Ap Comp Science Answer Key

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Answer Grade

L4 #3

In 50 words or less,
describe the concept of
a number system.

Why are rules

required for a number
system to be useful?

L5 #3
In the binary number system it uses 2’s
instead of using 10’s for each place. In binary
In 100 words or less each 2 is squared for each place. They are
describe how place similar though because it follows the same
value is used in the squaring rule, but it’s different because
instead of squaring 10, you square 2 and you
binary number only use 1’s and 0’s.
system. How is it
similar or different
from the way place
value is used in the
base 10 number
L5 #4 Decimal and hexadecimal increase at the
same rate.
Octal increases by 2 more than decimal
Binary represents the octal number in binary
Reflect on your terms.
learning in this lesson.
In the space below,
Hexadecimal uses numbers and letters.
enter: When using letters with hexadecimal the
number didn't stay the same as decimal.
3 recollections (things
you remember),

2 observations (things You can find the decimal if you understand the
decimal system and the same for
you noticed), and hexadecimal.

1 insight (something
you fully understand
the significance of).

L7 #6 This statement is true because if you add the

numbers where the ones are you will get 65
every time.

"The binary pattern

01000001 represents
the number 65."

Write a brief response

explaining whether
you believe this
statement is always
true. Explain your
L7 #7 The underlying complexity the decimal
numbers were used for me and my
An abstraction is a partner ​I to represent letters, which
simplified allowed us to write a simple message to
each other.
representation of
something that is more
complex. Decimal
numbers were a useful
abstraction in the
context of today's The decimal numbers were helpful in
designing a system to represent text in bits,
lesson. Write a short because they help identify what the person is
response to both coding and saying in their message.
questions below.

What is the underlying

complexity decimal
numbers were used to

How were decimal

numbers helpful in
designing a system to
represent text in bits?

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