Ingles 6to Grado

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Banco de Indicadores

1 The student is able to identify and correct Sentence Fragments, and write Sentences.
2 The student writes Declarative, Interrogative, Exclamatory, and Imperative Sentences.
3 The student is able to identify and write Compound Sentences.
4 The student is able to identify and write Complete Subjects and Complete Predicates.
5 The student is able to identify and write Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates.
6 The student is able to identify and write Compound Sujects and Compound Predicates.
7 The student is able to identify and use nouns -person, place, thing, and idea or feeling.
8 The student is able to identify and use singular and plural nouns.
9 The student is able to identify and use common and proper nouns.
10 The student is able to identify and use singular and plural possessive nouns.
11 The student is able to identify and use action verbs -present and past tense.
12 The student is able to identify and correct Subject-verb Agreement.
13 The student is able to identify and use verbs to be, to have, and to do -present and past.
14 The student is able to identify and use irregular verbs -present and past.
15 The student is able to identify and use time-order words and frequency adverbs.
16 The student is able to identify and use indefinite pronouns and indefinite adverbs.
17 The student in able to identify and use demonstrative adjectives and adjectives that compare.
18 The student is able to identify and use present and past progressive.
19 The student is able to identify and use comparatives and superlatives..
20 The student is able to identify and avoid using double negatives.
21 The student is able to identify and use prepositions and prepositional phrases.
22 The student is able to write sentences in passive voice.
23 The student is able to identify and use possessive, relative, interrogative, and indefinite pronouns.
24 The student is able to identify and use the seven parts of speech they learned throughout the year.
25 The student is able to identify and use contractions.
26 The student is able to identify and use abbreviations.
27 The student is able to identify and use the future tense.
28 The student is able to identify and use the zero and first conditional.
29 The student is able to identify and use opposites
30 The student is able to identify and use Modal Verbs -must/mustn't, have to/don't have to, should/shouldn't
31 The student is able to use WHY-Because form to ask and answer.
32 The student is able to ask questions using WH- form
33 The student is able to identify and use words that express POSSIBILITY: MAY AND MIGHT.
34 The student in able to identify to use prefixes.
35 The student in able to identify to use sufixes.
36 The student in able to identify to use antonyms.
37 The student in able to identify to use synonyms.
38 The student in able to identify to liking verbs.
39 The student in able to identify to use transitive and intransitive verbs.
40 The student in able to identify to use verbs that cause confusions- tie/lay/set/sit/let/leave/can/may/lend/borrow, etc.
41 The student is able to complete basic exercises in Grammar workbook

1 The student is able to understand and answer oral and written comprehension activities.
2 The student is able to read orally taking into consideration fluency, intonation, pronunciation and punctuation.

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Banco de Indicadores

3 The student is able to make predictions of the book they are reading.
4 The student is able to draw conclusions from the reading.
5 The student is able to ask informal questions related to the reading.
6 The student is able to summarize the reading in a sequence pattern.
7 The student is able to express and support opinions about the reading.
8 The student is able to retell and relate the reading to past events.
9 The student is able to follow the sequence of the reading.
10 The student is able to describe people, places, and things from the reading.
11 The student is able to identify cause-and-effect relationships from the reading.
12 The student is able to infer the meaning of a word from the reading
13 The student is able to identify and describe the elements of the plot, setting, and characters in the story.
14 The student is able to demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text.
15 The student is able to identify fiction and non-fiction stories, and fantasy and reality.
16 The student is able to determine what characters are like by what they say or do.
17 The student is able to identify main idea,details, and cause/effect.
18 The student is able to analyze the meaning of complex words.
19 The student is able to clarify an understanding of texts by creating outlines, notes, summaries, or reports.

1 The student is able to use his/her creativity in writing a story or a narration with coherence and order.
2 The student is able to present his/her work in a neat and tidy manner.
3 The student is able to organize ideas creating an outline with ideas.
4 The student is able to write a personal narrative by following a mental map.
5 The student is able to write a persuasive paper following a reason-explanation chart, supported with opinions and facts.

1 The student is able to give his/her opinon about a given topic in a coherent way taking into consideration meaning, fluency and
2 The student speaks only English during his/her class period.
3 The student participates in the discussion topics presented in class.

1 The student is able to spell correctly the 20 vocabulary words.
2 The student is able to use the vocabulary words correctly in a sentence.
3 The student is able to understand the meaning of the vocabulary words.

1 The student is able to participate actively and show interest in project activities.
2 The student is able to produce work in teams on activities related to the project.
3 The student is able to participate in a final presentation related to a project.
4 The student is able to create a design related to a project.
5 The student is able to submit a written work about the topic selected.
6 The student is able to produce a formal oral presentation about the topic selected.
7 The student is able to work on a project assigned doing research and collecting information.
8 The student is able to produce a written essay on a book format about the project assigned.
9 The student is able to produce an oral presentation about the project.

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Banco de Indicadores

Science Laboratory
1 The student is able to complete his/her Science Guide.
2 The student is able to use his/her English skills during his/her Science Lab. Class.
3 The student is able to take active part in his/her Science Lab. Class.
4 The student is able to follow instructions during his/her Science Lab. Class.

1 The student is able to write words using the correct abbreviation.
2 The student is able to use tag questions : didn´t you, isn´t it, doesn´t she, isn´t he, do yo.
3 The student is able to use can and can´t.
4 The student is able to use Modal Verbs: must/ mustn´t, have to/ don´t have to/ should / shouldn´t.
5 The student is able to use: Pronouns no one / everyone.
6 The student is able to use the zero conditional.
7 The student is able to use passive voice.
8 The student is able to use contractions.
9 The student is able to use possessive pronouns.
10 The student is able to use relative, interrogative and indefinite pronouns.
11 The student is able to use comparatives (good, bad, much, little) and superlatives.
12 The student is able to use regular and irregular verbs in the past.

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