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Abeleda, Michael Jose/ 1813592

CE410/ Hydrology
CE/ 4th yr/ CE42FB1/ Prelim Assessment
Engr. Adams Royce A. Dionisio
Academic Dishonesty Pledge
I hereby pledge to be academically honest and abide all the rules and regulations stipulated by my professor hereunto and will
wholeheartedly accept the consequences and sanctions imposed to me by the latter and the provisions of Section 15 of the TIP
Student Manual and Circular No. P.01 s. 2017-2018 due to nonconformance and violation of all or any part of the rules.

Student Signature/ Date

Professor’s Rules on the Conduct of Assessment:

1. The absence and failure to comply on any part of the format paper on the actual conduct of assessment will merit a score
of 0.
2. Complete (drawing with proper tags, if necessary, assumptions made, units, etc.), neat, and organized solutions with
boxed final answer with corresponding item number must be legibly handwritten on front side of every pages following a
“two column” format, anything written on the back side of every page will be considered “scratch”.
3. Do not write anything on the test questionnaires.
4. Always bring your own mini stapler and staple altogether the pages of your answer sheets and separate them from the
test questionnaires.
5. Only pens or pencils, scientific calculator, and format papers are allowed to be brought on your seat, do not use correction
tape, correction fluid or such things to erase mistakes, just put an “X” mark on it.
6. Kindly put your I.D.’s, cover of calculator, mobile phones and anything inside your pockets inside your bag, noncompliance
will be considered CHEATING and will be sanctioned accordingly.
7. Leaving inside the assessment room once the test started is strictly prohibited, doing so will force the student to
prematurely pass his/ her answer sheets.
8. Do not forget to write the 1st word of the 2nd question below your surname on this paper.
Instructions for Major Exams:
1. Major Exams are in 8”x11” short bond
2. Must have a front page in a format
same as given in the preceding page
with borders with the following
margins; 1” left, rest at 0.5”.
3. Complete, neat, and organized
solutions with boxed final answer
must be legibly handwritten on the
front page and succeeding pages
following a “two column” format.
4. Always bring your own mini stapler.
5. Do not write anything on the test
6. Major Exam answers and solutions
must be submitted to the professor’s
table immediately after the scheduled
time period elapsed and must be
stapled altogether and separated with
the test questionnaires.
7. Major Exams submitted after the
scheduled test period will not be
accepted and will be equivalent to a
score of zero (0).
8. Complete Major Exams will be
submitted at the end of the semester
as a final requirement.

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