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Concord Floral



1 - Just Joey -
Outwardly apathetic
and dismissive,
guilty for his sex and
not being able to
save those he loves
2 - Bobolink - A
representation of
not being able to
save others for 3
3 - John Cabot - A
birdwatcher. Afraid
of not being able to
protect things out of
his power.
4 - Forever Irene - A
bit neurotic, feeling
guilty about wanting
more or feeling too
trapped in life.
5 - Rosa Mundi -
outwardly over
everything, but still
guilty about 10
6 - Nearly Wild -
Gets caught up on
things, guilty about
10 and how she
wishes ill on others
a bit
7 - Couch -
representation of
seeing teens guilt
8 - Fox -
representation of
seeing teens guilt
9 - Greenhouse -
representation of
seeing teens guilt
10 - Bobbie James -
guilt of 5 and 6, and
everyone else


– An overall theme
of guilt in youth,
each of them
has something
to be ashamed
– The need for
– Each of the non-
something that
knows about
one of the teens
guilts (1-fox ; 3-
bobolink ; 4-(no
character, but
guilt of
masturbation) ;
5,6-10/7 ; 9
represents the
guilt of
– Guilty of: sex,
being mean to
others, being
unable to help
– The Plague is a
of the guilt each
teen carries


Prologue - We see
10 naked on stage,
but cloaked in
shadow. Teens
chant a choral piece
in the back
1 - It was night. We
were in a field -
Everybody talks
about a school
project on the
Decameron, and 5
and 6 sneak away to
smoke in the
greenhouse. They
find a dead body,
and after 5 drops
her phone in it; they
run away and vow
not to tell anybody.
2 - This is a play
we created for you
- The teens
introduce the
atmosphere of their
suburban town and
9 introduces them
self as the
3 - Did you hear? -
Word begins to
spread about the
dead body, much to
5ʼs dismay. They do
their presentation
on the Decameron.
5 and 6 are fighting,
and 6 is more
shaken by the dead
body. 4 is caught
masturbating in the
shower by her
brother (3) and her
4 - Iʼm learning to
get better - 1
recounts a recent
time he gave a
blowjob to an older
man who found him
on Craigslist that he
knew. 8, a fox,
recounts how he
saw it.
5 - Nearly spent
like six hours
Facebooking - 6
gets a call from 5s
old number. She
calls 5 and texts
back her old
number. It says “she
dropped it in me”
Meanwhile, 4 cant
sleep. Then, as 6
and 5 hang up, 6
gets a call from 10,
from 5s old number.
10 guesses how
many fingers 5 is
holding up, saying
sheʼs in her
backyard. 6 calls 5
back who doesnʼt
believe her. 6 goes
to 5ʼs bedroom and
5 gets mad and tells
her to leave.
6 - John is a
birdwatcher - It is
introduced that 3 is
a birdwatcher who is
trying to keep the
greenhouse from
being torn down, as
it is a habitat for
birds. 2 introduces
them self as Johns
favourite bird, who
talks about life.
7 - Rose ignored
Nearly all next
morning like ice
cold - The teens eat
lunch and 6 gets
another call from 10,
who says 4 is about
to have a seizure,
and that 6 is the
only one who can
save her. Sure
enough, it happens,
and we see what
happens in 4s mind
(she asks and
answers many
questions about her
life) just before the
cafeteria explodes
into chaos.
8 - Nothings wrong
with Nearly - 1, 2, 8,
and 7 talk in 1s
basement about 6. 6
is seen talking to 10
again, who says
there is some kind
of plague about to
take over the teens.
It is then revealed
that 1s mother is
dying from a
disease. Then, 6
shows up in the
basement, asking
the others to help
her, but they tell her
to leave, calling her
full of shit.
9 - What the hell
are you doing in my
backyard? - 6
appears in 5s
backyard to ask for
help, but 5 shuts her
down and tells her
to leave her the fuck
alone. Elsewhere, 4
cant sleep so she
goes to a parking
lot, where she
meets 1, who also
canʼt sleep. They
talk, and suddenly
they see 10. They
run home. Each teen
attempts to push
this “passing feeling
over them (10)”
away, and they
reference a party
they had been to.
They talk about a
time a bird (2) had
flown into the
cafeteria. 3 is
distraught at the
memory and how
nobody did
anything. Then, 5
meets 10 and
recounts a party in
grade nine. 5 is
10 - Grade nine - 5
and 6 talk about a
sweater 6 bought.
But when she wore
it, 10 was wearing it
at school too. They
decide to invite her
to a party to taunt
her. The party:
everybody recounts
it and 7 comes on as
a couch that had
seen it all. 5 and 6
then lead 10 to the
greenhouse and
convince her to take
off all her clothes.
They lie, and steal
her clothes,
throwing them away,
leaving 10 to walk
home naked. 10
transfers schools. 5
and 6 realize the
dead body were the
clothes they threw
away. Then, all the
teens recount how
they are “escaping
the plague” until 10
comes back on.
They give her her
clothes and Reprise
the choral piece
from the prologue.
Epilogue - 9 as the
greenhouse, states
they will be torn
down. Their final line
is “I think weʼre
moving towards

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