Feasibility Study On Offering of Bachelor of Earlty

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Gerona Junior College

Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines

Tel. No. (045) 470-9290




May 2009
Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290
Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290







The study aimed to determine the values integration strategies used by the English

teachers in the different private schools in Gerona, Tarlac.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What values are integrated in teaching English?

2. What are the strategies used by the teachers in integrating values in the teaching

of English?

3. What is the impact of integration of values in terms of:

3.1.Achievement of English skills in

3.1.1. listening,

3.1.2. speaking,

3.1.3. reading,

3.1.4. writing,

3.1.5. literature,

3.1.6. grammar, and

Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290

3.2.Behavior of students before and after the integration of values as rated

by the teacher?

The descriptive analysis was used in determining the values integrated by the

teachers as well as the strategies used by them. The impact of the integration of values in

terms of the achievement in the different English skills and the behavior of the students

before and after the integration of values as rated by the teachers were analyzed.

To achieve the purpose of this study, quantitative type of research was applied.

Questions were constructed based on the strategies, values, impact of the integration to

the achievement of the skills in English, and the behavior of students before and after the


The scale scoring technique was used to determine the values integrated and the

strategies used by the teachers. In scale scoring, scores given by the respondents were

counted to get the modal score in identifying the most commonly used strategies and

most commonly integrated values. There were 10 strategies and 12 values with five

statements. The respondents checked their desired answers. The scores were tabulated

To determine the impact of values integration in the achievement of English skills

the teachers were asked to grade /evaluate the students in the different English skills. The

grades of the students were utilized to identify the impact of values integration.

To determine the impact of values integration on the behavior of the students

before and after the integration teachers evaluated the students using behavioral scale.

The raw score was treated using frequency distribution.

Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290

T-test of the difference between means of correlated samples was employed to

determine the change in students’ behavior. Test for correlated samples was utilized to

identify the difference/change in their behavior.

English teachers coming from the private schools were the respondents of the

study. In the questionnaires which they filled out, the teachers revealed the strategies they

used in integrating values, the values they integrated, and the impact of the integration of

values in teaching English in terms of achievement of the skills in English and the

behavior of the students before and after the integration. Selected students’ skills in

English and their behavior before and after the integration were rated by the teachers.

The results of the study showed that:

1. Integrity is the most common value integrated by teachers in their lessons.

2. From the different strategies the respondents by the used of the rating scale

furnished by the researcher approved that the most common strategies they ought

to use are the following strategies: appreciation, buzzing, critical reading, scenario

building, spring board, and storytelling.

3. The impact of values integration in the listening skill of the students is they

became more enthusiastic to their studies and they became active listener rather

than passive and students became more respectful of the ideas of their classmate

during recitation.

4. The impact of values integration to speaking is on the ability of the students in

expressing their ideas without hesitation.

Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290

5. Students became more interested in reading books or simple selections. They

learned how to grasp meaning of the selection by reading between the lines.

6. The impact was evident in the achievement of the writing skill because they are

writing sensuous paragraph and they are also integrating the values they have

learned from their lessons or from their teachers.

7. The impact of values integration to the literary skill of the students is evident on

the ability of the students to enjoy and learn from different literary selections.

Students learned how to reflect and associate their experiences to come up with

new learning.

8. The grades of the students showed that the impact of values education is more on

the behavior formation aspect of the students and minimal change happened on

the intellect. Students showed an improvement of their ability to the skill in

English but not to the extent that they improve academically. If there is

improvement it is because of the new perspective brought about by the values


9. The attitude/behavior of the students change after the values integration. They

became more responsible, industrious, respectful, etc.

Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are

hereby presented.
Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290

1. Teachers must integrate values in their English lessons whenever possible. Values

must be integrated not only in reading and literature lessons but also in writing,

listening, speaking, and grammar activities.

2. Teachers must always be a role model practicing positive values in and outside

their classrooms.

3. Teachers should patiently impart on their students not just moral-spiritual values

in their lives via their English lessons but also social, economic, and cultural


4. Students must appreciate, integrate, and put into practice the values they learned.

5. School administrators may require their teachers in all subject areas to integrate

values in their classroom activities. Among these values are self-discipline,

integrity, courage, respect responsibility nationalism, peace, self-reliance,

excellence, spirituality, love, and harmony.

6. School leaders/supervisors should see if teachers’ lesson plans are integrated with


7. Parents must observe how their children behave. They must appreciate positive

changes in the behavior as a result of the values integration in their classroom


8. English teachers should always find ways of stimulating the minds of their

learners by using varied techniques that promote interest in learning.

Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290

9. Teachers should not only teach values that the learners do not manifest but also

clarify values that they already have.

10. Teachers should use varied, interesting and tested strategies that are integrative in


11. School administrators/supervisors may observe classes to determine if the

teachers integrate proper values in their lessons.

12. A more sophisticated research of different design but with similar variable or

with more variables focused on values integration may be conducted.

Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290


The researcher would like to extend his sincere thanks and deepest gratitude to the

following people who have extended their philanthropic support and help for the

successful completion of this research work.

To Prof. Apolinario Saymo, his benevolent adviser, who helped him in the

formulation of his thesis title, problem and other aspects of the paper development;

To Dr. Lolita V. Sicat, his statistician, who was there for him in times of trouble

and made his manuscript more relevant and worth finishing;

To Dr. Cecilia L. Calub, for editing and improving the language, mechanics, and

over-all presentation of the paper;

To the members of the panel, Dr. Carmelita B. Hilario, former Dean of the

College of Education; Dr. Antonio L. Santos, OIC of the College of Education; Dr.

Agnes P. Ladia; and Prof. Remedios Esperon; for their comments and recommendations

for the improvement of the study;

Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290

To Dr. Ma. Carmen P. Cuenco, his mentor, who pushed him to the top;

To all the teachers, administrators, staffs of GJC, for their concern and

encouragement to the researcher;

To all the English teachers of Gerona who gave their 100% cooperation;

To his beloved parents, Mr. Alexander C. Alega and Mrs. Alma R. Alega, to his

sisters AA and Liza, for their love, understanding and financial support which made the

researcher confident in pursuing the degree;

To his roommates, Mam Glai, Mam Rodge, Teacher She, Mam Sauli, Ate Lot and

Macky, for their support;

And above all, to the Almighty God, the source of everything, Who made all

things possible and the one Who provided the needed strength and wisdom.

Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290


This work is wholeheartedly

dedicated to my beloved
parents, sisters, and
GJC family.
Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290
Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290


APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................................... i
TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................................ ii
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. xi
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. xii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... xvi


1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND ....................................................1

Introduction ........................................................................................................1
Statement of the Problem ...................................................................................5
Significance of the Study ...................................................................................6
Scope and Delimitation of the Study .................................................................7
Definition of Terms............................................................................................9

2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES ..........................12

Related Literature.............................................................................................12
Related Studies.................................................................................................20
Theoretical Framework ....................................................................................23
Conceptual Framework ....................................................................................24

3 METHODS OF STUDY AND SOURCES OF DATA ...................................27

Research Design...............................................................................................27
Methods of Gathering Data ..............................................................................27
Sampling Design .............................................................................................29
Population .......................................................................................................31
Statistical Treatment .......................................................................................31
Gerona Junior College
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290


OF DATA .......................................................................................................34

Values Integrated by Teachers .........................................................................34

Strategies Used by Teachers in Integrating Values ........................................50
Impact of Values Integration in the Achievement of English
Skills among Students ....................................................................................62
The Impact of Values Integration in the
Behavior of the Students ..................................................................................76



Summary of Findings ......................................................................................82

Conclusions ..................................................................................................87

Recommendations ............................................................................................88

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................................90

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