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A Project Report
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the award of the degree


Submitted by Guided by
07-ECE-1 24
07-ECE-1 50
07-ECE-1 54


Project Coordinator HOD (ECE &

Bijender Mehandia Prof. Alok K.Kushwaha

It gives me great pleasure & satisfaction to present major project report

entitled AUTOMATIC TOLLTAX GATE . The completion of any task
is not only the reward to the person actively involved in accomplishing it,
but also the person involved in inspiring & guiding. The project work in this
report is an outcome of continuous work over a period and drew intellectual support from
various sources.

We are highly indebted to my supervisor Ms. PAYAL for her invaluable

support and guidance throughout the work.

We would like to express my gratitude to Mr. A.K. Raghav, Director ,

Gurgaon Institute of Technology and Management (GITM) , Gurgaon
for providing this opportunity to carry out minor project.

We would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Alok Kumar Kushwaha

HOD of Electronics & Communication Engineering for his support
without which the work would have never been realized. Last but not the
least; we would like to thank all friends who directly or indirectly helped
me in completion of work.

07-ECE-1 24
07-ECE-1 50
07-ECE-1 54

We hereby certify that the major project entitled AUTOMATIC TOLLTAX GATE by
(07-ECE-150), MADHUR SHARMA (07-ECE-154), in partial fulfillment of
requirements for the award of degree of B.E. (Electronics and Communication) submitted
in the Department of Electronics and Communication at GURGAON INSTITUTE OF
University, Rohtak is an authentic record of our own work carried out under the
supervision of Ms. PAYAL (lecturer). The matter presented has not been submitted by us
in any other University / Institute for the award of B.E. Degree.


(07-ECE-107) (07-ECE-154) (07-ECE-124) (07-ECE-150)

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of
my knowledge



Project Coordinator HOD E.C.E.
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Due to advancement in technology, especially in the field of embedded system, it is

easier to build automated system using microcontrollers. In this project of Toll Tax
system, the tax would be paid on the basis of size of vehicle i.e. on the basis of length.
Since NANO, Maruti 800, Alto is much smaller & cheaper than BMW, Mercedes, Audi,
etc. the former deserve less tax than luxury cars & large vehicles carries more no. of
people. Thus, large vehicles that covers large space on road than small ones that are light
& occupy less space comparatively.
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 LIST OF FIGURES. . .…………………………………………… Page-3

 ACRONYMS. ..…………………………………………………… Page-4

 INTRODUCTION. ……………………………………………… Page-5

 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE. …………………………………….. Page-8

 METHODOLOGY. ………………………………………………. Page-9

 HARDWARE & SOFTWARE USED. …………………………... Page-12

 DESIGN OVERVIEW. …………………………………………… Page-21

 DESIGN DESCRIPTION. ……………………………………….. Page-25

• Block diagram. ………………………………… Page-25

• Flowchart. …………………………………….. Page-26

• RF Transmitter Section. ……………………….. Page-27

• RF Receiver Section. ………………………….. Page-28

• Circuit Diagram. ………………………………. Page-29

 BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………. Page-30

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 Fig1- Automatic Toll-Tax.

 Fig2- Flow Chart.

 Fig3- pin diagram of PIC16F877A.

 Fig4- smart card set up.

 Fig5- optocoupler.

 Fig6- diagram of optocoupler sensors.

 Fig7- internal circuit diagram of optocoupler sensor.

 Fig8- pin diagram of ULN-2804.

 Fig9- LCD pin diagram.

 Fig10- LCD interfacing with microcontroller.

 Fig11- pickit1

 Fig12- pickit2

 Fig 13-Design Overview

 Fig 14-Design Description

• Block Diagram

• Flow Chart

• RF Transmitter Section

• RF Receiver Section

• Circuit Diagram.
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PIC: peripheral interface controller

LCD: liquid crystal display



EEPROM: Electrically erasable read only memory

CAD: Computer aided


RF: Radio frequency

PWM: Pulse width modulation

ULN 2804:

SSP: synchronous serial port

USART: Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter

BOR: Brown out reset

BOR: Brown out detection

WCT: Watch dog timer

ICD: In-circuit debug

LED: Light emitting diode

TTL: Transistor transistor logic

CMOS: Complementary metal oxide semiconductor

ANSI: American national standard

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Fig1- Automatic Toll-Tax

In our day-to-day life we come across the toll gates. We pay certain amount to the
government in form of tax through this toll gate. We can see these toll gates being placed
on some national highways. So in order to pay tax we are normally going to pay in form
of cash, but instead of that as the technology is growing we can make use of smart card
which is nothing but like a memory card in which we are going to store the details of
particular person and certain amount. The main objective of this project is to pay the toll-
gate tax easily, without any manpower.

The project is aimed at developing a toll tax system based on PIC microcontroller
manufactured by microchip which is an 8-bit microcontroller. The system has
optocoupler sensors to detect length of the vehicle. This gives the data as input to the
microcontroller which after analysis controls the toll's lane gates & amount to be paid
would be shown on 16X2 LCD display. Hence, it would be more effective & cheap with

Smart cards are secure tokens that can provide security services to a wide range of
applications. Along with other technology advances, smart card technology has changed
dramatically as well. However, its communication standards are unchanged and do not
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match with those of mainstream computing, which has limited its success in the Internet

The main objective of this project is to pay the toll gate tax using smart card. Smart card
must be recharged with some amount and whenever a person wants to pay the toll gate
tax, he needs to insert his smart card and deduct amount using keypad.
By using this kind of projects there is no need to carry the amount in form of cash and so
we can have security as well.

Communicating with a Smart Card Reader

The reader provides a path for your application to send and receive commands from the
card. There are many types of readers available, such as serial, PC Card, and standard
keyboard models. Unfortunately, the ISO group was unable to provide a standard for
communicating with the readers so there is no one-size-fits-all approach to smart card

Each manufacturer provides a different protocol for communication with the reader.

• First you have to communicate with the reader.

• Second, the reader communicates with the card, acting as the intermediary before
sending the data to the card.
• Third, communication with a smart card is based on the APDU format. The card
will process the data and return it to the reader, which will then return the data to
its originating source.

In our project the Smart Card used is of the type Contact type cards. Basically this type of
Smart Cards got SIM like Structure Embedded on a Plastic card for Physical Structure
and Strength. There exist different types of SIM structures according to the type of
Application, Memory and features involved in the Smart Card. It is extremely difficult to
"hack" the value off a card, or otherwise put unauthorized information on the card.
Because it is hard to get the data without authorization, and because it fits in one’s
pocket, a smart card is uniquely appropriate for secure and convenient data storage.
Without permission of the card holder, data could not be captured or modified. Therefore,
smart card could further enhance the data privacy of user.
A smart card, chip card, or integrated circuit card (ICC), is any pocket-sized card with
embedded integrated circuits which can process data or Memory. This implies that it can
receive input which is processed — by way of the ICC applications — and delivered as
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an output.A smart card resembles a credit card in size and shape, but inside it is
completely different. First of all, it has an inside -- a normal credit card is a simple piece
of plastic. The inside of a smart card usually contains an Embedded Microprocessor or
EEPROM (memory) or some times both.

The microprocessor is under a gold contact pad on one side of the card. Think of the
microprocessor as replacing the usual magnetic stripe on a credit card or debit card.

Smart Card Reader

Smart Card Readers are also known as Card Programmers (because they can write
to a card), card terminals, card acceptance device (CAD) or an interface device (IFD).
When the smart card and the card reader come into contact, each identifies itself to the
other by sending and receiving information. If the messages exchanged do not match, no
further processing takes place.

Working principle

Smart Card Readers are also known as card programmers (because they can write
to a card), card terminals, card acceptance device (CAD) or an interface device (IFD).
There is a slight difference between the card reader and the terminal. The term 'reader' is
generally used to describe a unit that interfaces with a PC for the majority of its
processing requirements. In contrast, a 'terminal' is a self-contained processing device.
The reader provides a path for your application to send and receive commands
from the card. There are many types of readers available, such as serial, PC Card, and
standard keyboard models. Unfortunately, the ISO group was unable to provide a
standard for communicating with the readers so there is no one-size-fits-all approach to
smart card communication.
Each manufacturer provides a different protocol for communication with the reader.
• First you have to communicate with the reader.
• Second, the reader communicates with the card, acting as the intermediary before
sending the data to the card.
• Third, communication with a smart card is based on the APDU format. The card
will process the data and return it to the reader, which will then return the data to its
originating source.
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The device provides the users with an ease of paying toll-tax according to size of their car
automatically without using the traditional methods. It saves time, and manpower.
Smaller & cheaper car owners deserve to pay less tax than luxury cars & large vehicles.
And the large vehicles carry more no. of person. Thus, large vehicles that covers large
space on road than small ones that are light & occupy less space comparatively.
Therefore tax should be according to the size of the vehicles

If one person have a BMW or MERCEDES about 10-12ft long of Rs.50 lakh or above,
paying tax of Rs.20 and another have Maruti 800 about less than 9ft long of Rs.2 lakh is
also paying the same amount, Is it fair???? We think not!!!! That's why we decided to
work on this project.

To The Individual

 Very much cost effective.

 Ease of access to the individual.
 Saves time.

To The Society

 The device can be easily implemented in national highways.

 It will reduce the traffic on roads as people will prefer to use small vehicle which
would cover less space, easy to turn, & hence traffic would reduce.

To The Government

 The project is effective, efficient & easy to implement as well as reliable.

 Less manpower required.
 Since large vehicles cover large space on roads, they should pay more tax as
compare to other small vehicles.
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 Microcontroller is switched on and giving the required power supply to all the
components on the circuit.

 The optocoupler sensors operates only when a vehicle pass through it.

 Vehicle is passed through the optocouplers which is displayed on LCD display

and buzzer beeps.

 By sensing the size of the vehicle the amount to be paid is displayed on the

 Smart card is inserted in to the smartcard reader, the reader will read the data
which is present on the smartcard, and this information is transferred to the
microcontroller through the RS232. The microcontroller will checks the balance
present on the smartcard and displayed on the LCD.

 Toll tax can also be paid in form of cash.

 After paying the amount, barrier gate automatically opens which is controlled by
2c Relays.

 After vehicle passed through the gate it closes automatically after some delay

 If an ambulance car comes, it will send RF signals that will open the barrier gate
from 500m distance in front of it. That will allow all the vehicles in that lane to
pass without paying the tax clearing the way for the ambulance car.
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 Automatic device.
 Embedded system based portable sensors.
 A device with high speed of response.
 Automatic opening of barrier gate.
 buzzer system for sensing any vehicle.
 Reliable (Microcontroller Brain).
 Very low component cost.
 More user friendly (Easy to use).
 Ease of installation (Once installed rarely needs further service).
 Operates in real time (Faster Response )


 Since large vehicles cover large space on roads, they should pay more tax as
compare to other small vehicles.

 It will reduce the traffic on roads as people will prefer to use small vehicle which
would cover less space, easy to turn, & hence traffic would reduce.

 The project is effective, efficient & easy to implement as well as reliable.


1. The Smart Card used in this project is of Contact type. The Contact less type
Smart Cards can be used by which the need to insert the Smart card can be
2. This project can be implemented in the form of a system by any company by
which it can be made commercial by providing Recharge-coupons etc.
3. The Smart can also be used as an ATM card by which a Single card can be used
for both the financial transactions and toll gate.
4. Contactless smartcards will be introduced soon. With this the smartcard reader
and smartcard mutually communicates through the RF- FREQUENCIES .In this
case both the smartcard and the reader has transmitter and the receiver
5. In the future all the smartcards will be made up on the single protocol which will
help the civilians for different purposes.
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6. Smartcards are going to be used as unique identity to notice the civilian’s status in
the country.


The development of an embedded system requires some hardware and software products.
Although the hardware requirements depend on the type and complexity of the project,
the following hardware tools are required in all of the experiments we are going to
discuss here.


1. PIC microcontroller (PIC16F873A)

2. Smart card setup
3. Optocoupler sensors
4. RF transmitter
5. RF reciever
6. ULN-2804
7. 2c Relays
8. LCD displays
9. buzzer
10. keys

It is an 8-bit microcontroller developed by microchip. Micro uses nano technology in

its microcontrollers. It is a 40 pin IC shown as below:

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Fig3- pin diagram of PIC16F877A

Peripheral Features

• Timer0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit prescaler

• Timer1: 16-bit timer/counter with prescaler, can be incremented during Sleep via
external crystal/clock
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• Timer2: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period register, prescaler and postscaler
• Two Capture, Compare, PWM modules
- Capture is 16-bit, max. resolution is 12.5 ns
- Compare is 16-bit, max. resolution is 200 ns
- PWM max. resolution is 10-bit
• Synchronous Serial Port (SSP) with SPI (Master mode) and I2C (Master/Slave)
• Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART/SCI) with 9-
bit address detection
• Parallel Slave Port (PSP) – 8 bits wide with external RD, WR and CS controls
(40/44-pin only)
• Brown-out detection circuitry for Brown-out Reset (BOR)

Special Microcontroller Features

• 100,000 erase/write cycle Enhanced Flash program memory typical

• 1,000,000 erase/write cycle Data EEPROM memory typical
• Data EEPROM Retention > 40 years
• Self-reprogrammable under software control
• In-Circuit Serial Programming via two pins
• Single-supply 5V In-Circuit Serial Programming
• Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation
• Programmable code protection
• Power saving Sleep mode
• Selectable oscillator options
• In-Circuit Debug (ICD) via two pins


Fig4- smart card set up

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Optocoupler sensors
This device has a compact construction where the emitting-light sources and the detectors
are located face-to-face on the same optical axis. The detector consists of a
phototransistor. Transmitter is positioned opposite the receiver used for small distances
and narrow objects.

Fig5- optocoupler

• Optoelectronic transmitters and receivers are used in pairs and linked optically
• Emitting light is influenced by an object on its way to the detector
• Known as reflective or transmissive sensors or interrupters or slotted switch or optical
• Change of the light signal causes a change in the electrical signal in the receiver

Fig6- diagram of optocoupler sensors

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The basic elements of an optical transmissive sensor also known as Photo interrupter are
an emitter and a photo detector. Typically an IRED (Infrared emitting diode) and a
phototransistor is used. The anode of IRED is connected to the power supply via the
resistor 680R and the cathode is grounded. The resistor adjusts the irradiance by limiting
the forward current of the IRED. The collector of the phototransistor acts as an output
pin, connected to microcontroller pins. If an object is moving between the gap the light
will be blocked and the transistor base will on, hence give an high output.

Fig7- internal circuit diagram of optocoupler sensor



The ULN2804 is a high voltage, high current Darlington array comprised of eight NPN
Darlington pairs. The device features open-collector outputs with suppression diodes for
inductive loads and is ideally suited for interfacing between low-level logic circuitry and
high power loads. Typical loads including relays DC motors, filament lamps, LED
displays, printer hammers and high power buffers.

* Eight Darlingtons with common emitters
* TTL, PMOS or CMOS Compatible inputs
* Peak output current to 500mA
* Output voltage to 50V
* Clamp diodes for transient suppression

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Order number package packing
normal Lead free plating
ULN2804L-D18T ULN2804L-D18T DIP-18 TUBE
ULN2804L-S-18R ULN2804L-S-18R SOP-18 TAPE REEL

ULN2804L-S18T ULN2804L-S18T SOP-18 TUBE

Fig8- pin diagram of ULN-2804

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LCD is liquid crystal display. Its top contains a screen composed of rectangular array of
so called pixels 240 across and 64 down. Each pixel is about 0.8 mm sq. the pixels are
part of what is called liquid crystal display.

Fig9- LCD pin diagram

Fig10- LCD interfacing with microcontroller

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Microchip Pickit2
This tools helps us to burn the program written in MPLAB IDE software into the
pic microcontroller.

Fig11- pickit1

Fig12- pickit2
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MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a free, integrated toolset for the
development of embedded applications employing Microchip's PIC microcontrollers. On
this platform, program is written in C language. Program is debugged, compiled & run.

2. PIC C Compiler
Microchip’s MPLAB C compilers are full-featured, ANSI compliant high-performance
tools tightly integrated with MPLAB IDE. Source level debugging allows single stepping
through C source code and inspecting variables and structures at critical points in the

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Project Design explains the designing techniques of the project. For designing the project
following techniques were followed:

a) Design Overview Software methodology

1. Open MPLAB IDE program.

2. Go to project and select project wizard to make a new project.

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3. Now select the desirable pic microcontroller. Press next.

4. Select the tool suite. Browse the contents if not available.

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5. Write the program and add the .asm or .c file of your program to the source file.

6. Build your program.

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7. The output on PIC simulator software

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1. Easy Microcontroll’n by David Bension

2. PIC Microcontroller by Roger L Stevans

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