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Directions: Analyze each item carefully and encircle the letter of the
best answer.

1. Which of the following organelle releases oxygen?

a. golgi body c. mitochondria
b. chloroplast d. lysosome

2. Chemosynthetic organisms that live in an extremely different type of

environment belong to the kingdom:
a) Protista b) Eubacteria c) Archaebacteria
d) Fungi

3. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a) mushroom b) moss c) bread mold
d) yeast

4. A Swedish naturalist who introduced the binomial nomenclature in

a) Carolus Linnaeus b) Louis Pasteur c) Anton Van
Leeuwenhoek d) Gregor Mendel

5. Dog and bat belong to the same class, they must also belong to the
a) Genus b) Family c) Order
d) Phylum

6. Scientific name of an organism is composed of:

a) class and order c) genus and specie
b) family and genus d) order and specie

7. All of the following produce reproductive spores except:

a) bread mold b) moss c) fern
d) algae

8. The following are flowering plants except:

a) Ginko b) Grasses c) cornplant
d) riceplant

9. Which of the following is a non-vascular plant?

a) bracken fern b) liverworts c) cycads
d) pines

10. Extremopilic bacteria that live in salty environment like then salt lake:
a) thermophiles b) halophiles c) acidophiles
d) methanobacteria

11. Roots that arise from other parts of the plants like twigs and leaves.
are called:
a) fibrous b) taproot c) adventitious
d) aerial

12. The primary breathing oxygen of the plant:

a) lenticel b) stomata c) node
d) trichomes

13. The following would result to genetically identical offsprings except:

a) hybrid b) cutting c) cloning
d) tissue culture
14. Parasitic nutrition is exhibit by the following organisms except:
a) mushroom b) bacteria c) tapeworm
d) amoeba

15. Which of the following animals has closed circulation?

a) cockroach b) butterfly c) frog
d) centipede

16. The following animals can produce their missing/losing body parts
a) turtles b) lizard c) starfish
d) planaria

17. Which of the following substances is hydrolyzed to provide energy?

a. ATP c. GTP
b. CTP d. TTP

18. Which of the following is not a product of light dependent reaction

a. ATP c. Oxygen
b. NADPH d. Sugar

19. Fermentation is an anaerobic respiration that would cause a

breakdown of pyruvic acid in yeast cells. The process releases the
following substances except:
a. ATP c. Ethyl alcohol
b. Carbon dioxide d. Lactic acid

20. Pairing nitrogenous bases in DNA is specific. Which base or bases

can form hydrogen bonds with adenine?
a. Thymine c. Guanine
b. Uracil d. Adenine
21. Which of the following is formed during hydrolysis?
a. Water as a waste product c. Small molecules from
large molecules
b. Condensed water molecules d. Large molecules
from small molecules

22. Why do vendors sprinkle water on fruits and vegetables that they sell
during warm days?
a. It adds mineral to fruits and vegetables
b. It removes pesticides from fruits and vegetables
c. It prevents minerals from escaping from fruits and vegetables
d. It replaces water lost by the cells of fruits and vegetables to the

23. Which of the following is a major characteristic of Meiosis I?

a. Splitting of centromere c. Pairing of homologous pairs
b. Producing primordial germ cells d. Reduction of DNA
number from 2n to n

24. The diploid chromosome number of man is 46. What is the

chromosome number of the human sperm?
a. 22 autosomes plus a sex chromosome c. 22 autosomes
b. 23 autosomes plus a sex chromosome d. 23 paired chromosomes

25. The hormone which promotes ovulation and progesterone

production in the ovary and testosterone in the testes is the:
a. Luteinizing hormone or the intirtistial cell stimulating
b. Antidiurectic hormone
c. Calcitocin.
d. Prolactin
26. A 25-year old pregnant woman is on her last month of pregnancy
and has been experiencing uterine contraction every 20 minutes.
The hormone responsible for having this contraction is called
a. Prolactin c. Insulin
b. Cortisol d. Oxytocin

27. In the blood flow through the heart, after the blood passes to the
pulmonary circulation or lung tissues, it goes directly to the:
a. Right atrium c. Pulmonary veins
b. Pulmonary arteries d. Aorta

28.Why is anesthetization applied in dissection?

a. Lessens the pain experienced by the animal
b. Prevents blood to spill out during dissection
c. Inhibits changes in the tissues of the animals
d. Makes the internal organs preserved.

29. Which covers the genetic material of virus?

a. Capsid c. Rod
b. Sheath d. Tail

30. Which concept promotes the idea that bacteria are not always
a. Paralysis c. Endotoxins
b. Probiotics d, Competition

31. What is the causative agent of syphilis?

a. Treponema c. Borrelia
b. Neisseria d. Bacillus
32. Which is used in the production of cheese from milk?
a. Clostridium c. Lactobacillus
b. Salmonella d. Staphylococcus

33. Which chemical is usually used in dehydration of specimen in

a. Formalin c. Xylene
b. Alcohol d. Water

34. A new trait, not previously present in the species, which continues to
appear in the succeeding generations is called a
a. Mutation c. Polyploidy
b. Heterozygote d. Disjunction

35. Which of the following would be true if the genes for color and
spotting were linked?
a. Their segregation would not follow the Mendelian rules for
independent assortment
b. The offspring of a cross between two homozygotes would exhibit a
3:1 ratio
c. Crossing over would occur, and we would see the same results as
seen in a cross where non-linked genes were being considered.
d. Some of the offspring would exhibit a phenotype intermediate to
that of the parents

36. Which of the statement will correctly describe the transcription

a. Copying of a DNA strand by an mRNA
b. Conversion of triplet codons into amino acids
c. Synthesis of RNA based on a DNA strand
d. Pairing of complementary strands of nucleic acid
37. Why is producing insulin via recombinant DNA Technology safer
than extracting insulin from slaughtered cattle and pigs?
a. Because it is free from pathogens
b. Because patients does not develops allergies
c. Because it is a combination of human and bacterial insulin
d. Because the insulin from recombinant DNA technology is more
effective in regulating blood sugar

38. Which parental pair could produce a hemophilic female?

a. Hemophilic mother and normal father
b. Heterozygous normal mother and normal father
c. Homozygous normal mother and hemophilic mother
d. Heterozygous normal mother and hemophilic father

39. A man and woman who both have Bb genotypes at a locus will
produce what proportion of bb children?
a. 100% c. 50%
b. 75% d. 25%

40. Which of the following goes against the biological specie concept?
a. A species consists of a population of individuals
b. A species may consist of more than one population of individuals
c. The individuals of a species are capable interbreeding
d. Members of one species cannot successfully interbreed with
members of another species

41. What theory about specification proposing that new species continue
to change throughout their evolutionary history, diverging more and
more from parent species.
a. Punctuated equilibrium c. Descent with
b. Gradualism d. Microevolution

42. X-linked recessive inheritance is associated with all of the following

statements except
a. Male – to – male transcription
b. Affected males are related through carrier females
c. Offspring of affected males are usually clinically normal
d. Offspring of heterozygous females are at risk to either affected
males or carrier females

43. The chromosome mutation that occurs when a piece of one

chromosome breaks off and joins to a nonhomologous chromosome
is known as which of the following
a. Deletion c. Translocation
b. Duplication d. Nondisjunction

44. Which is the best evidence to support the theory concerning the
order of evolutionary development of vertebrates?
a. All vertebrates have four-chambered hearts
b. The earliest fish fossils are over a million years old
c. All vertebrates have capillaries connecting the veins and arteries
d. There is a sequence of vertebrate fossils in undistributed
sedimentary rock

45. Which among the following areas of Taxonomy refers to the ordering
and grouping of populations using the inductive method?
a. Classification c. Nomenclature
b. Identification d. Preservation
46. The only kingdom composed of members having a prokaryotic type
of cell.
a. Animalia c. Monera
b. Fungi d. Plantae

47. Bacteria come in different shapes such as rod, spiral, and coccus.
Which of the following bacteria is in rod shape?
a. Helicobacter pylori c..Staphylococcus aureus
b. Lactobacillus aeroginosa d. leptospira interrogans

48. Carnivory in plants is usually a result of the deficiency in what

element in their soil?
a. Calcium c. Nitrogen
b. Carbon d. Phosphorus
49. What do you call an extremophilic bacterium that live in an
environment with high sulfur content like in the Yellowstone National
Park in the USA?
a. sulfulobus bacteria c. Acidophilic bacteria
b. Methanobacteria d. Halophilic bacteria

50. All monocots possess the following characteristics except:

a. Fibrous root system
b. Floral parts in multiple of 4s and 5s
c. Parallel venetion
d. Scattered arrangement of vascular bundles

51. Plants are generally classified into vascular and non-vascular. Which
of the following plants is vascular?
a. Bracken fern c. Liverworts
b. moss d. algae
52. Red tide is a natural phenomenon that takes place in a marine
environment. This is caused by a group of protists. Which protist is
responsible for this phenomenon?
a. Ciliates c. Sarcodines
b. Dinoflagelletes d. Sporozoans

53. Which of the following categories refers to the basic unit of

a. Family c. Order
b. Genus d. Species

54. Which of the following characteristics is true to protozoan?

a. Presence of cells c. Presence of tissues
b. Presence of true nucleus d. Presence of organs

55. Which among the following plants do not produce reproductive

a. Cycads c. Horsetails
b. Ferns d. Mosses

56. Vertebrates are animals with vertebral column. They comprised

around 5% of all animals on earth. Which of the following is not a
a. Seagull c. Sea horse
b. Sea cow d. Sea lilies

57. There are number of minerals indispensible for a plant growth and
development. Some of these are needed in big amount while others
in small amount. Which of the following nutrients is considered as
micronutrient for the plants?
a. Boron c. Magnesium
b. Carbon d. Potassium

58. Which of the following refers to a pair of contrasting character trait

that could be used in constructing a dichotomous key regarding fish
a. Big tail and red tail c. Short tail long tail
b. Round tail and blue tail d. thin tail and elongated tail

59. At a sea floor of the Marianas Trench, a marine biologist was able to
dredge an unknown animal species. Which among the following
characteristics should he consider?
a. Colonial c. Presence of cell walls and
b. Heterotrophic d. Unicellular

60. Which of the following is not a characteristic of fungus?

a. The ability to produce their own foods c. Filamentous nature
b. Cell walls made out of chitin d. Mitosis similar to plants
and animals

61. Not all plants bear flowers. Which of the following plants bear
a. Grasses c. Cycads
b. Gingko d. Pines

62. All the following are unifying themes in Biology except:

a. Cellular organization c. Integumentary system
b. Molecular inheritance d. evolution
63. Animals show different types of behavior in order to adapt to a
certain condition. In some it could be through a conditioned stimulus.
Which type of behavior involves subjecting the organism to repeated
stimulation, and if stimulus is harmful it may no longer respond to it?
a. Conditioned reflex c. Imprinting
b. Habituation d. Trial and error

64. Most organisms have only one reproductive organ like in man.
However, some organisms have both the male and female gonads.
What do you call organisms which have both the male and female
reproductive organs/gonads?
a. Dioecious c. Pistilate
b. Monoeciuos d. Protandric

65. In a freshwater environment, the organisms (cells) are hypertonic

with reference to the environment. This means that more solutes are
found inside the cells than in the surrounding water. What do you call
solutions having a greater amount of solute concentrations than the
a. Hypertonic solution c. Isotonic solution
b. Hypotonic solution d. None of the above

66. What is the type of locomotion exhibited by the cephalopods like the
squids and octopuses?
a. Gliding c. Jet propulsion
b. Hopping d. Somersaulting

67. How can the niche of an organism be affected by its habitat?

a. They are the same
b. Habitat is where the organism lives
c. Habitat has no effect to the niche of the organism
d. Factors in the habitat will define the niche of the organism

68. What kind of relationship exist between coral polyps and

zooxanthellae (protists) living in their gut?
a. Commensalism c. Mutualism
b. Competition d. parasitism

69. Under which relationship can you classify that of man and natural
flora in the human gut?
a. Commensalism c. Parasitism
b. Mutualism d. Predation

70. Why does shedding of leaves occur in deciduous trees before

a. In preparation for the new leaves that will grow in spring
b. Leaves are old and nonfunctional
c. To conserve energy that will be used for the maintenance of the
d. To prevent the leaves from freezing

71. What may happen if a keystone predator is removed from an

a. The density of all population will increase
b. The diversity of organisms will decrease
c. They diversity of organisms will increase
d. The prey will become the keystone predator

72. What is the role of the organism based on its position in the feeding
a. Ecological niche c. Spatial niche
b. Hypervolume niche ` d. trophic niche
73. Food chain is a linear representation of energy transfer from one
trophic level to the next. To which direction is the arrow pointing at?
a. Either way, as long as it is unidirectional c. Towards the
organisms to be consumed
b. Towards the consumer d. towards the

74. Managed ecosystems are those that are artificially put-up and
maintained by man. Which of the following in not considered as
managed ecosystem?
a. Baguio Botanical Garden c. Mount Mayon Natural
b. Manila Ocean Park d. Zoobic Safari

75. What good does a predator brings to the community?

a. Regulate the energy transfer
b. Maintains the diversity of the community
c. Keeps the members of the community fit
d. Reduce waste produced by other species

76. A 20-year old female has been experiencing fever, difficulty of

breathing, chest pain and productive cough for the past five days.
Consult was made and was given medications to treat her condition.
She is most likely suffering from
a. Bronchial asthma c. Pertusis
b. Diphtheria d. Pneumonia

77. The blood vessels which carry deoxygenated blood coming from the
pulmonary trunk to the pulmonary circulation are the:
a. Carotid arteries c. Capillaries
b. Pulmonary arteries d. Pulmonary veins

78. The following are examples of diuretics except

a. Tea c. Cola
b. Coffee d. Juice

79. Nikki is a varsity player of their school. She always practices

basketball early in the morning until the early afternoon .one
physiologic condition happens to her face which is redness of the
cheeks or what is blushing. What happens to the blood vessels as a
result of this condition?
a. Vasodilate c. a & b
b. Vasoconstrict d. Neither

80. Grace is a 58 years old postmenopausal women .She always

complains of backache every time she does household chores. She
was advised by her doctor to take calcium supplements everyday. A
bone disorder that might have led to her condition is
a. Rickests c. Osteomalacia
b. Osteoporosis d .Scoliosis

81. A leaf-like structure on top of the larynx that prevents the food and
other foreign particles from entering the lungs is called the:
a. Pharynx c. Alveoli
b. Bronchioles d. Epiglottis

82.The structure of the lower respirator that is most likely clogged with
mucous in an asthmatic person who has difficulty of breathing is:
a. Bronchi c. Alveoli
b. bronchioles d. trachea
83. Ressie was accidentally punctured by a nail while playing.She
immediately brought to the emergency room and was injected
tetanus immune globulin to prevent lockjaw brought about by tetanus
infection. This type of immunity is an example of:
a. Natural active immunity c. Artificial passive
b. Artificial active immunity d. Nature passive immunity

84. A twenty five years old male stumbled over the stairs because of an
imbalance. He had a drinking spree prior to the accident. The part of
the brain affected due to alcohol drinking is
a. Cerebrum c. Hypothalamus
b. Cerebellum d .Medulla oblongata

85. A 30 years old pregnant woman goes to her physician for a pre natal
check up on an irregular basis due to financial reasons. She has not
been taking the prescribed supplements that was given to her and
was found out to be undernourished and vitamin D deficient. A
condition could possibly happen to her bones is called.
a. Osteoarthritis c. Osteogenesis imperfecta
b. Osteomyelitis d. Osteomalacia

86. The following are in nominate bones except

a. Sacrum c. llium
b. Ischium d. Pubis

87. What part of the brain regulates body temperature?

a. Cerebrum b. Encephalon c. Hypothalamus d. Thalamus

88. The muscle associated with hair follicle are:

a. Pectoralis major c. Gastrocnemius
b. Arrector pili d. Sartorius

89. When exposed to sunlight, the skin is capable of producing, a

molecule that can transform into what type of vitamin?
a. Vitamin A c. Vitamin C
b. Vitamin E d. Vitamin D

90. The organ that serves as a filtering agent of bacteria, old red blood
cells, bacteria and others foreign
a. Liver c. Kidney
b. Spleen d. Gall bladder

91. A person who has diabetes insipidus excrtes a large of urine. What
hormone is defective in response to this condition?
a .antidiuretic hormone b. erythropoietin
c. renin d. oxytcin .
92. The hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland is:
a. Prolactin c. Growth
hormone b. Antidiuretic hormone
d. Calcitonin

93. A milky fluid which comprises the fat globules and lymph is known
a. Lacteals c. Chyle
b. Colostrum d. None of the above

94. The immune system comprises the T-cells which develop in the:
a. Adrenal glands c. Thyroid glands
b. Thymus glands d. Spleen
95. After having a full meal, the hormone secreted by the pancreas
which regulates the production of blood sugar in the body is:
a. Somatostatin c. Insulin
b. Glucagons d. Oxytocin

96. Water is good thermoregulatory. why?

a. it dissolve many substances c. it possesses high
surface tension
b. it has specific density d. it show unique density

97. Erika loves green mangoes. When she visited the mango farm of her
friend, she was served with plenty of green mangoes. She over ate
and developed gas pain. Which of the following the following is the
most appropriate remedy?
a. antacid c. drink coffee
b. drink brine solution d. drink milk
98. Which of the following can be considered as ecotone?
a. Dessert c. Savanna
b. Grassland d. Tropical rainforest

99. Which biome has the shortest growing season?

a. Grassland c. Taiga
b. Density d. Tropical rainforest
100. In summer, algal blooms are common scenario. Which factor is
limiting to the growth of other organisms in the event of algal
a. Carbohydrates c. Oxygen
b. Nitrogen d. Water
1. The branch of science that deals with grouping and classifying
a. ecology b. morphology c, taxonomy d. cytology
2. Musca domestica the scientific name of housefly is derived
a. class-family b. genus-specie c. phylum-class d. order-
3. Humans and tarsiers belong to the same order, then they must
also belong to the same
a. genus b. family c. class d. phylum
4. In classification, as one moves down the classification scheme
from kingdom to species there is an increasing
a. diversity b. similarity c. unity d. individuality
5. In the six-kingdom system, which kingdom composed of
organisms which are said to be ancient
a. eubacteria b. fungi c. archaebacteria d. protest
6. Which of the following characteristics is common to both moss
and fern?
a. they are both non vascular plants b. they are both vascular
c. they both reproduce thru spores d. they both produce
7. The transport process involving photosynthetic by-products
from the source to a sink in plants is called:
a. translocation b. conduction
c. transduction d. transpiration
8. Which among the following processes is greatly involved in the
conduction of water upward in plants?
a. diffusion b. osmosis c. pull of transpiration d. cappilarity
9. There is always a complimentary between structures and
functions, which of the following does not show this relationship?
a. hundreds of mitochondria in a muscle cell b. larger vacuoles
in plant cells than animal cell c. mucus glands in the stomach
lining d. number of red bloods and thermoregulation
10. Which of the following is the term used for organisms which
have both the male and female reproductive organs / gonads ?
a.dioecious b. monoecious c. protandric d.
11. In marine environment there is greater amount of solute
concentrations than the cell. What do you call this type of
a. hypertonic b. isotonic c.hypotonic d. osmotic
12. Most organisms do not synthesize their own food from simple
inorganic raw materials, which of the following types of nutrition
involves obtaining organic compounds from dead animals and
plants? a. parasitic b. holotrophic c. saprotrophic d.
13. Which of the following features is common for domains
archaebacteria and eubacteria?
a. no membrane bound organelles b. peptidoglycan in the cell
c. amino acids formed in protein synthesis d. no of different
14. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. escherichia coli b. anabaena c. methanobacterium
d. chlorococcus
15. Kingdom protista is composed of unicellular eukaryotes with
varied types of nutrition including photosynthesis. Which of the
following is not a protist?
a. euglena b. zygomycetes c. plasmomdium d. amoeba
16. Plants can be classified based on the presence of vascular
tissues, which of the following is a vascular plant? a. ferns b.
moss c. liverworts d. hornworts
17. Which of the following is a monocot plant?
a. gabi b. coconut c. mango d. bean
18. Which of the following groups of invertebrates is found to be
the most abundant animals on earth?
a. arthropods b. molluscs c. echinoderms d.
19. Which of the following organisms is the cause of dengue?
a. amoeba b. Aedes aegypti c. trypanosome d. leptospira
20. Which of the following bacteria is plantlike because they have
chlorophyll containing cells?
a. cyanobacteria b. archaebacteria c. mycobacterium
21. Substance that kills or inhibit disease causing organisms:
a. antibiotic b. enzymes c. bioremediation d. probiotic
22. Roots that arise from the other parts of the plant like in twigs
and leaves
a. taproot b. fibrous c. specialized d. adventitious
23. The hairy structure on the leaves that prevents rapid loss of
water and protects the plant from predators: a. trichomes b.
lenticels c. cuticle d. grana
24. The following are essentials in the food making process on
plants except:
a. water b. carbon dioxide c. sunlight d. oxygen
25. Gas exchange in animals take place in the following organs
a. haemocoel b. lungs c. gills d. tracheal tubes
26. Asexual process of reproduction used to Dolly the sheep is:
a. fusion b. fragmentation c. tissue culture d. cloning
27. The following are organic compounds except :
a. carbon dioxide b. carbohydrates c. lipids d. nucleic
28. Which of the following formed on the inner walls of blood
vessels , obstruct blood flows that can lead to heart disease and
a. steroids b. waxes c. cholesterol d. prostaglandins
29. An aldehyde in its aqueous solution used as disinfectant,
preservative of specimens and an embalming liquid:
a. acetaldehyde b. ketones c. formaldehyde d. aldehydes
30. Ethene a plant hormone plays an important roles in seed
germination and ripening of fruits. This belong to what kind of
a. alkane b. alkene c. alkyne d. benzene
31. If iodine is dropped on a leaf that has been soaked in alcohol
and exposed to sunlight. The leaf would turn: a. brown b.
blue c. green d. red
32. How would non living substances become parts of the living
a. respiration b. digestion c. transpiration d. assimilation
33. If a boy blinks as the ball is thrown at his face, that is an:
a. instinct b. stimulus c. response d. reflex action
34. Which ecosystem would contain a controllable number of
kinds of organisms?
a. lake b. forest c. orchard d. aquarium
35. What relationship exists between the lice and the head of the
a. predation b. parasitism c. mutualism d. competition
36. Which of the following organisms is most likely to be harmed
by the drying effects of the sun?
a. human b. lizard c. earthworm d. ants
37. What life activity was responsible for the closing of the leaves
of makahiya when touched?
a. irritability b. growth c. assimilation d. ingestion
38. Which of the following substance would give a positive test
with Benedict solution?
a. fat b. starch c. glucose d. cellulose
39. Which of the following food groups contains carbon, nitrogen,
oxygen and hydrogen?
a. proteins b. starch c. fats d. lipids
40. Which medium of technology is used in tilapia culture?
a. fish pen farming b. caging c. sex reversal d. trapping
41. Which chamber of the heart contains blood with the highest
concentration of oxygen?
a. left atrium b. left ventricle c. right atrium d. right
42. A boy has black hair and blue eyes, his brother has brown hair
and brown eyes. The fact that they have different combinations
of trait is best explained by the concept of:
a. multiple alleles b. incomplete dominance c. sex-linkage
d. independent assortment
43. It is made from a suspension of dead or weakened disease
causing organism:
a. bioinsecticide b. biotechnology c. vaccine d. pathogen
44. The greater similarity in structure occur between members
belonging to the same:
a. family b. genus c. species d. order
45. Which of the following most clearly demonstrates the
evolutionary relationship between annelids and arthropods?
a. an exoskeleton b. body segmentation c. jointed
appendages d. symmetry
46. Which of the following is closely related?
a. snake and toad b. bat and parrot c. frog and salamander
d. whale and shark
47. Before birth, where does the fetus gets its food and gets rid of
its wastes?
a. placenta and yolk sac b. placenta and amnion
c. placenta and umbilical cord d. placenta and uterus
48. In the crossing Rr X Rr , what is the phenotype of the
a. 3 round seeds and 1 wrinkled seed b. 2 round seeds and 2
wrinkled seeds
c. 3 wrinkled seeds and 1 round seed d. 4 round seeds
49. Recombinant DNA technology produced the first human
hormone called:
a. adrenaline b. thyroxin c. insulin d. estrogen
50. Excessive exposure to sunlight or X-rays may cause:
a. mutation b. inbreeding c. hybridization d. artificial
51. Mammals generally have mammary glands to feed their
young with milk. Which of the following represents this group of
a. frogs b. alligators c. platypus d. sparrow
52. This is an offshoot of water pollution that kills aquatic life:
a. acid rain b. cyanide fishing c. eutrophication d.
dynamite fishing
53. Animals are group based on their structural similarities.
Identify which pair of animals is closely related:
a. lizard and crocodile b. whale and monkey
c. salamander and turtle d. snake and earthworm
54. Which of the following pair is incorrectly paired with its tropic
a. bacteria-decomposer b. plant-producer
c. eagle-tertiary consumer d. grasshopper-secondary
55. Which of the following animal is considered to be cold-
a. chicken b. gorilla c. crocodile d. ostrich
56. Metamorphosis is the change in the structure from larva to
adult. The following animals follow definite stages in their life
cycle except:
a. fly b. butterfly c. frog d. turtle
56. Some animals have the ability to produce a lost body part
such as lizard, starfish and brittle star. This method is known as:
a. regeneration b. fragmentation c. budding d. fission
57. Which best suits agricultural development?
a. tundra b. dessert c. grassland d. tropical
58. A person with low red blood cell count will have difficulty in:
a. breathing b. fighting infection c. transporting oxygen in
d. transporting carbon dioxide to cells
59. The main products of the fermentation of sugar by yeasts are:
a. carbon dioxide and alcohol b. carbon monoxide and
c. water and alcohol d. water and carbon dioxide
60. Which blood type would not appear in the offspring of parents
who had genotypes of
AO X AB : a. type A b. type AB c. type B d. type O
61. Which cell part aid in destroying foreign substances?
a. nucleus b. golgi body c. lysosome d. mitochondrion
62. Which of the following organs is unnucleated?
a. muscle cell b. sperm cell d. red blood cell d. body cell
63. All of the following structures can be found in both prokaryotes
and eukaryotes except:
a. nucleus b. cell wall c. ribosomes d. plasma membrane
64. Why are mammals described as warm blooded animals?
a. body temperature changes with the environment
b. body temperature remains warm throughout the day
c. body temperature does not change with the environment
d. body raises the temperature with that of the environment
65. How do oil wastes on the surface of the river and sea affect
the organism in it?
a. blocks sunlight b. becomes sticky
c. absorbed by them d. accumulate other
66. Tourists travelling to high mountain experience gradual
lowering of temperature. What is the reason behind this?
a. turnover . b. first law of thermodynamics
c. adiabatic cooling d. zeroth law of thermodynamics
67. What characteristic makes water a good solvent in an
organisms’ fluid?
a. low density b. thermal conductor
c. high specific heat d. temperature changes easily
68. Which situation will lose or acquire heat by radiation?
a. lying on hot rock b. swimming in cold water
c. hiding on a tree shade d. sun bathing
69. Our muscles are capable of contracting regularly resulting to
movement. Which of the following is the neurotransmitter
responsible for this?
a. serotonin b. epinephrine c. acetylcholine d. norepinephrine
70. After having a full meal, the pancreas secreted this hormone
to regulates the production of blood sugar in the blood;
a. somatostatin b. glucagons c. insulin d. oxytocin
71. The organ that serves as a filtering agent of bacteria, old red
blood cells and other foreign particles is the:
a. liver b. spleen c. kidney d. gall bladder
72. A person who is hypertensive loses elasticity of the coronary
arteries. This condition is called:
a. atherosclerosis b. embolism c. cardiac arrest d.
rheumatic heart
73. How many kinds of gametes can an organism with genotype
RrTt produce?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
74. A man and woman who both have Bb genotypes at a locus
will produce what proportion of Bb children? a. 100% b.
75% c. 50% d. 25%
75. In a snapdragon flowers, crossing a red plant with white plant
a. all white b. ½ pink and ½ white c. all pink d. ½ red
and ½ white
76. The Mendellian law that explain the appearance of both the
dominant and recessive trait in
cattles: a. law of complete dominance b. law of
incomplete dominance
b. law of co-dominance d. law of combination
77.When is the best time to study the morphology of a
a. telophase b. prophase c. interphase d. metaphase
78. Which of the following is not true of mitosis?
a. from diploid no of chromosomes it produces cells with diploid
b. it occurs only in all body cells for growth and development
c. it assures to maintain the no of chromosomes after fertilization
d. it repairs damaged cells and replaced old and dead cells
79. The following cell structures are found in plant cell except:
a. cell wall b. centrioles c. chloroplast d. cell plate
80. Which of the following events is not part of the light reaction
phase in photosynthesis?
a. oxidation of water molecule when it loses electrons along with
hydrogen ions
b. release of oxygen gas in the environment
c. ATP is produced and enters the dark reaction phase
d. NADP accept hydrogen ion to form NADPH
81. When a hydrogen atom is replaced by a hydroxyl group –OH
in an alkane, which of the following organic compound is formed?
a. alcohol . b. methane c. acetylene d.napthalene
82. A consumer that takes another consumer for food is called:
a. carnivore b. herbivore c. omnivore d. scavenger
83. Which of the following is produce by mammals ?
a. live young b. eggs c. milk d. lungs
84. He was considered as the Father of Modern Taxonomy:
a. Carollus Linnaeus b. Robert Hooke c. Aristotle d. Charles
85. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. molds b. mushroom c. yeast d. amoeba
86. Which of the following is a dicot plant?
a. corn b. monggo c. coconut d. banana
87. Which plant exhibits taproot system?
a. carrot b. grass c. corn d. rice
88. Water evaporates from the leaves in a process called:
a. evaporation b. respiration c. transpiration d. expiration
89. Water is transported from the roots to the leaves by:
a. xylem b. phloem c. sieve tube d. conducting tissues
90. The process of shedding exoskeleton is called:
a. melting b. chitin c. metamorphosis d. molting
91. The ordered arrangement of chromosomes is called:
a. trisomy b. karyotype c. pedigree d. monosomy
92. A male with blood type AB and a female with blood type O
can have an offspring with:
a. type O b. type AB c. type B d. all of the above
93. It results when an abnormal sperm containing both X and Y
chromosomes , fertilizes a normal egg with X chromosomes:
a. Klinefelters syndrome b. Turners syndrome
c. Down syndrome d. mongolism
94 . It is the process of altering or introducing new genes into an
a. recombinant DNA b. hybridization c. genetic engineering
d. genetics
95. The pumping chambers in the heart is called:
a. atria b. ventricles c. pericardium d. septum
96. To preserve a selected trait in a plant or animal the breeders
should employ:
a. inbreeding b. hybridization c. mass selection d.
hybrid vigor
97. The structures in the cell containing the genetic materials:
a. ribosomes b. mitochondria c. nucleus d. golgi
98. The basic unit of the nervous system is called:
a. axon b. dendrites c. nephron d. neuron
99. The largest artery that carries the blood away from the heart:
a. capillaries b. veins c. artery d. aorta
100. The structure that prevents the passage of foods into the
respiratory tract: a. uvula b. tonsil c. epiglottis d. pharynx

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