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1. This is a nesting square box. And the height of the box is always arrived by

folding the ends to the centre after making the blitz fold. This will be user friendly

Cell e71 refers to the hypotenuse of the right angle triange where the sides are
equal.Here the hypotenuse becomes the length of the side after folding the blintz fold

Cell H71 implies that the folds will take place from the ends to the center, thus resulting
in base of the box which will be half of the size of the blintz fold, since the balance half
is considered for the height of the box on both sides ( this needs to be divided by 2 to
get the height on one side) which is shown in J71 cell

Cell H75 in subsequent iteration implies that we will make a box that will fit exactly into
the bigger box meeting the mid points of the sides which will be the base of the box.
Since this is going to be the base, we need to reduce another .5 cm so that the lid
exactly fits into the centre as mentioned above.
Also the cell formula imples that the base of the box will be touching the mid points of
the sides of the bigger box , less, .5 cms

Cell E75 is worked backwards , which is the hypotenuse calculated from the base of the
box . Here we have reduced another .25 cm towards height in order to make the box fit

cell E75 is the hypotenuse and not hypotenuse squared. In order to get the total size of
the sheet, we need to apply the pythogras theorem, where the sides are equal. And the
resultant will be in D75 cell

Iteration 1
Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
Measurements for the Lid box ( Square)

Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
Measurements for the Lid box ( Square)
Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
Measurements for the Lid box ( Square)

Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
Measurements for the Lid box ( Square)

Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
Measurements for the Lid box ( Square)
into center desired
after folding into length of length of
Inch to cm converstion total length center length of side (in the box
size of Sheet ( in inches) Square ratio of sheet side (in cms) inches) ( in cms)
12.4803149606 2.54 31.70 22.42 8.82 11.21
10.21 2.54 25.93 18.33 7.22 11.61

8.38 2.54 21.28 15.05 5.93 7.53

6.93 2.54 17.59 12.44 4.90 7.93
5.48 2.54 13.92 9.84 3.87 4.92
4.61 2.54 11.70 8.27 3.26 5.32

3.43 2.54 8.71 6.16 2.42 3.08

2.97 2.54 7.53 5.33 2.10 3.48

1.98 2.54 5.03 3.56 1.40 1.78

1.81 2.54 4.59 3.24 1.28 2.18
Maximu Maximu
m height m height
achievabl desired achievabl
e using length of e using
Balance this the box Balance this
left (in length (in ( in left (in length (in
cms) cms) inches) inches) inches)
11.21 5.60 4.41 4.41 2.21
6.72 3.36 4.57 2.65 1.32

7.53 3.76 2.96 2.96 1.48

4.52 2.26 3.12 1.78 0.89
4.92 2.46 1.94 1.94 0.97
2.95 1.48 2.09 1.16 0.58

3.08 1.54 1.21 1.21 0.61

1.85 0.92 1.37 0.73 0.36

1.78 0.89 0.70 0.70 0.35

1.07 0.53 0.86 0.42 0.21

226.5025 113.25125
15.05 10.6419570569
7.525 21.2839141137
clear space 28 cm 5
size of flower 5 cm 4
5.6 4
23 16

Clear space visible 12.20472 inch 10.5 inch

2.54 2.54
31 cm 26.67 cm
Iteration 1
circle within 31 Dark Pink
diameter 31
circumfrence 97.34
size of the sheet 18.5 cms
Size of the flower 5.0135 cms conversion ratio 0.271 0.271
no of flowers required 19.41558 flowers sheets
Total radius 15.5
available radius 10.4865

Iteration 2
circle within 26.67 cm 25.9865
diameter 25.9865
circumfrence 81.59761
size of the sheet 14
Size of the flower 3.794
no of flowers required 21.50701 flowers sheets
Total radius 12.99325
available radius 9.19925

Iteration 3
circle within 26.67 cm 22.1925
diameter 22.1925
circumfrence 69.68445
size of the sheet 11
Size of the flower 2.981
no of flowers required 23.3762 flowers sheets
Total radius 11.09625
available radius 8.11525

Iteration 4
circle within 26.67 cm 19.2115
diameter 19.2115
circumfrence 60.32411
size of the sheet 9.25
Size of the flower 2.50675
no of flowers required 24.06467 flowers sheets
Total radius 9.60575
available radius 7.099

Iteration 5
circle within 26.67 cm 16.70475
diameter 16.70475
circumfrence 52.45292
size of the sheet 9.25
Size of the flower 2.50675
no of flowers required 20.92467 flowers sheets
Total radius 8.352375
available radius 5.845625
Dark Pink 36 18.5cm
red 13 18.5 cm Dark Pink Dark pink- Red orange
orange 5 18.5 cm 36 17 36 20
red 23 18 cm
light pink 10 18.5 cm iteration1 19
dark pink 2 tone lesser 17 18.5 cm iteration 2 21
peach 5 18.5cm iteration3 23
light pink- 2 shades lesser 3 18.5 cm iteration 4 24

Total 19 21 23 24
Balance 17 -4 13 -4
1. The Base should be folded at 37.5% mark which is half way between, 25% and 50%
tile mark
2. The lid is folded at 50% tile mark
3. The rose that can fit into this is has a sheet size of 18.5 cm square

Iteration 1
Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
into center desired
after folding into length of length of
Inch to cm converstion total length center length of side (in the box
size of Sheet ( in inches) Square ratio of sheet side (in cms) inches) ( in cms)
11.6141732283 2.54 29.50 20.86 8.21 7.82
6.4960629921 2.54 16.50 11.67 4.59 5.83
Maximu Maximu
m height m height
achievabl desired achievabl
e using length of e using
Balance this the box Balance this
left (in length (in ( in left (in length (in
cms) cms) inches) inches) inches)
13.04 6.52 3.08 5.13 2.57
5.83 2.92 2.30 2.30 1.15
1. This is a nesting square box. And the height of the box is always arrived by

folding the ends to the centre after making the blitz fold. This will be user friendly

Cell e71 refers to the hypotenuse of the right angle triange where the sides are
equal.Here the hypotenuse becomes the length of the side after folding the blintz fold

Cell H71 implies that the folds will take place from the ends to the center, thus resulting
in base of the box which will be half of the size of the blintz fold, since the balance half
is considered for the height of the box on both sides ( this needs to be divided by 2 to
get the height on one side) which is shown in J71 cell

Cell H75 in subsequent iteration implies that we will make a box that will fit exactly into
the bigger box meeting the mid points of the sides which will be the base of the box.
Since this is going to be the base, we need to reduce another .5 cm so that the lid
exactly fits into the centre as mentioned above.
Also the cell formula imples that the base of the box will be touching the mid points of
the sides of the bigger box , less, .5 cms

Cell E75 is worked backwards , which is the hypotenuse calculated from the base of the
box . Here we have reduced another .25 cm towards height in order to make the box fit

cell E75 is the hypotenuse and not hypotenuse squared. In order to get the total size of
the sheet, we need to apply the pythogras theorem, where the sides are equal. And the
resultant will be in D75 cell

Iteration 1
Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
Measurements for the Lid box ( Square)

Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
Measurements for the Lid box ( Square)
Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
Measurements for the Lid box ( Square)

Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
Measurements for the Lid box ( Square)

Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
Measurements for the Lid box ( Square)

into center desired
after folding into length of length of
Inch to cm converstion total length center length of side (in the box
size of Sheet ( in inches) Square ratio of sheet side (in cms) inches) ( in cms)
10.3543307087 2.54 26.30 18.60 7.32 11.62
9.02 2.54 22.92 16.21 6.38 12.02

8.71 2.54 22.11 15.64 6.16 7.82

7.19 2.54 18.26 12.91 5.08 8.22
5.71 2.54 14.51 10.26 4.04 5.13
4.79 2.54 12.17 8.61 3.39 5.53

3.59 2.54 9.13 6.45 2.54 3.23

3.10 2.54 7.87 5.56 2.19 3.63

2.10 2.54 5.32 3.76 1.48 1.88

1.90 2.54 4.82 3.41 1.34 2.28
81.25 62.5

Maximu Maximu
m height m height
achievabl desired achievabl
e using length of e using
Balance this the box Balance this
left (in length (in ( in left (in length (in
cms) cms) inches) inches) inches)
6.97 3.49 4.58 2.75 1.37
4.18 2.09 4.73 1.65 0.82

7.82 3.91 3.08 3.08 1.54

4.69 2.35 3.24 1.85 0.92
5.13 2.56 2.02 2.02 1.01
3.08 1.54 2.18 1.21 0.61

3.23 1.61 1.27 1.27 0.64

1.94 0.97 1.43 0.76 0.38

1.88 0.94 0.74 0.74 0.37

1.13 0.56 0.90 0.44 0.22

244.53140625 122.265703125
15.6375 11.0573822908
7.81875 22.1147645816
Measurements for the Base box ( Square)
Measurements for the Lid box ( Square)

Object size
desired base box size
size of paper required to get this box size ( after folding paper into the center)
Actual size of paper required (IN CMS)
Actual size of paper required (IN inches))

Desired Lid Box Size

size of paper required to get this box size ( after folding paper into the center)
Actual size of paper required (IN CMS)
Actual size of paper required (IN inches))

Object size
desired box size for the base
size of paper required to get this box size (in cms)
Actual size of paper required (IN cms)

desired box size for the lid

size of paper required to get this box size (in cms)

Size of Paper available

Desired height
Final box size for the base

Final Box size for lid

desired size of paper for the same

Size of the final box if the sheet size is known

after after
folding folding
into into
center center desired
length of length of length of
Inch to cm converstion total length side (in side (in the box
size of Sheet ( in inches) Square ratio of sheet cms) inches) ( in cms)
6 2.54 15.24 10.78 4.24 3.88
4.64 2.54 11.79 8.34 3.28 4.38

Size of the sheet required if the box size is known ( square only)

Breadth Height
Height ( in Length( in ( in ( in
Length( in cms) Breadth ( in cms) cms) inches inches) inches)
5.50 5.50 2.70 2.17 2.17 1.06
3.89 3.89 2.7
9.29 9.29
13.14 2.75 7.5625

4.49 4.49 1.485

7.46 7.46

Size of the sheet required if the box size is known ( Rectangle or Squ

Breadth Height
Height ( in Length( in ( in ( in
Length( in cms) Breadth ( in cms) cms) inches inches) inches)
15.00 15.00 5.50 5.91 5.91 2.17
3.8 3.8 2.7 1.50 1.50 1.06
9.2 9.2 3.62 3.62

Breadth Height
Length( in ( in ( in
inches inches) inches)
4.3 4.3 1.35 1.69 1.69 0.53
7 7 1.35 2.76 2.76 0.53

Size of the box possible if the sheet size is known ( Rectangle )

Length( in cms) Breadth ( in cms) Height ( in cms)

25.2 21 change the values in the yellow co

15.2 11

15.7 11.5 2.5

20.7 16.5

5 25
5 25
7.0710678119 50

2.75 7.5625 7.5625 15.125

Maximu Maximu
m height m height
achievabl desired achievabl
e using length of e using
Balance this the box Balance this
left (in length (in ( in left (in length (in
cms) cms) inches) inches) inches)
6.90 3.45 1.53 2.72 1.36
3.96 1.98 1.72 1.56 0.78

nown ( square only)


nown ( Rectangle or Square)

nown ( Rectangle )

he values in the yellow colored boxes

Box for

Length( in Breadth ( i
Object size 13 13
desired base box size 13.5 13.5
size of paper required to get this box size ( after folding paper into the center) 25.5 25.5
Actual size of paper required (IN CMS) 36.06245
Actual size of paper required (IN inches)) 14.19781

Box for 4 INCH square tin

Length( in Breadth ( i
Object size 10 10
desired base box size 10.5 10.5
size of paper required to get this box size ( after folding paper into the center) 21.3 21.3
Actual size of paper required (IN CMS) 30.12275
Actual size of paper required (IN inches)) 11.85935

Desired Lid Box Size 11.1 11.1

size of paper required to get this box size ( after folding paper into the center) 17.04 17.04
Actual size of paper required (IN CMS) 24.0982
Actual size of paper required (IN inches)) 9.48748

Box for 6 inch round tin

Length( in Breadth ( i
Object size 15 15
desired box size for the base 15.5 15.5
size of paper required to get this box size (in cms) 27.5 27.5
Actual size of paper required (IN cms)

desired box size for the lid 16 16

size of paper required to get this box size (in cms) 22 22

Box for 6.7X3.&X2.3 inch tin

Length( in Breadth ( i
Object size 17 9.5
desired box size for the base 17.5 10
size of paper required to get this box size (in cms) 30.5 23
Actual size of paper required (IN cms)

desired box size for the lid 18 10.5

size of paper required to get this box size (in cms) 24.5 17

Box for clower Muffins( 3 nos

Length( in Breadth ( i
Object size 24 8.5
desired box size for the base 24.5 9
size of paper required to get this box size (in cms) 30.5 15
Actual size of paper required (IN cms)

desired box size for the lid 25 9.5

size of paper required to get this box size (in cms) 28 12.5

Box for Tall Muffins( 3 nos)

Length( in Breadth ( i
Object size 22 7
desired box size for the base 22.5 7.5
size of paper required to get this box size (in cms) 34.5 19.5
Actual size of paper required (IN cms)

desired box size for the lid 23 8

size of paper required to get this box size (in cms) 29 14

Box for Tall Muffins( 4 nos)

Length( in Breadth ( i
Object size 15 15
desired base box size 15.5 15.5
size of paper required to get this box size ( after folding paper into the center) 27.5 27.5
Actual size of paper required (IN CMS) 38.89087
Actual size of paper required (IN inches)) 15.31137

Desired Lid Box Size 16.1 16.1

size of paper required to get this box size ( after folding paper into the center) 22.7 22.7
Actual size of paper required (IN CMS) 32.10265
Actual size of paper required (IN inches)) 12.63884

Box for Tall Muffins( 4 nos)

Length( in Breadth ( i
Object size 15 15
desired box size for the base 15.5 15.5
size of paper required to get this box size (in cms) 27.5 27.5
Actual size of paper required (IN cms)

desired box size for the lid 16 16

size of paper required to get this box size (in cms) 22 22
5 INCH round tin

Height ( in cms) Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)

5.5 5.11811 5.11811 2.165354

4 INCH square tin

Height ( in cms) Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)

5.5 3.937008 3.937008 2.165354


6 inch round tin

Height ( in cms) Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)

5.5 5.905512 5.905512 2.165354
6 6.102362 6.102362 2.362205
10.82677 10.82677

Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)

3 6.299213 6.299213 1.181102
3 8.661417 8.661417 1.181102

6.7X3.&X2.3 inch tin

Height ( in cms) Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)
6 6.692913 3.740157 2.362205
6.5 6.889764 3.937008 2.559055
12.00787 9.055118

Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)

3.25 7.086614 4.133858 1.279528
3.25 9.645669 6.692913 1.279528

clower Muffins( 3 nos)

Height ( in cms) Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)

2.6 9.448819 3.346457 1.023622
3 9.645669 3.543307 1.181102
12.00787 5.905512

Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)

1.5 9.84252 3.740157 0.590551
1.5 11.02362 4.92126 0.590551

Tall Muffins( 3 nos)

Height ( in cms) Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)

5.5 8.661417 2.755906 2.165354
6 8.858268 2.952756 2.362205
13.58268 7.677165

Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)

3 9.055118 3.149606 1.181102
3 11.41732 5.511811 1.181102

Tall Muffins( 4 nos) type 1

Height ( in cms) Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)
5.5 5.905512 5.905512 2.165354


Tall Muffins( 4 nos) type2

Height ( in cms) Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)

5.5 5.905512 5.905512 2.165354
6 6.102362 6.102362 2.362205
10.82677 10.82677

Length( in Breadth ( iHeight ( in inches)

3 6.299213 6.299213 1.181102
3 8.661417 8.661417 1.181102

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