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Scene One We open on the girls singing grace in

Latin before dinner. Mr Oakshot sits at the head of the table.

As they sing, Oakshot realises that Rosa is wearing make-up.
He sends her to the bathroom to wash it off.

Scene Two Rosa is in the bathroom, washing the

make-up off her face. She sings about how she wants things
to change in her school and about how she has seen the
creativity of year sevens be lost by the next year. She wishes
for something to happen to change this.

Scene Three The rest of the girl join in to sing about

what they want to change in the school. They end up in the
dorms, singing a triumphant chorus, until a student (Isabella)
tells them to be quiet.

Scene Four A new English teacher (Ms Campbell) is

being shown around the school by Mr Oakshot. We are told
that the English teacher from before (Old Major) died of a
heart attack in the middle of a tutorial. But we are reassured
that the school is perfectly normal.

Scene Five As Ms Campbell settles into her

classroom, unpacking her books and putting up posters etc,
she sings about why she wanted to become a teacher and
what she hopes to install into the children, as they seem to
be lifeless grade machines.

Scene Six We see a montage of normal


Scene Seven Ms Campbell’s first lesson. She sings

about the beauty of the English language, and how a book or
idea can change the world. The students are mesmerised.
She tells the students to find a poem or extract from a book
that has changed their perception of the world.
Scene Eight The girls go off to do their research, and
Ms Campbell carries on singing her first song. She sings
about how her favourite book was about changing the world.

Scene Nine The girls come back with their literature.

They sing the extracts in canons. Rosa reads an extract from
Charlotte’s Web, leading Campbell to recommend Animal
Farm to her.

Scene Ten Rosa pauses outside the door of

Campbell’s classroom, then opens Animal Farm and starts to

Scene Eleven Montage of Rosa reading Animal

Farm in inappropriate places, such as in lessons, or in bed, or
on the toilet or whatever.

Scene Twelve While reading, Shi Yang comes to

visit her. She has rebelled against her strict parents and
wears and says outrageous things, but is a lovely person at
heart. She has found a kitten that has wandered onto the
school grounds which she hold on her arms. She puts it on
the desk while Rosa is reading and they talk about the book
and their lives. Rosa tells Shi Yang of her dream to change
the school. Shi Yang points out that her book is about that.

Scene Thirteen Rosa and Shi Yang find Campbell in a

corridor reading a topical book, like les mis or something, and
they tell her of their idea to overthrow the school. She warns
them that that may not be the best idea, as they could be
thrown out and their education would be at stake. They
disregard her message.
Scene Fourteen

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