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The 5 step of valPlast…


0. Installation ............................................................................................................. 2
1. Create one trajectory to enter and one to exit from the mould ...................................... 3
2. Create a placePart trajectory .................................................................................... 4
3. Create the HOME trajectories, to make known to robot how to come back...................... 5
4. Create a program .................................................................................................... 6
5. Put one program in the production list ....................................................................... 7
0. Installation

• from the main page press F4, and open the page Euromap
• inside the Euromap page can be viewed the EUROMAP communication between the robot and
the press
• press F3 to define the mould area


Origin X

• in the Euromap page press F2 to check the status of EUROMAP communication

• verify that the mould area is free when the robot is out of the mould and not free when the
robot is inside
• press repeatedly Esc to return to the home page

1. Create one trajectory to enter and one to exit from the mould

• from the main page press F2 to enter in the page Select Trajectory
• inside the Select trajectory page press F5 and select the type TRAJ
• inside the Select trajectory page press F8, and create a new trajectory like "pickPart"
• inside the Select trajectory select the trajectory "pickPart " and press ENTER
• inside the Traj Editor page check if the tool in the upper right is the good one and press ENTER
• inside the Point Editor page create 3 points pressing the key F7 Insert
• record the points by pressing the F1 key Here
1) point out of the press,
2) point inside the press before taking the piece, insert one action OUT VALVE1>ON to open
the air
3) pick part point, include a stop

• press F8 Save and repeatedly Esc to return Select Trajectory


• inside the Select trajectory page press F8, and create a new trajectory like "exit"
• inside the Select trajectory select the trajectory " exit " and press ENTER
• inside the page edit Point create 2 points pressing the key F7 Insert
• record the points by pressing the F1 key Here
1) point in the press after taking of the piece
2) exit point from the mould

• press F8 Save and repeatedly Esc to return to the Home Page

2. Create a placePart trajectory

• from the main page press F2 to enter in the page Select Trajectory
• inside the Select trajectory page press F5 and select the type TRAJ
• inside the Select trajectory page press F8, and create a new trajectory like "placePart"
• inside the Select trajectory select the trajectory " pickPart " and press ENTER
• inside the Traj Editor check if the tool in the upper right is the good one and press ENTER
• inside the Point Editor page create 3 points pressing the key F7 Insert
• record the points by pressing the F1 key Here
1) approach point to the pick place
2) place point, enter as action OUT VALVE1>OFF in order to release the air, and a stop
3) depart point from the pick place

• press F8 Save and repeatedly Esc to return to the Home Page

3. Create the HOME trajectories, to make known to robot how to come back

• from the main page press F2 to enter in the page Select Trajectory
• inside the Select trajectory page press F5 and select the type HOME
• inside the Select trajectory page press F8, and create a new trajectory like "mould"
• inside the Select trajectory select the trajectory "mould" and press ENTER
• inside the Traj Editor page check if the tool in the upper right is the goof one and press ENTER
• inside the Edit Point page create some points pressing the key F7 Insert
• record the points by pressing the F1 key Here
• press F8 Save and repeatedly Esc to return to the Home Page

• create other HOME trajectories if the robot has other movements

The home trajectory has as last point the return to home, you have to first record the most far
points and gradually closer to returning home. It is important that all HOME trajectories have the
same endpoint.
Using the example of a home trajectory inside the press the first point will be just after the
expulsion of the part (second point of “pickPart”, or first of “exit”) and the others closer to the
come back to home.

4. Create a program

• from the main page press F1 to enter in the page Select Program
• inside the Select Program page press F8, and create a new program like "piece"
• inside the Select Program page select the program "piece" and press ENTER
• inside the Edit Program add new instructions using the key F7 Insert

1) EMAP IN MouldClose>ON
2) EMAP IN MouldOpen>ON
3) TRAJ pickPart
4) DELAY 0.5
5) EMAP OUT FWeject>ON
6) EMAP OUT Backeject>ON
7) TRAJ exit
8) EMAP OUT CloseMould>ON
9) TRAJ placePart

• press F8 Save and repeatedly Esc to return to the Home Page

You can simulate line by line each statement by pressing the F1 key:
• in the Edit Program it’s possible to simulate the select instruction
• in the Select Program it’s possible to simulate the entire program

5. Put one program in the production list

• from the home page press F5 to get in the Production page

• in the production page press F4 to open the List process page
• in the list process page press F2 to visualize the whole list
• in the full view of the process list press F8 RESET to delete entire list
• in the list process page verify that the selected type is “process list”, in the case press F5 to
select “process list”
• press F8 insert to add a new program with the reference of 1 cycle
• ensure that loop is ON
• press Esc to came back to the production page

Before starting the cycle is essential that the robot is in the initial location, pressing the F1 key
and putting the robot manually

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