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Discussant: Angela Beatrise R. Barredo

Teacher: Ms. Maria Salome Climacosa

-an act of sharing one's ideas, emotions, attitudes, or perceptions with another person or group
of persons through words (written or spoken), gestures, signals, signs or other modes of
transmitting ideas.

1. Communication is a dynamic process.
2. Communication is systemic.
A systemic view of communication has 4 vital implication:

 Communication is contextual.
 A system has interrelated parts.
 The whole is more than the sum of its parts.
 Constraints within systems influence or affect meanings.

3. Communication involves communicators.

4. Communication is irreversible.
5. Communication is proactive.
6. Communication is a symbolic interaction.
7. Meaning in communication is individually construed.

Why do we use models?
 It presents the essential nature of what it describes by highlighting key features.
 It visualizes for us how certain features are related to another and provides a more orderly

1. Aristotle’s Model of Communication

-Greek citizens placed a “premium” on one's persuasiveness to his audience.

2. Lasswell’s Model of Communication

-Harold Lasswell
-describes an act of communication by defining who said it, what was said, in what channel it
was said, to whom it was said, and with what effect it was said.

3. Shannon-Weaver’s Model of Communication

-Claude Elwood Shannon and Warren Weaver
-originally designed for telephone communications

4. Schramm's Model of Communication

-emphasizes the “dynamism of human communication”
-constant, cyclical fashion
5. Berlo’s Model of Communication
-David Berlo
-takes into account the emotional aspect of the message

6. White’s Model of Communication

-Eugine White
-the speaker is the originator of the communication process and the listener is a passive
reactor who does not initiate communication

7. Dance Helical Model of Communication

-Frank Dance
-introduces the concept of time where continuousness of the communication process and
relational interactions are very important
-At first, helical spring is small at the bottom and grows bigger as the communication
-”What we say now influences the future”

8. Symbolic Interaction Model

-People generate, convey and invest meanings & significance
-create symbolic language to represent ideas

9. Speech Communication Transaction Model

The speaker must evaluate himself on 4 areas:

a) Purpose
b) Knowledge of subject & communication skills
c) Attitudes toward self, listeners & subject
d) Degree of credibility

10. Linear Model of Communication

-one way model to communicate with other

11. Interactive Model of Communication

-2 linear models stacked on top of each other

12. Transactional Model of Communication

-mostly used during business transactions and negotiations

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