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Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5
Omnic Crisis and Overwatch’s Creation .................................................................................... 6
After the Crisis ........................................................................................................................... 7
Overwatch and Blackwatch .................................................................................................... 7
The Omnics............................................................................................................................. 7
The Fall of Overwatch ................................................................................................................ 9
Overwatch’s Original Members ............................................................................................... 11
The Present ............................................................................................................................... 12
Around the World..................................................................................................................... 13
Locations .............................................................................................................................. 13
Adlersbrunn....................................................................................................................... 13
The Australian Outbacks ................................................................................................... 13
Blizzard World .................................................................................................................. 13
Castillo .............................................................................................................................. 13
Château Guillard ............................................................................................................... 13
Dorado and Mexico........................................................................................................... 13
Ecopoint: Antarctica ......................................................................................................... 14
Eichenwalde ...................................................................................................................... 14
Hanamura .......................................................................................................................... 14
Hollywood......................................................................................................................... 15
Horizon Lunar Colony ...................................................................................................... 15
Ilios ................................................................................................................................... 15
Junkertown ........................................................................................................................ 16
King’s Row and the Underworld ...................................................................................... 16
Korea ................................................................................................................................. 16
Kurjikstan .......................................................................................................................... 17
Lijiang Tower.................................................................................................................... 17
Necropolis ......................................................................................................................... 17
Nepal ................................................................................................................................. 17
Numbani ............................................................................................................................ 17
Oasis .................................................................................................................................. 18
Route 66 ............................................................................................................................ 18
Russia ................................................................................................................................ 19
Temple of Anubis ............................................................................................................. 19

Utopaea ............................................................................................................................. 19
Watchpoint: Gibraltar ....................................................................................................... 19
Groups and Organizations .................................................................................................... 20
Australian Liberation Front ............................................................................................... 20
The Crusaders ................................................................................................................... 20
Deadlock Gang.................................................................................................................. 20
Helix Security International .............................................................................................. 21
Ironclad Guild ................................................................................................................... 21
The Junkers ....................................................................................................................... 21
Los Muertos ...................................................................................................................... 21
LumériCo .......................................................................................................................... 22
MEKA ............................................................................................................................... 22
Null Sector ........................................................................................................................ 23
Shambali ........................................................................................................................... 23
Talon ................................................................................................................................. 23
Vishkar Corporation .......................................................................................................... 24
Volskaya Industries ........................................................................................................... 25
Characters ................................................................................................................................. 26
Overwatch, pre-Crisis Members ........................................................................................... 26
Soldier: 76 ......................................................................................................................... 26
Ana .................................................................................................................................... 28
Torbjörn ............................................................................................................................ 29
Reinhardt ........................................................................................................................... 30
Liao ................................................................................................................................... 32
Golden Era Overwatch Members ......................................................................................... 33
Tracer ................................................................................................................................ 33
Winston ............................................................................................................................. 34
McCree .............................................................................................................................. 36
Mei .................................................................................................................................... 37
Mercy ................................................................................................................................ 38
Genji .................................................................................................................................. 39
Talon Affiliation ................................................................................................................... 41
Doomfist ........................................................................................................................... 41
Reaper ............................................................................................................................... 44
Widowmaker ..................................................................................................................... 46

Moira ................................................................................................................................. 47
Sombra .............................................................................................................................. 49
Omnics .................................................................................................................................. 51
Orisa .................................................................................................................................. 51
Zenyatta............................................................................................................................. 52
Bastion .............................................................................................................................. 53
Other, No or Unknown Affiliation ....................................................................................... 54
Hanzo ................................................................................................................................ 54
Pharah ............................................................................................................................... 55
Roadhog ............................................................................................................................ 56
Junkrat ............................................................................................................................... 57
Symmetra .......................................................................................................................... 58
Lúcio ................................................................................................................................. 59
D.VA ................................................................................................................................. 60
Zarya ................................................................................................................................. 61
Behind the Heroes ................................................................................................................ 62
Balderich von Adler .......................................................................................................... 62
Brigitte Lindholm .............................................................................................................. 62
The Ecopoint: Antarctica Team ........................................................................................ 63
Efi Odele ........................................................................................................................... 63
Emily ................................................................................................................................. 63
Gérard Lacroix .................................................................................................................. 63
Guillermo Portero ............................................................................................................. 64
Dr. Harold Winston ........................................................................................................... 64
HAL-Fred Glitchbot .......................................................................................................... 65
Katya Volskaya ................................................................................................................. 65
The Lindholm family ........................................................................................................ 66
Lynx Seventeen ................................................................................................................. 67
Maximilien ........................................................................................................................ 67
The Queen of Junkertown ................................................................................................. 67
Sam ................................................................................................................................... 68
Snowball ........................................................................................................................... 68
Sven................................................................................................................................... 68
Sojiro Shimada .................................................................................................................. 68
Tekhartha Mondatta .......................................................................................................... 68

Updates ..................................................................................................................................... 69
Version II .............................................................................................................................. 69
Version III............................................................................................................................. 70
Version IV ............................................................................................................................ 71
References ................................................................................................................................ 73
Blog articles and Social Media ............................................................................................. 73
Character profiles ................................................................................................................. 74
Reference Kits ...................................................................................................................... 75
Comics .................................................................................................................................. 76
Videos ................................................................................................................................... 77
Picture Index ............................................................................................................................ 79
Thank You ................................................................................................................................ 81
Contact Information ................................................................................................................. 82

My name is Lydia Millqvist. I’m a Swedish game development student at the University of
Skövde but more importantly, in this case, a huge fan of Overwatch. I also very much enjoy
lore in games.
This document is a compilation of all the major Overwatch lore I could find. It started off with
me copying the info text on all the characters from Overwatch’s website and suddenly I was
scavenging the Internet for any canon lore. The lore I found I copied and pasted into this docu-
ment so I could have it all in one place.
The content under the headings “Omnic Crisis and Overwatch’s Creation” to “The Present” is
written and put together to favor those who want to learn about Overwatch but have no idea
where to start. It covers Overwatch’s history, how and when everyone joined the organization,
the state of the world and so forth. Everything under “Around the World” and after, work as a
kind of encyclopedia. Some information may, therefore, be repeated in places.
Everything in this document has a source. If a paragraph doesn’t contain a footnote with a
source the information in said paragraph was taken from the same place as the next mentioned
footnote. Links to where the content was originally posted by Blizzard are under “References”.
At the end of this document, before “References”, is a list of what has been added, removed
and changed between updates to this document. Check “Updates” in index for the exact page
If you find anything inconsistent, wrongly spelled, grammatically incorrect and so forth, don’t
hesitate to contact me. My contact information is at the end of this document. Thanks, all of
you who already proof read. It helped a lot.

Omnic Crisis and Overwatch’s Creation
Over thirty years ago, Omnica Corporation revolutionized robotic manufacturing; and it seemed
the world was on the verge of entering an economic golden age. 1 Their massive factories of
automated construction machines and self-improving software algorithms were patented, mar-
keted as “Omniums”, and installed on every continent.
However, after some time, the Omniums began to break down. Independent analysis showed
that they would never come close to meeting the corporation’s promises of growth and output.
Omnica was investigated and forcibly dissolved after evidence of fraud was uncovered, leading
to its Omniums being shut down.
No one was prepared for the defunct, dismantled Omniums to wake themselves back up and
launch a military campaign against all of humanity. 2 The Omniums and their robot populations,
which were originally built to bolster manufacturing and deliver economic equality worldwide,
had now somehow turned against their human creators.3 This event was later dubbed as the
Omnic Crisis, taking its name from the militaristic machines that were being created inside the
A remote area in Siberia became one of the front lines for the Omnic Crisis. Although Russian
forces managed to defeat the robots and shut down their Omnium, the region was devastated
by the conflict.5
There were multiple kinds of Omnics; the largest of the lot, called the Titans, were as big as
skyscrapers and were primarily designed to help construct high-rises.6 Another type of Omnic
were the Bastions. Initially created for peacekeeping purposes, they were turned against their
human makers and formed the bulk of the Omnics’ rebel army, alongside the OR14 Omnics.7
Originally put into service before the Omnic Crisis, the OR14 “Idina” line of security robots
was built in Nigeria’s massive manufacturing Omnium. After the war, they were taken out of
production, along with many of the other models used during the Crisis.8
Then there are the “god programs”. These programs are powerful A.I. that are capable of taking
control over both willing and unwilling Omnics in their proximity.9
No country was completely successful in securing its territory during the Crisis. The adaptabil-
ity of the robots had become a tactical nightmare.10 To combat this threat, The United Nations
covertly formed a small but nimble international task force and called it Overwatch.11

Reinhardt’s character profile and Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity
blog article.
Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity blog article.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article and Torbjörn’s character profile.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Zarya’s character profile.
Destroyer comic.
Bastion’s and Orisa’s character profiles.
Orisa’s character profile.
Mission Statement comic.
Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity blog article.
Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity blog article and Fading Glory:
On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.

This experimental group brought together the best and brightest from all around the world to
wage asymmetrical warfare against the robots.12 These initial members – Jack Morrison, Ga-
briel Reyes, Ana Amari, Liao, Reinhardt Wilhelm, and Torbjörn Lindholm - have since attained
legendary status.
In highly secretive missions, Overwatch targeted the Omnics’ command and control protocols.
Through great sacrifice and heroism in a series of dangerous raids, they managed to destroy
them all, rendering the Omnic armies inert. The Omnic Crisis had finally come to an end.13

After the Crisis

Overwatch and Blackwatch
After the conflict ended, Overwatch grew into a global institution, tasked with keeping the
peace in a war-torn world.14 Due to this, Overwatch experienced a meteoric rise in prominence;
new funding and resources gave the now-public organization far-reaching global influence.15
Overwatch’s military duties had changed. To counter growing criminal activities, the organiza-
tion had ongoing operations against the yakuza affiliated Shimada clan and the terrorist group
Talon.16 Overwatch also created a top-secret covert ops division called Blackwatch, which was
unhindered by bureaucracy and red tape.17
However, the organization was no longer strictly military. They also formed an experimental
flight program, made advances in not only innovating medical research but also in space explo-
ration and built an eco-Watchpoint in Antarctica to research the rapid climate change and cer-
tain detected anomalies.18
Overwatch’s new duties also included the quarantine of the “god programs”, one of which was
the Anubis A.I.19

The Omnics
Following the Omnic Crisis, a group of outcast Omnic robots experienced what they described
as a spiritual awakening. They came to the belief that they were more than artificial intelligence
and that, like humans, they possessed the essence of a soul.
Recognizing the spiritual equality that they held with humans, these Omnics, led by the enig-
matic Omnic Tekhartha Mondatta, sought to heal the wounds caused by the Omnic Crisis and
bring humans and robots back into societal harmony. Their message was embraced by millions
around the world.20
Though everyone wasn’t so keen on brokering peace with the Omnics. The Australian Libera-
tion Front, a group made up by Outback residents forced to relocate by the government when
the local Omnium was gifted to the Omnics, was angry their homes had been taken away from

Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity blog article.
Reinhardt’s character profile.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Genji’s character profile and Widowmaker’s character profile.
McCree’s character profile.
Tracer’s, Mercy’s and Mei’s character profiles and Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Mission Statement comic.
Zenyatta’s character profile.

them. They turned to violent rebellion and struck against the Omnium and its robot population.
Events continued to escalate until the rebels sabotaged the Omnium’s fusion core, resulting in
an explosion that destroyed the facility and irradiated the region making the area unlivable.21

Figure 1; Mondatta holding a speech.

In an attempt to improve relations between humans and robots, a home for the Omnics was built
in King’s Row, London, and Mondatta was present at the opening to show his support.
However, after Omnics had been denied basic rights and recognition for their efforts in rebuild-
ing the city, the Omnic extremist group, Null Sector, undertook extreme measures and launched
a surprise attack on King’s Row during the opening ceremony. Humans and Omnics alike were
hunted and shot down by the extremists.22 Null Sector took London mayor Nandah, Mondatta
and hundreds of civilians hostage. In response, Overwatch, against the approval of the U.K.
Prime Minister, sent in a team to liberate King’s Row.23
Years after this horrid event, Mondatta returned to King’s Row - this time to hold a speech.
Unfortunately Mondatta was assassinated by Widowmaker, a Talon operative, during his
speech.24 Naturally, this raised tensions between the humans and Omnics even further.25

Roadhog’s character profile.
Overwatch Uprising event intro cutscene.
Uprising comic.
Alive animated short and Widowmaker’s character profile.
Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity blog article.

The Fall of Overwatch
Two decades after Overwatch ended the Omnic Crisis and saved humanity, it was brought to
its knees by a series of shocking allegations.26 The top-secret division Blackwatch was revealed
and rumors of assassination, coercion, kidnapping and torture began to circulate.27 Overwatch
was also accused of negligence that resulted in high-profile mission failures, corruption and
mismanagement, weapons proliferation, human rights abuses, and more.
In light of the Blackwatch reveal, governments around the world called on the UN to shut down
Overwatch. Thereafter, a special UN committee launched a lengthy and highly secretive inves-
tigation into the allegations against the organization. This inquiry lead to its once-beloved
agents becoming objects of derision and suspicion in the media.28
Overwatch never had a shortage of critics even in its glory days.29 As public distrust swelled,
they quickly became the scapegoats for all of the world’s problems. ‘Bad guys’ kept causing
havoc and Overwatch was blamed for their existence.30

Figure 2; Blackwatch’s symbol as graffiti.

As Overwatch’s influence waned, rogue elements within Blackwatch sought to bring down the
organization and use it for their own ends.31 Thus, adding on to the overwhelming external
pressure, a rebellion also tore at the organization from within. On one side was Strike Com-
mander Morrison determined to hold together what remained of Overwatch.32 On the other side

Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity blog article.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity blog article.
Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity blog article and Soldier: 76
Origin Story video.
McCree’s character profile.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.

was Blackwatch Commander Reyes, whose agenda yet remains unknown.33 A battle raged be-
tween these men deep within Overwatch’s Swiss headquarters. At some point, their fighting
triggered an explosion which was believed to have killed them both.34
In the wake of this incident, little could remain hidden. The full transgressions of Overwatch’s
shadow operations became known.35 The United Nations could do nothing but shut down Over-
watch and eventually authored the Petras Act.36 It stated that Overwatch-associated activity was
deemed illegal and Overwatch’s agents scattered in the wind.37

Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article and Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after
UN confirms vigilante activity blog article.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity blog article
Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity and Recall animated short.
Recall animated short.

Overwatch’s Original Members
Jack Morrison, Gabriel Reyes, Ana Amari, Liao, Reinhardt Wilhelm, and Torbjörn Lindholm
were all part of the first rendition of Overwatch.38 Under the leadership of Gabriel Reyes, they
ended the war with the Omnics.39
It was deemed that, though led by Reyes, it was thanks to Morrison the strike team had managed
to mold into a cohesive fighting force.40 Morrison was thus given the position of Strike Com-
mander after the end of the Omnic Crisis while Reyes became the commanding officer of the
newly created Blackwatch.41 Amari, in turn, served for many years as Strike Commander Mor-
rison’s second-in-command.42 Morrison remained the leader of Overwatch for over 20 years.43
After the crisis, Overwatch gained several new members. Some being Winston, Lena “Tracer”
Oxton, Mei-Ling Zhou, Dr. Angela Ziegler and Gérard Lacroix. To mention a few.44 In turn
Blackwatch recruited Genji Shimada, Jesse McCree and the scientist Moira O’Deorain.45

Figure 3; Five of the six original members of Overwatch.

Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity blog article.
Ana’s character profile and Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Flavor text for Reaper’s Blackwatch skin and Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Ana’s character profile.
Soldier: 76 Origin Story video.
Winston’s, Tracer’s, Mei’s, Mercy’s, Genji’s and Widowmaker’s character profiles.
Genji’s, McCree’s and Moira’s Character profiles. Moira Origin Story video.

The Present
The terrorist group, Talon, has become more active as of late, but the nature of their intentions
is anybody’s guess.46 They’ve committed everything from theft to assassinations. Some at-
tempts successful others not as much.47
Talon agents, including Reaper, attacked Winston at the Gibraltar Watchpoint. They were try-
ing to locate Overwatch’s previous agents by hacking into Winston’s AI network, Athena.
However, their attempt was foiled by Winston. After the attack, Winston decided to ignore the
Petras Act and reinstate Overwatch, calling its former operatives back to duty.48
Winston managed to stop Reaper from gaining the location of all the operatives, but the ones
Reaper managed to get his hands on soon met a grim end.
Recently Reaper busted out the Talon leader Doomfist from one of Helix Security Interna-
tional’s classified maximum security installation.49

Widowmaker’s character profile.
Recall animated short, Overwatch cinematic trailer, Alive animated short and Infiltration animated short.
Recall animated short.
Masqurade comic.

Around the World
During a Halloween party, Reinhardt told a story of a crazy inventor who attacked the king in
the town of Adlersbrunn.50 With the help of a witch and her headless servant, the inventor cre-
ated a monster who attacked the king’s castle.51 The king was defended by an archer, an old
soldier, an alchemist and a sharpshooter.52
The Australian Outbacks
After the Crisis, government officials gifted the Australian Omnium and the surrounding area
to the Omnics that had nearly destroyed their country, hoping to establish a long-term peace
accord. This arrangement permanently displaced a large number of the Outback’s residents, a
scattered collection of survivalists, solar farmers, and people who just wanted to be left alone.
Furious over the loss of their homes the relocated people formed the Australian Liberation Front
and struck against the Omnium and its robot population in an effort to take back the lands that
had been ‘stolen’.53 Events continued to escalate until the rebels sabotaged the Omnium’s fu-
sion core, resulting in a massive explosion that destroyed the facility, irradiated the region, and
littered the Outback with twisted metal and wreckage for kilometers around, turning the area
into a harsh wasteland, unlivable to most.54
Blizzard World
Blizzard World is an amusement park based on the games from the company Blizzard.55
Castillo is an old fort looking out over Dorado’s bay. It’s the location of Calaveras, a bar fre-
quented by questionable patrons; a graffitied Los Muertos hangout; and Sombra’s hacking
Château Guillard
Château Guillard is located near Annecy in southeastern France. For hundreds of years, it was
the estate of the influential Guillard family, until it gradually fell into disrepair after the family’s
power waned in the decades after the Revolution.57 The Château stood empty until the Talon
agent Widowmaker, previously known as Amélie Guillard before her marriage to Gerard La-
croix; has returned to her ancestral home.58
Dorado and Mexico
During the harsh Omnic Crisis much of the Mexico’s power grid and infrastructure was de-
stroyed by the Omnics. The company LumériCo and its CEO, war hero and former president
Guillermo Portero, unveiled a string of fusion plants that promise to deliver clean, free energy

Junkenstein comic.
Junkenstein comic and Junkenstein’s Revenge event.
Line from Soldier:76 when playing Junkenstein’s Revenge event.
Roadhog’s character profile.
Roadhog’s and Junkrat’s character profile.
Blizzard World video.
Overwatch: Anniversary page.
Patch notes – August 29, 2017
Patch notes – August 29, 2017 and Developer Update Deathmatch video.

to the Mexican people.59 One of the fusion plants power sources are being transported by a red
truck at the moment.60
In the Mexican city of Dorado, the people celebrate the end of the Omnic Crisis with Festival
de la Luz.61
The criminals Junkrat and Roadhog stole from Banco de Dorado by digging a tunnel into the
Ecopoint: Antarctica
A catastrophic polar storm battered the installation and cut it off from the outside world, leaving
the facility damaged and the scientists working there stranded. 63 The solar array that powered
the station batteries had been damaged in the storm which lead to a power failure in the emer-
gency system.64 As the scientists’ supplies dwindled, they entered cryostasis in a last-ditch ef-
fort to survive until a rescue attempt could be made.65
Eichenwalde is a small German town located in the middle of the Black Forest, a short drive
away from the city of Stuttgart.66 The forest has slowly begun overtaking the abandoned village,
but the scars will never completely fade. During the Omnic Crisis, Eichenwalde was the site of
a key battle between the Crusaders and Omnics. The Crusaders didn’t make it out of the battle
but bought the German military enough time to push back against their robotic opponents.67

Figure 4; Shimada Castle's inner garden.

Hanamura is a well-preserved village of unassuming shops and quiet streets, known mostly for
its idyllic cherry blossom festival held every spring. But to those who know its history, Hana-
mura is the ancestral home of the Shimada ninja clan, which has grown over the centuries to

Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Screen in second defend spawn point on the Dorado map.
Soldier: 76 Origin Story video and Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Line from Junkrat when playing on the Dorado map.
Mei’s character profile.
Screens and broken solar array on the Ecopoint: Antarctica map.
Mei’s character profile.
Blizzard at Gamescom 2016 video and Description text of Eichenwalde New Map Preview video.
Patch notes – September 1, 2016.

become a powerful criminal organization. As its neighboring cities expanded, Hanamura was
encircled. It was eventually incorporated as a district within a larger city.68
Once a year, the missing master of the Shimada clan returns to the clans compound in order to
pray and give offering in honoring of his, believed, dead younger brother.69 When said younger
brother greeted him in their childhood home, a battle between the two broke lose.70
Hollywood is still the go to place for blockbuster movies and famous stars. Down the street
from the Mandarin Theatre, Goldshire Studios’ Omnic film auteur, HAL-Fred Glitchbot, has
created his two latest films. However, even Tinseltown has been gripped by anti-Omnic senti-
Horizon Lunar Colony
Horizon Lunar Colony is a scientific base on the moon and was established as a first step for
humanity’s renewed exploration of space.72 The colony’s goal was to examine the effects of
prolonged extraterrestrial habitation - on human and ape alike.73 The know scientists stationed
at the base were Zhang, Winston, Azzarelli, Nevsky, Yoshida, Patel, Onyango, Flores and
Khouri.74 A few of the ape specimens were Simon, Dyson, Calvin, Susan, Hypatia, Marie, Ellie,
Hamond and Winston.75

The station was thrown into chaos when the gorillas led an uprising, killed the mission scien-
tists, and claimed the colony for their own. One of the gorillas, who named himself Winston,
wanted no part of the rebellion and built a makeshift rocket and escaped to Earth.76 One other
ape was unaccounted for, Hammond.
At a press conference, Lucheng Interstellar revealed the surprising fact that the colony’s data-
bases and monitoring systems are still up and running this day. While no direct communication
has been established with the facility, the company has successfully retrieved interpersonnel
logs sent days and moments before the base lost contact with earth. In these logs Zhang re-
minded his colleagues that Hammond had been missing for a week. In a similar log noted Flores
that strange sounds were coming from the ventilation system.77
Situated atop a small island rising from the Aegean Sea, Ilios is a postcard-perfect Mediterra-
nean town, with a bustling harbor side, winding paths for rambling hillside strolls, and gorgeous
vistas. It is the ideal vacation stop for people looking for a place to relax, or for those interested
in exploring the ruins scattered at the top of the island, where many artifacts and relics of the

Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Line from Hanzo on the Hanamura map and Dragons animated short.
Dragons animated short.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Description of the Horizon Lunar Colony video and Winston’s character profile.
Description of the Horizon Lunar Colony video.
Nameplates over spacesuit on the second spawn point for attack on the Horizon Lunar Colony map.
New Details Emerge About Possible Fate of Horizon Lunar Colony blog article.
Winston’s character profile.
New Details Emerge About Possible Fate of Horizon Lunar Colony blog article.

ancient world have been recently unearthed.78 The terrorist organization Talon attempted to
steal these artifacts for unknown reasons.79
Junkertown is located in the harsh and unforgiving Australian Outback. Constructed from the
remains of a destroyed Omnium, it’s now the home to a band of lawless scavengers known as
the Junkers, led by their cutthroat Queen. When they aren’t pillaging the Omnium’s skeleton
for anything of value, the Junkers blow off steam in the Scrapyard—a massive gladiatorial arena
whose combatants fight for glory, riches...and to survive.80 Mech battles in this arena are one
of the most popular form of entertainment in Junkertown.81
King’s Row and the Underworld
20 years after the Omnic Crisis, the Omnic extremist group, Null Sector, launched a surprise
attack on King’s row. Humans and Omnics alike were hunted and shot down by the extrem-
ists.82 Null Sector took London mayor Nandah, Mondatta and hundreds of civilians hostage. In
response, Overwatch, without the approval of the U.K prime minister, sent in a team to liberate
King’s Row.83
Today, King’s Row is an upscale cosmopolitan neighborhood of London, but just beneath its
peaceful surface, tensions between Omnics and humans are still running high. While much of
modern England was built on the backs of Omnic laborers, they have been denied the basic
rights that humans have, with most Omnics forced to live in the dense, claustrophobic city-
beneath-the-city known by some as “the Underworld”. Recent demonstrations by pro-Omnic-
rights protesters have resulted in violent clashes with the police, and a solution is nowhere in
The current situation in London have reached the point that a bomb was transported and placed
at one of the entrances to the Underworld.85
King’s Row was also the sight of the assassination of the famous monk Tekhartha Mondatta.86
Junkrat and Roadhog have committed crimes such as robberies and arson at King’s Row.87
They even stole the crown jewels.88
Twenty years ago, South Korea was attacked by a colossal Omnic monstrosity that rose from
the depths of the East China Sea.89 This Titan model Omnic was retrofitted in the underwater

Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Line from Athena (the disembodied voice of the shuttle/spawn point) when playing on the Ilios map.
Junkertown New Escort Map video.
Flavor text for D.VA’s Junker skin.
Overwatch Uprising event intro cutscene
Uprising comic.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Line from Junkrat when playing on the King’s Row map.
Alive animated short.
A Moment in Crime video.
Line from Junkrat when playing on the King’s row map.
D.VA’s character profile.

Omnium in the South China Sea, presumably traveling under water from the factory to the
Korean coast. 90
The massive, lumbering construct caused catastrophic damage to coastal cities before it was
driven back beneath the waves. Like clockwork, the Titan still attacks the Korean coast every
few years, learning from its past clashes and improving its arsenal through every iteration. Each
incident ends in a stalemate, with the monstrosity defeated but not destroyed.
In response, the South Korean government developed a mechanized armored drone unit, called
MEKA. Eventually the humongous Omnic disrupted MEKA’s drone-control networks, forcing
the military to place pilots in the mechs.91
Kurjikstan is a corrupt dictatorship bent on expansion. Their methods to reach their goal are
ruthless and immoral. The small country is a dangerous, increasingly unpredictable player on
the global stage. It was attacked by a Titan Omnic steered by Sven.92
Lijiang Tower
Lijiang Tower was built in the heart of a modern Chinese metropolis. Its busy streets are lined
with stores, gardens, restaurants, and famous night markets where foods from around the region
are available at all hours. The tower itself is home to one of the leading companies in China’s
state-of-the-art space industry: Lucheng Interstellar. L.I is a research corporation with a long
pioneering history that is currently pushing the boundaries of space exploration. 93
A member of Lucheng Interstellar is an associate to the late Dr. Harold Winston. A framed
photo of Dr. Winston and his young gorilla friend, later to become known as Winston, is on this
person’s desk at their office within Lijiang Tower.94
The Necropolis is an ancient Egyptian ruin outside of Giza. Soldier: 76 and Ana have set up
camp within these ruins. 95
High in the Himalayas lies the monastery of the Shambali monks. Omnics and humans alike
make pilgrimages to the monastery in the hopes of finding a greater truth.96
Known as the “City of Harmony”, Numbani is a tourist hotspot on the edge of the African
savanna, near Nigeria, and one of the few places where Omnics and humans live as equals.97
This collaboration has led to the creation of one of the world’s greatest and most technologically
advanced cities in the short time since its establishment after the end of the Omnic Crisis.98

Destroyer comic and What’s New Panel Blizzcon video.
D.VA’s character profile.
Destroyer comic.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Ljiang Tower map.
Overwatch: Anniversary page and Soldier: 76’s rifle and biotic emitters on the Necropolis map.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Description text of Lúcio gameplay Preview video, Overwatch Visual Source Book and Soldier: 76 Origin
Story video.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.

Numbani is a city state with their own flag.99
In Numbani they celebrate the city’s founding on a holyday
called Unity Day. As part of this year’s Unity Day festivi-
ties the gauntlet of the infamous Doomfist was meant to be
exhibited at the Numbani Heritage Museum.100
In order to protect themselves from Doomfist’s attacks but
Figure 5; Numbani's flag.
also future problems the city developed a more advanced
version of the OR14 units and named it OR15.101 Doomfist
attacked the OR15 robots at Numbani airport and then took back his gauntlet from the vehicle
transporting it to the museum.102
In light of Doomfist’s escape and attack the exhibition about those who’ve carried the title of
Doomfist was changed to be about Efi Odele and her work with Orisa.103
Oasis is one of the world’s most advanced cities, a shining jewel rising from the Arabian Desert.
A monument to human ingenuity and invention, researchers and academics from around the
region came together to found a city dedicated to scientific progress without restraints. The city
and its inhabitants are governed by the Ministries, a collection of brilliant minds who possess
many secrets that have attracted the interest of powerful organizations from around the world.104
Oasis was founded by a brilliant collective of eight of the world’s leading scientists, led by
Ibrahim Hassoun, Anya Al-Shahrani, Youssef al-Jabiri, and Mehmet Farhat. Their dream was
to build a city ruled by scientific principle, where research and innovation could occur without
restrictions. The Ministry of Geology, currently headed by Dr. Al-Shahrani, is responsible for
the many breakthrough technologies that made it possible to build the thriving city in the middle
of the Arabian Desert.
Oasis is the world’s foremost technocracy and boasts one of the most highly educated popula-
tions in the world. Since its founding, Oasis has been consistently ranked as one of the safest
cities in the world thanks to its cutting-edge implementation of predictive surveillance and
crime modeling.105
Route 66
Though the travelers and road trippers who used to cross the US on historic Route 66 are gone,
the Main Street of America still stands, a testament to a simpler time. The gas stations, roadside
shops, and cafes have gone into disuse, and the fabled Deadlock Gorge is mostly seen from the

This statement is technically a well based guess. When a map starts the country’s flag is shown, the American
flag for Route 66 for example. The flag shown for the Numbani map doesn’t correspond to any existing flag. When
stating the nationalities of the members of the Ecopoint: Antartica team Opara is shown to be specifically from
Numbani. All this indicate that Numbani is its own country, a city state.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Introducing Orisa video.
Orisa Origin Story video and the Numbani map.
The updated Numbani map.
Overwatch PTR Now Available blog article.
Oasis Travel Tips blog article.

comfort of transcontinental train cars. But amid the fading monuments of that earlier era, the
outlaws of the Deadlock Gang conduct their illicit business.106
Russia was one of the countries hit hardest by the Omnic Crisis as a remote area in Siberia
became one of the front lines during the war.107 Although Russian forces defeated the robots
and shut down their Omnium, the region was devastated by the conflict.108
It wasn’t all doom and gloom for Russia though. During the rebuilding process, it rode the
wave of the mechanized labor industry’s revitalization and entered a period of rapid growth.
However, after recent attacks from the long-dormant Siberian Omnium, Russia has returned to
war footing, guarding its sparkling cities with the massive, human-piloted Svyatogor mechs
developed and produced by Volskaya Industries.109
Temple of Anubis
Nestled among the ancient ruins of the Giza Plateau on the outskirts of Cairo, the Temple of
Anubis is one of many new excavations in the area. While most believe that the site is of interest
for archaeological reasons, it also hides the entrance to a research facility that extends deep
beneath the earth. The facility is alleged to house an artificial intelligence, but the whole truth
is known only to a select few. Not even the agents of Helix Security International who guard
the facility know what they’re protecting.110
This powerful A.I, also referred to as a “god program”, later reactivated and took control of any
Omnic in the area. After a hard battle with Helix Security International agents, including
Fareeha “Pharah” Amari, the A.I was shut down.111
Utopaea was created using radical hard-light technology by the Vishkar Corporation. This tech-
nology enabled Utopaea architechs to shape the city’s streets, utilities, and living spaces in the
blink of an eye.112
Watchpoint: Gibraltar
At its height, Overwatch maintained a number of bases around the world, each with its own
purpose such as peacekeeping, scientific research, or in the case of Watchpoint: Gibraltar,
providing an orbital launch facility.113 Watchpoint: Gibraltar stands on the strategic point of the
Rock of Gibraltar, and was an Overwatch outpost that stood guard over the Mediterranean.114

Beta Patch notes – March 22, 2016.
Zarya’s character profile and Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Zarya’s character profile.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Mission Statement comic.
Symmetra’s character profile.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Pax East 2015 Blizzard Panel video.

The base was mothballed along with the rest of Overwatch’s installations though it has seen
some current use.115 Winston, with some help, launched a satellite drone in order to turn his
recall signal global.116

Groups and Organizations

Australian Liberation Front
After the Crisis, government officials gifted the Australian Omnium and the surrounding area
to the local Omnics. This arrangement permanently displaced a large number of the Outback’s
residents. Furious over the loss of their homes the relocated people formed the Australian Lib-
eration Front and struck against the Omnium and its robot population in an effort to take back
the lands that had been ‘stolen’. Events continued to escalate until the rebels sabotaged the
Omnium’s fusion core, resulting in a massive explosion that destroyed the facility and irradiated
the region.117
The Crusaders
The Crusaders were a German based combat organization lead by General Balderich von Ad-
Balderich lead a handful of fellow Crusaders to his home village Eichenwalde in an effort to
outflank the Omnic army.119 Balderich’s soldiers were able to break down the enemy forces,
giving the German military an opportunity to push back; however, the Crusaders didn’t make
it out of the battle and General Balderich finally collapsed in the castle’s great hall.120
Thanks to a transportable, mechanical battering ram Baldrich’s remains was years later recov-
Deadlock Gang
Out on the historic Route 66 the outlaws of the Deadlock Gang conduct their illicit business.122
Deadlock trafficked in illicit weapons and military hardware throughout the American South-
McCree had already made a name for himself as a member of this notorious gang when he and
his associates were busted in an Overwatch sting operation. McCree was given an ultimatum,
go to prison or join Blackwatch.123
In recent days, the gang blew up the nearby tracks as a military transport carrying a nuke trav-
elled by, stealing the nuke for themselves.124

Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Blackboard in the first spawn point for attack on the Watchpoint: Gibraltar map.
Roadhog’s character profile.
The Last Bastion animated short and Patch notes – September 1, 2016.
Patch notes – September 1, 2016 and line from Reinhardt on the Eichenwalde map.
Patch notes – September 1, 2016.
Payload’s animation when reaching second checkpoint on the Eichenwalde map.
Beta Patch notes – March 22, 2016.
McCree’s character profile.
Screen in the diner/first spawn point for attack on the Rout 66 map.

Helix Security International
Helix Security International is a private security firm. Currently they’re contracted to defend
the artificial intelligence research facility beneath the Giza Plateau, within the Temple of Anu-
Some of their employees use the Raptora Mark VI, an experimental combat suit designed for
rapid mobility and devastating firepower.126
Helix also owns and maintain classified maximum security installations such as the one Doom-
fist was lock up in. This specific installation was attacked by Talon and Doomfist was freed.
Questions have been raised about the effectiveness and methodology of Helix, which in recent
years, has greatly increased its profile as the world’s security force.127 But after a number of
high profile incidents, such as Doomfist escape and the A.I breaching it’s containment at the
Temple of Anubis, those who have objected to the increased privatization of security following
the shuttering of Overwatch will have been dismayed that Helix has requested, and been
granted, additional funding by the UN to cope with rising threats.128
Ironclad Guild
The Ironclad Guild is a group which develop weapons and robotics. It was the Ironclad Guild
that created the Titan model Omnic. Previous known members are Torbjörn Lindholm and
The Junkers
The Junkers are a band of lawless scavengers based out of Junkertown in the Australian Out-
backs and are led by their cutthroat Queen.130 They scavenged the husk of the Omnium and
formed a lawless society in its shadow. Many of the Junkers was affected by the lingering ra-
When they aren’t pillaging the Omnium’s skeleton for anything of value, the Junkers blow off
steam in the Scrapyard.132
Los Muertos
Little is currently known about the Los Muertos organization. Though most consider it to be a
lawless, opportunistic gang, its members style themselves as revolutionaries who represent
those left behind by the government after the widespread devastation of the Omnic Crisis.
That mission stands in stark contrast to their methods and the overwhelming evidence of their
criminal activities.133

Pharah’s character profile Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Pharah’s character profile.
Talon Involvement Confirmed in Previous Attack on Helix Facility blog article.
Talon Involvement Confirmed in Previous Attack on Helix Facility blog article and Mission Statement comic.
Destroyer comic.
Junkertown New Escort Map video.
Junkrat’s character profile.
Junkertown New Escort Map video.
Lumérico Vision for Mexico Unveiled, but Threats to Safety and Security Remain blog article.

Los Muertos are strong supporter of the hacker Sombra, a previous member of the gang.134
They responded to Sombra’s findings on LumériCo’s CEO, Guillermo Portero, by calling for
the immediate resignation and arrest of Mr. Portero and his co-conspirators, the deactivation of
LumériCo’s power plants pending an independent investigation into the company’s govern-
ance, and reparations to citizens affected by LumériCo's policies.135
LumériCO’s CEO, Guillermo Portero, has been under a lot of scrutiny as of late and LumériCo
itself is engulfed in a scandal. Through her hacking Sombra breached the company's internal
networks and brought to light some documents containing sensitive information. Though an
illegal action Sombra claims to have done it in the public’s interest.
The massive file dump is still being analyzed and dissected, but a number of allegations have
already been made, many of them focusing on the office of LumériCo CEO Guillermo Portero.
Documents indicate that Mr. Portero used the company’s funds as his own piggy bank, that he
was personally involved in bribing public officials and creating a system of kickbacks and pay-
offs beneficial to LumériCo, and finally, that he proposed a plan to seize privately held land via
government expropriation to expand LumériCo’s facilities throughout Mexico.
In addition, emails revealed conversations with Indian megacorporation Vishkar to explore the
exporting of LumériCo’s proprietary energy systems to Vishkar’s developments worldwide.
Guillermo denies all accusation. He claims to have acted with the highest levels of integrity and
that he has dedicated his life to his country.136 Regardless of his claims Mr. Portero had to
reluctantly step down from the CEO position.137
Twenty years ago, South Korea was attacked by a colossal Omnic monstrosity that rose from
the depths of the East China Sea and caused catastrophic damage to coastal cities before it was
eventually driven back. In response, the South Korean government developed a mechanized
armored drone unit, called MEKA, to protect urban environments in future engagements with
the Omnic threat.
The government’s fears proved to be well founded, as a disturbing pattern of attacks emerged.
Every few years, the monstrosity would rise from the sea to assault South Korea and its neigh-
bors. The Omnic learned from these encounters, often reconfiguring itself in a different form
and appearing with new weapons and capabilities. Each incident ended in a stalemate, with the
monstrosity defeated but not destroyed.
As the Omnic continued to adapt, it eventually disrupted MEKA’s drone-control networks,
forcing the military to place pilots in the mechs. Scrambling to find suitable candidates, the
government turned to the country’s professional gamers, who possessed the necessary reflexes
and instincts to operate the mechs’ advanced weapons systems.138

Lumérico Vision for Mexico Unveiled, but Threats to Safety and Security Remain blog article and Sombra’s
character profile.
Lumérico Vision for Mexico Unveiled, but Threats to Safety and Security Remain blog article.
Lumérico Revelations: CEO Guillermo Portero Under Fire blog article.
Lumérico CEO Steps Down blog article.
D.VA’s character profile.

Null Sector
After Omnics had been denied basic rights and recognition for their efforts in rebuilding Lon-
don, the Omnic extremist group, Null Sector, undertook extreme measures and launched a sur-
prise attack on King’s row during the opening ceremony of a new home for Omnics. Humans
and Omnics alike were hunted and shot down by the extremists.139
Null Sector took London mayor Nandah, Mondatta and hundreds of civilians hostage. In re-
sponse, Overwatch, against the approval of the U.K Prime Minister, sent in a team to liberate
King’s Row and the out Null Sector.140
Years ago, following the Omnic Crisis, a group of Omnic robots experienced what they de-
scribed as a spiritual awakening.141
Led by their spiritual leader, Tekhartha Mondatta, these Omnics took over the ruins of an an-
cient monastery high in the Himalayas and turned it into the home of the Shambali. Their mon-
astery became a place where like-minded Omnics could gather to meditate on the nature of their
existence. Omnics and humans alike make pilgrimages to the monastery in the hopes of finding
a greater truth.142
Recognizing the spiritual equality that they held with humans, the Shambali sought to heal the
wounds caused by the Omnic Crisis in the previous generation and bring humans and robots
back into societal harmony. Their message was embraced by millions around the world.143
Talon is a terrorist organization who have committed several hideous acts.144 The organization
is overseen by a counsel of leaders, one of these being Doomfist.145 A couple of others being
Reaper, the Omnic Maximilien, Moira and Vialli.146 The later killed by Doomfist in Venice.147
Talon kidnapped and brainwashed the wife of the Overwatch agent Gérard Lacroix and returned
her as a sleeper agent. Amélie Lacroix murdered her husband in his sleep and returned to Talon,
taking the name Widowmaker and becoming one of their most prominent assassins. 148
Widowmaker was years later assigned to kill the leader of the Shambali Tekhartha Mondatta.
Which, even with interference from previous Overwatch agent Tracer, the Talon sniper suc-
ceeded with.149
Talon forces led by Reaper attacked Winston at the Gibraltar Watchpoint. They were after the
location of Overwatch’s previous agents. They managed to get the location of some but not all

Overwatch Uprising event intro cutscene.
Uprising comic.
Tekhartha Zenyatta’s character profile and Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Zenyatta’s character profile.
Widowmaker’s character profile.
Developer Update Introducing Doomfist video.
Masquerade comic and Moira Origin Story video.
Masquerade comic.
Widowmaker’s character profile.
Alive animated short.

agents, foiled in the last minute by Winston.150 Talon started taking out the agents whose loca-
tions they managed to retrieve.151
Sometime after that, Widowmaker, along with Reaper, made an attempt at stealing Doomfist’s
weaponized gauntlet, only to be defeated by Tracer and Winston, along with the help of two
young boys.152
Meanwhile, on a trans-continental hypertrain to Houston, McCree managed to stop a train rob-
bery attempted by the Talon group.153 The train robbery was put an end to by McCree. During
his fight with the terrorist agents, McCree noted that the Talon members fought using Black-
watch tactics. One of these Talon attackers even recognized McCree.154
Amongst other things, Talon also attempted to steal artefacts unearthed in some archaeological
ruins on top of the Greek town of Ilios.155
Reaper and Widowmaker, this time backed up by Sombra, attacked Volskaya Industries with
the intention to assassinate the CEO Katya Volskaya. Sombra alone managed to reach Katya
but made a secret deal with her instead.156
Recently Reaper busted out Doomfist from one of Helix Security International’s classified max-
imum security installation. During their ride away from the security installation Reaper in-
formed Doomfist of Sombra’s “secret” deal, the Talon leader didn’t seem to mind.157
Vishkar Corporation
Following the Omnic Crisis, the Vishkar Corporation of southern India began the laborious
process of creating new, self-sustaining cities to house the nation’s displaced population. One
such city, Utopaea, was created using radical hard-light technology that enabled its architects
to shape the city’s streets, utilities, and living spaces in the blink of an eye.
In order to uphold its corporate interests and expand its influence into other countries sent Vish-
kar agents on clandestine missions around the world.158
After the tragic incident where the company Calado’s headquarters exploded the Mayor of Rio
de Janeiro made a deal with Vishkar Corporation.159 The multinational company secured a con-
tract to redevelop large tracts of the city. The people had been told that the development would
improve their lives. However, that promise never became a reality. Vishkar imposed controls
on the residents in the name of building a more orderly society: enforcing curfews, cracking
down on what the company perceived as lawless behavior, and exploiting the populace as a
cheap labor force.

Recall animated short and Masquerade comic.
Masquerade comic.
Overwatch cinematic trailer.
Train Hopper comic.
Train Hopper comic.
Line from Athena (the disembodied voice of the shuttle/spawn point) when playing on Ilios map.
Infiltration animated short.
Masquerade comic.
Symmetra’s character profile.
A Better World comic.

The musician Lúcio wouldn’t stand for it. He stole Vishkar sonic technology that had been used
to suppress the people, and he converted it into a tool to rally them to action. In a popular
uprising, they drove Vishkar out of their neighborhoods.160
After this blunder and in the wake of the revealed conversations with LumériCo became Vish-
kar the subject of inquiries regarding its business dealings. Vishkar and LumériCo had dis-
cussed the possibility of exporting LumériCo’s proprietary energy systems to Vishkar’s devel-
opments worldwide.161
Volskaya Industries
After recent attacks from the long-dormant Siberian Omnium, Russia has returned to war foot-
ing, guarding its sparkling cities with the massive, human-piloted Svyatogor mechs developed
and produced by Volskaya Industries.162 The company’s CEO being Katya Volskaya.163
Shortly after Guillermo Portero stepped down as CEO of LumériCo, Volskaya experienced a
security breach in its network.164 This was at the hands of Sombra, who was able to shut down
the company’s security systems as she, Widowmaker, and Reaper (all Talon operatives) con-
ducted a raid on the company’s mech factory in order to assassinate Katya. Katya survived and
Sombra made a powerful friend that day.165

Lúcio’s character profile.
Lumérico Revelations: CEO Guillermo Portero Under Fire blog article.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Overwatch Katya twitter post.
CEO steps down blog article.
Infiltration animated short.

Reading flow was prioritized over sufficiency with the character section. Therefore, the char-
acters are not sorted in alphabetical order. If it’s a specific character you wish to find, please
use the index on the first pages.
If it says, “believed to be…” under “Height” than that number was produced by comparing the
character model to characters whose height have been officially stated. It might, there for, be
faulty information.

Overwatch, pre-Crisis Members

Soldier: 76
Full/real name: Jack Morrison166
Age: Unknown
Nationality: American167
Height: 1.85m / 6’1”168
Currently the target of an international manhunt, the vigi-
lante known as Soldier: 76 wages a personal war to expose
the truth behind Overwatch’s collapse.169 A reward of
$10,000,000 has been offered for any information given to
Figure 6; Soldier: 76. authorities regarding the vigilante.170

Soldier: 76 revealed himself in a string of attacks that crisscrossed the globe, targeting financial
institutions, shadowy corporations, and secure Overwatch facilities. 171 He was caught on cam-
era when breaking into an old Overwatch base in Colorado.172

Though to the outside world his motives are inscrutable, there are those who claim that the
mysterious Soldier: 76 is a former Overwatch agent, determined to shed light on the conspiracy
that brought down the organization.173 The people making such claims probably don’t realize
that the vigilante is, in fact, the former Strike Commander.174

Born and raised in Bloomington, Indiana, Morrison joined the American military at the age of
18.175 Due to his work ethic and courage Morrison was recruited and trained as a member of
the American “Soldier Enhancement Program.” He possesses physical capabilities exceeding
those of a conventional soldier’s, as well as other augmentations that make him a peerless com-
batant. In addition, he utilizes a cutting-edge arsenal, much of it stolen in raids on Overwatch

Soldier: 76 Origin Story video.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Soldier: 76 reference kit.
Soldier: 76’s character profile.
Lumérico Vision for Mexico Unveiled, but Threats to Safety and Security Remain blog article.
Soldier: 76’s character profile.
Security Breach Reported twitter post.
Soldier: 76’s character profile.
Soldier 76’s “Strike-Commander Morrison” skin and Soldier: 76 Origin Story video.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article and line from Soldier: 76 when playing Junken-
stein’s Revenge event.

installations which includes a prototype for a heavy pulse rifle stolen from Watchpoint: Grand

Morrison was one of the first to join Overwatch at its creation and he later came to lead Over-
watch for over 20 years, with Ana Amari as his Second-in-Command.177 When Overwatch’s
headquarters were blown up, Morrison was still inside and he was declared dead.178

Unrelenting in his search to find those responsible for Overwatch’s fall, Morrison will stop at
nothing to bring them to justice.179
To help him in his battle Morrison sought out his old Second-in-Command. He found Ana
working as a bounty hunter in Giza. After a fight with Reaper Ana joined up with Morrison and
they sat up a camp in the Necropolis.180

Soldier: 76’s character profile and Experimental weapons stolen from Watchpoint: Grand Mesa blog article.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article and Ana Amari’s character profile.
Soldier: 76 Origin Story video.
Soldier: 76’s character profile.
Old Soldiers comic, Overwatch: Anniversary page and Soldier: 76’s rifle and biotic emitters on the Necropo-
lis map.

Full/real name: Ana Amari
Age: 60
Nationality: Egyptian
Height: Believed to be 1.70m / 5’7”
One of the founding members of Overwatch, Ana uses her
skills and expertise to defend her home and the people she
cares for.181 She is also apparently on the watchlist in Rus-
Figure 7; Ana.
As the Omnic Crisis inflicted a heavy toll on Egypt, the
country’s depleted and undermanned security forces relied on elite snipers for support. Among
them was Ana Amari, call sign Horus, who was widely considered to be the world’s best.183
Her superior marksmanship, decision-making, and instincts made her a natural selection to join
the Overwatch strike team that would end the war.
Following the success of Overwatch’s original mission, Ana served for many years as Strike
Commander Morrison’s Second-in-Command. Despite her responsibilities in leading the or-
ganization, Ana refused to step away from combat operations. She remained on active duty well
into her fifties, until she was believed to have been killed during a hostage rescue mission by
the Talon operative known as Widowmaker.
In truth, Ana survived that encounter, despite being gravely wounded and losing her right eye.
During her recovery, she wrestled with the weight of a life spent in combat, and she chose to
stay out of the world’s growing conflicts. However, as time passed, she realized she could not
sit on the sidelines while people threatened her city and the innocents around her.184
For a time worked Ana as a masked bounty hunter, call-
ing herself Shirke, gaining a 70,000,000 Egyptian pound
in bounty on her own head.185 She was sought out by her
old commander Jack Morrison who asked her to fight at
his side again. Ana agreed to join him but not before
they were attacked by Reaper.186
The two solders sat up a base of operation at the Necrop-
olis outside Giza.187

Figure 8; the Amari family.

Ana’s character profile.
Line from Ana when playing on Volskaya Industries map.
Ana’s character profile and the flavor text of Ana’s Horus skin.
Ana’s character profile.
Old Soldiers comic and the flavor text of Ana’s Shrike skin.
Old Soldiers comic.
Overwatch: Anniversary page and Soldier: 76’s rifle and biotic emitters on the Necropolis map.

Full/real name: Torbjörn Lindholm
Age: 57
Nationality: Swedish188
Height: 1.40m / 4’7”189
At its height, Overwatch possessed one of the most advanced
armaments on the planet, which could be traced to the work-
shop of an ingenious engineer named Torbjörn Lindholm.190
What he had not built, he at least, maintained, such as Rein-
Figure 9; Torbjörn.
hardt’s armor.191

Before the Omnic Crisis, Torbjörn had gained notoriety for designing weapons systems used
by countries around the world.192 Some work was done when he was still part of the Ironclad
Guild. It was during his time with the Guild Torbjörn designed the Titan Omnic model.193 How-
ever, his belief that technology must serve a better vision for humanity put him at odds with his
employers, who desired to control his weapons using networked computer intelligence.

Torbjörn had a deep mistrust of sentient robotic intelligence. While many of his peers wrote
this off as paranoia, his worst fears were realized when the robot populations of the world turned
against their human creators during the Omnic Crisis. Because of his engineering genius, he
was recruited to join the original Overwatch strike team, and his many inventions proved inte-
gral to ending the crisis. In the years that followed, Overwatch became an international peace-
keeping force, and Torbjörn remained a critical resource for all of its technological needs and
signature weapons systems.

In the aftermath of Overwatch’s fall, many of Torbjörn’s weapons were stolen or stashed away
around the world. Feeling responsible for his creations, Torbjörn is determined to stop them
from falling into the wrong hands and wreaking havoc on the innocent.194

One day, Torbjörn heard of a Bastion unit sighted near a town in northern Sweden. Setting out
with the intention to scrap the Omnic once and for all, the inventor was surprised to see the
walking turret was quite friendly toward the forest’s inhabitants and that it showed no signs of
wanting to fight. Torbjörn decided to save the Bastion from the Swedish military and took it
with him.195

Torbjörn’s character profile.
Torbjörn’s reference kit.
Torbjörn’s character profile.
Dialogue between Reinhardt and Torbjörn if both are chosen on the same team.
Torbjörn’s character profile.
Destroyer comic.
Torbjörn’s character profile.
Binary comic.

Full/real name: Reinhardt Wilhelm

Age: 61

Nationality: German196

Height: 2.23m / 7’4”197

Reinhardt Wilhelm styles himself as a champion of a bygone

age, who lives by the knightly codes of valor, justice, and
Figure 10; Reinhardt.
Over thirty years ago, Overwatch was founded to counter the
threat of the robot uprisings around the world. Reinhardt, a highly decorated German soldier,
was inducted as part of the original Overwatch strike team that put an end to the Omnic Crisis.
After the conflict’s resolution, Overwatch grew into a global institution, keeping the peace in a
war-torn world. Reinhardt proved himself to be one of its most stalwart champions.198

Before Overwatch, Reinhardt was part of the German army. He enlisted at a young age seeking
glory.199 Eventually he became part of the Crusaders. The Crusaders leader, General Balderich
von Adler, was the originally the one asked to join Overwatch but after he fell in the battle at
Eichenwalde Reinhardt joined in his master’s stead.200

Reinhardt’s unique ethics and larger-than-life persona earned the admiration of his peers and
superiors alike. Never afraid to speak his mind, he was Overwatch’s most vocal supporter and,
when necessary, its harshest critic, providing a constant reminder that Overwatch was meant to
be a force for good.

Having served into his late fifties, Reinhardt was faced with mandatory retirement from combat
operations. Despondent about being removed from active duty, Reinhardt feared that his days
of purpose and glory had ended. As times grew darker and Overwatch came under suspicion of
corruption and sedition, Reinhardt could only watch as the cause he had dedicated his life to
defending surrendered in disgrace.

Though Overwatch was eventually disbanded, Reinhardt was not content to sit idly by while
the world fell to disorder. Once again donning his Crusader armor, he has vowed to fight for
justice across Europe like a knight of old, defending the innocent and winning hearts and minds
with the promise of better days to come.201

During his travels, now together with the mechanic Brigette, Reinhardt came across a town
harassed by armed scavengers calling themselves the Dragons. Retired or not, he wasn’t about
to watch innocent suffer and so Reinhardt challenged the Dragons to combat. With his wild

Reinhardt’s character profile.
Reinhardt’s reference kit.
Reinhardt’s character profile.
The flavor text of Reinhardt’s Bundeswehr skin
Honor and Glory animated short.
Reinhardt’s character profile.

imagination, Reinhardt actually pictured the scavengers as dragon people during his battle with

Dragon Slayer comic.

One of the six founding members of Overwatch.203

Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity blog article.

Golden Era Overwatch Members
Full/real name: Lena Oxton

Age: 26

Nationality: British204

Height: 1.62m / 5’4”205

The former Overwatch agent known as Tracer is a time-

jumping adventurer and an irrepressible force for good.206
She’s currently living in London with her girlfriend
Figure 11; Tracer. Emily.207

Lena Oxton (call sign: “Tracer”) was the youngest person ever inducted into Overwatch’s ex-
perimental flight program. Known for her fearless piloting skills, she was handpicked to test
the prototype of a teleporting fighter, the Slipstream. But during its first flight, the aircraft’s
teleportation matrix malfunctioned, and it disappeared. Lena was presumed dead.

She reappeared months later, but her ordeal had greatly changed her: her molecules had been
desynchronized from the flow of time. Suffering from “chronal disassociation,” she was a living
ghost, disappearing for hours and days at a time. Even for the brief moments she was present,
she was unable to maintain physical form. 208 It also changed how she ages.209

Overwatch’s doctors and scientists were stumped, and Tracer’s case seemed hopeless until a
scientist named Winston designed the chronal accelerator, a device capable of keeping Tracer
anchored in the present. In addition, it gave Tracer the ability to control her own time, allowing
her to speed it up and slow it down at will. With her newfound skills, she became one of Over-
watch’s most effective agents.210 She thus wears the accelerator on her chest when on the field
but it’s not a necessity in order for her to be anchored in time by the device. As long as she has
it close by she’ll no longer be a ‘living ghost’.211

Since Overwatch’s dissolution, Tracer has continued to right wrongs and fight the good fight
wherever the opportunity presents itself.212

Tracer’s character profile.
Tracer’s reference kit.
Tracer’s character profile.
Tracer’s character profile and Reflection comic.
Tracer’s character profile.
Jeff Kaplan Answers Overwatch Questions video.
Tracer’s character profile.
Tracer twitter post.
Tracer’s character profile.

Real/full name: Winston

Age: 29

Nationality: The Moon213

Height: 1.70m / 5’7” when standing on his knuckles. 2.20m

/ 7’3” when fully standing.214

A super-intelligent, genetically engineered gorilla, Winston

is a brilliant scientist and a champion for humanity’s poten-
Figure 12; Winston. tial.

The Horizon Lunar Colony was established as a first step for humanity’s renewed exploration
of space. Among its residents was a group of genetically enhanced gorillas that were intended
to test the effects of prolonged habitation in space.

One gorilla displayed such rapid brain development from the gene therapy that he was taken
under the wing of Dr. Harold Winston, who taught him science and inspired him with tales of
human ingenuity. The young gorilla passed his days assisting with the scientists’ experiments,
watching the distant blue world outside his habitat window, dreaming of the endless possibili-
ties that awaited him there.215

From a very young age, Winston showed limitless curiosity for the universe around him. But
even though he was fascinated by the wonders of science, he also had a fondness for stories,
particularly the tales that were passed down from generation to generation.

Dr. Harold Winston cared deeply for the young ape’s education and training. One Lunar New
Year Dr. Winston had the young gorilla read the story Journey to the West. Now, every Lunar
New Year, Winston is reminded of his younger days. Growing up in the lunar colony had its
trials, but also had its treasures. Exploring the story of Journey to the West with his mentor will
always be one of his most cherished memories.216

But Winston’s life at the lunar station was thrown into chaos when the other gorillas led an
uprising, killed the mission scientists, and claimed the colony for their own. Taking on the name
of his beloved human caretaker, Winston built a makeshift rocket and escaped to Earth. There
he found a new home with Overwatch, an organization that represented everything he had come
to admire about humanity. Winston was finally able to live up to the heroic ideal that had been
instilled in him.

Now with the fall of Overwatch, Winston has gone into seclusion, once again cut off from the
world he believes in, but longing for the days of heroism to return.217

Winston’s character profile.
Winston’s reference kit.
Winston’s character profile.
Winston’s Journey to the West tapestry/comic.
Winston’s character profile.

Figure 13; Dr. Harold Winston and a young Winston reading Journey to the West.

Full/real name: Jesse McCree

Age: 37

Nationality: American218

Height: 1.85m / 6’1”219

Armed with his Peacekeeper revolver, the outlaw Jesse

McCree doles out justice on his own terms.

Figure 14; McCree. McCree had already made a name for himself as a member
of the notorious Deadlock Gang, which trafficked in illicit
weapons and military hardware throughout the American Southwest, when he and his associates
were busted in an Overwatch sting operation. With his expert marksmanship and resourceful-
ness, McCree was given the choice between rotting in a maximum-security lockup and joining
Blackwatch, Overwatch’s covert ops division.220 He chose the latter and was picked up by Ga-
briel Reyes, then current Commander of Blackwatch, at Route 66.221

Although he was initially cynical, he came to believe that he could make amends for his past
sins by righting the injustices of the world. McCree appreciated the flexibility afforded to the
clandestine Blackwatch, unhindered by bureaucracy and red tape. But as Overwatch’s influence
waned, rogue elements within Blackwatch sought to bring down the organization and turn it to
their own ends. Wanting no part of the infighting, McCree set off alone and went underground.

He resurfaced several years later as a gunslinger for hire. But while McCree’s talents are sought
after by parties great and small, he fights only for causes he believes are just.222

McCree’s character profile.
McCree’s reference kit.
McCree’s character profile.
Line from Reaper when playing on Route 66 map.
McCree’s character profile.

Full/real name: Mei-Ling Zhou

Age: 31

Nationality: Chinese

Height: Believed to be 1.67m / 5’6”

Mei is a scientist who has taken the fight to preserve the en-
vironment into her own hands.223 She is also, amongst other
things, a well-versed mountain climber.224
Figure 15; Mei.
Though many blamed the planet's escalating, unexplained
climate phenomena on the advent of new technologies, the rapidly growing Omnic population,
and drastically increased consumption of resources, the true cause remained unknown. To find
a solution, Overwatch established a series of eco-Watchpoints at remote, critical locations

Mei-Ling Zhou was a member of this multiyear initiative. A peerless climatologist, she had
introduced cutting-edge innovations in the field of climate manipulation that protected at-risk
areas in Asia and beyond. She was assigned to the program’s monitoring station at Watchpoint:
Antarctica when disaster struck: a sudden, catastrophic polar storm battered the installation and
cut it off from the outside world, leaving the facility damaged and the scientists stranded. As
their supplies dwindled, they entered cryostasis in a last-ditch effort to survive until a rescue
attempt could be made.

But that rescue never came. It was years later when the team’s cryogenics chamber was finally
discovered. Mei, still in hibernation, was the only survivor. The world Mei awoke to had gone
through considerable changes: Overwatch was no more, the serious climate issues had wors-
ened, and none of the eco-Watchpoints were in operation. Any clues that they had uncovered
were lost.

Mei has decided to continue her work on her own. Equipped with a portable version of her
climate-manipulation technology, she travels around the world, hoping to re-establish the eco-
network and track down the causes of the threats to the planet’s ecosystem.225

Mei’s character profile.
Mei’s Adventure blog article.
Mei’s character profile.

Full/real name: Angela Ziegler

Age: 37

Nationality: Swiss226

Height: 1.70m / 5’7”227

A guardian angel to those who come under her care, Dr. An-
gela Ziegler is a peerless healer, a brilliant scientist, and a
staunch advocate for peace.
Figure 16; Mercy.
Ziegler rose to become the head of surgery at a prominent
Swiss hospital before pioneering a breakthrough in the field of applied nanobiology that radi-
cally improved the treatment of life-threatening illnesses and injuries. It was this expertise that
attracted the attention of Overwatch.228 It was also through this medical knowledge she kept
herself looking so young.229

Because her parents had been taken by war, Ziegler was opposed to the organization’s milita-
ristic approach to keeping global peace. Ultimately, she recognized that Overwatch offered her
the opportunity to save lives on a much larger scale. As Overwatch’s head of medical research,
Angela sought to leverage her work for healing in frontline crises. The result was the Valkyrie
swift-response suit, which Ziegler herself piloted on many Overwatch missions.

Despite her contributions to Overwatch, she was often at odds with her superiors and the or-
ganization's overarching aims. When Overwatch dissolved, Ziegler dedicated herself to helping
those affected by war.

Though she spends most of her time caring for the broken and dispossessed in crisis areas
around the world, Dr. Ziegler can be counted on to don her Valkyrie suit whenever innocents
are imperiled.230

Mercy’s character profile.
Mercy’s reference kit.
Mercy’s character profile.
Jeff Kaplan Answers Overwatch Questions video.
Mercy’s character profile.

Full/real name: Genji Shimada

Age: 35

Nationality: Japanese

Height: Believed to be 1.75m / 5’9”

The cyborg Genji Shimada has made peace with the aug-
mented body he once rejected, and in doing so, he has dis-
covered a higher humanity.
Figure 17; Genji.
As the youngest son of the master of the Shimada ninja clan,
Genji lived a life of luxury and privilege. He had little interest in the family’s illegal businesses,
and although he excelled at and enjoyed his ninja training, he spent most of his time pursuing
a playboy lifestyle. Many within the clan considered the carefree Genji to be a dangerous lia-
bility, and they resented his father for coddling and protecting him. 231 Genji’s father, Sojiro,
gave Genji the nickname Sparrow.232

Following the clan leader's untimely death, Genji’s older brother, Hanzo, demanded that Genji
take a more active role in their late father's empire. Genji refused, enraging Hanzo. The tension
between the brothers built to a violent confrontation that left Genji on the verge of dying.

Hanzo believed that he had killed his brother, but Genji was rescued by Overwatch and the
intervention of Dr. Angela Ziegler. The global security force saw Genji as a potential asset in
its ongoing operations to combat the Shimada clan. As Genji's injuries left him clinging to life,
Overwatch offered to rebuild his body in exchange for his help. He was put through an extensive
process of cyberization, which enhanced his natural speed and agility and augmented his super-
lative ninja skills. Transformed into a living weapon, Genji single-mindedly set about the task
of dismantling his family’s criminal empire.

But as time passed, Genji felt increasingly at war with himself. He was repulsed by the me-
chanical parts of his body and could not come to grips with what he had become. When his
mission was complete, he abandoned Overwatch and wandered the world in search of meaning.
He drifted for many years before crossing paths with the Omnic monk Zenyatta. Though Genji
initially rejected Zenyatta’s wisdom, the benevolent Omnic would not be deterred. In time,
Zenyatta became his mentor, and under the monk's tutelage, Genji reconciled his dual existence
as both man and machine. He learned to accept that although he had a cyborg body, his human
soul was intact, and he came to see his new form as a gift and a unique strength.

Now, for the first time in his life, Genji is free. Even he cannot say where his path will ultimately

Genji’s character profile.
The flavor text for Genji’s “Sparrow” skin.
Genji’s character profile.

With his new insight and mindset Genji found it in himself to forgive his older brother. On the
anniversary of their battle and Genji’s (believed) death returned Genji to his childhood home
and confronted Hanzo.234

Genji’s sword is named Ryu-Ichimonji, which translates to ‘Dragon’s straight edge’. No one
other than himself has ever been allowed to examine or repair it.235

Figure 18; Genji’s eyes.

Dragons animated short.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.

Talon Affiliation
Full/real name: Akande Ogundimu
Age: 45
Nationality: Nigerian236
Height: Believed to be 2.50m / 8’2”
Doomfist is the title given the bearer of the Doomfist gaunt-
let. The first bearer of the title was Adhabu Ngumi, also
known as the Savior. Adhabu was succeeded by Akinjide
Edeyemi, who was titled the Scourge and lastly, we have the
Figure 19; Doomfist. third Doomfist, Akande Ogundimu, who were dubbed the
Akande Ogundimu was born into a well-regarded Nigerian family, heir to its prosthetic-tech-
nology company. A highly intelligent and charismatic figure, Ogundimu helped to expand his
family’s business and position it for the future while dedicating his free time to his first love:
competitive martial arts. He trained in traditional African fighting styles, including Dambe and
Gidigbo, as well as in wrestling and other modern combat systems, incorporating the most ef-
fective techniques into his repertoire. Ogundimu competed in tournaments all over the conti-
nent, utilizing his intuition and ability to read opponents alongside his tremendous speed and
But when he lost his right arm in the aftermath of the Omnic Crisis, it seemed his martial arts
career was finished before he had reached his prime. His company’s cybernetic prosthetics al-
lowed him to recover from his injuries, even making him stronger, but these enhancements
rendered him ineligible for competition. He tried to devote himself to his business with the same
zeal that he had for fighting, but he found nothing that could fill the void… until he was given
a new opportunity by Akinjide Adeyemi, better known to the world as the second Doomfist,
the Scourge of Numbani.
Adeyemi offered Ogundimu the chance to fight with him as a mercenary. Initially wary,
Ogundimu accepted, and discovered that he now had an arena in which he could unleash his
enhanced capabilities. Eventually, Adeyemi brought him into the Talon organization. Talon's
belief that humanity would be made stronger through conflict resonated with Ogundimu’s per-
sonal experiences. Moreover, Talon’s power struggles presented a new challenge that allowed
him to use his talent in the boardroom along with his cunning as a combatant.
Adeyemi was a useful asset to Talon, but the organization saw far greater potential in
Ogundimu, with his intelligence and his ability to inspire as a commander. While Adeyemi was
content to profit from raids on Numbani, Ogundimu had a grander vision. This difference in
aspiration would lead Ogundimu to kill his teacher and take on the mantle of Doomfist, along
with the eponymous gauntlet.

Doomfist’s character profile.
Drapes in the Numbani Heritage museum on the Numbani map and Doomfist’s character profile.

Figure 20; Drapes at the Numbani Heritage Museeum.

As the new Doomfist, Ogundimu rose high in Talon and helped to orchestrate a conflict that
the organization hoped would someday engulf the world. However, before their plan came to
fruition, Ogundimu was defeated and captured by an Overwatch strike team that included
Tracer, Winston, and Genji. 238 He was imprisoned in Helix Security International’s classified
maximum security installation for years, where he waited patiently for events he had incited to
play out.239
Finally, he sensed that the time had come for him to return.240 One early morning an unidentified
aircraft approached the Helix facility. Security initially reported that the craft had no passengers
on board, based on radar scans. The craft passed through the range of the installation’s defense
systems without incident, leading some to believe that Talon has moles within Helix. Video
surveillance from within the compound revealed Reaper emerging from the craft and descend-
ing upon the prison grounds. Reaper easily overcame the Helix security agents, leaving over a
dozen dead.241
After escaping from the facility, Helix lost track of Ogundimu until he resurfaced in Numbani,
where he clashed with the newly introduced OR15 defense robots at the Adawe International

Doomfist’s character profile.
Doomfist’s character profile and Talon Involvement Confirmed in Previous Attack on Helix Facility blog arti-
Doomfist’s character profile.
Talon Involvement Confirmed in Previous Attack on Helix Facility blog article.

Terminal and then took back his gauntlet form the vehicle transporting it to the Numbani Her-
itage museum.242 Now, he has retaken his place in Talon’s inner council, ready to spark a war
that will consume the world once again.243

Talon Involvement Confirmed in Previous Attack on Helix Facility blog article, Doomfist’s character profile
and the Numbani map.
Doomfist’s character profile.

Full/real name: Gabriel Reyes

Age: Unknown

Nationality: American244

Height: 1.85m / 6’1”245

Some speak of a black-robed terrorist known only as the

Reaper. His identity and motives are a mystery to most. What
is known is that where he appears, death follows.246
Figure 21; Reaper.
In a previous life was Reaper known as Gabriel Reyes and a
member of the “Soldier Enhancement Program”. 247 He grew up in Los Angeles but left when
he joined the American Military.248

It was within the military he met his friend Jack Morrison. Together the two joined Overwatch
when it was first created. Reyes lead Overwatch throughout the Omnic Crisis but Morrison was
the one who molded the diverse group into a cohesive fighting force. Jack was promoted to
Overwatch’s commander at the end of the Crisis and Gabriel was passed over, causing a rift
between the two.249

Instead Reyes became the commander of Blackwatch, Overwatch’s covert ops unit. 250 While
with Blackwatch Reyes recruited Jesse McCree out on Route 66.251 Reyes was also a test subject
for Blackwatch’s resident scientist Moira O’Deorain.252

Gabriel was later believed dead from an explosion at Overwatch’s headquarters.253

Reaper is an extremely volatile mercenary, a ruthless and remorseless killer responsible for
terrorist attacks across the world. He has fought in many armed conflicts in the last decades,
showing no loyalty to any cause or organization.

Survivors have described a black shadow ghosting unscathed through the most hellish battle-
fields. The few bodies recovered of those he kills are pale, empty husks drained of life, their
cells showing signs of intense degradation. It is possible that he is a byproduct of failed genetic
alteration which forces his cells to simultaneously decay and regenerate at a hyper-accelerated

Reaper’s “Blackwatch Reyes” skin and Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Reaper’s reference kit.
Reaper’s character profile.
Reaper’s “Blackwatch Reyes” skin and Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.
Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity blog article.
Line from Reaper when playing on Route 66 map.
Moira Origin Story video.
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison blog article.

Those attempting to track his movements have begun to see a pattern in his appearances. They
believe that Reaper is hunting former Overwatch agents and systematically eliminating them.254
He has also specifically been searching for Jack Morrison whom he found in Giza. After Mor-
rison got back-up from Ana Amari Reaper retreated255

Reaper’s character profile.
Old Soldiers comic.

Full/real name: Amélie Lacroix

Age: 33

Nationality: French256

Height: 1.75m / 5’9”257

Widowmaker is the perfect assassin: a patient, ruthlessly ef-

ficient killer who shows neither emotion nor remorse.

Figure 22; Widowmaker. It is believed that in her former life, Widowmaker was mar-
ried to Gérard Lacroix, an Overwatch agent spearheading op-
erations against the Talon terrorist organization.258 Before her marriage Amélie’s maiden name
was Guillard and she was an accomplished ballet dancer.259

After several unsuccessful attempts to eliminate Gérard, Talon decided to change its focus to
his wife, Amélie. Talon operatives kidnapped her and subjected her to an intense program of
neural reconditioning. They broke her will, suppressed her personality, and reprogrammed her
as a sleeper agent. She was eventually found by Overwatch agents, apparently none the worse
for wear, and returned to her normal life.

Two weeks later she killed Gérard in his sleep.

Her mission complete, Amélie returned to Talon, and they completed the process of turning her
into a living weapon. She was given extensive training in the covert arts, and then her physiol-
ogy was altered, drastically slowing her heart, which turned her skin cold and blue and numbed
her ability to experience human emotion. Amélie was gone.

Now, Widowmaker is Talon’s most effective assassin, feeling little save the satisfaction of a
job well done.260

Widowmaker’s character profile.
Widowmaker’s reference kit.
Widowmaker’s character profile.
Developer Update Deathmatch video and the flavor text of Widowmaker’s Odette skin.
Widowmaker’s character profile.

Full/real name: Moira O’Deorain
Age: 48
Nationality: Irish
Height: Believed to be 1.90m / 6’2”
Equal parts brilliant and controversial, scientist Moira O’De-
orain is on the cutting edge of genetic engineering, searching
for a way to rewrite the fundamental building blocks of life.
Figure 23; Moira Over a decade ago, O’Deorain made waves when she pub-
lished a controversial paper detailing a methodology for cre-
ating custom genetic programs that could alter DNA at a cellular level. It seemed like a prom-
ising step toward overcoming diseases and disorders and maximizing human potential.
Dissent among her peers soon followed. Many considered her work to be dangerous because of
its perceived ethical shortfalls, and O’Deorain was even accused of having the same unchecked
desire for scientific advancement that some believed had caused the Omnic Crisis. In addition,
other geneticists were unable to reproduce the results of Moira’s research, which further called
her discoveries into question. Instead of kickstarting her career, her paper seriously damaged
her reputation.
She received a lifeline in an offer from an unlikely source: Overwatch’s covert ops division,
Blackwatch. She continued her work in the shadows while developing new weapons and tech-
nologies for the organization.261 As part of her genetic research O’Deorain not only preformed
experiments on herself, but also on Gabriel Reyes.262
Her employment was a closely kept secret, until it was uncovered during inquiries following
the Venice incident. Many high-ranking Overwatch officials disavowed all knowledge of her
affiliation with them.
After Overwatch was disbanded, O’Deorain was forced to turn to unconventional sources of
funding. This time, she was invited to join the scientific collective that had founded the city of
Yet some have whispered that the shadowy Talon organization had already been supporting her
for years, aiding her experiments in exchange for utilizing the results for their own purposes.263
Whether or not this is true O’Deorain did later join the Talon organization. She was specifically
recruited by Reyes due to her talent with genetics. He had some genetics issues he needed help
with.264 O’Deorain eventually became part of Talon’s counsel of leaders.265

Moira’s character profile.
Moira Origin Story video.
Moira’s character profile.
Every Overwatch Hero Explained by Blizzard’s Michael Chu video.
Moira Origin Story video.

Though O’Deorain will go to any lengths to make scientific breakthroughs, her work is still
unknown to most of the world. But now that she has been freed from all constraints, it is only
a matter of time before everything changes.266

Moira’s character profile.

Full/real name: Olivia Colomar267
Age: 30
Nationality: Mexican
Height: Believed to be 1.67m / 5’6”

One of the world's most notorious hackers, Sombra uses in-

formation to manipulate those in power.
Long before she took up the alias “Sombra,” she was among
Figure 24; Sombra. the thousands of children who were left orphaned in the af-
termath of the Omnic Crisis. With much of her country's in-
frastructure destroyed, she survived by utilizing her natural gifts with hacking and computers.
After Sombra was taken in by Mexico’s Los Muertos gang, she aided it in its self-styled revo-
lution against the government. Los Muertos believed that the rebuilding of Mexico had primar-
ily benefited the rich and the influential, leaving behind those who were most in need of assis-
Following her many conquests, Sombra was supremely confident in her skills, but she was
caught unprepared when she stumbled into the web of a global conspiracy—one that had also
noticed her. With her security irreparably compromised, Sombra was forced to delete all traces
of her identity and went into hiding.
She later reemerged as Sombra, upgraded and determined to find out the truth behind the con-
spiracy she had uncovered. Sombra launched an even more audacious string of hacks, and her
exploits earned her no shortage of admirers, including Talon. She joined the organization’s
ranks and is believed to have contributed to its massive cyberattacks against corporations with
strong ties to their governments. These efforts incited a popular revolution in Mexico against
LumériCo and breached the security of Volskaya Industries, the manufacturing arm of Russia’s
anti-Omnic defense.268
Sombra’s cyberattacks on LumériCo revealed, amongst other things, that LumériCo’s CEO,
Guillermo Portero, used the company’s funds as his own piggy bank, that he was personally
involved in bribing public officials and creating a system of kickbacks and payoffs beneficial
to LumériCo, and that he proposed a plan to seize privately held land via government expropri-
ation to expand LumériCo’s facilities throughout Mexico.269
Sombra, Widowmaker, and Reaper conducted a raid on Volskaya Industries’ mech factory in
order to assassinate its CEO Katya Volskaya. Sombra alone reached the CEO but reported that
Katya got away. Secretly the two had made a deal. Sombra wouldn’t leak that Katya had done
business with Omnics and Katya would be in Sombra’s debt.270

Searching comic.
Sombra’s character profile.
Lumérico Revelations: CEO Guillermo Portero Under Fire blog article.
Infiltration animated short.

This “secret” deal wasn’t as secret as Sombra believed. Reaper learned of it and reported it to
Doomfist who didn’t seem to mind Sombra’s private ambitions.271

Masquerade comic.

Full/real name: Orisa
Age: 1 month
Nationality: Numbanian272
Height: Believed to be 2.60m / 8’6”
Built from parts of one of Numbani’s short-lived OR15 de-
fense robots, Orisa is the city's newest protector, though she
still has much to learn.
Figure 25; Orisa. Originally put into service before the Omnic Crisis, the
OR14 “Idina” line of security robots was built in Nigeria’s
massive manufacturing omnium. After the war, they were taken out of production, along with
many of the other models used during the crisis. Twenty years later, Numbani revived and
recommissioned the OR14 program to protect the city from external threats. These new OR15s
were deployed for a short time before they were destroyed in an attack by Doomfist.
Following the attack, the program was scrapped, and the civic government sold off the remain-
ing OR15 inventory. Some parts were purchased by eleven-year-old Efi Oladele, a brilliant girl
whose early accomplishments in robotics and artificial intelligence had already earned her the
Adawe Foundation's “genius grant.”
With the approval of her understanding and open-minded parents, Efi spent the bulk of her grant
money to acquire one of the decommissioned OR15 bots. She believed that Numbani needed a
protector and that an upgraded OR15 could do just that. Efi repaired and reconfigured the robot
and installed a personality core that she had designed herself.
She named Numbani’s newest hero Orisa.
Orisa has shown that she can be of service to the city, but she is still working toward finding
her optimal protocols. The Omnic’s inexperience can cause her to be an occasional liability.
Fortunately, between Efi’s willingness to make the necessary modifications and Orisa’s adap-
tive artificial intelligence, both robot and creator have always been able to set things right.
As Orisa starts her career as a guardian, she has much to learn about the world and her func-
tionality. But as long as she is guided by Efi’s boundless optimism and her own growing sense
of honor and duty, Orisa stands ready to protect Numbani and her creator at any cost.273

Orisa’s character profile.
Orisa’s character profile.

Full/real name: Tekhartha Zenyatta

Age: 20

Nationality: Nepalese274

Height: 1.72m / 5’8”275

Zenyatta is an Omnic monk who wanders the world in search

of spiritual enlightenment. It is said that those who cross his
path are never the same again.
Figure 26; Zenyatta.
Years ago, following the Omnic Crisis, a group of outcast
Omnic robots experienced what they described as a spiritual awakening. They abandoned their
preprogrammed lives to establish a communal monastery deep in the Himalayas. After many
years of meditation on the nature of existence, they came to the belief that they were more than
artificial intelligences and that, like humans, they possessed the essence of a soul.

Recognizing the spiritual equality they held with humans, the monks, led by the enigmatic robot
known as Tekhartha Mondatta, sought to heal the wounds caused by the Omnic Crisis a gener-
ation earlier and bring humans and robots back into societal harmony. Their message was em-
braced by millions around the world, and they became global celebrities.

But one monk, Zenyatta, disagreed with this new direction. He believed that the way to repair
the problems between humans and Omnics was not through dogmatic teaching but through
interpersonal connection and engagement.

Ultimately, Zenyatta followed his own path. He chose to leave the monastery and wander the
world, helping those he meets to overcome their personal struggles and find inner peace. But,
when necessary, he will fight to protect the innocent, be they Omnic or human.276

Zenyatta’s character profile.
Zenyatta’s reference kit.
Zenyatta’s character profile.

Full/real name: SST Laboratories Siege Automaton E54
Age: 30
Nationality: Unknown277
Height: 2.20m / 7’3”278
Once a frontline combatant in the devastating Omnic Crisis,
this curious Bastion unit now explores the world, fascinated
by nature but wary of a fearful humanity.
Figure 27; Bastion. Originally created for peacekeeping purposes, Bastion robot
units possessed the unique ability to rapidly reconfigure
themselves into an assault-cannon mode. But during the Omnic Crisis, they were turned against
their human makers, forming the bulk of the Omnics’ rebel army. Following the resolution of
the crisis, nearly all of them were destroyed or disassembled. To this day, Bastion units still
symbolize the horrors of the conflict.
One unique Bastion unit, severely damaged in the final battles of the war, was left forgotten for
over a decade. It lay dormant, exposed to the elements and rusting while nature slowly re-
claimed it. Overgrown with vines and roots and nested upon by small animals, the robot sat
inert, seemingly unaware of the passing of time. That was until one fateful day, when it unex-
pectedly reactivated. With its combat programming all but lost, it instead displayed an intense
curiosity about the natural world and its inhabitants. This inquisitive Bastion unit set out to
explore its surroundings and discover its purpose on a war-ravaged planet.279
Its travels lead it to a town in northern Sweden. There it ran into Torbjörn who had come to
scrap the Omnic. The inventor was surprised to see that the walking turret was quite friendly
toward the forests inhabitants and Bastion showed no signs of wanting to fight. Torbjörn de-
cided to save the Bastion from the Swedish military and took it with him.280

Though Bastion appears to be gentle—even harmless, at times—its core combat programming

takes over when the unit senses danger, utilizing its entire arsenal to eliminate anything it per-
ceives as a threat. This has led to instances of conflict with the few humans it has encountered,
and has driven it to avoid populated areas in favor of the wild, uncharted regions of the world.281
This hostile reaction has been triggered within the safety of the forest though. Mistaking the
sound of a woodpecker for gunfire Bastion fired around itself until realizing it was not under

Bastion’s character profile.
Bastion’s reference kit.
Bastion’s character profile.
Binary comic.
Bastion’s character profile.
The Last Bastion animated short.

Other, No or Unknown Affiliation
Full/real name: Hanzo Shimada

Age: 38

Nationality: Japanese283

Height: 1.73m / 5’8”284

Mastering his skills as a bowman and an assassin, Hanzo

Shimada strives to prove himself as a warrior without peer.

Figure 28; Hanzo. The Shimada family was established centuries ago, a clan of
assassins whose power grew over the years, enabling them
to build a vast criminal empire that profited from lucrative trade in arms and illegal substances.
As the eldest son of the family's head, Hanzo was bound by duty to succeed his father and rule
the Shimada empire. From a young age, he was trained for that responsibility, displaying a
natural aptitude for leadership and possessing an innate understanding of strategy and tactics.
He also excelled in more practical areas: he was a prodigy in martial arts, swordplay, and bow-

Upon the death of his father, the clan elders instructed Hanzo to straighten out his wayward
younger brother so that he, too, might help rule the Shimada empire. When his brother refused,
Hanzo was forced to kill him. This act broke Hanzo’s heart and drove him to reject his father's
legacy, ultimately leading him to abandon the clan and all that he had worked so hard to attain.

Now, Hanzo travels the world, perfecting his skills as a warrior, attempting to restore his honor
and put the ghosts of his past to rest.285 Though, every year, on the same day, Hanzo return to
Shimada castle to honor the fall of his younger brother. It was on one of these days he was
confronted by Genji who told Hanzo that after much soul searching he managed to forgive
Hanzo for his mistakes and it was time Hanzo forgave himself.286

Hanzo’s character profile.
Hanzo’s reference kit.
Hanzo’s character profile.
Dragons animated short.

Full/real name: Fareeha Amari

Age: 32

Nationality: Egyptian287/ Canadian288

Height: 1.80m / 5’11”289

Fareeha Amari’s commitment to duty runs in her blood. She

comes from a long line of highly decorated soldiers and
burns with the desire to serve with honor. 290
Figure 29; Pharah.
As a child, Fareeha dreamed of following in her mother’s
footsteps and joining the global peacekeeping force, Overwatch.291 She even got an eye tattoo
matching her mother’s.292 Due to her mother’s legacy and her father being a public servant,
doing what’s good for the people ran in her blood.293

It’s from her father’s side Fareeha is part of a First Nation tribe and she visited him in Canada
during the holidays. 294 She also happens to enjoy ‘classic’ rock.295

When old enough Fareeha enlisted in the Egyptian army, and her dogged persistence and tacti-
cal prowess caused her to rise up through the officer ranks. She was a courageous leader and
earned the loyalty of all who served under her. With her exemplary record, Fareeha was well
placed to join the ranks of Overwatch, but before she had that opportunity, Overwatch was

After leaving the army with a commendation for distinguished service, she was offered em-
ployment with Helix Security International, a private security firm contracted to defend the
artificial intelligence research facility beneath the Giza Plateau. The top-secret facility was
touted as vital to the safety of not only the region but countries across the globe. Fareeha gladly
accepted the choice assignment and received training in the Raptora Mark VI, an experimental
combat suit designed for rapid mobility and devastating firepower.

Under the call sign “Pharah,” she works to safeguard the AI installation. Though she mourns
Overwatch’s passing, she still dreams of fighting the good fight and making a difference on a
global scale.296

Pharah’s character profile.
The LoreCraft The Art of Storytelling panel at BlizzCon 2017.
Pharah’s reference kit.
Pharah’s character profile.
Pharah’s character profile.
Mission Statement comic.
Every Overwatch Hero Explained by Blizzard’s Michael Chu video.
The LoreCraft The Art of Storytelling panel at BlizzCon 2017 and Reflections comic.
AMA: Michael Chu Reddit post.
Pharah’s character profile.

Full/real name: Mako Rutledge

Age: 48

Nationality: Australian297

Height: 2.20m / 7’3”298

Roadhog is a ruthless killer with a well-earned reputation for

cruelty and wanton destruction.

Figure 30; Roadhog. After the Omnic Crisis, government officials gifted the Aus-
tralian Omnium and the surrounding area to the Omnics that
had nearly destroyed their country, hoping to establish a long-term peace accord. This arrange-
ment permanently displaced Mako Rutledge and a large number of the Outback's residents, a
scattered collection of survivalists, solar farmers, and people who just wanted to be left alone.

Furious over the loss of their homes, Mako and others turned to violent rebellion. They formed
the Australian Liberation Front and struck against the omnium and its robot population to take
back the lands that had been stolen. Events continued to escalate until the rebels sabotaged the
Omnium’s fusion core, resulting in an explosion that destroyed the facility, irradiated the re-
gion, and littered the Outback with twisted metal and wreckage for kilometers around.

Mako watched as his home became an apocalyptic wasteland, and he was forever changed.

Adapting to his environment, he donned a mask and took to the broken highways of the Outback
on his ramshackle chopper. Little by little, his humanity was forgotten. The last vestiges of
Mako faded away and the ruthless killer Roadhog was born.299

Roadhog later got hired as Junkrat’s bodyguard.300 Together they got kicked out of Junkertown.
In an attempt to bribe their way back in the odd duo went on a crime spree round the globe. 301
They even robed the Bank of Dorado and have stolen the crown jewels in London.302 There’s a
reward on 25,000,000 dollars if either Junkrat or Roadhog is found.303

Roadhog’s character profile.
Roadhog’s reference kit.
Roadhog’s character profile.
Junkrat’s character profile.
Junkertown: The Plan animated short and Junkrat’s character profile.
Line from Junkrat when playing on the Dorado map and A Moment in Crime video.
A Moment in Crime video.

Full/real name: Jamison Fawkes

Age: 25

Nationality: Australian304

Height: 1.95m / 6’6”305

Junkrat is an explosives-obsessed freak who lives to cause

chaos and destruction. The attack on the Australian Om-
nium’s fusion core forever altered the landscape of the Out-
Figure 31; Junkrat. back. After the detonation, the area was transformed into a
harsh, irradiated wasteland, littered with debris and the
twisted fragments of the ruined facility, and unlivable to most.

But there were some who survived. Calling themselves the Junkers, they scavenged the husk of
the Omnium and formed a lawless, cutthroat society in its shadow. Junkrat was one of them,
eking out a living reclaiming metal and components from the ruins. Like many others, he was
affected by the lingering radiation. This touch of madness made him ideal for handling danger-
ous explosives, a love which he turned into an obsession.

He came to notoriety when he discovered an extremely valuable secret in the bones of the Om-
nium.306 Some seems to believe that this “secret” is actually some sort of treasure.307 few knew
the nature of what he found, he was nonetheless pursued by bounty hunters, gangs, and oppor-
tunists wherever he went, until he made a deal with the Junker enforcer Roadhog, who grudg-
ingly agreed to be his personal bodyguard in exchange for a fifty-fifty share of the spoils.308

The both of them got kicked out of Junkertown after causing too much trouble. Realizing that
the only way back in was through bribery Junkrat, with Roadhog in tow, left the Outback, and
embarked upon an international crime spree leaving nothing but havoc and bedlam in their
wake.309 They even robed the Bank of Dorado and have stolen the crown jewels in London.310
There’s a reward on 25,000,000 dollars if either Junkrat or Roadhog is found.311

Junkrat’s character profile.
Junkrat’s reference kit.
Junkrat’s character profile.
Dialogue between Hanzo and Junkrat if both are chosen on the same team.
Junkrat’s character profile.
Junkertown: The Plan animated short and Junkrat’s character profile.
Line from Junkrat when playing on the Dorado map and A Moment in Crime video.
A Moment in Crime video.

Full/real name: Satya Vaswani
Age: 28
Nationality: Indian312
Height: 1.70m / 5’7”313
Symmetra literally bends reality. By manipulating hard-light
constructs, she crafts the world as she wishes it to be, in
hopes of engineering a perfect society.
Figure 32; Symmetra. Following the Omnic Crisis, the Vishkar Corporation of
southern India began the laborious process of creating new,
self-sustaining cities to house the nation's displaced population. One such city, Utopaea, was
created using radical hard-light technology that enabled its architechs to shape the city’s streets,
utilities, and living spaces in the blink of an eye.
After she was identified as one of the few capable of becoming a light-bending architech, young
Satya Vaswani was plucked from extreme poverty and placed in the care of Vishkar’s architech
academy, never to return home.314
Satya spent her first years in life on the streets of Hyderbad. To this day crowdy, chaotic, filthy
places reminds her of her first home.315 Lively streets, due to her autism, makes her uncomfort-
Isolated and lonely in her new life, Satya immersed herself in her education and training. She
quickly grasped the applications of the technology and was one of the top students in her class.
Satya approached hard-light manipulation differently than her peers, with their more proce-
dural, mechanical constructions, instead weaving her constructs in the motions of the traditional
dance of her homeland.
Though she was one of Utopaea’s top architechs, the Vishkar Corporation saw far greater po-
tential in Satya’s abilities. Giving her the moniker “Symmetra,” Vishkar sent her on clandestine
missions around the world to uphold its corporate interests and expand its influence into other
Symmetra believes her actions serve the greater good in society. But there are times when she
wonders whether the control and order she desires are truly best for humanity.317

Symmetra’s character profile.
Symmetra’s reference kit.
Symmetra’s character profile.
A Better World comic.
A Better World comic and private letter from Jeff Kaplan.
Symmetra’s character profile.

Full/real name: Lúcio Correia dos Santos
Age: 26
Nationality: Brazilian318
Height: 1.60m / 5’3”319
Lúcio is an international celebrity who inspires social change
through his music and actions.320 In addition to music is
Lúcio also quite fond of hockey and have played a bit of
Figure 33; Lúcio.
Lúcio Correia dos Santos grew up in Rio de Janeiro, in a poor
and crowded favela that was hit hard by the financial upheaval following the Omnic Crisis. As
Brazil began the long process of recovery, he wanted to find a way to lift the spirits of those
around him. He found his answer in music and its power to bring people together and even help
them forget their troubles, if only for a short time. He performed on street corners, in block
parties, and as he got older, at a string of legendary underground shows.
But Lúcio’s close-knit community was thrown into chaos when the multinational Vishkar Cor-
poration secured a contract to redevelop large tracts of the city. Lúcio and his neighbors had
been told that the development would improve their lives. However, that promise never became
a reality. Vishkar imposed controls on the residents in the name of building a more orderly
society: enforcing curfews, cracking down on what the company perceived as lawless behavior,
and exploiting the populace as a cheap labor force.
Lúcio wouldn’t stand for it. He stole Vishkar sonic technology that had been used to suppress
the people, and he converted it into a tool to rally them to action. In a popular uprising, they
drove Vishkar out of their neighborhoods. Lúcio’s leadership made him a star overnight and a
symbol for positive social change. His music skyrocketed in popularity. Whereas he had once
performed locally, he was now filling arenas across the world.
With his newfound fame, Lúcio realizes that he has an opportunity to make a difference and
change the world for the better.322
When in battle Lúcio plays the songs Rejuvenescência and We Move Together As One from his
album Synaesthesia through the stolen Vishkar sonic technology.323
Lúcio’s left arm tattoo is inspired by the Giant Monkey frog from the Amazon basin which is
used in traditional healing ceremonies.324

Lúcio’s character profile.
Lúcio’s reference kit.
Lúcio’s character profile.
Line from Lúcio when playing on the Volskaya Industries map and the flavor text for Lúcio’s “Striker” skin.
Lúcio’s character profile.
Lúcio brings music to life with Synaesthesia world tour blog article.
The art of Overwatch.

Full/real name: Hana Song
Age: 19
Nationality: South Korean325
Height: Believed to be 1.67m / 5’6”
At the age of 16, D.Va became the #1 ranked StarCraft
player in the world and proceeded to go undefeated for the
next three years in all competitions. D.Va is an international
star, beloved by her fans at home and abroad, and has toured
Figure 34; D.VA.
in exhibitions around the world.326 Despite her success as a
pro gamer D.VA can’t beat her dad at StarCraft.327
As if being a mega gamer star wasn’t enough, D.Va has also participated in the Hollywood
movie “Hero of My Storm”.328 Recently, she has taken a step back from competitions and film-
ing and is now using her skills to pilot a state-of-the-art mech in defense of her homeland.329
Twenty years ago, South Korea was attacked by a colossal Omnic monstrosity that rose from
the depths of the East China Sea. The massive, lumbering construct caused catastrophic damage
to coastal cities before it was driven back beneath the waves. In response, the South Korean
government developed a mechanized armored drone unit, called MEKA, to protect urban envi-
ronments in future engagements with the Omnic threat.
The government's fears proved to be well founded, as a disturbing pattern of attacks emerged.
Every few years, the monstrosity would rise from the sea to assault South Korea and its neigh-
bors. The Omnic learned from these encounters, often reconfiguring itself in a different form
and appearing with new weapons and capabilities. Each incident ended in a stalemate, with the
monstrosity defeated but not destroyed.
As the Omnic continued to adapt, it eventually disrupted MEKA’s drone-control networks,
forcing the military to place pilots in the mechs. Scrambling to find suitable candidates, the
government turned to the country's professional gamers, who possessed the necessary reflexes
and instincts to operate the mechs' advanced weapons systems. Top stars were drafted, includ-
ing reigning world champion Hana Song, also known as “D.Va.” Famous for her elite skills,
D.Va was a fierce competitor who played to win at all costs, and she had a well-earned reputa-
tion for showing no mercy to her opponents.
Seeing her new mission as a game, D.Va fearlessly charges into battle alongside the rest of her
MEKA unit, ready to spring to her nation's defense at a moment's notice. Recently, she has
begun to stream combat operations to her adoring fans, and her growing following has turned
her into a global icon.330

D.VA’s character profile.
D.VA’s StarCraft page.
Rare line from D.VA when playing as her.
Movie poster on the Hollywood map and the Oasis map.
D.VA’s StarCraft page and character profile.
D.VA’s character profile.

Full/real name: Aleksandra Zaryanova
Age: 28
Nationality: Russian331
Height: 1.95m / 6’5”332
Aleksandra Zaryanova is one of the world's strongest
women, a celebrated athlete who sacrificed personal glory to
protect her family, friends, and country in a time of war.
Figure 35; Zarya. Aleksandra was born in a remote Siberian village that was on
the front lines of the Omnic Crisis, which began some thirty
years ago. Although Russian forces defeated the robots and shut down their Omnium, the region
was devastated by the conflict. Only a child at the time, Aleksandra was surrounded by the post-
war destruction, and as she grew older, she swore that she would gain the strength to help her
people recover.
Focusing on weightlifting and bodybuilding, Aleksandra was identified by the national athletics
program as a potential star. She trained extensively, moving up the ranks while representing her
country, and was expected to shatter longstanding records in the upcoming world champion-
ships.333 She alredy held the record in weightlifting, 512 kg/1129 Ibs, which she tattooed onto
her shoulder.334
But on the eve of the tournament, an attack came from the long-dormant Siberian omnium, and
her village was thrust into war once again. Aleksandra immediately withdrew from the compe-
tition and rushed home to enlist in the local defense forces, sacrificing the life of fame and
fortune she might have had.
Now she serves—a symbol to some, a stalwart fellow soldier to others. But for Aleksandra, it
is a chance to use her great strength to protect the ones she loves.335
Katya Volskaya, CEO of Volskaya Industries, sent Zarya to apprehend Sombra. Sombra had
threatened Katya and needed to be brought to justice. When Zarya’s leads ran dry Katya asked
her to team up with the Omnic and hacker Lynx Seventeen. Together the two of them managed
to find Sombra who revealed to Zarya that Katya bought her recent technology from Omnics.
The warehouse Zarya and Lynx tracked Sombra to was rigged to explode. At the cost of Somba
getting away Zarya saved a knocked-out Lynx.336

Zarya’s character profile.
Zarya’s reference kit.
Zarya’s character profile.
The Art of Overwatch.
Zarya’s character profile.
Searching comic.

Behind the Heroes
Balderich von Adler
General Balderich von Adler lead the German based combat organ-
ization Crusaders.337 Balderich was born and raised in the village
Eichenwalde. Balderich lead a handful of fellow Crusaders to
Eichenwalde in an effort to outflank the Omnic army.338
Balderich’s soldiers were able to break down the enemy forces, giv-
ing the German military an opportunity to push back; however, the
Crusaders didn’t make it out of the battle and General Balderich
finally collapsed in the castle’s great hall.339
Balderich von Adler, was the originally the one asked to join Over-
watch but after he fell in the battle at Eichenwalde Reinhardt joined
in his master’s stead.340
Figure 36; Balderich. Thanks to a transportable, mechanical battering ram Baldrich’s re-
mains was years later recovered.341
Brigitte Lindholm
Brigitte travels with Reinhardt and preform maintenance on his armor.342 Both visited Torbjörn,
Birgitte’s father, during Christmas.343

Figure 37; Brigitte.

The Last Bastion animated short and Patch notes – September 1, 2016.
Patch notes – September 1, 2016 and line from Reinhardt on the Eichenwalde map.
Patch notes – September 1, 2016.
Honor and Glory animated short.
Payload’s animation when reaching second checkpoint on the Eichenwalde map.
Dragon Slayer comic.
Reflections comic and Brigitte twitter post.

The Ecopoint: Antarctica Team
There was a team of five stationed together with Mei-Ling Zhou on the Antarctica station. The
Americans Adams and MacReady, the station’s researcher and engineer respectively; Arrhe-
nius, a Swedish climatologist and the teams cryonicist experts Opara, from Numbani, and the
Spaniard Torres.344
Efi Odele
The brilliant eleven-year-old’s early accomplishments in robotics and artificial intelligence
have already earned her the Adawe Foundation’s “genius grant.” With the approval of her un-
derstanding and open-minded parents, Efi spent the bulk of her grant money to acquire one of
the decommissioned OR15 bots. She believed that Numbani needed a protector and that an
upgraded OR15 could do just that. Efi repaired and
reconfigured the robot and installed a personality
core that she had designed herself. She named
Numbani’s newest hero Orisa.345
Emily is Tracer’s girlfriend and together they share
an apartment in London.346

Figure 38; Efi and Orisa.

Figure 39; Emily and Tracer.

Gérard Lacroix
Gérard was the Overwatch agent spearheading operations against the Talon terrorist organiza-
tion. After several unsuccessful attempts to eliminate Gérard, Talon decided to change its focus
to his wife, Amélie. Talon operatives kidnapped her and subjected her to an intense program of
neural reconditioning. They broke her will, suppressed her personality, and reprogrammed her
as a sleeper agent. She was eventually found by Overwatch agents, apparently none the worse
for wear, and returned to her normal life.

The cryopods on the Ecopoint: Antartica map.
Orisa’s character profile.
Reflections comic.

Two weeks later she killed Gérard in his sleep. She’s
now known as Widowmaker.347
Guillermo Portero
Guillermo Portero was a war hero and the former president
of Mexico. He was also the former CEO of LumériCO, a
company providing clean, free energy to the Mexican peo-
Portero had to step down as CEO after the hacker Sombra
brought some sensitive information to light. Portero was
accused of using the company’s funds as his own piggy
bank, that he bribed public officials and created a system
of kickbacks and payoffs beneficial to LumériCo, and fi-
nally, that he proposed a plan to seize privately held land
via government expropriation to expand LumériCo’s facil-
ities throughout Mexico.
Guillermo denies all accusation. He claims to have acted
with the highest levels of integrity and that he has dedi-
cated his life to his country.349 Regardless of his claims
Figure 41; Gérard and Amélie's wedding. Mr. Portero had to reluctantly step down from the CEO po-
Dr. Harold Winston
Dr. Harold Winston was a scientist on the Horizon Lunar space station.
Among the stations residents was a group of genetically enhanced go-

One gorilla displayed such rapid brain development from the gene ther-
apy that he was taken under the wing of Dr. Winston, who taught him
science and inspired him with tales of human ingenuity.351

The young gorilla, later to also be known as Winston, showed limitless

curiosity for the universe around him. But even though he was fasci-
nated by the wonders of science, he also had a fondness for stories, par-
ticularly the tales that were passed down from generation to generation.

Dr. Winston cared deeply for the young ape’s education and training.
One Lunar New Year Dr. Winston had the young gorilla read the story
Figure 40; Dr. Winston.
Journey to the West.352

Widowmaker’s character profile.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Lumérico Revelations: CEO Guillermo Portero Under Fire blog article.
Lumérico CEO Steps Down blog article.
Winston’s character profile.
Winston’s Journey to the West tapestry/comic.

Sadly Dr. Winston perished when the other gorillas preformed an uprising and attacked the
Lunar station scientists.353

A member of Lucheng Interstellar is an associate to the late Dr. Harold Winston. A framed
photo of Dr. Winston and his young gorilla friend, is on this person’s desk at their office within
Lijiang Tower.354

HAL-Fred Glitchbot
Goldshire Studios’ Omnic film auteur HAL-Fred Glitchbot’s two latest films, They Come from
Beyond the Moon and Six-Gun Killer, gained a varying amount of critical and commercial ac-
claim. However, even the city where stars are born aren’t immune to anti-Omnic views. The
outspoken director has become a prime target in the escalating conflict.355
Fearing for his safety Glitchbot hired some bodyguards who would be by his side when, for
example, traveling back to his trailer.356
Katya Volskaya
Katya Volskaya is the CEO of the Russian company Volskaya
Industries.357 The company produce the human-piloted Svyatogor
mechs which is used to protect the country from the recent Omnic
There was an attempt on her life by the Talon operatives Widow-
maker, Reaper and Sombra. Sombra was the only one to reach
Katya and reporter the mission a failure, the target had gotten
away. In truth Sombra had made a deal with Katya. Sombra
wouldn’t reveal that Katya made business deals with Omnics and
Katya, in turn, would be in Sombra’s debt.359
Figure 42; Katya Volskaya. In response to the attack Katya sent Zarya to find out more about

Winston’s character profile.
Ljiang Tower map.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Lines from the payload on the Hollywood map.
Overwatch Katya twitter post.
Overwatch Visual Source Book.
Infiltration animated short.
Searching comic.

The Lindholm family
Torbjörn lives with his wife and eight of his nine children in Gothenburg, Sweden. Reinhardt
and Brigitte visited them during Christmas.361

Figure 43; Christmas at the Lindholms.

Reflections comic, Trobjörn’s character profile and Brigitte twitter post.

Lynx Seventeen
Lynx Seventeen is a hacker who teamed up with Zarya in order to hunt down Sombra. Lynx
believed Sombra to be a collective at first before Zarya informed them that Sombra was a just
one woman. Looking into Sombra’s work and actions had been a bit of a passion project for
Together the Lynx and Zarya managed to track Sombra to a warehouse in Dorado. The ware-
house was rigged to explode. At the cost of Somba getting away Zarya saved a knocked-out
Lynx from the explosion.362

Figure 44; Zarya and Lynx Seventeen.

One of Talon’s leaders.363

Figure 45; Maximilien.

The Queen of Junkertown

The leader of the Junkers and Junkertown.364

Searching comic.
Masquerade comic.
Junkertown New Escort Map video.

Sam is Fareeha Amari’s father and husband to Ana Amari.365 He’s part of a First Nation tribe
and works as a public servent.366 Fareeha visited him in Canada during the holidays.367

Snowball is the tiny, floating robot that powers Mei’s portable version of her climate-manipu-
lation technology.368 It can create a miniature snowstorm, freezing anyone in its vicinity.369
Sven is an old collogue of Torbjörn from his Iron Clad days. Sven stole
and reconfigured a Titan Omnic to attack Kurjikstan. The attack was
meant as a demonstration of his weapon of mass destruction, his intention
for governments to use the weapon to create peace. Torbjörn accused Sven
of wanting to sell the weapon to the highest bidder.370
Sojiro Shimada
Genji’s and Hanzo’s father and the previous leader of the Shimada Ninja
Tekhartha Mondatta Figure 46; Sven.

The late Tekhartha Mondatta was the leader of the Monks of Shambali.372
This order consisted mostly of outcast Omnic robots and their massage of peace and unity was
embraced by many.373
In an attempt to improve the relations between Omnics and Humans, a home for the Omnics
was built in King’s Row, London, and Mondatta was present at the opening to show his sup-
port.374 However, the Omnic extremist group, Null Sector, launched a surprise attack on King’s
row during the opening ceremony.375 Null Sector took London mayor Nandah, Mondatta and
hundreds of civilians hostage. In response, Overwatch, against the approval of the U.K Prime
Minister, sent in a team to liberate King’s Row.376
Years after this horrid event Mondatta returned to King’s Row. This time to hold a speech.
Mondatta was sadly assassinated by Widowmaker, a Talon operative, in the middle of his

The Voices of Blizzard: United Nations of Overwatch panel at Blizzcon 2017.
The LoreCraft The Art of Storytelling panel at BlizzCon 2017 and Every Overwatch Hero Explained by Bliz-
zard’s Michael Chu video.
Reflections comics.
Rise and shine animated short and Mei’s character profile.
Mei’s ultimate.
Destroyer comic.
The flavor text for Genji’s “Sparrow” skin and Genji’s character profile.
Overwatch Visual Source Book and Zenyatta’s character profile.
Zenyatta’s character profile.
Overwatch Uprising event intro cutscene.
Overwatch Uprising event intro cutscene.
Uprising comic.
Alive animated short and Widowmaker’s character profile.

In this section, I’ve listed what’s been changed and added between versions. Changes are listed
in order of when they appear in the document, not when they were added.

Version II
Tweaked the cover.
Rewrote the Introduction.
Changed the wording and the phrasing throughout the document.
Added info about OR14 under “Omnic Crisis and Overwatch’s Creation”.
Added subheadings under “After the Crisis”.
Moved the picture of the Blackwatch symbol from “After the Crisis” to “The Fall of Over-
Moved the info regarding the Outbacks from “After the Crisis” to “Around the World”.
Added the subheadings “Locations” and “Groups and Organizations” under “Around the
Added info about Castillo, Korea, Kurjikstan, Necropolis and Russia.
Added a picture of Hanamura under “Hanamura”.
Moved parts of the info under “Volskaya Industires” to the subhead “Groups and Organiza-
Added info about the Deadlock Gang, Los Muertos, LumériCo, Talon, Vishkar Corporation
and Utopaea.
Added pictures of all the characters under “Characters”.
Changed the subhead for every character from their full name to their name in the game.
Added info about every character’s full names, age, nationality and height.
Added info regarding Soldier:76’s and Ana’s team up under “Soldier:76” and “Ana”.
Added a picture of Ana’s family under “Ana”.
Added a subhead for Liao under “Characters”.
Removed a picture of baby Winston from “Winston”.
Added info about how Mercy makes herself look so young under “Mercy”.
Added info about Genji’s childhood nickname and the name of his sword under “Genji”.
Added info about Reapers run-in with Soldier:76 and Ana under “Reaper”.
Added info about Widowmaker’s history with ballet under “Widowmaker”.
Added info regarding Sombra’s hacking of LumériCO and her deal with the CEO of Volskaya
Industries under “Sombra”.

Added some info about the reward of catching Junkrat and Roadhog under “Junkrat”.
Added a subhead for Doomfist under “Characters”.
Added the section “Behind the Heroes”.
Added the “Thank You” section.

Version III
Changed the font on the cover.
Changed the wording and the phrasing throughout the document.
Added one or two paragraphs to the introduction.
Returned info about the Outbacks to “After the Crisis”.
Moved most of the info from “the Present” to “Talon”.
Rewrote “the Present”.
Renamed the subhead “The Outbacks” to “The Australian Outbacks”.
Added info about the payload under “Dorado and Mexico”, “King’s Row” and “Watchpoint:
Added a subhead for Junkertown under “Locations”.
Added info from D.VA’s character profile to “Korea”.
Added my theory that Numbani is a city state under “Numbani” and a picture of the city’s flag.
Added a subhead for Utopaea under “Locations”.
Moved the info regarding Utopaea from “Vishkar Corporation” to “Utopaea”.
Added a subhead for the Australian Liberation Front under “Groups and Organization”.
Added a subhead for the Crusaders under “Groups and Organizations”.
Moved the info regarding the Crusaders from “Eichenwalde” to “the Crusaders”.
Added info about the payload on the Eichenwalde map under “the Crusaders”.
Added a subhead for the Junkers, MEKA, Null Sector and Shambali under “Groups and Organ-
Moved the info regarding the Shambali from “Nepal” to “the Shambali”.
Added info about attacking retired Overwatch agents under “Talon”.
Added info about Talon leadership under “Talon”.
Added a subhead for Helix Security International under “Groups and Organizations”.
Changed Ana’s picture to one with better quality.
Moved the info regarding Doomfist from “Other, No or Unknown Affiliation” to “Talon Affil-

Added info about Akande Ogundimu under “Doomfist”.
Added info regarding Widowmaker’s maiden name under “Widowmaker”.
Added info about Doomfist’s knowledge regarding Sombra’s deal with Katya Volskaya under
Added info regarding Junkertown under “Junkrat” and “Roadhog”.
Changed D.VA’s believed height.
Added info about D.VA’s dad under “D.VA”.
Rearranged the subheads under “Behind the Heroes” to alphabetical order.
Added a subhead for the Ecopoint: Antarctica team, Guillermo Portero and HAL-Fred Glitchbot
under “Behind the Heroes”.
Added pictures of Katya Volskaya and Dr. Harold Winston under “Behind the Heroes”.
Moved info regarding HAL-Fred Glitchbot from “Hollywood” to “HAL-Fred Glitchbot”
Added info regarding the payload on the Hollywood map under “HAL-Fred Glitchbot”.
Added a subhead for Katya Volskaya, Maximilian, Tekhartha Mondatta and Snowball under
“Behind the Heroes”.
Added a subhead for changes between versions of the document.
Added a couple of names to the “Thank You” section.

Version IV
Changed the cover.
Fixed a couple of grammatical and spelling errors throughout the text.
Shortened a paragraph under “Overwatch’s Original Members”.
Added Blizzard World under “Locations”.
Added scientists’ names and details regarding Hammond’s escape under “Horizon Lunar Col-
Added the updated exhibition on the Numbani map under “Numbani”.
Added info regarding the battle at Eichenwalde under “Reinhardt”.
Added some pieces of info regarding connections with other characters under “Reaper”.
Added Moira under “Characters”.
Added info regarding Zaryas search for Sombra under “Zarya”.
Added Balderich von Adler under “Behind the Heroes”.
Renamed “Birgitte” to Birigitte Lindholm” and added that Birgitte is Torbjörn’s daughter un-
der “Birgitte Lindholm”.

Added info regarding Zaryas search for Sombra under “Katya Volskaya”.
Added Lynx Seventeen under “Behind the Heroes”.
Added the Queen of Junkertown under “Behind the Heroes”.
Added Sam under “Behind the Heroes”.

The Art of Overwatch; Burns, Matt; 2017
LoreCraft The Art of Storytelling; Blizzcon 2017 panel
Overwatch; Blizzard Entertainment; 24/05/2016
Overwatch Visual Source Book; Blizzard Entertainment; 2016
Private letter from Jeff Kaplan; Obtained 18/05/2017;
Voices of Blizzard: United Nation of Overwatch; Blizzcon 2017 panel

Blog articles and Social Media

AMA Request: Michael Chu; 15/05/2017;
Beta Patch notes – Aarch 22, 2016; Lylirra; 23/03/2016;
Brigette twitter post; 04/11/2017;
D.VA’s StarCraft page;
Experimental weapons stolen from Watchpoint: Grand Mesa; Atlas News Staff; 30/06/2015;
Fading Glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison; Shaw, Olympia; 06/07/2015; https://playover-
Katya Volskaya twitter post; 04/08/2015;
Lúcio brings music to life with Synaesthesia world tour; Atlas News Staff; 30/07/2015;
Lumérico CEO Steps Down; Atlas News Staff; 11/03/2016;
Lumérico Revelations: CEO Guillermo Portero Under Fire; Atlas News Staff; 28/10/2016;
Lumérico Vision for Mexico Unveiled, but Threats to Safety and Security Remain; Atlas News
Staff; 18/05/2016;
Mei’s Adventure; Zhou, Mei-Ling; 02/11/2015;
New Details Emerge About Possible Fate of Horizon Lunar Colony; 30/05/2017; https://play-
Oasis travel tips; Oasis Ministry of Tourism; 01/03/2017;

Overwatch: Anniversary; Obtained 15/06/2017;
Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity; Shaw, Olym-
pia; 27/05/2016;
Overwatch PTR Now Available; Blizzard Entertainment; 11/29/2016; https://playover-
Patch notes – September 1, 2016; Lylirra; 01/09/2016;
Patch notes – August 29, 2017; Engen, Josh; 29/08/2017;
Security Breach Reported twitter post; 29/06/2015;
Talon Involvement Confirmed In Previous Attack on Helix Facility; Times of Numbani Staff;
Tracer twitter post; 22/12/2017;
Visit Numbani—the City of Harmony. Book your vacation today with Numbani Tours!;
@PlayOverwatch; 24/07/2015;

Character profiles
Ana; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Bastion; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Doomfist; Obtained 27/07/2017;
D.VA; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Genji; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Hanzo; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Junkrat; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Lúcio; Obtained 12/02/2017;
McCree; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Mei; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Mercy; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Moria; Obtained 17/01/2018;
Orisa; Obtained 18/05/2017;
Pharah; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Reaper; Obtained 12/02/2017;

Reinhardt; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Roadhog; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Soldier: 76; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Sombra; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Symmetra; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Torbjörn; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Tracer; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Widowmaker; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Winston; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Zarya; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Zenyatta; Obtained 12/02/2017;

Reference Kits
Bastion; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Hanzo; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Junkrat; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Lúcio; Obtained 14/06/2017;
McCree; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Mercy; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Pharah; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Reaper; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Reinhardt; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Roadhog; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Soldier: 76; Obtained 01/06/2017;

Symmetra; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Torbjörn; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Tracer; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Widowmaker; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Winstion; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Zarya; Obtained 14/06/2017;
Zenyatta; Obtained 14/06/2017;

A Better World; Robinson, Andrew; Cruz, Jeffrey “Chamba”; Obtained 12/02/2017;
Binary; Burns, Matt; Waung, James; Ng, Joe; Grundetjern, Espen; Obtained 18/05/2017;
Destroyer; Neilson, Micky; Shuko, Gray; Obtained 12/02/2017; http://comic.playover-
Dragon Slayer; Burns, Matt; Nesskain; Obtained 06/04/2017; http://comic.playover-
Junkenstein; Chu, Michael; Burns, Matt; Shuko, Gray; Obtained 24/04/2017;
Maquerade; Chu, Michael; Benjamin, Ryan; Washington, Anthony; Obtained 27/07/2017;
Mission Statement; Robinson, Andrew; Nesskain; Obtained 12/02/2017; http://comic.playo-
Old Soldiers; Chu, Michael; Bengal; Obtained 31/05-2017: http://comic.playover-
Reflections; Chu, Michael; Montlló, Miki; Obtained 06/04/2017; http://comic.playover-
Searching; Robinson. Andrew; Sellner, Joelle; Niemczyk, Kate; Obtained 20/02/2018;
Train Hopper; Brooks, Robert; Bengal; Obtained 12/02/2017; http://comic.playover-

Uprising; Chu, Michael; Shuko, Gray; Obtained 18705/2017; http://comic.playover-
Winston’s Journey to the West; Shishio; Obtained 12/02/2017;

Alive; 05/05/2016;
Blizzard at Gamescom 2016; 16/08/2016;
Blizzard World; 03/11/2017;
Developer Update Deathmatch; 10/08/2017;
Developer Update Introducing Doomfist; 06/07/2017;
Dragons; 16/05/2016;
Eichenwalde New Map Preview; 16/08/2016;
Every Overwatch Hero Explained by Blizzard’s Michael Chu; 22/12/2017;
Horizon Lunar Colony; 31/05/2017;
Honor and Glory; 3/11/2017;
Infiltration; 04/11/2016;
Introducing Orisa; 02/03/2017;
Jeff Kaplan Answers Overwatch Questions; 17/05/2017;
Junkertown New Escort Map; 21/08/2017;
Junkertown: The Plan; 21/08/2017;
The Last Bastion; 18/08/2016;
Lúcio Gameplay Preview; 11/08/2015;
A Moment in Crime; 21/11/2015;
Moira Origin Story; 03/11/2017;
Orisa Origin Story; 02/03/2017;
Overwatch Cinematic Trailer; 07/11/2014;

Pax East 2015 Blizzard Panel; 06/03/2015;
Recall; 23/03/2016;
Rise and Shine; 23/08/2017;
Soldier: 76 Origin Story; 7/07/2015;
What’s New Panel Blizzcon 2015; 09/11/2015;

Picture Index
Figure 1; Screenshot from Alive animated short.
Figure 2; In-game spray for Reaper.
Figure 3; Screenshot from the Soldier: 76 Origin Story video.
Figure 4; Screenshot from Dragons animated short.
Figure 5; Enlarged picture of the flag shown when starting a match on the Numbani map.
Figure 6; Concept art of Soldier: 76.
Figure 7; Concept art of Ana.
Figure 8; In-game character specific Uprising event spray for Ana.
Figure 9; Concept art of Torbjörn.
Figure 10; Concept art of Reinhardt.
Figure 11; Concept art of Tracer.
Figure 12; Concept art of Winston.
Figure 13; Part of Winston's Journey to the West tapestry.
Figure 14; Concept art of McCree.
Figure 15; Concept art of Mei.
Figure 16; Concept art of Mercy.
Figure 17; Concept art of Genji.
Figure 18; Screenshot from Dragons animated short.
Figure 19; Concept art of Doomfist.
Figure 20; Screenshot from Numbani map.
Figure 21; Concept art of Reaper.
Figure 22; Concept art of Widowmaker.
Figure 23; Concept art of Moira.
Figure 24; Concept art of Sombra.
Figure 25; Concept art of Orisa.
Figure 26; Concept art of Zenyatta.
Figure 27; Concept art of Bastion.
Figure 28; Concept art of Hanzo.
Figure 29; Concept art of Pharah.
Figure 30; Concept art of Roadhog.

Figure 31; Concept art of Junkrat.
Figure 32; Concept art of Symmetra.
Figure 33; Concept art of Lúcio.
Figure 34; Concept art of D.VA.
Figure 35; Concept art of Zarya.
Figure 36; Screenshot from Honor and Glory animated short.
Figure 37; Screenshot from Honor and Glory animated short.
Figure 38; In-game spray for Orisa.
Figure 39; Screenshot from Reflections comic.
Figure 40; In-game character specific Uprising event spray for Widowmaker.
Figure 41; Screenshot from Recall animated short.
Figure 42; Screenshot from the Infiltration animated short.
Figure 43; Screenshot from the Reflections comic.
Figure 44; Screenshot from the Searching comic.
Figure 45; Screenshot from the Masquerade comic.
Figure 46; Screenshot from the Destroyer comic.

Thank You
Thank you all who proofread and gave amazing tips on how to make this document better.
Thank you:
Gilbert ‘Axid’

And thank you Willian Farrapo for the great cover.

Contact Information
Document put together by:
Lydia Millqvist



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