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First year classes Beni Tamou High School Name: …………………………

Scientific stream Third Term Test Date: …………………………

Read the text carefully then do the following activities

Environment includes everything that surrounds us, the air we breathe, the water we drink
or swim in, the countryside, seashore, wildlife, farming, and mining. However, this environment is
endangered by pollution.
Pollution turns the air a grey colour. It is very dirty. It is not good for people to breathe this
dirty air. Polluted air makes our clothes dirty; keeps plants from growing and can also cause lung
diseases and death. There are two main causes of air pollution: smokes from cars and buses, and
smokes from industry. Motors vehicles cause most of our air pollution: They release more than
60% of the dangerous gases into the air. Gasoline engines give off a colourless, odourless gas
called carbon monoxide that will make you sleepy, give you a headache, and finally kill you.
Scientists say that breathing the air of New York is like smoking forty cigarettes a day.
On the other hand, lands are cleared of trees. This is a dangerous thing. Green plants take
carbon dioxide from the air and give off oxygen, which we use when we breathe. Some people
believe that the new roads that were built through the jungles of South America are killing one of
the last great lungs that are left on Earth.

1. Choose the appropriate title to the text:

a. Water pollution ..
b. Noise pollution ..
c. Air pollution ..
2. Answer the following questions :
a. What does the environment include?


b. What are the major causes of this kind of pollution?



c. What are its effects? Name three of them.



3. Find in the text the synonyms of the following words:

Contains = (§1)………… Contaminated = (§2)……………

4. Find in the text the opposites of the following words:

Clean ≠ (§2) ……………… harmless ≠ (§3)……………

5. Rewrite sentence " b" so that it means the same as " a" :
a1) people suffer from lung and skin cancers because of Polluted air.
b1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
a2) People are cutting the trees. As a result, the volume of carbon dioxide is rising
b2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

o If People (to continue) to pollute the air, they (to suffocate).
……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

o If she (to put) water in a freezer, it (to become) ice.

………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

7. Reorder the following sentences to make a coherent paragraph: One sentence is

a) which causes bronchial diseases.
b) people in towns face special health problems.
c) oxygen is the most vital element for life.
d) that affect the lungs.
e) the main cause of these is air pollution.

1 2 3 4 The irrelevant sentence

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