experiencing financial diffi-
culty, consumers spend their money more cau-
An intricate combination of external and internal tiously, and are more inclined to seek quality
factors may influence and even instigate con- guarantees and to demand value for money
sumers’ (food) product-related needs. External (Lamb et al, 2010:57). Product label information
stimuli such as product logos, brand names, is very useful to reduce consumers’ risk percep-
colours on packaging, types of packaging and tion in this regard and to increase consumer sat-
labels may draw consumers’ attention towards isfaction. Unfortunately, the same is not neces-
food products or cause apprehension and even sarily true for lower income consumers with low-
rejection. When preparing a special meal for er education levels, who lack the ability to opti-
distinguished guests, generic brands are for ex- mise product information that would enable
ample considered inferior to, and less accepta- them to make informed switches to more afford-
ble than national brands (Wyma et al, 2012). able, good value for money product alternatives
This judgement occurs in the store, through me- (Lamb et al, 2010:54). Lower income consum-
dia and even when visiting a friend’s house. A ers’ non-use of more affordable generic food
product could be rejected even if it had never products (Wyma et al, 2012) illustrates this di-
been used before, solely on the basis of its lemma. Higher income consumers are inevitably
packaging. Internal, personal influences of a more exposed to new products and product in-
physical and physiological nature may further novations because they have better exposure
prompt a product need, such as hunger, low and easier access to stores and media and mar-
blood sugar levels, or mere curiosity when ob- keting influences (There is growth in healthy
serving product displays in a store. food and beverages, 2005).

Product labels are therefore particularly im- Higher income consumers, who are mostly also
portant (Peters-Texeira & Badrie, 2005) to initi- more educated than lower income groups (Lamb
ate and address consumers’ needs, while food et al, 2010:54), are more likely to choose more
packaging, which often integrates labelling infor- reliable food products, for example specific

A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012

brands and grades (Sanlier & Karakus, 2010); products to those sanctioned as appropriate in
are probably more aware of product alternatives; terms of their social significance and their poten-
are more likely to express pertinent product pref- tial to support a consumer’s lifestyle (Schiffman
erences and product demands; and would there- & Kanuk, 2010:358). Typically, label information
fore most likely use food label information to such as the brand, origin of the product, price
direct their product choices (Lin & Yen, 2008; and quality would determine suitability. Logos
Dimara & Skuras, 2005). and symbols on labels that signify information
such as organically grown, might inspire con-
Marketing related influences These influ- sumers to purchase products that are associat-
ences originate from consumers’ immediate ed with important reference groups that are
contact with companies or products and their used as a benchmark for self-evaluation and to
marketing endeavours such as personal selling, set personal goals (Wright, 2006:369). Certain
sales promotions and advertising (Kole et al, food products (brands, types) are occasionally
2009). At point-of-sale, where all the products purchased to impress guests (Sjitsema et al,
are displayed alongside one another, visible 2002). Cultural influences unquestionably ne-
product information and graphics on food labels cessitate attention to food labels, as food cus-
such as the product’s name, brand, logo and toms involve inherent, strong beliefs, norms and
colours communicate, amongst others, the im- values that direct appropriate food choices with-
age and quality of products and largely deter- in a society (Mullins et al, 2005:126) – often in a
mine the success of products compared to com- prescriptive way that could evoke highly emo-
petitors (Wright, 2006:431; Arnould et al, tional repercussions. Manufacturers are there-
2004:301). Over time, clever strategies have fore obliged to use appropriate symbols on their
been developed to increase sales, for example product labels to appropriately convey pertinent
the use of so-called kaleidoscope packaging, product attributes, for example signifying that a
which implies frequent changes to a product’s product is “halaal” and hence eligible for con-
packaging to stimulate a demand for the pack- sumption by Muslims (Bennion & Scheule,
aging rather than the product. Children are of- 2010:3). In a multi-cultural society such as
ten targeted in this way, for example when South Africa, cultural issues are sensitive and
breakfast cereal manufacturers print different have to be attended to respectfully (Lamb et al,
popular television characters on packaging to 2010:99).
encourage children to collect them all (Lamb et
al, 2010:261). Family represents an individual’s primary social-
isation agent and largely influences a person’s
Marketing efforts are useful to communicate with consumer-related knowledge and skills, includ-
consumers and are designed to influence and ing use of product information, until adulthood
even instigate consumers’ needs, while also (Blackwell et al, 2006:521). The types of foods
influencing consumers’ product decisions (what purchased and consumed in a family context, for
they purchase and why), as well as their product example convenience foods or special foods for
and store loyalty (Wright, 2006:431). a family member with a particular health condi-
tion, influence an individual’s food practices later
Socio-cultural factors Socio-cultural factors in life (Lin & Yen, 2008) and largely determine a
influence consumers’ food purchase decisions in consumers’ product-related consumer socialisa-
complex ways. The influence of social class tion.
and the family is discussed.
Socio-cultural influences on food purchases are
Social class, for example, limits the suitability of context specific and an integral part of a con-

A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012

sumer’s socialisation process – to the extent minimum conditions. Laggards, on the other
that it involves both rational and emotional think- hand, are particularly traditional and hesitant to
ing – and may dominate all other factors that accept new products and they are therefore in-
may be relevant during decision-making. clined to steer away from labels that they are not
familiar with (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2010:460).
Individual factors and consumers’ labelling When consumers are brand and store loyal,
requirements they would probably not consult label infor-
mation on a regular basis because they mostly
Individual/personal characteristics influence con- purchase products with which they are familiar
sumers’ use of labelling and label-related re- and satisfied. Different personality types may
quirements in an intricate way and determine even express diverse and contradicting opinions
how external influences are dealt with. about preferred colours and fonts on food labels
as well as label formats. Manufacturers hence
Needs A consumer’s needs could be rational try to limit label characteristics to colours that
(such as a label that contains relevant infor- are universally associated with acceptable prod-
mation that would enable an informed food prod- uct characteristics, for example the predominant
uct decision in terms of a product’s content or use of blue and white on detergent containers
quality), or emotional in nature (such as label (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2010:156). These charac-
information as a means of empowerment, for teristics would inevitably differ for different cul-
example confirming the uniqueness and scarcity tural groups, such as German consumers’ pref-
of a product through which one could gain the erence for traffic light labelling versus Belgians’
admiration of others) (Du Plessis & Rousseau, preference for Guideline Daily Amount labelling
2003:229). (Möser et al, 2010). Labelling on imported foods
may therefore be vastly different to locally man-
Motive A consumer’s motive for using label- ufactured goods, although legislation still exerts
ling, i.e. the persistence with which a particular certain minimum requirements for all food prod-
label format or label information is required and ucts that are sold in a particular country.
used, is mostly driven by highly personal needs
(own health issues or religious concerns) that Perception Consumers’ perception is the
could be instigated by external forces (such as process in which sensory stimuli are selected,
prominence of environmental issues in media or categorised and interpreted, and depends on a
status factors). consumer’s senses and previous experiences
(Schiffman & Kanuk, 2010:175; Hoffman et al,
Personality A consumer’s personality deter- 2005:184; Mullins et al, 2005:119), for example
mines his/her product preferences (Blythe, an awareness of cues and ability to discriminate
2008:19), including the preferred label and pack- visual cues such as colours and font sizes on
aging formats, and also influences the complexi- labels. Certain product characteristics serve as
ty of the product evaluation process. Innovative heuristics during consumer decision making,
consumers are generally less risk averse and which reduces the effort required to examine
more willing to experiment with product alterna- labelling information, such as assuming that im-
tives and new products (Schiffman & Kanuk, ported chocolates are of a good quality or that
2010:459-460; Blythe, 2008:287). Their curiosity certain brands of wine are excellent (Lamb et al,
and sense for adventure would therefore en- 2010:866).
courage them to try novel products, which may
involve a thorough scrutiny of label information Attitudes Consumers’ attitudes are long-
to ensure that products at least meet certain lasting positive or negative evaluations or emo-

A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012

tions that determine consumers’ like/dislike or consumers could benefit from it. Through prod-
preference for particular products and subse- uct exposure (such as products on display in a
quently their behavioural intentions (Schiffman & store) and continuous learning (such as mes-
Kanuk, 2010:246). Consumers’ attitudes to- sages conveyed in media), consumers assess
wards food products are inter alia influenced by new product information within their existing
their product knowledge (Schiffman & Kanuk, knowledge frameworks (Arnould et al,
2010:249) and consumers’ attitudes could be 2004:342). This may cause changes in attitudes
changed through new and updated knowledge and behaviour, i.e. product-related consumer
about products, which could be provided by socialisation (Blackwell et al, 2006:88). Product
means of food labels and encouragement to labels are therefore ideal tools to facilitate con-
consult and trust label information. Consumers’ sumers’ decisions and to educate consumers,
product preferences actually signify their atti- provided that consumers know how to interpret
tudes towards products (Blackwell et al, these labels (Whitney & Rolfes, 2008:61), such
2006:88), based on a greater interest, desirabil- as understanding that food contents are indicat-
ity and liking of one product over another ed in descending order. It is, unfortunately, diffi-
(Hornby, 2005:1142) that might increase pur- cult to teach or assist less educated consumers
chase intentions (Schiffman & Kanuk, to make use of food label information. In this
2010:481). Labels of food products can be used regard, initiatives such as front-of-pack labelling
to shape consumers’ beliefs and/or feelings (including traffic light labelling) may help to ex-
about a product, for example claiming that a par- plain nutritional information (Yngve et al, 2012)
ticular food product is “fat free” or “nutritious”. and to quickly identify healthier food alternatives
Similarly, certain types of information such as (Kelly et al, 2009). Traffic light labels (as used
“genetically modified” might evoke extreme neg- in Europe and the UK) reduce the cognitive ac-
ative attitudes (Batrinou et al, 2008). Food la- tivity required to analyse and interpret food label
belling legislation (Regulations relating to the information and can reduce the intricacy of food
labeling and advertising of foodstuffs, 2010) has purchase decisions considerably (Hieke &
become particularly strict and limits any claims Wilczynski, 2011).
that could induce unfounded positive attitudes to
increase product sales. Food labels and product information search

Knowledge Consumers’ product knowledge Contrary to most other products, a food product
affects their ability to use and interpret labels. information search can almost entirely be done
Consumers’ demands are not necessarily based at the point of purchase, by scrutinising food
on substantiated product knowledge and are label information to expand one’s existing prod-
hence not always realistic, which makes it par- uct knowledge. Product information is, however,
ticularly difficult for retail and industry to address of no value if a consumer is unable to interpret it
consumers’ needs. Information on food labels or to use the information (such as quality indica-
can for example not be extended infinitely due to tors) to their advantage (Dimara & Skuras,
obvious label dimension limitations. For the 2005:92), as in the case of less literate and less
same reason, label information cannot be pre- educated consumers, for example. It is often
sented in more than one language, even though these vulnerable consumer groups who are
South Africa has adopted eleven official lan- none the wiser about food and health issues and
guages. The traffic light system that was intro- who then do not benefit from most of the product
duced in Europe demonstrates effort to provide information on a food label (Macanda, 2005).
important product information in a simple, com- Hopefully the number of consumers who actual-
prehensible format so that even less educated ly attend to, and are able to use food labels will

A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012

increase in South Africa in the future due to a regularly can be done less attentively and fairly
steady increase in the literacy rate of the coun- quickly, without evaluating several alternatives
try’s population since 2002 (South Africa Nation- (Silayoi & Speece, 2004). In time, the purchase
al Planning Commission, 2010:48). of many food products and groceries become
habitual, low-involvement purchase decisions for
Food labels as a point-of-sale stimulus involve most households, for example purchasing tea
five steps of information processing. After expo- and sugar (Adamowicz & Swait, 2011). The
sure to food labels, consumers’ senses are stim- evaluation process could, however, be fairly in-
ulated (Mowen & Minor, 2001:38) to process tricate if a consumers needs to check label infor-
information (Blackwell et al, 2006:71). Consum- mation and if the information is difficult to com-
ers’ attention is most likely to be grasped when prehend (Miles et al, 2006), for example the
the information on food labels seems relevant to units used to indicate nutritional and grading
a specific purchasing need, such as health- information, which differ across food types. If
inquisitive consumers who might be drawn to label information was used to select a product,
nutrition information on food labels (Kempen et the specific information determines a consum-
al, 2011). er’s expectations and the product’s performance
would in all probability be judged in accordance
Comprehension occurs when the newly gath- with the product label information (such as nutri-
ered information is analysed in terms of related tional information) (Silayoi & Speece, 2004) and
information that was stored in a consumer’s would determine the consumer’s post-purchase
memory during prior experiences. Obviously, satisfaction with the product and intention to
lack of experience would deter a consumer’s repurchase it (or not) (Schiffman & Kanuk,
ability to comprehend the information. Infor- 2010:498).
mation is accepted if it is regarded as relevant
and comprehensible, and newly acquired infor- When selecting a suitable product from a num-
mation can even change a consumer’s beliefs ber of alternatives, a consumer’s evoked set of
and attitudes about a food product. Information food products would consist of products with the
retention occurs when new information about a most preferred characteristics, such as ease of
product is stored in a consumer’s memory and is preparation, nutritional content or country of
accessible for future use (Blackwell et al, origin (Mullins et al, 2005:114). Product attrib-
2006:79). utes and benefits are generally compared in
terms of their relative importance (such as a
The significance of food labels during pre- preference for organic foods, country of origin
purchase evaluation and expiry date), through the application of a
particular decision rule. A non-compensatory
Contrary to most other products, concrete prod- rule would for example mean that the food must
uct attributes are clearly expressed on food la- be organically produced and not even another
bels of packaged foods to enable an objective, attractive attribute such as a low price would
rational product evaluation in the store. Food compensate for it (Schiffman & Kanuk,
product decisions could be made impulsively, 2010:491; De Magistris & Gracia, 2008; Mullins
based on brand familiarity (Singla, 2010), or af- et al, 2005:114). Food product evaluation is
ter a more thorough comparison of available generally done fairly speedily, compared to the
alternatives (Mullins et al, 2005:116). It is com- time required to evaluate other product catego-
forting to know that food labels are regulated ries. Attributes of new products in a familiar
and trustworthy. The in-store pre-purchase product category are mostly also compared to
evaluation of food products that are purchased products that consumers have purchased before

A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012

(Klein, 2005:67), and this can be done without positive disconfirmation of expectations is expe-
forewarning at point-of-purchase. rienced). The outcome of an evaluation process
culminates in positive, negative or neutral emo-
The relevance of food labels during post- tions, i.e. satisfaction, dissatisfaction or some
purchase evaluation dispassionate conclusion with limited emotion in
terms of a repurchase (Mowen & Minor,
Clarification of terminology When discuss- 2001:199). Low information satisfaction is more
ing consumers’ satisfaction with food labels and likely to stimulate negative word-of-mouth com-
food labelling, one needs to distinguish between munications than low attribute satisfaction, be-
satisfaction with characteristics of the label itself cause the consumer may feel cheated if the
(i.e. physical attributes including dimensions and product does not deliver what the information
legibility in terms of font size and writing styles) suggested it would do (Spreng et al, 1996). Sat-
and satisfaction with label information that con- isfaction with food label information is encourag-
veys product attributes (i.e. expiry date, ingredi- ing and might result in repeat purchases and
ent list, nutritional information, health and nutri- positive word-of-mouth communication.
tion-related claims, country of origin/
geographical region, allergen information, logos, Label characteristics that may instigate con-
identification and address of the manufacturer, sumer dissatisfaction One would firstly ex-
quality guarantee, instructions for use, number pect the physical attributes of a label to be satis-
of servings). A consumer might check on prod- factory, in other words that the product label has
uct information after a product had been used, to be visible, legible and comprehensible. The
to confirm certain aspects such as the quality, size of some product labels, however, makes it
ingredients or country of manufacture, for pur- difficult to include too much information. Con-
poses of re-purchase intentions. sumers with vision impairment might therefore
experience difficulty to read label information.
Expectations created by food labels Con- Concerns about colour differentiation and font
sumers who actually attend to label information size are hence increasingly raised (Doyle et al,
might evaluate products more astutely and even 2005) by certain market segments, such as the
have more stringent expectations with regard to elderly or health conscious consumers (Dimara
selected attributes. In addition, consumers’ de- & Skuras, 2005; Silayoi & Speece, 2004). Con-
sires and product expectations change over fusion and scepticism about the credibility and
time, due to product-related experience or sub- scientific truthfulness of health-related claims on
sequent increased product knowledge. Consum- food labels thus still exist, despite food regula-
ers’ satisfaction with a product might therefore tions (Worsley & Lea, 2008; Silayoi & Speece,
fade over time, even if a product in essence still 2004). Some consumers also find food labels
meets expectations. Expectations are an im- difficult to follow and too time-consuming to read
portant determinant of consumer satisfaction, (Peters-Texeira & Badrie, 2005; Silayoi &
which is best described by the expectation/ Speece, 2004). The underlying principles of
disconformation theory (Ha, 2006). Consumer how product information is presented, is also not
satisfaction is an emotion that culminates after necessarily clear to consumers (for example,
an instant, transaction-specific measure of that ingredients are listed in a descending order
whether a consumer’s perception of a selected in terms of quantities) (McEachern & Warnaby,
product’s performance meets, fails, or exceeds 2008; Doyle et al, 2005). From an informational
expectations (in other words, whether it confirms point of view, consumers may become highly
expectations, whether a negative disconfirma- frustrated if information that they expect to find
tion of expectations is experienced, or whether a on products is absent (such as expiry dates,

A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012

information about food allergens and country of budget, but it is also crucial in terms of people’s
origin); or when the weight and content on im- general physical, emotional, cultural and social
ported foods are indicated in imperial instead of well-being. It is therefore probably inaccurate to
metric units (De Magistris & Gracia, 2008; Pe- describe food purchases as less complex pur-
ters-Texeira & Badrie, 2005); or if they are not chases. Any future research on food labels and
familiar with the symbols or terminology that is labelling should acknowledge global influences,
used (Mannel et al, 2006; Miles et al, 2006). Dis- i.e. the phenomenon that many of the food prod-
cerning consumers who read labels extensively ucts that are offered in South African shops, are
and those with particular food, nutrition and imported. It would therefore understandably be
health-related interests often expect information particularly difficult to implement suggestions
that goes beyond the norm and might get an- that could only be applied to locally produced
noyed if the information is not indicated, such as packaged food products. Consumers’ expecta-
a product’s association with a geographic re- tions of food labels are furthermore not neces-
gion, its traceability and methods of production sarily realistic and differ from one consumer to
(McEachern & Warnaby, 2008; Teisl et al, 2008; the next, depending on their experience, product
Dimara & Skuras, 2005). Too much information, knowledge, cultural and social affiliation, in-
on the other hand, could result in an information volvement, interest and physical ability. Con-
overload (Kimura et al, 2008; Silayoi & Speece, sumers’ expectations may also differ in terms of
2004), which creates a fairly strong controversy the physical attributes of labels and the content-
in terms of what needs to be included to satisfy related attributes (McEachern & Warnaby, 2008;
all consumer segments (Feunekes et al, 2008). Teisl et al, 2008; Silayoi & Speece, 2004). It
In essence, food choices are significantly preju- might therefore be almost impossible to design a
diced if consumers are unable to understand food label that is approved by the diverse South
label information (Jacobs et al, 2010), because African population (Lamb et al, 2010:50), which
consumers then typically ignore the information ranges from very wealthy to very poor, educated
or might even reject the product in favour of an- to uneducated, and literate to illiterate, and
other of which the label information seems more which includes all cultural and language groups.
clear and useful (Silayoi & Speece, 2004). Dis-
satisfaction with a food label could result in re- It is therefore suggested that food label research
duced preference for a product and probably should acknowledge consumers’ preferences,
also less overall product dissatisfaction. their needs and the problems they experience
with existing food labels. It is proposed that the
focus with food label research should then divert
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS to consumer education (Macanda, 2005), and
FOR FUTURE RESEARCH should therefore explore ways to educate con-
sumers of all walks of life to use food labels
more purposefully during the various stages of
This literature review indicates how food labels the consumer decision-making process, in order
and food label information influence consumers’ to empower consumers to use food label infor-
purchase decisions throughout the consumer mation to their best advantage. Amidst evidence
decision process and it shows that these influ- that only 49% of South African metropolitan con-
ences have become particularly intricate in re- sumers choose food products with detailed
cent years. It confirms that more should be done health information (Bosman et al, in press), the
to assist consumers to make informed, responsi- South African Department of Health has for ex-
ble food purchase decisions. Food purchases ample used food labels as part of a strategy to
not only take up a large part of a household’s prevent obesity and to aid consumers in making

A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 40, 2012

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A critical review of the significance of food labelling during consumer decision making

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