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Republic of the Philippines


Sabang, Danao City, Cebu 6004, Philippines
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Phone: (+6332) 354 3660/ +639173170329


DLP No. Learning Area: Grade Level: Quarter: Duration: Date

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person 12 First 60 mins. Dec. 21, 2019
Learning Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view Code:
Competency/ies: PPT11/12-Ia-1.1
Key Concepts
/Understandings to The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy
Domain Adapted Cognitive Objectives
Process Dimensions
Remembering Define different kinds of knowledge through doing philosophy
Knowledge Understanding Define philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life.
Skills Applying Apply their critical and analytical thinking skills to the affairs of daily life
Analyzing Examine one’s daily action if it is a philosophical experience
Evaluating Assess oneself by considering one’s own philosophical reflection on a
concrete situations or experiences in philosophizing
Creating Articulate their own philosophy of life
Attitude Responding to - Define different kinds of knowledge
phenomena - State the importance of doing philosophy in knowing true knowledge
- Formulate one’s own philosophy through one’s acquisition of
Values Valuing Manifest a change of personal values and beliefs in approaching life using
the value of doing philosophy
Realize the value of doing philosophy in approaching life.
2. Content Doing Philosophy
3. Learning Resources Mobile TV, Speaker
4. Methodology/Procedures
Introductory Activity Prayer, Checking of Attendance, Energizer
4.1 Activity/Strategy  Presenting the introductory part of the topic.
 Call some volunteers to share their personal answers on the guide
1. What is knowledge?
2. What can be considered as knowledge?
3. What constitute knowledge?
4. When can we say that we are knowledgeable?
 Think-Pair Activity
- Each pair should provide three examples of that constitutes the
manifestations of knowledge based on the guide questions stated
4.2 Analysis Examine actions and decisions that contributes to one’s own philosophy.
4.3 Abstraction  Discussion on ‘Doing Philosophy’ through PowerPoint presentation.
A. Introduction
 Presentation of philosophy as a discipline
 Discuss the manifestation of such as discipline
 Discuss the possibilities of philosophy manifested in
man’s actions
 Cite example situations on in which learners can reflect
on the manifestations of philosophy
B. Subtopics to discuss:
1. Doxa or opinion, is that kind of knowledge that refers to a
common understanding or taken in a certain way, a common
sense. It is considered as the lowest kind of knowledge.
2. Episteme or scientific knowledge – is a kind of knowing that has
grounded or justified assertions. Has factual statements.
3. Techne or technical knowledge – it is a knowledge of the ‘means-
end’ of object that is “how” things are made and done.
4. Wisdom (Next Lesson)
C. What are Plato’s level of knowledge? (Conjecture and belief,
reason and understanding.
Republic of the Philippines
Sabang, Danao City, Cebu 6004, Philippines
Website: http// Email:
Phone: (+6332) 354 3660/ +639173170329

What do you see in this pictures?

D. What are Aristotle’s level of knowledge? (theoretical and

4.4 Application  Learner can identify which is a true knowledge from not.
 Able to formulate their own philosophy in life.
 Be able to answer and reflect upon the questions below:
1. It is necessary that one can distinguish from what is a true
knowledge from not?
2. In your own opinion, what do you think is its importance?
3. Can there be difference if all are capable of applying this
knowledge in one’s daily activities? Why?
4. Why does philosophy considered as a way of life?
5. Assessment Method
Analysis of Learner’s Products A short exercise to be given to test students’ level of understanding on the
topic being discussed.

 Simple Recall. Fill in the blanks with the correct terms.

1. ____________ is a kind of knowledge founded on opinion. (doxa)
2. ____________ is a moment of decision, a judgment. (action)
3. ____________ chronicled the trial of Socrates. (Apology)
4. ____________ and ______________ are respectively the Greek
words for Wisdom and Friendship. (philia, Sophia)
5. ____________ describes philosophy as a “way of life.” (Socrates)

6. Assignment
Preparing for the new lesson Read in advance: Wisdom
Guide question for next week’s topic:
1. What makes wisdom the highest of all these forms of knowledge
and, therefore, different from them?
Wrap-up/Concluding Activity  Review the discussion through
 Relate the topics’ importance in the current situation
 What are the possible situations or manifestations that lack
knowledge, wisdom and philosophy? Give examples
 Can philosophy, knowledge, and wisdom change the world?
A. No of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my learning strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Republic of the Philippines
Sabang, Danao City, Cebu 6004, Philippines
Website: http// Email:
Phone: (+6332) 354 3660/ +639173170329

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Name: Julie Jade O. Racoma School: Cebu Technological University – Danao Campus
Date: January 03, 2019 Division:

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